HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 3aftwasisseare
Gu1ttokich's ProgressiN
'Merchants •
firs represented in The
AllVertlain( Oolumns
Read their annwncemteste and chop
where you are Invited to shop.
Make Your Dollars Go
by reading carefully the advertisements
in this issue of The Signal and noting
the values offend by our progressive
4.777:7-11rediccifiret est lEslse L
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Ofike:-Masonic Temple, West
Street, Oodertch
.l�eLsa >sNL,�!yl�b �
Bel F. ClItY Cf
.- a.•� mss^
J. W. Craigie
Iaseruce alai Real Eiate
Nannies, Previacial asaa
Municipal punas
Geo. Williams & �
4olra.-- _ ler
Phase 53 Orb
For Sale at Port debt
Nicely Wooded Cottage Lela
-Also Hawses In Town -
Thetr Charaoteeistia stubbornness
Indulged to Their Own
Eldltees Note. --Dr. Hem;
er. B.A.. M.D., ferwserly of for theeride
anal Te sato, Ontario, has
fear yeses been in ebarg'e of the Leiper
Three rile. from Addle
Ababa, capital et war-torn Ethiopia.
The following la the twelfth f
a metr-
ics et articles trees the Interior of that
rucb-tafltM'at eeeleeltry.
Written $p0_dIUI for National frena
By DR. E. RALPH titiOrtill
Of The Sudan interior Missies
(Copyright, 19.911, ley Netlou*l Press)
In writing on this subject 1 feel
that I must be frank with my realm to spare the sore taelj and te7tie
and admit that my . 1Uulntauce with leading, there was the same S blblt1on"
.. -°
males --1 meat tie foar.Gsrtad varlets of a-few►.=r---As'. a - a."'r --e,.
M'tloseeme-to My _Etas in Airier. 1 tis. 'male emanaibed s>tll_� Jliee 3I E
do not pose as •n cairn in mules. as sore bark and make • liberal apple
my experience has heen of recant ori- 4.111..0 of the whip to mandate the nor-
gfn 1 cannot say Sat 1 had Mere eel pare.
Mies and Water
-- AWIllweaInwns maitre to -and from
.ass. -lbs -Kiser
ilfriwaski-aa-tbstengbout the day -here
'many home la their mammy and R is a throes' d awn. mules, donkeys
come No drprudrut upon tloear.
mid carriers congregated at tbe banks
Waren I eradiated from the Clairea.they wait to cross
the swollen rte.
slay of Toronto. 1 was led to ander I er. It Is a■ interesting and inatruce
stand by the sen-
eaate and the hoard
of governors ■s
w,1 a'trrt'he Pr e -
femora of the Tar
lona department.
that they had
done their best
for m.• and that In
• large measure
mJ education had
been well • at-
tended to. Short-
ly after coming
hers --:.li_. di.rov- Dr. Heaterered Haat 1 waw
expected to enter and that
another school for training
4iultivl.3lUlee were to be sty teacher...
and that 1 was to learn some efelbe
most Important lemons of my life from
them. To say the least, this was dis-
concerting and humiliating.
Practically all the burdens of Africa
are eItIIWt OR beetr.'�''lge -
very Ingeniously lashed- -
morning alai removed at night, and
this repeated day atter day. The
sway and grind of these leads upon
harks that are moistened hy perapira-
tion rha fee the back and removes tbe
hide and the damage la done.' -'"The
-sure luck: _therefore, 18 the one per-
ennial. never -taillike, erer-dread
tion of the ante. 1t fa a sight to
' roue. the pity of a stranger to se!
the thortmnda of raw hacks that may 1
he noticed everywhere.
Kiodaes. No Use
1►n a trek from Addis Ababa we had
• particularly hong day from dawn
until twerly S o'clock. We had gone
over some tough trate; and plowed
through mud uhf hill and down dale.
and when my mule wan unsaddled, be-
hold, there w•aa a sore hack it Waa
not merely a denuded .armee hot there
was a prominent swelling right over
the spine. There watt no pomalblllty
of riding soother node. ma our
caravan had gone froward from an-
other camping pierceThere wee no-
thing left but to ride that male or
wink: T elefreftr-
the Journey and i was determined
that i should not ride the mule except
where the mud might compel me. I
was sorry for the mule and wanted to
spare It all that 1 could. I was filled
with good intentions and wax planning
that "Darkey" •hould.hare a , good
time until she was better.
When we came to the good ground
i was off and prepared to lead her.
Now this 1s just where the mule ehar-
cI&RIDGE 1 e
Knee;.,Bb1K:k:. Jan. 14. --The play
rhe hall onTueaday of last
1t full , u.' and
.r a d.et Sed•M�'r'm teach oneof tba
�t 4f thir1 did hb or her part ad-
aMertstics 'manifested themselves. Sbe ,
1.11ed utterly to approclate my bene- -mss . O'Neil aoe'I'ios How-
ticent dedgne toward herMe stub- gird returned last week atter a visit
{wanly refused to be a party to my of several Myr in Jaetniele
plans for ger welfare, and persistent-
James (►'Nerg and Gerald ttvn, win
r ' tbeelb M»!- °� � 1uiiled [feet, reed roc a
to her detriment. !Ly thoughtful ar- longer stay.
raegementa were definitely thwarted Mr. jowl kith iw visiting to Pict:
by the refusal of "Darkey" to be led
at a pace that made It possible for me
to keep up with the caravan. Here
was self-expression at Its worst, not
for self -Interest but for self -injury.
She held back and pulled on tbe reins
and all my efforts to Inspire confidence
In my plans or receive eo-operation
from her were unavailing. There was
but tine measure tett and that was to
mount "Larkey" and apply the gad
to supply the motivating power. This
worked well, but whenever 1 was so
moved by pity ■a to make an effort
5 va7e"i"
Horticultural Society Decides on
Co-operation with
than a nodding acquaintance with
ages before waking here. Little
I slid 1 'hence when -It r Alae -Maks
that 1 would be et,mDtllsei t. u4 OU
Men's Clothes
• VOR W1w1TL1; --
Come in and look over our
Winter Samples
,Ther are the very beat
Everything IbME'e new in
Men'. Wear at this time
of the year.
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
Accuracy in business is a virtue be-
yond esteem. Elbert Hubbard.
Electrical Appliances,
Mures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Iter given ea application
.Telephone 82 — Goderich
the eight- le witness them In the act
,.f fording the atreem The mules
■nd donkeys as' well a th In
t-m-wed-4MM mock lat.gtrtng tb y
waters of the liawah.
A pack of donkeys were brought to
the edge of the river by their negadis,
but from the first they 'bowed a strong
arer,.f..0 to entering the water. They
atootl etubl.oruly on the lank and re-
fused to budie an Inch. They sank
their flet into the mud and bore with
apparent Indifference the heating with
seeks to which they were subjected.
The Wows were rained upon these pour
antaala with great frequence and high two Wilier and one brother leer,. of the (enteric, Legislature and on taw life of ]Ira. Geo. Black, l'en-
greater force, but with little result. the sympathy of`ii iii i' P (1re?e-ot'�'i17Tca 'tnelr'e•trhrtus•'r'" ,;rr"•Ira i^'+i win ilifer84'V lf.P' •^-^,•'•
Tie ne'gaeI4 thee passed and pulled app Slues aid friends who main the present grant continued. The amount The roll call was answered with
L A�
Leat i *T'M�t:' ?la
meeting of the Goderich Horticultural
Society to be held 1P years decided
L*mbton. �to Invite the parks eommiteee of the
Miss Hetes Bawler of (Mlcago, V town council to ,It In at the next
home for a visit. • Bader -
meeting and discuss tate important
Mir* Madeline Bowler, of Leeburn, Iaubject of town beautification with the
spelt port ei the holidays with her �horticulturiste.
They will get together at an early
1t was felt that in this way ideas
euukl be exchanged and a working un-
derstanding arrived st gate what ought
to be done and how much money could
reasonably be spent In doing It
Mr. R. Stonehouse, who was con-
firmed to his prreIilenry for a fifth
term, exploited In his *thieves re-
viewing the activities of the Society
wring theessd.Tosr that the Society
had gen* $21 of its -ewe menet in ad-
graadttather aced uncle, Mears Wm.
and Auntie Qeigley
Mr. Morgan Dalton returned last
week from s twist to Iletroit. Wind-
sor and W (*burg: elle- was as'=
eonipauied os returi► by Ma diengk=
ter, Anton
Mr. DeanlslSRsis�. Miss Antoinette
Dalton and plan Rene Lambertua
sus d , f rtends 11 Walkerton on Sof-
linkasd'aad. seerybod.
an oypyr ` attd„
ham supper be given in the.Kinga- dittos to the town grant of $40, but
brktge hall Tuesday, Janette,'" Slat, that the hot dry aumnser had made
k inepw.ibie to mike the ebowing In
I t ' 1 w a. • flower beds which had been hoped for
- re -- Mild which all would, like to gee.
Mr. Fred Barker tad worked lona;
&Kee Heart Attwak
Louts K:"Voherty, well-knowfStrafe
neurahhe man
dent of Godere+, was found dead in
his motor ear in the garage at the
rear of ids home late Monday -u
There are maulGoderkh people w
It 11 Mr. 'ie w
..efferlen representative of the old
Federal Life Insurance Company.
When that concern wee taken over by
the Stn I.ife Assurance Co. of Can-
ada, Mr. Doherty went with It and has
repreeeuted the latter company 1a
Stratford ever elnce. Ile made occa-
sional visits to his old Mewls here. -
Mr. Doherty while here was active
in church and other publk• affairs and
lett a host of friend... •
His death was due to heart failure
and wits quite unexl+rrteeette-he-was
apparently in the best of health,
Mrs. Doherty, three daughters and
one sou survive.
n: 13-ietdotrr Rax
y itemised sit many
hn our community as
last week. On Tues.
lark left for Toronto,
. Rev. (bHn G. Young,
Wellesley hospital,
operation that d1 j
Iced Indicated thi H felt that the n• I are the committee to
/exorable_ aulttl grvs•ral1T LI lucredteed flower
Itnbel are e;perted and shrub planting Justuied •e�1rtK
+ made over the years' by tap.eac•lely thirty-fifth auuivefeery of the Goder-
(4awfsiel - l,s and that if the tioelety had sillelt cash � 1ch branch of the Women's Institute.
and Mr.. Allan Wilson
tt1 spend the town e•o Id the made to, The meeting h to to held In MacKay
r rd w
of .the death of their 'conform more cht.el7 o the chitin Of 11811 on February filth, at 3 p.m., when
.n Alexander Crawford, (wing "the pnexi1N to n Ia remittal." 11 to hoped to. have the district presl-
(Bild). in int. Mich., from pneu- The Governante' Grant dent and all former presidents pr.•seut.
media. Mrsc Wilson left the same at- 11e regretted 11w intention of the M. Gordon ItIea't gave an hater•
yertpsm to be with the bereaved family, Governmrut. as exprt'stw'd In a letter, esti g talk on "('auadtan Women of
• Boate' was in his 13th year, a bright, of reducing grants y, AtOrtlUWtalui Note." telling of eonw thing" t'ana-
A Manes mt'for trait F�
ham. >. i/Vwerds Accepts, fi
--Techs of 5 Years.
tonally Guarani/Ai
Anthony Marconi, transient, who is
Mid at Stratford on two charges of
Waken( and entering at Mitchell, is
have bees
bellevel by authorities. to
W. 1. ANNIVERSARY rt'tgamalble for three break-ins at ties -
fort b. two at Melon awl one at Bruce -
t e: l last fall.
God rich Institute to ('elebrtde Thirty- I lar each case the prowler gained en-
flith leer i trance to the butiding thaws e a aky-
'l7he January meeting of the \1'u- liehil. llarcuul la bring yueatloned
men's' laatitute was held In McKay 1 by Provincial Constable 1' E. McGee
Hall, with a fair avesdaner. I —------- -
A discussion teak place on how to
raise funds and it was decided to
arxi falr•Mult'y; cute• tak(a(g bits-.own_:rme th-e�- matt art* int•--throe--
nd have a write of "ear' partite* in
MacKay Hall, one each in January, Fe-
rnery and March: Mee A. Iliggtuwun,
Mr*. Gordon Bisset and Mrs. Bert
eepliptaeot out - at daluhtealt._ _111
effort to get results from the sun-
dried cartl1. but flowers aIita•l and
Hid in the heat.
'Test year au effort was made to Price tc. 1,s' captains of groups.
Ar) the Auwerx planted, brat the n•-
Mime M.E.Salkeld, Mrs. l3. Bleset.
suite were not. as ,eitlefaetor7 as in `Ira. I'. llaei;wan and Mrs. Howrle
former year.. e look after the
promlaing lad. the eldest SOS of n- ,.oeb'ties and the ace Lag 'deckled to teen women have *,eumpllel d in the
can and b N'i,xcn, r'rawtord• wholeaimnunlcnte with the two local cans last few years and speaking mainly
anal haat thoax...4unkexa OAti1. 411 ti tad.. puO9g- of ',t'ia rmicl,lif,__ Tile fan- had st,'•dily dwtn(Hed until there wets 1 tee for w Inter. Tea wea
entered the river. They were then .11 w yagptNpy was attendee by the now a danger Cif iit7. ate
i •+arced at the Mose °I e ine�('fel'-
Whored and poked until they were ooh I Bee Scouts, 1111ro were pallbearer* and tinned altogether. Horticultural mete -
f tbeir depth and .wimming across 1 canted the firs ter one of their
he river. Several times they assayedrrw
a Jsisett�.
hat lit ampulla ekeeked coda I . --Oa Felder, word
t 'ova with the use of sticks. That 1 wee reer'Ic he massing of another
,lapcb gqot� as ut ten donkey* was well of : the Yea the township, but
rear w'hiyrt-tbey decided that they bad who had spent cwt of his lite In i the local Society was relit r•ed to only
gone far enough, and before the eaten- Goderich, In the person of Dr. Willlatal$35.ftl. If it gets anv.tmaller the So-
ishet drivers could defeat their move F. shark, second mu of the late James 1,144}- will la hendbop►peel In Its work
they were swimming down stream and ua Henrietta Watt Clark, of Clare' t olest money eau be t+yeurel from ,.oma
had turned and were headed for tate d,at Farm. L,yat of • large family ducal a,nne.
side from which they had corns'. of nine. only Drat .itsw Hrlrn F.lark, I Tle men,?wra p
$ki and � n • ('ollw.rne, i+ left. )Era. Clark diel set- Jthe1uw•t6b strongly
They speedily mounted the bank ''rnl yearn ag,,. • Mr ran. Bobeat, of �rfimirrntbsn ..f
Yiebigan end o I' daughter. Hetta. , ,,1. 1 t
and began to grace contentedly. it It N in welfare work In Toledo, tilde, �
ties throughout the Province have pro-
tested end the matter will le thor-
oughly eltsreesed at the convention to
be held 1n Toronto next month.
Lam - year the Provincial -
eT T iffotrtat Wit. t'thttreiree iii r"
- Monthly Meeting -
The regular monthly meellug of the
Women's .taw,ciation of Victoria street
l'nited church was held at the home
of Mrs. L. Westbrook. Victoria .street, •
ux Thurelay, January 9th.
The devotional peeital was led by
lila_ 1lrruu l3latM� du tg which Mrs. ,1
It. T. Phillipa led in prayer, a
Serlptur.• lissom. Yasin `.4. was read
by Mrs. Wilson. Miss 4.. Worthy.
president, then took charge. are. H.
Reece gave a reacting oar "Iteeolutlons."
Mra. Chris. Sanderson was appointed
w.•retary, and a flower connmittee was
appoil,t.rl consisting of Mrs. I. West-
hr.a,k, Mrs IL ltaerhlcr and Mrs. F.
W. Craik It was dtt•irl..l In make
to autograph quilt. awl, plans were
ninth. for LSM presentation of a pageant.
Y'liav t'atea, Il a" at Easter.
itev. i' W. l'ra eiovwtThe t�nr"
with prayer. Lunch was Imbed by
etrweee. —
Helping Your Family to Better
was not for long, a* the nc'gadls quick -
1y errited, applied the club... and
brought them down to the stream, and
the same program was repeated with
slight variations. Well; can you be-
lieve it? --those donkey* were for the
emend time within a- few strides ,.or
strokes of the oppgsite tank when the
acme foolish Idea ,gripped them and
they turned once more for the leek
They immediately began to celebrate
their emend aet of folly and .tuhborn-
nes, by tndnlging In a brief pasturage.
Thee was abruptly and painfully ter-
minated by the blow. that directed
them once more • to the river'& brink.
when the same shoving and beating
W1.94 endured by them etubborn (rea-
sAe•Miti t titre.- one a" %
drivers threw a rope around the neck
of the leading donkey to prevent the
stampede that had oceurred before, and
thin time he was successful. Twice be-
fore those donkeys. bad been wltlda
touching distance of the bottom, bet
xtabbrrnnee,., atnpidity, mistrust of twit
or of the negadia, or some combination
of these seised the donkeys and they
turned beset only to he compelled to
go all over the ground again.
tN6 Fi ORIpA -R� You
Warmth and sunehlnel
i.et the linea POUR give teem 10
No home can to happy and min-
*hln), unless the home hold
machinery rune ,mnothe.
And nothing helps as mucic as
goal t'ox11 In making that ins
ehinery rein smooth:}.
With • wellhAwtving fernier
and new your house will
radiate comfort and cheer.
Without it, you'll bate Winter
inside a• well at not.
. ' Vltstard Coal Co.
NEM ► WM. 6. AN. Mstrntager OODRRiKd. ANT.
mourn the passing 11 a 'ming father.
The funeral on 19ntslsy was in charge
of Rev, 1) J. Ione. of Knox church.
Sw•n•tsry i'. (3. K
reliant reported
a loeal membership o 221 in the Soci-
ety and both secretary and presildent
commended Mims Edna Robinson OD
Mild the Maitland Ledge, A. F. & A. M.. her work In swearing' many of there.
of which dressed wax a pant master. fir eldent Stonehnnse .ommeuted
Interment was made in Maitland {acnrnhhy en the aaeletantr given by
tery. the staff of the' 4►ntarto AgrkiiIhtral
Mrs. Janis McBride and Mrs. Frank (•„Ile ge who had, on tegpeet for muds
lllcllwain pre edending the week 10 tenet' -in planning local work, sent
:ervalw Math relatives. blue prints of enggelete l layouts of
Mea lith Millman, of Vancouver, newer bels and had' also meet helpfn,
B. l'., 18 'pending a few• we■•ks with her advice.
brother. Mr. John A. Young, sad fam- Work Appitteisted
fly, before rern1 to the West: by
smeeetatirm of her eltt'ellwtt^+rock
l,(isa,a Mary ltnte'ddmotah. R. N.. tet;rettnlei wfi'e7 sa a mark of a Dalby fora long
to Loadua after a month's vlelt with per%od of Illncos si ffered in recent
iter-adilt. Ylcc H*l7 moiilRlr,"fttlr-m +eHal ta
Miss IMbelTyndell, nuretln-train)ng x•tt a U r of appreciation
e►t.iJrr Tn�e1iv pe7e•rftl .Kdne. Itobittxgl,a� gran. of
ham been home for two wemer ,
Sri was votedto lir. �FfPa As'
to her work on Monday- in partied recompense for all the ez•
074049T supper •t Kinge•brfdge• tra work done by bhp in bis own time
ad. to tlt4p leiter.during the year.
Officers were file t 1 ter the coming,
Salesman Victim` �r fie follows: MIAMI; R. RtOne-
h,niw';drat rlee•ptPll(lent, ltrne-at
,:raves: aeotal vitp-pteeident, Fr.td
of Poor System Barker: sdrrrtary-treasurer, F. -O.
Kershaw : dlrectottl (icv,. (:null, 14d.
Nelsen. •1. W. ('nnhlwrtleon. Rev. D. J.
Lane, ii. T. F.elwards and Geo. Miller.
Egrnondville Man Guilty --Gets Mr. H. T. Edwards was appointed
$ ratted 8entenotr-In- delegate to the Toronto convention.
nllpe The resignation of Mise fiwaflield
yelped Case as vice-president was regretfully a.:-
a?�s further weeniest. wilt be given
snntoristx who persist In driving with
lirfhta teat do not conform with .Lee
reguhttlone of the H. T. A. All lights
Imran be burning after dark, inetud►ng
two headlights. and a tall -light. No
quarter w111 he given and traffic officers'
lnsirutiloms are "Stop them when you
sew the white of only one heiellight.”
II. Haitietg. ngroi}ndville, charged Flnaawiid Statement
with t cone Ion Of funds of the RECEIPTS
Reufrevr )tx'hfnerJ (bnnlany while Balance In bunk from 111.'4
an aeon for Me firm last fall, told his unbolt. grant
own etntt to ilagtxtrnte J. A. Makine Town grant
on Thurlehe He was found guilty. ('ullw•tem at ehow•a '
tont sentence Dae tnwp•ndcd for a year Memla'rehlp fee* ....e. ,,. • • • • 22* 00
OLD -T1111 EZSIDENTS tlartuhg's ertr7 was a complicated Sale of planet. bulbs, este
affair 01 sale.. trade-ins. cash allow -
$808 lA
enema anal inoilitnents 1ha1 became In - Total receipts
creesingly ditfk'ult to follow. as often EXPENi)1TI'Ria
0.-rersl deny +•verlapped with never a
complete Min.—action.
"TMs is n meM," muttered the Meg
Iterate. as Meting endcnvnred to an -
e wer gneateet pot by his counsel,
Frank Donnelly, VIA Crown Attorney
1). R. Holmes. ' :• Hartong mid be
acted o0 nurh0rIt7 of hie aupervisor
when he used money he had an, hand
*0 pot thronrh Mather dells, Inetead
of remitting to the company. "A man
e hould'not tat! ever an agency with
rant capital." he.inis told hy the Mag-,
SHAW Methods
father woe Alex. Klrkbr{de, Wtlo COW "I think yen were more unfortunate
dueled a Neek mRle seepls- ease,kb than dlkhonest." said Ills Worship to
half-at•entnry lir --.^.-'- --. - lemmas, "tit dila west an Involve /41e
Accompanying tib pl¢tmre •re..the altnatiee from We atert. Toa took
lines: "On the neeaelnM01 their fifty ynnr superrl«.r'l word too muck and
sixth wedding ant vereary, Mr. and did not commit tis enmpany. 11'ibnka
Mra. William likkhfide were at home as though yon were the goat. although
to friend, at their 'Mu island horde It la apparent yen did not. pithy the
on New Tear's iCve. Mr. and Mrs game. Ton were doing hnatn4aa is s
ElrkAtlde, whom former home wee at very slipshod we,. i will have to
Oodetrieh. Ont.. tiK *oddest on Tele find you entity of the charge Pen,
Island for the past tweaty-two yen." More will he sl psnded for 4180 feet" were notified.
4':4ani'!� dial
',Sul ,.
R .di 42
:t:, 63
40 00
4 (111
Mr. and Mra. Was. Kirkbride Ode -
brute Stith Wedding Anniversary
Mr. A. MaeGillivray, of Vancouver,
B.C., renewing hie. .uh*erlption to The
Signal my*:
"While 1 hare been away from God-
erleh now shoot twenty -.rix years, I
.tNl enjoy reading The Signal, bring-
ing Inc heck old memories of my boy-
hood delr, end Mende of days gone
Mr. Mact)tllivray ata, encloses e
clipping from The • Vane -paver 'Maly
Province of January 2, showing a pk•-
tnre of a Bar -looking e'nuple. Mr. and
Mrs. William Rlrkbrlde, former rissIr
dente of tlolertek. lir, [Irkktr1M
When Colds Threaten..
Vicks Va-tro-nol helps
Prevent many Colds
At the first warning sneeze or nasal
irritation, quick) -a few drops of
VicksVa-tro-not up each nostril. Espe-
cially designed for nose and throat.
where most colds start,Va-tro-not helps
to prevent many colds -and to throw
off head colds in their early stages.
If a Cold Strikes ..
Vicks VopoRub helps
End a Cold sooner
1f a cold has already developed, use ji
Vicks VapoRub, the mother's standby
in treating colds. Rubbed on at bed-
time, its combined poultice -vapor ac-
tion loosens phlegm, soothes irrita-
tion, helps brew k congestion. Often, by
morning the worst of the cold is over.
Follow VIgk. Plan for Better Control .of Colds _
• A helpful guide to fewer colds and shorter colds. Developed b9 Vic
Chemists and Medkal Staff; tasted la extensive.clinics by prates -
ticing physicians -further proltled lzt Eveeryday home use by nl/E-•v
bons. - _ is fie__ explained in ea.4, V44r. package.
('hlldren's prlre'a $ 1 43
(Talc improvement .. :hl 2:r
Expanse of tneetinge 11 00
Delegate to conventlim , 10 00
('cwt of swde bulbs, plants, rte. e191 (N)
Jni*ati fesfee t'!j A 8 20
Affiliation fern jg 2(1
Worktary's sisal.... 2s' 44!)
Working cxp'i1t'0
C444110 raring_ for mntilctpal
1dote • .
Total expenditures ..., 1141 s'1
ltalance In hank. December 156 57
Total .. - . >1t1118 111
Mestere W. II Roldertsrm and F. J.
iAttiee were appointed mullion..
Ass alanghter house owned by the
Moro & lleitman firm of hoteliers
welt aete•reet some time during the last
week end a hide wax stolen The theft
wail sot dvered until Monday of
thta week,- r which time the pollee
ti.ew- _s
We are trying to merit your support
by keeping our prices reduced
This Week's Reductions, January 17th to 24th -Inclusive
25e. 49e. 89e
We -Tie
( Rf P ey and
Mbard'a Unbend
411111111111111161 UR.ORBINE, JUL
Small else =1.19
For the Farmer's
Salt Petre lb. 15c
Sweet Spirit Nitre
2 oza for 25c
Hellebore . ib. 39c
Potassium Iodide
1 os. 35o .
3 oza. for 11.00
Bell'. Medical
Wonder $1.00,
1►1 r;t
Putnam's. 1)ianlemlel,
[gunnel. RII
2 pkgs. for tee
Norwegian ('o1 liver
16 -oz. battle 119e_
Syrup of White Pause
Tar. Regolale ifs'
Mise, ter 210 -
T'ha ler. lir
011 of Eucalyptus
bottle 25e
Ba} er's Aspirin -
1 elm. 23e. n. 1101. 39e
100 for 911e
Wale ('ora Salvw
Writing Pad and
Pkg. En4elope0
Tablets. II h seolate-
pasted for colds
For children who suf-
fer from hrnneldtla,
croup. ro.ighs, 0elda,
earlarrh, torwH and
Throat trwubhw
When Sybil's . s
remote is it
works. g cleans
VIP money bad'.
Leeder.'s , tnlop's Wigle's
Dvugsld le • Drei'te . Drugstore