HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 10Lueknow Seat/net Wedeesday, June 28, age 11
Birthday Club
Christina Kuntz
July 28, 1980
9 Years Old
Raumyn Rais Firouz
July 3, 1983
6 Years Old
Michelle MacGillivray
July 3, 1977
12 Years Old
Lisa Conley
July d_ 1957
2 Years Old
Leslie Conley
July 4, 1987
2 Years Old
Courtney Bakker
July 4, 1985.
4 Years Old
Bet Rate Mond�y, Jane 26, 1989
DON and. ' V
Lucknow Phone 52k-22;
Albertan visits In
Intended for last week
'Recently George. and Jean Errington
and Bill hosted a 'gathering at their
farm home so all could visit with -uncle
John Gaunt 'of :Skew i ' i< Park, Alberta
who spent a week visi ' his sister Lila
Shiekluna in Wingham. Attending wereb
nieces and nephews Ken and Marg
Gaunt of Hanover, Jinn :and Celia Ait-
chison, Lucknow, Peg Purdon, Goderich,
Marie Button, Blyth, John Aitchison of
Clinton, :Bob and Beth Aitchison and
Bev from St. Helens, Bob and Dawna
Morgan and Norma of Kerwood, Betty
Errington, London, Murray and Pat
Gaunt, Steven and friend Judy
McMichael, Verna Brown and Jennifer
and Aunt Lila all of Wingham.
Visitors recently with Art and Mary
Stewart were their sons, Richard, -Leslie
and Kelly. They motored to Lambeth to
attend the wedding of Art and Mary's
granddaughter, Susan Stewart, daughter
of Norman and Norma Stewart and Jim
Vanderhoeven. The wedding took place
at 4 p.m. at Lambeth United Church
with reception at Howard Johnsons.
Susan and Jim spent their honeymoon
in Dominican Republic. Others attending
the wedding from this area were . Ron
and Edna Alton and Joyce and Lisa
Dungannon Senior Citizens
Seniors held their Wednesday night
card party with 13 tables. High lady,
Dorothy Cuyler, low lady, Gloria Pear-
son; high man, tie between Stuart
Charnney and Gordon Pollock with the
winner being Stuart Chamney. Low
white card, Grace Finnigan.
Seniors would like everyone to save
their .Zehr and `iechtel tapes. .
Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge
Service was held at Dungannon with
Rev. D. Armstrong.
Summer schedule: July - Trinity at
9:45 a.m., Nile at 11:15 a.m., Don-
nybrook and Dungannon are closed.
August - Donnybrook at 9:30 a.m.,
Dungannon at 11100 a.m., Nile and
Trinity are 'closed.
Dungannon Memorial Cemetery ser-
vice was held .on June 25 at `3:00 p.m.
by :Bonnie Hodges
Thought For the Week: A favor is
that kindly deed ... beyond a friendly
smile ... that comforts someone else on
earth ... and makes this life worthwhile.
This week
Dungannon Senior Citizens
At the card party held Wednesday,
June 21 with 11 tables, , winners were
high man, Thys Green; low man, Bill
Errington; high lady, Caroline Menary,
low lady, tie between Belle Mole and
Jodie Lee with Belle coming out the
Duugamnon Union
Pastoral Charge
Sunday service was in charge of Sun-
day School Superintendents, Diane Park
and Bob McNeil.
Awards were presented' to Sunday
school pupils with perfect attendance.
Refreshments were later served.
The floral tributes placed in each
church were in commemoration of
David Roberts.
Memorial Service at
13nngannon cemetery
Memorial Service was held on Sun-
day, June 25, 1989 at 3:00 pawn. at
Dungannon Cemetery.
Prelude Music was by Ed Stiles, call
to worship _by Rev. Roberts. Hymn
`Jesus Lover of My Soul', Scripture
reading was by Rev. Roberts and solo
by Ruth Alton.
Honour Roll 1988-1989 Leslie Johnston,
Russell John Brindley, Peter Earl Swan,
Gordon Robert Pollock, Howard Dustow
Johnston, Roy . Alexander Wintemute,
Henry Austin Willis, Tryntze
Logtenberg, Ellen Chrintine Johnston,
Franklin Oliver Glenn, David Roberts.
One minute of silence was observed in
memory of deceased.
Another ,solo . by Ruth .:Alton and ad-
dress by 'Rev. 'Roberts, follower by
"Faith of •:our Fathers' :closed the
memorial ~service.
LCPS students wish
everyone a safe summer
Grade 1
The last week of school went by in a
rush,, with finishing up projects, and
posters for the Fall Fair; swimming;
watching the Kindergarten graduation;
and saying bye to our friends. We made
a chocolate rake for tour July - August
birthday people - Sharon, Charlie, Jor-
dan, and Aaron. Grade one wishes
everyone a very enjoyable and safe holi-
day. See you in September.
Grade' °2
The Grade Two class wishes everyone
a safe and fun holiday. We will miss
our friends at L.C.P.S. over the summer
but will look forward to seeing them in
the fall.
Grade 2/3
We have .been very busy on our .last
week of school. We completed our
Australian booklets and enjoyed all the
visitors that came and Shared their ex-
periences of the country "Down Under".
On Tuesday we went for our :annual
swim in the Lucknow pool. We lope' you
had an enjoyable Arne.. °t We were very
sad to hear of the very bad accident, in-
volving Our $yznes family. You're in our
thoughts every :day. Your classroom is
miffing you Torn. Have a ,happy
Grade 2/4
`The grade 3/4 Classroom has capped
off an exciting, f filled„year• The last
busy couple of weeks were fest iiith a
swim day at the Lucknow pool, com-
pleting Fall Fair ,work, 'finishing .of
shark projects, desk clean -outs, .and
many things. Mr. Dennis and Mrs.
Clooney have certainly enjoyed wo
with the great ,students in the :3 4
classroom. `'.they ,well mid them oVer
the summer! 'The stints and Mrs:
Clooney Mrs. Den the belt *
leaves Lueknew Central te ea Alt
R pley •-next year. You will be _missed
Mr. Dennis!
Grade '4
We had fun at the pool on Wednesday.
On Friday we had ,a party. We had lots
of food and games. Thursday .• was our
auction. Mike Cranston was our .auc-
tioneer. We had lots of fun last week.
Grade 5
This last week, as we bid :farewell for
another year, some special congratula-
tions are in order. Four people, Jeff
Porter, Andrew Cleland, Kerrie Sluelen
and Jeremy ;Smith ,.achieved the ex-
cellence level in Canada Fitness. Eight
people achieved academic honours; An-
drew Cleland, Jeff Porter, Daniela
Fischer, Ethan McNeil, Peter Neable,
Kerrie Sluelen, Lynda Lynons, and An-
drew Mowbray.
Grade 0
On Monday the .grade 4, 5, •6 went on
a tour ,of Bruce County. We went to
such .places as 'Teeswater rookery,., Sala-
ble Beach, and 'Sauble 'Falls. We :all had
fun that day! The gr•ade,i's are looking
forward to 'summer .'holidayI Have a
,Grade "7
The Grade 7 class has been very busy
cleaning :up the ;last week of ;school. It
ran very smoothily. The whole :aohoal
year went by so fast. We enjoyed the
,swimming on Wedry and the
barbecue at Mrs. 1Vfc.Boui<h. we wish
everyone a safe arid '!Y summer.
Fly gitudies
The Family Studies students used
'their culinary s1l1is to eater to the
Board�tof Education meeting that washeld At PS' en 'Tuesday. Humour bas
it °tight our(thoroughlyjoyed
the buffet. "Thaw you to the 'folio
hard workers - ltob
TP4�o�r�ter, Tammy Noble, lora . ,�►a ler,
Lisa M t f Mrs. Moi
Cart00,11, , 'for me g things -run
Huron County Access to
Housing Committee
TUESDAY, JULY 4th, 1989
7:30 pm.
Huron, County Museum
110 North Street
Goderich, Ont. •
—Wheelchair Accessible—
Please come out and provide us
with your valuable input!
Transportation from anywhere in
the County available, telephone
1-800-265-5506 or 524-5331.
P C(
LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom home, well kept,
.aluminum sided, fruit trees. Ideal retirement
home. $58,900.00
DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom starter home,
98 ACRES - Rolling pasture, 4 acres bush,
2 ponds, older bank bam. Asking *60,000.
200 ACRES - pasture, Kinloss Twp. well
fenced, licensed for gravel. Inquire.
I1t S h Lipp, MhfiOldTwP., Jew!)
10/sternatic drained, very productive acreage.
4BEDROOKSIDEPLIT-lb acrelotonedge
of Lucknow, finished basement, new win-
-dows, woodstove & fireplace. Approx. 14
years old.
CULROSS 196 acres, 115 workable, 50
acres hardwood, 30 acres softwood, 40' x 60'
,bam, drilled well.
280 ACRE :FARM - 240 workable, excellent
3 bedroom :brick home, modern farrowing
barn, bank bam, set-up for feeders, 80 x 40
shed, Ashfield Twp.
145 ACRES pasture, well fenced, spring
creek, 12 acres hardwood. *80,000.
100 ACRES cash crop, 70 workable, 25
acres licensed pit. *65,000.
LUCKNOW - Older 4 bedroom home with
modern kitchen, oil :& wood furnace, wood
stove, hardwood floors; corner lot. Priced at
2 ACRE - Country lot close to Lucknow, 30
x 30 shed, excellent building lot.
Ssiur Short
Sleeve Sweaters
Adidas & Basler
*law Prioe