HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 4Page 4 1ueknOw `t"' l9 Wednesday, June ,289 1
P.O. Box 400, Luctsnow, Ontar
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Thomas Thompson -- Advertisngi Manager Subscription rates advance:
Pat .Livingston -- General Manager $1700 Outside Canada 86090
— Editor
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1 poor
The :safety of our children is :_always uppermost in the minds sof
parents. But safety is not _always uppermost in the minds :of our
children. It is.up lo us as .parents to remind our chilelrera of safety
rules - • in 'the . home, on the street or Ira .a swimming pool].
°the locaE . pooh is oper9 and -hundreds of children and adults ,wilEl
take advantage of this form of recreation ,during the summer. New
regulations regarding pool safety .necessitated the institution ;of ;pooh
staff taking measures to .eliminate <:problems at the ,pool. Dunking,
running, not „.givin g way to :people on the cdiving ,board or disregard
for the , little 'people's safety swill not be tolerated.
'The regulations of the pool are 'posted for ,swimmers to read.
.failure vto.,-ctlaidettorthe regulations t,Will 'result in -thO tolfender : be-
ing suspended® Repeat ,performances .will .Lbr..img more „sever_e
:The life guards are there to -guard life and on -hot ',clays when
numbers swill ‘close to 100 -or ,over, it takes all -their time and con-
centration oto }make ;sure .swimmers are safe. Needless 'a4toni foolery"
makes *or .umafe swimming conditions. "What :one swimmer may :acon-
sider -fun may scare the 'devil out of another .swimmer.
please make sure . your children are r: aware ,Of and follow the safe-
nty rules at the -pool this summer.
Ii,Jt a f, <' ...
rite a letter
to ..: editor.
They gr
Ii Up
Least week around the 'Sentinel was hec-
tic, to say the least! It was time for the
yearly graduation edition 'pictures to 'be
taken. Our edition includes grade eight
grads, grade eight award winners and
kindergarten grads. We carry pictures
from four schools In this area, Lucknow
Central, Lueknow Christian, Il ingsbridge
and Brookside. Life was hectic simply
getting the .appointments made for
various times and ensuring they were
entered in my appointment book correct=
ly. I checked and double checked to be
sure II had theme all listed with their cor-
rect times and no overlapping.
The beginning of the week was upon
me and :the running started to record for
life the "precious faces ofthose graduating
from one stage of 'their life into another.
Taking pictures of kindergarten classes
would be a breeze for an experienced
photographer, but for someone fairly new
to this task, I was a nervous wreck.
Afterall, I didn't want hundreds or even
thousands of parents, grandparents,
aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters
and teachers 'ticked off with the Sentinel
photographer if little Susie's picture turn-
ed out poor. If you have ever had me
take pictures at an event for you, you
know that I ALWAYS take at least five.
I figure the more I take the safer I'll be
when it comes time to _print the, pictures.
Keeping kindergarten children still" while
I click away on the camera is no easy
task. I can have a blurred pie quite easi-
ly enough, thank you very much! Little
ones figure one click of the camera
should be enough. Keeping all eyes front,
bands away -from the face, motarboards
on straight or even on, dresses down, and
shirts tucked in, all at the same time is
almost impossible, but we did our best.
One .class bad been on recess just pri, )r
to my .arrival .and of course .a couple 3f
the .tittle boys had found at least one in id
puddle :to "play in. But that's what :makes
by Pat Livingston
little boys, right? We simply stood them
i n the back row to camouflage the shght-
13r soiled, wet pants.
One princi i : at kindergarten gradua-
tion said it all when he recalled
September 488 when some of the little
ones had to be practically dragged down
the `hall to class. Some of them were so
timid and unsure of what sebowl was
about they were crying. He recalled the
amount off singing the children par-
ticipated in during the first week. He pro-
ceeded to compare the children of
September c; r to the children of June `89
and point out bow much confidence they
had gained in themselves during the
school year as they stood in front of an
auditorium of people and put on a small
Taking grade eight graduates is a lit-
tle differentstory. They tend to stand
still, ''but are self conscious about standing
that long in front of my camera. While
attending one graduation ,ceremony I ran
into a teenager I 'knew. My reaction was,
"you're not .graduating . this year?" To
me she was still the little girl I had met
five years ago. II marvelled at the change
from the first time I had met her until
that night, all dressed up, hair carefully
stylecLandl_ wearing pens Once again,_
the thought ran through me 'head, "time
stands still for no one.
Vague remembrances of my own grade
eight graduation flashed through the grey
matter a special dress, dancing with the
principal, being taller than the boys and
wondering what high school held in store
for me.
Despite the hectic week I must admit
it was rather enjoyable seeing your
children leaving one stage of their life
ready to embark upon another.
I sincerely hope you enjoy our gradua-
tion edition.
Spacial tiepreamlnu.e u6
Wilt Ile At Our ".S»re Ora
`Friday May lat
Be htiliso . with : ,him an ' outstanding
•raege.ofasew British ,wuoOmlens andA n
imxpertknowiedge ofstylessundiashions
Your ,garsent will ;beband-cut .and
tailored, gurebycskiltedUnion
Craftsmen. ;Our .,superior ,body .and
Esleeve,hniag ra..nres yen of added
voanfort..At lite : one .low ;pry of
424.75 Tip Top Tailor's value :i
greaser ;than ever before.
The Special Representative syyn ° glad
todiscser.yottr personattltthiugneeds
,with you. Vie invite you ,to -u ake°;free
•ttae of Jti*aervicee.
button o..ln to b..mn) /`
'aee4,.n.w Vitae Ion Apron
.t.n. .p__.i. Leena, Wavle
I.aen natural.. Irma but
non Welt imustaancl.et foto
Mama Boole
..9ned /of ouynns and owns
Dle:n 061th frenal
meY.t lows. .eeeh wooed,
wall 8.o,. stocked echo end
Pockets 8.c4 with Iran
lteere.eieuedne. ease attic,
LAPEL STYL' e..en.n91.
ooau,.. *Oh 0 ..n9 ane^
Lucknow, Lint.
10 ,years ago
, June .6, X19
The,Retursing Men - Pte. Alex :Butler
was the only - soldier to return to Lueknow
:during the :week. .lie returned 'from
France several weeks Ago sand has been
at his home in Clinton. Pte. Butler
enlisted here ,and trained and ,went
,overseas with the 160th. He got Lan ,en-
thusiastic `reception as ;he ,.got off -the
train, `though :unfortunately his coming
home 'was snot ;,known in . time to get ° the
band tog+ther.
it solider who !saw a great xleal of ,ser-
vice fat :the ,,front, sand ,Awiic arrived ,jIil
Lucknow Twenty cis Frank ',King,
now engaged wi h:Mr. P p,<McMiil n•
Drivers King is: a ,y�g .81 Z;wh
came to ',Canada ,'when "a ere ,.;ltd. He
worked with. Mr. McMil w
n ring be
winter of 1913,, Andtint�#he,Lspr ig,;of t :914
=went lo;�the iitamyolteBet;in8oin•
le vo wgeered, f or ,service. n ter;_
ioutbreek rof; war. tt:wasswith
�t a; 'iiwrer
: t ry a 1t {thi iggl itour
tyear& .of.thewark I e�°Uric it all
good- Ith i i?w' d, nd brn-
mediately on :being " discharged he came
to JLucknowlind started to work where he
bad ,quit 'five years before.
,ye i rs,ago
J9 "U
Load 130 3' Umosen ,for <P S. IV Y -
,lekikOw $Vol.wined,<we ting- Imes-
, -;day :ght, ;WAS `fan .with ! 104 >solica-
Uu .for ; tfourtb room ,toelher, ,And
et. l<:pr ►l, to,J s
to ,rMseDunald. "Their cboice WAS
s gArke9 ° ,of Mr. nd ,1 s•
alginPle laarite,-of town i ,vwho for ,,:the
;:.past Iwo ,yds has, taut . io 't :third
-mom , of 'PAWit ► c Belk goi. _ St
' $day ffnight a:B,ard .selected iso
,teaeher a to fill lhe tyao R Y un Abe AO
liciaaol actaiff, following the r et f
Miss A. You:rex. E Frim 27 ;IiitiglalikOOS
:�ted cf
'�!' i 1 '�C ,.�� ��.. ,�. �.7!!!pTr 9 is
'ks F , Who: Jot ,yeye t t._at
25 'years sago
July 064
Hole4n a ,,W_ius rself Globs, ` roihy -
Jiln ,ArnOtd, a resident of :West
1 aw h 'Township ,-and .an l employee :of
•Lueknow District ''leo-op, scored -a, bole-iitnn-
,one at the ;,Winghamri `Gulf `bourse on
Because Jim was .playing ,.with .a .par-
>ticular ;snake of golf ball, be ,.was ,entitl-
ed to 4100 Worth' Of -eqUiPment courtesy of
amt firrae chosea "new set of :golf
Jun ;,was _1 yiing , with his :son Matter
Arnold, yap McPherson ,and Barry
' 11iRtt• '',Ivore,PlaYilW the eighteenth
hole Qn e $,fie se>iwhQnthe ,l et
its ,n uhe -ctiikon the , yard -drive. Jim
PeCOV4iiii,t4WilY`.;trfAltA brewery
an ,,,acklitkmal Award.
Ye�a rs Lam{ r. ai- d Mrs. Ewen 4 14ac nald
:.`of !, {' 9 .;Ad •S✓a.. Otiti ng M M' . ...:
tr . r ete• , Mr. , . s. An-
' ,Y l itchie t d •Other .rrelatives It is
'wen' first trip ,hoe n years. %t cis
4 tl`nl� %b♦a %ty
bwri , sPsntr,.tomcli of
her ;life in B.C.
Ewen is the eldest son of the :elate Mr.
and Mrs Duncan MacDonald of St.
10 years Ago
July 1, 1979
Reeve opens .uew tennis courts
Lucknow reeve George Joynt ,out the rib-
bon ::on S wday , July A, to offioially opera
the :new Lueknow tennis courts at Vic-
toria Park. The courts were •constl ucted
through the jointo�, ffoiyrtos of the
� LYnll� vow
ici;!lFil, inen, AC netteF' And Lee tubs • The
°euurts ,have been in use for a .week •but
Ahem are :fttill,tionle odd jObs to vonviete
Wore they are finished.
Mork Lis progre a ,'pita the river Viand •
,i cap oject along ,the ;.branch,of
1,414nOw river, rnorth ghway 86
to Treleaveifs 4 . h Lticlmow
District «HorttoulturAl moiety applied
under the Ytning oda Works PrOgrain
And treocive0 tapproximately 400 to go
tuwrs rlabalr : yqui, i i t 'o ma
dun :with ,ithe,proj t. "azul w
Logo* a , irpd eas pro oot
and quid No Ai
Old ',were 'WS work un v -
f .Harokl -neer and all. Stonetionse
will supervise ;aa Vis.