HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 10 C:e 011 Atithe dune ..f.20 Lucknoteigniage _coun- cil meeting, ;councillors .regrettably :ac- cepted the -resignation iof Reeve 'Herb Wlaark, effective The reeves -iletter :said he 'Tesigned with Tejgret, but for :Itealthyreasons '7feltit would wise dor7nizre-A-r-Lta- iJalso snid it had been a privilege oand.thonour .to ',serve -the .7.,people riof .Lucimow imidto work -with the members of .rrnmell tdr. :Clark joined the ,tillage council in :the -fell of 1980 :and -.over his Tears as catuteillor :and reeve (since 1985) has laitliftilly served the ratepayers of the It .is mifortimate thatileeve nark WM noton :boardtosee the ...completion If the .sewer TrOject. "In 1985 when :he nf- fered candidate for the Teeveship :he said its main rconcern was the 4sewers, "1 l'allope•vive .can .iaccomplish that." As*e_PW4eev4;24,33n*Yslrlikoiii4a =ating difter2nner4010tdiecustilTlin .rftbeltacarigyAhativillybelLwreated.ACCOF- rdinsztoTTlieMiniicipaILAct,,aintithentiee- ;lion lsamt0fl.: nd..comtifillmsA45 IlaysdolillAhewatancy.'"Ibe7macancyman dae•lillerilwappoMiment. Homy 60-th. ara .June •Cooke anti Hugh Nenaiy were 4ittitod 1t initria :by -The "rate .Rev. A/that W. 43rzwn, th mhtiAte-a. 4:if Slakeunited •Choreh, th Astifield Trovnithip. zerernolly was, zondtinted in the Imanst fira ludinost. Witnewes iorMi.anti Mrs. Menary wer#a4he late William Zotike anti Mary lanie, *he stibsnrintsritly 'woe married.' Thigh and 'Dolly tom lived on Their MIMI& To:map farm en the NI con -1 cession all their married life. .They have arra Irene Blake, .Carol .flielding and Ronni. They are blessed With 'mine grande"hildren, Jinette, Sharon, Ileather and Lamy trenes Children; 1:4ftriihi and -Cameron ZaroN dildren=and Michael, ;Lisa and k, Sarah - •Ronnie's Children. !they also have -four great grantiehildren that we great joy to them. Mr. Me -nary does not enjoy good health and "no special celebrations Swill be held. During a telephone .conveisation, Mrs. Menary recalled the pot iuek :dinners .and .fun limes enjoyed by aU when Blakes Church Still -stood. The ;Immunity extends its con- gratulations to the Alenarys .on their 7. £Oth wedding anniversary. Gr ecTitioil inside —rills weelcIlier and-4°mA- ring businesses are pleased to ,provide The 19119 Gratlatition Ft:Idiom It includes kindergarten, .grade might and award winners :from the area four schools. Congratulations to all the graduates! Brinks home gold 1 Heather Askes, brought home a .gold medal in the 'high jump, from the Bruce County Elementau Track and Field meet held in Kincardine. June 17. CD1)- .gratilations :Heather! tine* ' •• 'VariousltemsfalusinessmereIliscuss- ,ed at the Lucknow 'Village council June 10. `Comas ‘-grass tut- tmg 4,be„sOlved, and 7,theliddrenlilaYinjcsijos,F.althaugh scot -erected, -.are :being litterided Coma Juid Ter:rived one -revonse to -date for the zpin ,iiiwtign -competition. The -sWitnotng_poolis operAtiint.vdth children analog .use of it last -meek. The clerk treasurerlad -received a let - ler limn:the !London TUC regarding the -cast :of 7,prepariat'llYdroiwater 13111s .for .the -village. rThe-LondontTDC -has ioSt muniber -of /towns ,,and the -company painted out ;that in the luttire, the ,-toSt 'zwilLincrease to those 'remaining. Albrief 7discuSion then followed or the use :Of -computers fin Inunieipalities. 13ke Maitland Valley Waterald tor. lachedOleil 10r, ("Joan Pollard citiltiattend, barring any tirifore- veen-X/rCUMAtahCes,tartiinj. vounonAttellin*lavw-VE,oLtalLio per inoritlancreaSe to -.MO.!r.guard Albert lionnOs, .whochas -ens , for r. :number -Yeatfrlae ltreet 'mating .fur 'village :children. COundller AL :Murray TOPOrted on the ,recent Amon laritifi11'ate,13mard :meeting whieh he -Attended. :Previously all uaer tbilhielPilink-s:'Pardoied.their -own liabili- ty :inmitarice. -'Tho -committee :has low Purchage Poe T011eYibrogh -Cowan In- surance-coveriaghe:Site. Councillor Mur- ray :4oggegl :to :tonnOil :that a certain amount " yearly n:' the village to ;cover Vt o'ft:shive In-oohing:the old site, yvben ti tiuL Poim.-IiiisInat. ter wa i .to J43 U!usi -Torn to page,3 fliiiiittrearainaleninsimenMearerrielh telieraemee.4. Miliatmoild4000dilimarid lamed mploaikviniisog Geege akersefillisenes lens lir lame fsede tdlifeeillforekinioot modes 311104141100) r d pea, on ss, e netsli 14cnvw Lea Igiclmew'Lentral $thobthafithe :honour /if lhosting the 20th Icanniversary meeting of the *Bruce :County Board of Education. Ataff and „students ',prodded lunch and :gave the trustees ;,tour through the :school on ,ifunes20.1Prineipal William Tike and Tice Vooney were -commended.lor accppting the :ic'hallenge of holding the -meeting at .tbis'imp time 10 .the , year. ,Mr. 'Coley Eand :bandmentbers were COM- laimetited on their ,:performance during the Ithe imorning, a .were the astudents (and -other ,,,_staff their participation in ,:hoatinj T„the :meeting - The ltalentglad ,held their own mini- 03ectiOn to ‘ttleterniine ,class mouth= ',WOW it in ,nn the -,meoting• The .board/following Alimuutiort, ;-votd in lavo,tir �f',gado:sing Alle,T;Prinftnt :of Tettl'Iioarsd of -ZducatiOn Tugartling probibdipg t1c-uarrYing igotpri.wavons Ithollis• ellle int* '11*,R*01 Tours' ,OAutatian Attiaes ',-frourilifr-rege0 in -creme In the wile .kanti -„easy .aeeaibiUty of Airi:pistOls ;and -Witt ons ,band ,martiblance 'Jo lirammis• Vellum 9 o Petry .and -Prw 'Tram -J3rikee VonntY ',SehOls Avasr,proantd to the board. The„bovItlet-corttalas wok of 4 students, -.chosen from j39 _sububsione. -The -nportiglithe OVOntilitY -Votive agreelDent intlicitt4 Abet 587% 'of the Bruce 'Count/ Ipaehero r_ejao,*1 tie ,agreeroent. eT:ga011op re in th ward year ,of ihoirtweiyear-cnntract. Neoitio. ,are ,continning. '..Twoktteirel the ,AinabC1 'Pet had ,been -recrivetl by Abe 0 regarding emont •CertiglitteerVill -set up in I fail to . tal look at all areas to determine the -best doliation. 'The -board :had also received a copy of letter-framthe County 'of Ilium maiden's, O• ffice to the 'Minister tOfEducation, ex- Imessin%,-Foncemand -imposition-lothe ex- 'orhitatit increases presented 'Utile local luoujoilialjos Jarlitie Bruce County 131ord -of -,Education and tbel3ruce‘Grey 'County Roman Vat& Separate ;Sehoel The letter Tainted lout .that A!The :major municipal xrevenue source, theproperty las, is vowing under Einer*ashigrpressure. 2.Each year a ;substantial :portion of n• iunicipacproperty tax revenues is siphoned ,off to finance the cpr,ovincjai *Ovation yam. 'Adding to this, tbe Ilevisionza ,the;proVinee to fl'Iolze Ole lui- conditionaligrantoatAIX ievels!_meaus lhat,muniqualtt4es1J111ftaveiofie to-providexitude401*40tt make up Joriineritaxes the to 101404 (45 a.,,PASOit, intinigioditim wUIhave Vita leai LibilitY than ,e';vely 1314are A$00$41,4$to 10Cal 'seeds! Ray Fenton :reported on 'the 'Saugeen J• 4iJ3and Tuition Agreement. Iarriet IXV,WO,141,10;0'eankalent0 Agit it -MA? 44090 pbIie-relations ,:to have -something in w,iting. The,,Agrogivient map accepted -by ie bard. 'reportINV 'Teetived :on,the,progress of the 140bile Astronomy Lab to be JocatesR f.fat ,IVic9regor 00110, An ,aet 10 -provide 'for the pay- inent of ,harges was P.4 14artindale• =Thi:: bill • giveu first mad* in,,May Aid Mr. Martindale -.suggested that it wOuie be given -*Mid readingifl,the late fall. Ile iiidicted that this ecoroplex "W114040 TA01 :Lc page 3 'The 1Setirme1 :office iiiflJle Based 7.1iday, -.line 20 to ,Telabite :Canada - pay. Itegular deadlines are tin effect Monday, 2illy 3. • li ish rides •y'e Doug +-tartish ,of It lucknow xaced in the first ever Upercross 'held at the SkyDome last weekend. Story and pic- tures inside this ,week's ;Sentinel. aurulopagel) 1! ()W. open In thi 'weeles Sentinel you will find .a swimming pool -schedule for the local pool. ,Beereation director, 'Bill Bunter, reports ,that the temperature of the water ,during last week was 78 - 410 degrees and a -nuMber of area children had taken advantage having dip during the -recent muggy :days. ,Ntunerous 01*mm Are ovailable thiring the summer, something for everyone, from The little 911% to. parents. At the ,request :of area residents A lamilY sWiin time Jos been included. This .ts for chlldcen 12 And aafier, ,aeeorapaniefl by a cparent JN SWIKSVJT AAND 9/CAM ;»KCJ 1AR Ile -clog i Pot oyeresl 1peas9aligket, but 1400049v is nongingil 41000 49Iu1ts 414* Tiine 19.r 41* lamilY 4.14111e$407 fAt414q Piltr41' WItSeriA 0;1 PhiiIips cst 9 S 424 KO fur eiglit week. If you can ,only Attend for four WeekS, Tangetaehts he,14alle at the lime -MI*0* •Whieb 0U can do 49.w. lasesale'Tkte$40Y 4ui1 TlAtollay, - Frivate an Afhtlt lessonlq Juy Tun lopage 3 1 1