HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-21, Page 16Page 19---Lue now Sentinel, Wednesday, done 21, 1959 528-2$22 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 1. Articles for Sate 1. Articles for Sale 1. Articles for Sale 6. Trucks for Sale TRY C & E FURNITITRE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-•40tfar HARD FIREWOOD SLABS delivered by truckload now or order for later. Joe -van Osch 395-2865 or contact Jacob Stutzman at St. Helen's mill.-5tfnar `STEEL from -us - Quality Buildings - Fac- tory Sale. Must Sell! Quonset 19 x 9 x 20, $2,029; „Model "S" 25 x 14 x 40, .$4,175; Straight*alL30 10 x '34, $5,499. Prices -in- clude endwalls ancl`rnore! Quantities are limited. Call today. P1ON ER/ECONQSPAN 1-300-668-5422 (24 hours) . 23bc • FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Call 529-7465 or 395-2766.-25, 26x ELECTRIC Pallet Lifter, Stainless Steel Freezer Door and Frame. Open To Offers. Phone .5249211, 9-5 p.m. or 5244240 after 6 p.m:-16tfnxe • BARD SALE 6 wheel Argo .runs good, needs tires, $300.00. 1981 Yamaha YZ125 for parts $100.00, large assortment of dirt motorcycle parts Suzuki, Ronda, Yamaha $100.00 for whole lot, large cement mixer needs motor $300.00, small cement mixer. for parts$50.00, Elan snowmobile $50.00, Snowblower $75.00, assortment of full and half trusses large plywood workbench $75.00 scrap steel, rough cherry lumber. 395-3774 or 395-5283.-25, 26 3, 19 INCH BLACK AND WHITE televi- sions, Quebec heater, (med. size) will burn wood or coal $75, 23 1",x6"x12"pressure treated- wo310, o st+niie suitiible for cottage, 6" regulator pipe, 6" insulated ey,1- 200 gallon tank, also hardware toinstall .$160.00, 2 electric fencers $25.00 each, 2 corn .scufflers,1 is 1 row other is 3 row, all items best offer. 25 V THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE AT LET'TEAU'S ` ESWA"TER -i RENOVATIONST TO BEGIN r.• EVERYTHING IUST GO!! ✓ Ladies'Blouses .......... $5.95 ✓ Ladies' Skirts ... $5.95 ✓ Ladies' Dresses (over 800 in stock) :$15.95 ✓ Ladies' °Snits ....... $15.95 ✓ Ladies' & Men's Spring Coats.�. ✓ :Ladies' Spring Coats (Long) - .,, $19.95 ✓ Ladies' .Dress Slacks $& V. ✓ Ladies' Jeans . ✓ Ladies' Sweaters ✓ Ladies' Winter Coat . .. $10.951 ✓ Men's T -Shirts $3.98 ✓ Men's Blazers $24.95 ✓ Men's Suits $49.95 ✓ Boys' Denim Jackets $3.98 ✓ Men's Dress Pants $8:95 x$5.00 28 FOOT GEORGE WHITE bale elevator with motor. Otaco wagon with 16 foot rack, as new call 529-7358.-25x SALAD BOWL, now taking orders for peas and green and yellow beans. Phone 528-2209.25ar S1JDING PLATE GLASS windows (no frames) - 26.E a 36 twelve 26" x 42"; twenty-six 20"1E`36"; also two pair black metal decorative shutters 14" x 42". Phone 524=437L-16ifnxe DOORS: One inside door 30" x 78". Phone 524-4371: 16tfnae HANDCRAFTED, new, white pine lawn chairs. Cape Cod style. $90.00 each. Call 529-7421-4fnae BUILDINGS Factory Inventory 28x 40 $3,906; 40 x 60$5;450; 46 x:90 $8,90 60 x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths fu sari a feet to 240 feet. Call now 1 1004668'4338 .or (416) '792-2704. 18bc STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer ;Sellebra- tion on Quonsets and SSeries. Payments, lease or purchase, we have .:a °plan for everyone. CalFutumre140046M653,22bc Also, A VERY LARGE SELECTION CLEAR ENG INTIM FOOTWEAR DEPARTMENT! ✓ Men's, Women's and Children's Jogging Shoes x$8.00 - $12.00 ✓ Ladies' Sandals, Pumps and Blemos 50% off ✓ All Ladies' White Pumps 20% off 0. All other Footwear and I'a ses 10% off SHOP WHILE lUANTITIES LAST AT .E •T ' {r EAT TL • rI.l E DY TO WEAR and FOOTWEAR ¶ EESWATER 3928821 P, Dc.n Monday :darn Saturday Inst, Nights ';til :9 FIXTURE SALE Clothing store racks & fixtures. 2 years old. CALL 524-4314 .DAYS or 524-4894 EVENINGS 1 BUTCHER HOP LUCKNOW 1 D lb. :box Har"burg. Patties 528;2242 PINE RIVR Chau' Medium Cheddar ACCORN STABLE CLEANER for parts, operating. Lag down combination hog, sheep or calf penning vertical rod 7/16 40 inches high. Call evenings 529-7187.-24, 25 FURNITURE - splendid stock on hand at Schuett's of Mildmay, including brand name living room suites; good variety of bedroom and dinette suites; also mat- tresses, attresses, sofa beds, pianos - trade-ins ac- cepted. Schuett's of Mildmay deliver free to a wide area. Phone 367-2308.--24, 25 BROWN ALUMINUM combination door. size 80 x 32M priced .reasonable 521X7587:=4; 2 ROYALSEA 23' - high quality fiberglass boat, seaworthy, fast, efficient, excep- tionally smooth, non -pounding ride. Manufactured by: Royalsea Boat Inc., Box 31, Loggievilie, New Brunswick, EOC 1L0 (506) 773-5211.-25bc ACORN Fireplace, as new, never lighted. Golden/copper enamel finish. Also, piping as new, fire -proof corner .floor stand and wall protector panels finished with mah- thing Z brick;~ tete $175.00. Phone 5247901 after 5:30 pan:-2011nae (.GUAR FENCE POSTS, braces and :an- chors. Phone 39 5-5454.-20tf RIPPER STRIPPER - Your computer paper companion. Tear off pinfeed miargins quickly without tearing your printed document, up to 25 sheets at a time. Fully guaranteed. Send cheque or money order for $"13:99 for each RIPPER STRIPPER plus 8% provincial sales tax (Ontario residents) plus ,$22.00 S6d1 to Furndoe Ent., P.O. Boa 664, Welland, 'On- tario, LIB 5R4. Please print clearly.-25bc NEW/USED office furniture -135 desks, plus ichairs,tables, storage Liles, data files, ball trees, groom dividers. K.A. Hammond Co. Ltd., Moorefield, Ontario, (5i9) 638-3063. 25bc GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners Get the 'best ion and :prices in Canada plus :free 'shipping program. Buy Item the samesource as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604) 6824636. 25bc BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands wliilesupplylasts - summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON STEEL 1400-263-8499 (24 hours) • 25bc IS. Cars for Sale O 1976 INTERNATIONAL, 5 ton, takes gas, with 20 foot box. In good running condition. As is. Asking $2,900 or best offer. Call 524-9211 91-6 p.m. or 5244240 after 6 pan.-23tfnxe 1983 FORD RANGER pickup. Call 528-2925.-24, 25 70 TRUCKS, CARS, VANS & 4x4s. 35 1980-87'!x, ',z, S/a & 1-3 tonne pick-ups, crew cabs, cab & chassis & dumps; 5 1981-84 4 x 4 Ram Chargers, Jeep, Toyota & Bronco; 5 1982=85 Vans & Ram Chargers; 6 1982-87 cars; 1 50 ft: Aerial Boom Truck; 1 Massey -Ferguson Industrial- Loader -Trac- tor; 2 Horse & Livestock Trailers; 15 Van Bodies. MIGHTON'S TRUCK & CAR SALE, 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 Hwy. or 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Hwy. 1-519-369-3136.-25 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. I 1978 SUZUKI sp 370 enduro. Good condi- tion $400.00. Phone after 6 p.m. .529-7607.-tfnx 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campefs & Trailers CITATION, General Homes and Nor thlander dealers. Previously owned tent and travel trailers. Also, add -a -rooms, trailer accessoriesand parts. Fisherman's Cove Tent and Trailer Park, RR 4, Kincar- dine. Phone 396-2757.-19tfnar 7H. Boats., Motors & Marine 1, 1987 2 PASSENGER Hover Craft in ex- cellent xcellent condition. Must be seen. Asking $2,500.00, firm. Phone 528-2742 after 6 ppm.--23-25ar 10. Pets for Sale TWO MALE, blue point, Siamese kittens, 6 wks. old. Phone X529-7382.--25thnze 1985 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER. Chocolate broom exterior and interior. Ex- cellent condition.. Jo 1114. Power steering, power brakes, power windows, air,cruise, nmanf'extras. Asking $8,900 certified. -Call 524-9912X1 between 9-5�p.m.,;after Y 240. 16t nepe 1984 "IT TALKS" CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, fullyequipped with air, p.w., {p d., cassette stereo, electronic display, and much. "It -even °talkks". Finished in �/�blare with a piu$h ,ulterior. ,A king , OO. Phone 1111- 19'18 5MONTECARLO, as is, :for parts call 529=7467.-15 1978 DODGE ASPEN, needs ,some body 'walk. Runs good. $000•00 or best offer. Phone 7 . 25 e { 11A. For Sole' General 50 ACRES ALFALFA 6 miles northeast of Teeswater, 650-70f per bale. 1-337-8630,24, 25ar HAY, first cutting, 40 acres. North of Teeswater,12th conc. Culross, call collect after 7 p.m. 1416489-6124.-25 APPROXIMATELY 17 acres, standing mixed hay. Call 52802642.--25.27 30 ACRES standing mixed hay, Whitechurch area. Phone 529.7467 or 357-3868.-25 118. Wonted to Buy OLDER :PAINTINGS and works of art - one or entire collection. Karl Mearns, Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, NOA 1AO. (416) 765.6782.-24bc 11E. Livestock MINIATURE HORSES for salle..,AM'HA registered - underunder 34 inches. Vf!how and `breeding quality yearling fillies, stallions, geldings. Also need mature couple, no children, tolive on prernises. For further information, write or call: Foundation Farms, Route 1, Holstein, Ont. NOG 2A0. (519)334-3665. mac A 1 •