HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-14, Page 3NO money for sewers • frompage 1 On juneliO, iK18, the ,MiniStry :of the Environment =meted an enviromie.ntal assessment as complete and on March 2, 1989, council receive approval from the Ontario Municipal .-Board to go ahead with the sewage system. Problems :existing systems Mrs. :Stevenson -said council and residents -want the entire village serviced. "Council has no idea when •(the sewage °system) would go .ahead. .Everything has gone :smoothly so far," she said. Mrs. Stevenson :said the proposed location of the treatment site or lagoon *ill be at the :east end of Park Street behind :the future pumping station. Residents 2are now using :individual systems such as .holding tanks, but :they are having problems, she said. Business owners Duncan and Lynne MacAdam said they are ,:growing impa- tient with :mown who they say, "keep claiming they're going to get the sewers." 'The couple awns MaeAdain's Mini Mart on the main street in -"Ripley and must cope with using a 1,500 gallon holding tank as their only ineans of sewage, disposal. The tank must be pumped approx- imately every 10 days at a .cost of it& .• sewage .disposal company makes a Veda:trip), _Lynne said. "it -wouldn't be so bad if -there was someone in town that did (sewage :disposal)," she said. She said sewage hasn't been much of a 1 -problem at their business but it is stopping their planslo install two apart- ments above the business Lynne said if village council goes ahead with installing the sewage system, Ripley could "boom again". "You can't put a restaurant in town if you have no sewers," she said. Her husband Duncan said that some businesses and homes do :not have enough -room to install :a holding tank. ile_gavean-example of -ionelomewher-e Ahere_is Akily 10 feetto install -a -stank. Be said Village council las leen-alow in installing a sewage system, adding, "1 really believe -that live - years -from now, itmill' still- be the same." :Whole town shoidd: be done 'The -owners of 'Courtney 'Farm -Supply, Cecil and Wihna Sutton, said the -entire town should be included in the sewage system "so it is a less cost per landowner." Wilma said she doesn't :believe Ripley will grow if a sewage system isn't in- stalled. In a worst case scenario, she said that if the 'businessesnowon main street left, no new businesses would move in because of the lack of sewage system. She said when she began working .at her -husband's business :as a 'clerk six years ago,- the ismellirom sewage caus- ed headaches and nausea. "It's not lust recent thing," she said of the need for a sewage system. Courtney 'Farm Supply located on the corner of the main street Interaction uses a 1000 ,gallon ;adding tank and a ,48 by 90 foot weeping bed at the rear of the building. Two businesses share his sytem - Ripley Superior Market owned by Lynne Nicholson and a lawyer. 4"Wo don't need sewers because of the holding tank but we do need it for the town's development," Wilma ,said. "What they are trying to ,do is make (Ripley) ghost town," she said referr- ing to council. "We must fight for (a sewage system )...because there is something we can do." Disapointed didn't receive funding Ripley reeve Donalda McLean said she is "very disappointed" that council didn't receive funding for the proposed sewage -system. "We were:promised that we would get it. We .all thought it would start by late August and now it looks like we won't get it," she said, "People are mating for new septic systems." She said after council learned it wouldn't receive funding its intltial response was to lobby MPP Murray Elston. Clerk Susan Stevenson contacted Mi. Elston's :office May 31. &Amax_ ant i has_ trying to instE11 a sewage system for the past four years. "It's ,an awfully long time for something to get going," she said. Not affected by 'Proposed system Resident Man Irwin said he is not af- fected by a :proposed sewage system because he is on a water ,system that could :be hooked into a :new septic bed if needed. Be said hewouldrather see the entire village hooked up with the sewage system than just the core. Booking up the -entire village would cost the averAgeyer less, aliow lots ktoo -Era' -for ,ra Aleptie iryittem to be developed and ',divide 'the vost Of A sewage .system le said. "We :don't seem to have input into (putting a new systew in,' -he said. Mr. Irwin said -Ripley has A 'better chalice Of .1crowing if :;the -entire village had a sewage system. 'Harvey -Penner said he doesn't have a problem with sewage because .his home is serviced by a 200 to 300 gallon septic tank and weeping bed in the southwestern -end of the village. Be said he had a problem with his system until last year when he pumped the -weeping . bed and the septic Ides. His :problems consisted of the water ,table being too high and the ,bed ,being mostly of clay. Be said -although he won't -.receive .a sewage system when installed -he believes the village needs one. by Lavonne In a dimly-lit room, :all is isilent, ,,ex- cept for the uneven, :labored breathing coming from the person - lying ton .the bed. ,-..Wlinute by -,minute -the breathing ,becomes -larder „and :the -intervals ',bet- meen, longer. Her Minutes are numbered -now; it WillinOt-be lung. „Beside her, sharing ibis ..-overvaelm- ingly vate Juoment, c_a very -special person, a vOlunteer, 41iipititive care morker. -`"Throughuut Ake it ,Inanths ;these two -,peeple, 7100 1",elian -4'os strangers, J*ye lthared 4its,leas, " angers, ',anxieties, Mars <.xutin together they have Jaikod ;.abQut',death and ,about lif red or th and gone thro14,4J, 1 iqeg-ICAORP- tance. Ji.tsid ILL IT, mily members .agoin,,, d wait. eThe carew,orker hs en there to si poi lee, and will be 40,4140 by them long .40terber services M Lthe smaltroOrniare-teqUirtl, _as they .strag- gle -Through the grietng 'Process - bereavement „period. Luelialfw SNOW LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB'S S';, f ' '' ° ' ' L s A k s , c , , , , FRIDAY NIGHT - ALL DAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY JUNE 16th - 17th -18th SLOWPITCH TOURNAMENT 16 Ladles' Teams —32 Men's Teams LUCKNOW AND DUNGANNON DIAMONDS FRIDAY, JUNE -16th —49 p.m. - 1 a.m. .LUCKNOW UNITY CENTRE MONTE CARLO NIGFIT Avon Network for Blisig Palliative care is -a-network of support bribe dying, their families and friends. Tor loom time a service in -place „at Joel:Ed-Western Ontario ,hospitals, it is soon to ,be imPlernented in the Area roervedby the ''Vlingluoll And Ustriet ;Hospital. Pailtative-Care is the Active, comPasaionate Vire :of :the terminally 111 and .their lamilies. It:-.enoOMPROses the emotional, aocial, Viritiled'-allti'PhYlkiela noada-Ofthevatient.:Palliation isVOW- -011014taitAite the effective,,healtby use Of the time rmaining .to :the dying. -and :their laffillios. itlx.uses- On lbe-,qualitY, 'rather than ibequantity, of time. Pamauve e Services work An laboration with ether members of the 'WM-gam tem to lacil4ate3he ,provi- SiOn.s•-Of hojietic care,'Andading -care in boreal/01mA. 'Ole -service 11101400 the ministry-sif the -community 'Clergy, the • hospital -ohaPlains, a volunteer -g010" motor and a number of .tr1490 volunteers -cooperation iwith thc Tarn At 000010. SPIN THE 'WHEEL AND TRY YOUR LUCK SATURDAY, jiLINE 17th 12:00 'NOON - BAVARIAN BARDEN LUCKNOW COMMUNrrY CENTRE —KINETTE LUNCH BOOTH - SWIMMING 'POOL OPENS 9:30 PA. -1:00 A.M. - FREE DANCE, LUNCH AVAILABLE - MUSIC BY "TAMMY'S" SUNDAY, JUNE -18th - BAVARIAN GARDEN 200 PAL 43:01 .M. — 4IONETTE LUNCH BOOTH ALLPROCEEMS NIT Y SERVICE WORK WIONTEMARLOLICENCE OMITS $n'OarriPbell 528403 IDBIN a WARDMAILETTE CHARTERED AccouNTANTs auditing, income tax, computer and management services. WALKERTON 'MOM' 'FOREST B.F. Thomson, PCA K.L. Mier, CA R.J. Millen, CA G.H. Munro, CA P. Thor, CA 8/11-1211 323-2351 Offering a fu lll range of accounting, IIANO'VER W.J. Alderdey, FCA LEI. Vollett, CA J.J. Maw, CA 364-3790 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB'S S';, f ' '' ° ' ' L s A k s , c , , , , FRIDAY NIGHT - ALL DAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY JUNE 16th - 17th -18th SLOWPITCH TOURNAMENT 16 Ladles' Teams —32 Men's Teams LUCKNOW AND DUNGANNON DIAMONDS FRIDAY, JUNE -16th —49 p.m. - 1 a.m. .LUCKNOW UNITY CENTRE MONTE CARLO NIGFIT Avon Network for Blisig Palliative care is -a-network of support bribe dying, their families and friends. Tor loom time a service in -place „at Joel:Ed-Western Ontario ,hospitals, it is soon to ,be imPlernented in the Area roervedby the ''Vlingluoll And Ustriet ;Hospital. Pailtative-Care is the Active, comPasaionate Vire :of :the terminally 111 and .their lamilies. It:-.enoOMPROses the emotional, aocial, Viritiled'-allti'PhYlkiela noada-Ofthevatient.:Palliation isVOW- -011014taitAite the effective,,healtby use Of the time rmaining .to :the dying. -and :their laffillios. itlx.uses- On lbe-,qualitY, 'rather than ibequantity, of time. Pamauve e Services work An laboration with ether members of the 'WM-gam tem to lacil4ate3he ,provi- SiOn.s•-Of hojietic care,'Andading -care in boreal/01mA. 'Ole -service 11101400 the ministry-sif the -community 'Clergy, the • hospital -ohaPlains, a volunteer -g010" motor and a number of .tr1490 volunteers -cooperation iwith thc Tarn At 000010. SPIN THE 'WHEEL AND TRY YOUR LUCK SATURDAY, jiLINE 17th 12:00 'NOON - BAVARIAN BARDEN LUCKNOW COMMUNrrY CENTRE —KINETTE LUNCH BOOTH - SWIMMING 'POOL OPENS 9:30 PA. -1:00 A.M. - FREE DANCE, LUNCH AVAILABLE - MUSIC BY "TAMMY'S" SUNDAY, JUNE -18th - BAVARIAN GARDEN 200 PAL 43:01 .M. — 4IONETTE LUNCH BOOTH ALLPROCEEMS NIT Y SERVICE WORK WIONTEMARLOLICENCE OMITS $n'OarriPbell 528403