The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-07, Page 10Paige 10-4Inekum h „11 Think y for buyitlgi We put good lute irttr everrhinfT vQ0 make - ' • a TY joie TPA !FILERS - 'MOTOR FUMES ehWhsl iisrd:ToPS, Now& 0460 flogs, Golden FakOn, Pwow, •Lynx, Vildng finches -'"TruCk. Cops SALES - RENTAL -REPAIRS 27 Years 1nau&nsis •'CANIPeOUT TRAILERS .11 1 mi. vernittlittnItlOrd•41934938 V'lle few it Oairy uocknow 5e184725 •Auditing 0112V U! 1,141 'N/ W tvi L ; IK CHARTERE ACCOUNTANT ',Financial Accounting *Person91 Corporate Tax Constiltation *Personal Financial Planning nual & Computerized Bookkeeping *Mortgage .& Amortization Schedules 306 Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 Office: 357-1522 LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom home, well kept, aluminum sided, fruit trees.ldeal retirement home. $5%90000 DUNGANNON - 2 bedroom starter home, $15900. iff8ACRES..t. Rollikipasture, 4 acres bush 2 ponds, older bank barh. Asking $60000. 200 ACRES - pasture, Kinloss Twp. well fenced, 'licensed for gravel. Inquire. 306 ACRES - Approx. 150 acres drained - land, 140 acres bush a swamp. 3 bedroom home, barn, pit silo. Kinloss Twp. Asking 4125,000. 4BEDROOPASIDEPUr %acre lotonedge of Lucknow, finished' badement, new win - slows, vocidstoves'.6( fireplace. Approx. 14 years •cild. CULROSS 196 acres, 115 'workable, 50 Itcres4iardwood,scressoftwood,410' x60' 50ACREFARPIltwith4beciroornbricktharne, =orhplettilyvertovatedi:32'oci6it'shop,arirtill barn,'45 creek, well landscaped with 1000 trees. S miles from Goderich. .ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP - 300 acre farm, fieldstonehome,6bedrooms,excellentoon- dition, 200 acresworkablepfbarns set up for farrow to .finish, heated shop, approx. 30 acres ,bush. LUCKNOW - Older 4 :bedroom home with modern kitchen, :Oil ,& mood furnace, wood .stove, -hardwood 'floors, corner lot.Pricedst 460.000. Luc' -,10/ - 4 bedroom raisedranch,farge monwit n fireplace;:carport, do.hcellent condition. T MGS WANTED PAUL 2.1NN 528-2411 ,ALMJN-ROBB 395217A , WARREN Z10\9M 526-3710 ..... WE HEARD IT THRU THE GRAPEVINE... Great Savings On These Used Cars & Trucks. Some One Owner Low Mileage. 1988 PLYMOUTH VOYAGEUR VAN 1988 FORD TEMPO, 4 door, Awry low mileage. 1985 DEJ_TA 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM loaded with extras 1984 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM 1903 BUVIC PARK A4/ENUE, 4 door, loaded 4, 1988 GMCS15PICK.UP, ,verylow mileage 1986 tollEV 44 TON PiCK4IP iow mileage 1986 MO .3/4 TON PICK4IP 1985 GMC•44 TCN FSA FOR Y .11youhregonternplatingcreturninstozehoaktosetycurdeiree.ourvounsellingzessions will thow ,you low lowcan Atith Weicter.n: Kinairdisie Secondary Stbo01, 'Room 14 1Wydneoday, June 21, 4 S20 Western's 99100Fell Wintertalendar for hredit iitudies by,June,15. Counieshfiered Iri,yourarea [inelude: norm - VENIIIALIUSON =CONWAY SC11001. Socktlogyinef(intradurition imSokt100) illoaralays GODERICH•1200E181(31t1S11112CT IOW SCHOOL - Sociology 17eis /17.1B,(Ailingiin tonna: Introduction Ajirg tin renale:`,StleeletHssueS) Ituest4ya KINCARDINE XIMAIIDINEDJ3IKTHIGH SCHOOL PsYcbalosY029ElintroductioniolPsythol* Woolotooldwit .F‘rendi 232EIFTen0h T.borodaYs 011SieSiboinfthemeeksd,Sopttrober 11, ION. 22.4*19. :For lurther inforMation tall line rAift WINO Xincardi0e RePteletOlive At 3064627, 'Meryl 'Thomas (Clinton Vepreficritat[ve) at 40-9467 -or IIIE ViVIVERSITY1W IMMO 01'4ThRIO Foot* :PartTkiselt Etimation • -t% "The ladles Auxiliary* Branch 309, Lucknow of the Royal Canadian Legion lusts& ed its Officers last week. Bak row, June Bremner,. executive; Anna Johnstone, ex- ecutive and sgt-aberms; all Idelttlaughton, executive; Alice Clart, second vice. Front row, Joan Robinson, secretary; Evelyn Henderson, president and Ray Thacker, first vice. (Pat Livingston photo) Donneybrook picnic scheduled mg to discuss more plans "for Vacation Bible school. Leaders and helpersare one qf the main concerns at this time, but it was felt that everything would fall into place hy August. A meeting was held with regard to the Dungannon Domigybrook Picnic to be trek' June 11. it was decided to hold church at Donneybrook with a picnic to 1.01low at the park. The Donneybrook Sun- day School will be in charge of the games. Everyone is to bring plates and utensils. George and Jean Errington attended the funeral service for Bob 'Morgan Sr. 0f Nerssaxti, held at Denning Blathers Funeral Borne, Strathroy on Saturday, May 27. A surprise birthday party for Peg Prwdon was held atthe Agri.culture Hall on Sunday, May 28. Attending were their /artily, Marlene and Bob Derhecker, Dwayne, Allen and Mark of WoOdatock, Reg -and Gennie Purdon, Dave, Carrie, AMberlee and Ashley from ,Icittliener, Rolland Audis Purdon and Dan tf MOMM Aaron and DaVid01Dithawa as well as bathers and .sisters and their families from surrounding area. On Monday, May 29 Donna Alton, Ken and Seth Hodges ited with 'George and WIDOW lamence of Stratford and and :Marian Smith of Morikton. t t“: UNGANNON by Bonnie Hodges iimmoIONN.1111•11111110111•111•1111mm Dungannon Senior Citizens A delicious pot luck supper was en- joyed at Dungannon Senior Citizen Cen- tre on May 31 followed by the regular euchre party which -was enjoyed by the 13 tables present. High lady, r Iris Culbert; low lady, Mary E. Stewart, high man, Clarence Cunningham; low man, Nets Pearson. Greetings were extended. to the May birthdays - Bertha Olson, Clarence Allan, Beck Culbert, Kim and Jodi Lee (Clinton), Elmer Trommer, Bob Markham, Barbara Pollock, Dorothy Barris, Clara .Stewart (Goderich). A reception was held at Dimgannon Agricultural Ball on Saturday, honour- ing the recent wedding of Lynn Culbert to Bob Oliver of Walton. Visit= with Ken and Beth Bodges on Sunda were ,Jatir and BUby Smith of Margaret and Jim Errington Malted friends and relatives in Cambridge over the molten& Thought forte week (ED.) 'The trou- ble with — being punctual is that 'nobody is there to appreciate it. JOHN EDMUND ZEMSUSON aOhn -Edmund Ferguson Of Point -Clark Pawed :may laolt atildaY Jane 4, mie in the Kincardine britt anspital. He was horn m Huron ''lloingthip an Apo 30, 1912. Ilis parents were John IltrIpason and Melia Potter. He is surviv- ed by his wife Myrtle Wilson and their - ciark xrf'Huron township, 'David - Branton, LynnItealegulgs, Murray - ;Huron township, 'Nan - 1Vhs. 'Roy Geddes Kincardine, Vilma - Mrs- Wilmer MacKay 'Kincardine and seven grandtididrns. He is afirvived * one 'brother Lester Ferguson on the atzth conceasion we* in 'Buren top and is imedseessefl by one brather,and,tvro toasters. The 'funeral agervice *so held in the Martenzie McCrelith Funeral Rome in on Imeidei afternoon 2 pm 4100 ISO with Rev. •Vierard Elam « LM0W in «met Unwell in Incardine (VosigtetY. 111•111111111111111111111111111111 "PUY • AB WYLDS Tel/lacing the one &destroyed by fire this past *inter. Ifijav mama's thiftitute Anna MacTavish was hostess for the Ripley Women's Institute in ..June. Dessert was IMMO at UN pin lby Annie Sett and Margaret ,GetamelL President Mary 61ir0Oits gold Secretary Florence Kirkpatrick and acting in the *Wove ,of Joyce Macpherson conducted the Wness. The oil .caB was °Sing Say /or -MAY' Many IUMUIing jokes were oniYea. A report of the District Annual lield Liucknow was Oven by Mary Brooks and Fioroce ,Kirkpatrick. It reported that Elizabeth Jrairlo out again atter *pry. Plans were made for the annual tea. It will be Livid on Awe 14 bake agtie also at the Legion EBIL Condo* were Oven by 2.111a Visited* *ace MOO V911 and Anna ,Maeraviab viskted let etresk arith their ,eoueis AMy fiichelSOn and Ada II* at carttee Woe this side 4 Unit St. Marie.,'1130 iefeetther was /cold and win0 '.0) the weekend when they ream