The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-07, Page 6Page I —tacksow *gaol, Wedaesday, Awe 7, British Aar Alastair Berm a BritiSh *Quaker, is Le& visiting _Quaker Meetings across •visithw °'SalitlOvjane 11, he *11 fie in the lucknow 104. ,Kitatiener Area -Quaker Meeting will be holding a service At 1:304ra. at the farm of Pran and Tony Luck now area si . 'The public is welcome -at ;ads silent Meeting for Worship. Beron will'then lead a discussion on 'Speaking to our -condition: a Ministry to Friends". He has written a pamphlet In which 'be explores the "need for an active faith, a lruSting .of -ourselves to the love of -God itad 'to the leadings ,of Goes 4phit in our lives". The afternoon will conclude With a pot luck dinner at •aboUt 410. -On Monday evening, June 12, Mr. Heron will lead an informal *discussion on Quakerism based on hisexperiences among 'Quakers in England, "New Zealand and Australia and North America. This will be held at /:30 p.m. at the cQuail farm and the public is •invited to attend. . .Y‹ e.r xs.,1 CUST MERS AND TY LE ERS AGREE: TAIL S STAL OUTLETS OFFER BETTER SERVICE FOR • U. f)ut1ets across the coufltry. offer Canada Post customers anqre access to ostI ri3 lids and services. On average, tours of pastas service operation have mon than doubled in communities where service has changed from a post office to a,Retail Postal Outlet operated by local business. Thousands of rural Canadians can now purchase stamps or pick.up mail in -the evening or on weekends. ‘'WEA VERY:PLEAS NOM" THESERVICE,IIERE" Margaretirwkert; Area Councillor, Alma, 'Ontario Councillor Margarettickert says'the Retail 'PosiatOutlet egablisjied in 'her town, -when posalsell/Ices/Imre convertedflo a local busiuess, 1105 hadaipositive impactrowthet-conununity. "We ',walks sera watui 11104 s vely well used. "