HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-07, Page 4-P.O. Box -400, .Lucknow, Ontaro NOG 2HC, 62802822
---;:Efitablished 1872
Thomas Thompson Advertbmg Manager Subscription Tates advance:
Pat Livingston — General Manager 4,17.o Outside Canada 46890
*141.0Outside Carisda15890,Senior.ditizen
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• lb.
anirionth_LU_Ontarjo ,.1m1 the themorthls,,year is Tp
-the :Potential, as :lopsided Intents and mellebratians ClIre ,710111d.
The theme Isas a thnoble •message. older Chstarians it says:
"Discover fallow :talents and 'new 410riZCWIS. 'These are 'the years af op-
. pertunity.." ,And reindads sill Of so that seniors are 2imager .44) meet
new challenges and ,thare ',their 'creativity and strength with as.
Look oraliond - every slay :molars are Making sohoalble ':contributions
orrassAlse.iFwevhsesi.Sieniars aran be found ,practliting ,lcoo. accounting
; and asisdidossias as *inners ,working th.Ir- kond. They 2contributo
ifie -liminess world; 'they "no „sought after lar lite& -trade skille;
mid lheyatm Ise ,found loathing, writing and -nrseardthsg. Many
sailors we& in .7haspitals, with children, and at volunteers In the
•saclalkond ihessith.seridass'!fisolds. In oach case, -they centilbute their
experienna. -imperil's and svisdam,..ammill ,sis o orillihmness to istor-
-licipate and le Isarn.
'The ,years sifter -retirement ,offer great pOt.ntIoller MOW beginn-
ings. Across Ontario, seniors are igehogisadc to ,sidstsell. 'Inanting,aw
sports, starting novs,iscainesses. and working 40 make Their mon:
•.].Soniors *lay.an active 'vole sus menther• s ctavm .t;,cosantils, boards
of education. -ratepayer groups and ,other pubik serVies , organize -
In builn.u, government, -oducation ;ihesidth and slstireation,
seniors are ,an iliptogral :part 'of "the T.distiliictountialting proems. 'This
.4thenseircin1poster. salute 'those Who 1coritellouto sioilflestly
.:,their time and afferti.
Seniors are ,,,productive; "oge.'is no 'Aerator 4o Vjgour. 7They are ox-
.f.perienced and ,,;_kneviledgeolisho. ..,,Sediorsarso o,.msaurce we can all d. -
pend on.
Juno will I. ovoryonees opportunity to bulId invanenoss-vif the
vatentlal our .'enlars possess. It is a lime to appretkItoi. A-4.1me'le
Aehabrate. For :settlers 'this is prime time. ...Lot us 111111 Isp •,,`The
a be
W, /..ite • letter
to the editor.
EWs-The,BM To A;Nieety 4. It.
lennie ,has ;just had erected s Iteatft
Portable garage -which meets the - re-
expire:nerds -ot the -cavort/ter in that
!respect about 4311101y as anything
agiusbe. The buildings-Ikre-nitale,inlec-
Aims, ,mad Ithe whole :Ulu* —sides, :roof,
braces, brackets ,guid ix& - is
.the buyer Toady, to Setnn-s
so ',that theierection:jit ,but :email jc
land -counts In ilowle--days Juan
And q•141111-PaY. Mr. G A.-,Sudll is local
t: for *the Rreoton large.
' AIM* hi
:deal V! service the last year of the 'war
iaridlwasfors litlieWith the:army onthe
jue 8, 019
litherS Iliad Gob iT,-Dtilog ,Joe
reeived a--ervArelPital in 1113:Aboad:,:vtbile
,-'41149$ at'ittailDetitild!S 0111 *.POnti 100
ad von 'Imuiting :',aisnlor -4( Ilan
clamps t?V.1400''the,:wound ,,but an x-ray
'The few -*ides Srea high **Os
haveteen Ilavirg their formals and this
speelal'-'0ecitidenin.,the lives o our sons
ariddaughters brings "bac* Memories.
illvventrtive). years 'ago I graduated
frOorkbigh rsthool and :attended my 'fbst
formal. .1 was dating M. Visit and I
seem to recall baying to voaxildminto
attending this special event. liewasmore
• iriteresited In,cars Ahan 'danehig, Asa
appeasethe love of :1s lifelwgracious-
Vratnettiber :the we�ksdhto
ng .:(48!
the loormil —the *vatic time of .gettirg •
thorright dress,,Ileekliaron:trow to wear
yortairandgetting- your Shoes died to
match yurdress.
1 Timber When the ,girls wore long,
White gloves If your; dress was lthort
• 1 rerrannber when the guys wore black
_shoes and Viiitesoeks arid theTatitswere
just a ifttle4horter than they . are now.
I 'r7remerither the 'Ibis Iledsion isehig
madeas to .Where we would go lo 'dine
after the ',formal.
iver1ly4five:years may tave lgone
tutthoseartajordecisitakare still being
made by the .young men and women
litartheyreogmen worry alma which
.tuxedo toTeitt, matching their bow tie
and ,,nummeriamd to their date's :dress,
wbhertorettalimo and where to dine
'Neon the dance.
The .yougladies •'11ii17Worr,IY 'aber
th�ice �f,dress, tow to wear/heir lair
and getting their thins • :dyed, but they
doret .'have to he :concerned with long
:gloves, andthe proper method el -Temov-
ing their land through the ,.button
back to :told theit :Tefreshments!
Number One .,Sonies formai was .last
weekend ,and although he has attended
Alters, -this sue seemed to :be More
special. Vo bimpethaps /*cause rif Who
ozAr.,Ak 47'W...VAA.VAIKAAA A,"..lioacmt. mx,
was `accompanying him and the fact that
he is graduating this year; to me;
becattse of the fact that he is graduating
this year mid 4reit fall will be off to
Off to college- vitere did the time go'? 7
-doesn't semi that long ago that I pat
him, on -the bus to attend 'his first day at
ldndergarten. I nmeniber standinget the
end ef the laneway and crying as the bUs
went down the road. Nuniber One Sett'
,dithil -rTy - he seemed happy, but mom?
was losing ter baby.
L-renannber the agonizhig decision
making when it ,came to choosing the
course of study in high school. I
remeniber his grade nine when L
wondered If 'he would -ever finish high
school and threatening trim that he wordd
.go to school =tithe tad e 'beard to his
knees if had anything to do with it
• Temember viten he got 'his driver%
license and how my heart stopped every
-time the ;phone rang When he was ,o1C
With the car or truck.
As I sit 'here ',typing this eoiurnn,i find '‘
it bard to believe that close to 19 years
:has gone by since Number tone Son
entered this world. That _saying "My how
time flies when you're having fun" comes.<
-to mhid. Wbiki11 the times weren't 'fun, t?
it is true - lime does fly, and as _it .goes
by 1 grey • matter stores aiw
memories - memories that are ours
Before I start ming au over Mr. IBM
I tad better wrap this colunm up, but
first - to all you graduating students,
from, • werywhere - thanks for the
mem 'es xurd good latir to you all as
you ,embarir upon the next thaptere of
your *lives!
dOe 7aftheltoya. au 140114x laa :placed
.r •
In prscIaI ',saller's 300617 • Peter, 4t. at 'LEMealy ,(ialsolod
liziMeb,180WitOlasnotaltiminettto IsseV4platkiglirst; la District V plow
thealoprotlatkillevel Where ',10:10acedctitird. iloalbounpoon, Zone Cl
uikike;preotatationattelloweb Artaeetipgit wee.
• 25yeinto jltao
Ale 101 110
Ripley :Watigist Re.caed, 1raped-JO
'VIVA operatorof41).018114eY,PnigAtom
or Abe.peat 45 years, w .aided fr*n 1is
secundcaPor0 -s-lwindow About 5 (00.1905
.Sday ,morning by ,members of 10
110,10Y Fwe Departinent
Power ilf',',tor 11Asia u Ivotiirkod
The viI1ae,of --14.10know and c,parts
4004141, Weat ,Wawausob and •
townships were without hydro power on
.Saturday ,evening And 'Sunday morning
Yiben;a144 -POe Vino Into lbe',.14uolcnow
distribution '14.000 'burned off.
'find meat out around 4:40
',-pirro• Saturday -3vbeplbe ,41.00 vOit
Uon at the top ottbe *Ole grouudad,.
.burnott..-',;11)11r0relviS 1040141030114)reitore.
powerOrto the e ', JO; pm. but
:.74114 Or in ,Ue: Va9110411$ re940
)401 4:41) Arno
The days of the 35, -cent ;,-igunbiner
1,-$1,000 to:the main Street -of it;oulktkisw,
Saturday, when .:barbecued :hamburgers
were ,sold in .frOnt of Fairview ESOOti as
part of tbeir grand ppeaing-440.210tigils.
rIfe, Hilda
e store, OrgietlY
r • ,• r, • • 1-1. I 1 1• 1' 1: ,11, Y.)