The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-31, Page 14Ars 'Awe 14-4;tutkamcSenthie1ja Jae. Auction =Sale lier3111: . Autto Sole Deari 1±Audio Sale =-of `##ouse"hiOld = ttecte for $llltr0 & Mrs. Kira d Tiltehie 411 +lavelock St. . ..1.4Micnow Ii71 riday June ath,189 `forttore 1riformation :.Contact: Jerold Ritchie 1=4 ,'Auctioneer Brian "Rtntoul 35-n2349 PropemiSold tiproominv Zonsignment 1..1411fthinery Auction Mxo''i:my Jim ih `�i/s a .Sharp �+t Brhndley SMes Yard 1annon -Approxi40-tractors, iSO-otecosot-equ1p- rntand15con binas.Foll'Histingtnnext iireak's gyp. Corments Walcome • -For more lntonnation oP "to consign .qulpment. aI lZ29:7625 rr 9 -CJD "Titsvillittelheiaatoonsigrmaantaucnon zioldlatthelkaidley'Salas Yard. +lotisehold Mffects for Jack Wicksteari RR.: 513RUSSELS on Batuntay, ,fie 1,0, 19 1 BOO pin .,Lot 11, Conc.. 3 GMarris"T ., 1 :comer ill llro ce,..2mo ers:East. . Eor, mora nzon act ,litaCk4WWkstead 291-4252 Akian Mintoul 357;2349 ' AUCTION - SALE ItHiennanachieeprrandizoonsathousehtid Ifitflacts4or F" Li m AFRUEBEbl METT#IR .,:anaot.20aicom:t.4.`.' Twp..i3 s asotiltof”. ftraen4iwy.44,°fin, 2 twd• /a; $$ a.wsston:Zinc. 142on tY, ' l#moon . nch a th 11 H4HEHY: r 2.14 d4844cidlllee9 icforIONce_= w); a n.Jahr nailer; ° ,11621 :f 1/50Ldi satitacior; igniMlam xracior« ietalloaderlotA X.,; . Zoltnianvatio r 3-funtOwl?6'•' etkan r IPE. ti.r M Fa,3�1.urraw1Rlavr;A:C. 740oth,xhia llpiow;. 3 .41 int 464t. znitIv or wthwi c J;H #1 U 24i1,1a lII•,N:F.74wPTtlrno er; 4444:MM. al ar:aisle. rake;rNIVFelt 2 tai;Aaytath 1141 a alaaMorra kthinaior _ It. illatiackaiithrwaSOM*A10-44I0 .17_anituolondingionisciaexwithootand Martinliamsingernjoncnavosswityilio 5eiett wn;..1;101inaicDwtalase N.i. 104WPTf __ -j. .iRllJlI0MMNala M MI isf-A3:14110 arti41.,/ I4.R�- iu1�r7�1i.f D, Ltseolior; Amor 12" ltstet rte► fir, 1-sor erg 1'lkllii; 111e y r; iir%at oo tr,_: Ilihtn�_ foot r. /��#ii�r m - r: ts; lualnincii0nd .iatalsOomkts: TWIN ri#iamehald s .101 Aloo error: VitoMMOrszt- U•.1 4a! Or • janl AUCTION REI T.: i�111EfD. vENi1�TG,'`�IIA'1/:fig, :6 �► . - le7of onaenolda iftactss nd me:::antigu es 10 r 1heiTORSAOSAIIlNS"'C{.UB leacibeheId the'for Cosa:.oerrnumtty-Centre. 1. EVVN1NG,.''' ; E 82,, 6 71,ZW1. - Sale :of - rurbtle Iraiiereor'Te p,CE COUNTY 3IaER nctlouse#midtltacts nndanti- mues: g l or ` eartomand`AItdnray liontasAtalwalo fickArena>COmplex. HAAT.., E o,1O:A.JII. `e►. ;. rh�.�g ate.mf motlern= am ery4antique ars, ills sck ac4aeorme. onsahoIdittia atnd /InniqueslotDONsla3HEILK ' p -+y' NonJot 12,.=Lanc. Atallborongh" Two., 4*Wes 7SointffaiatiorTovintdatelhrongtfRothaay Aonlhe ra 3d.,1hen T 4-intfesNiorth on SIdei sd 12. JeriMetcalfeAuction i :rip ?'791 139. dticatcnel 'TRANSs p `ray MAR latAINING for glass h'-`41" Iience. : No -experience necessary tau `job ~plat .assistance. 'Markl institute of Pro es- sional -Transport 'Training, -Guelph. 14130005 -17173: ---The Ian T Id 4.IgTO.t the SoUtlAvesten9 Ontario 'School -of aAuo- : tioneering. ,Neat Blass June'.'10417i/J9. c r infonnatitmcontactSouthwesterothgario :ficixtoittAuetioneexingallOolNaosistack, Ont.1S 9. 0191531.4111.4be FREE :.; 9 guide.,_to Astildyittoime c - -r p k ee Aunts for hest ;gious.somas: Acgoittlieg, ,Air.eon. .fh ,=�•'�'% 9 * - niR w C� y, Meetie ejoillMetlil Secretary, J' J , ranWJ A) .163 Again tie 1-.W, to. 1> •:lierVi' in SWAM : f;ottrikaria0therVikolet, Abe a.QvtppA mele/vet �.i� maiebi'w.. p ed Y 3 'MWIY =fie IRO Mak .alt_') may, pr' ;fir , &'gives forg!, 4' n tLL :t. ie- 'al e. , it:: Ue t4 ey j w the e $ cj a my bg , weLiov'e 't.,'VV W#..th.r37 Jv "! y. ys of:: tie 'MOON, `art Ac 1 1 ..tae¢ Dior .. 1 ±±AAR. r Fra y ' -.. r 01T « 1w 'e 1$r ver• IPS, y:otily:lnkixo►y YAM 'BO' THE Yui',.; .'SOW Liens :luibViShes to -thank All those =%Vho participated -fru their recent run -nage sale. Special 'thanks to the line auctioneers mho donated their .talents.-•22ar VAar-- We woulii like to'thai k,f rnily,1rends and neighbours ' for .all the -fit ',Wishes, Cards nndgifts-thatve'received on The :occasion off your 25th anniversary. We will have -many luippy memories of this'speeia1 day '.for many . years to come. 'Antone attd `Delores Van Orcin. --1 Our sincere thank you to our family and frientlscfoMheir parte-earls, :cards, ,gifts and «sits during' our -stay An 'hospital and since °"coming 'home. -Serial thanks 'to Grandpa and Grandma for looking after Christopher. ''minks -also'to the Drs. aril staff oftheLucimow"lldedical en'tre.andto Drs. Tsandelis, I arruthers and' Nurse and tine4th` boor ifof¢St: lary'axospitalfor thesexc ellent .care we 'received. -Pam and Jayme.: IVEIVISHIftexpress ou rsineere appreeia- tion to nor 'relatives, 'friends and 'neighbours for their thoughtful :support tltzzin ourrecentlossforthe:sympathy pressed through visits, cards, and 'dona- tions to the Heart and Stroke Society, Cancer 'Society, "The Kidney Foundation „r►l i?hilrlr res iilusoftel -IV Western .On- tario, and the beautiful lloral:ar- rangements :.and the many ::gifts xif -food. Also, we wish 'to thank Douglass IVIcliurney and `Douglas 'Laytwi .nf the M u ney-.amera133ome, theRev. Madge andthe t-ailiPsofthe33eigrave A.0 W..and the adios ofthe JthlineEast'W:awmiosh. A -very special "'thank you' 'l to Dr. Gear -& the :nursing .s1; Tf .nn :second floor of .ingham and District Hospital. 'Your thoughtfulness A long 'be -remember-ed. Ar'clyss Johnston, Linda and. John Rather - „Lord and -family, Janette and "John De .Medeiros andfamily—.2 MADSON Abeartfelttlimilryowto everyone -who at- tended our -reception .at :the Ripley :Com- uunity `Centre May E. You elped make this ilay wery special. Sincere ;thanks "to 'bath . iazriilies their bard work, Aecarktiugmuteleaningmp..lutadditional thank -you ztneveryOneforall the :beautiful .-YYour;gieneroSityand bestmilliesare .greatly appreciated David and Elizabeth I/adsorAMWAY b-422 rwoltld Dike ;t0 :thank everyone for ',their : apt tfttly diene'' metas:in impital• .A -speasilkankstoikaligissis4auttnursee Gln: Ci loom lDial• Alum, Au my lawny And 'friends. Juan `fray, 111$12018 Vestlittdothanknurlottutruelstiboomin ►t• littkaibr flovSyi i to an latopii8:i .•'titope t 8' , lnktntitab ",10:111140%20Wilfgiellil ,iv Ass t lonti 46Avry billhooks r, ;i Mb) 'Itionixod Aikany *psi Alin hi ! `' V '+ YQNE 4110 ` -'.til v it, iii t ° w,.l rr 9pcl :tel issxtt toAll -pf-er asvguAlurfal Itabysst r• 4une 'I1•— . gor t S f 14003: , Y ta. ,1 • 1 / 01110 4; 48. •C nitrip *vents '$'llbA3L�iIr1'i�, for Julie Clarke will be 'held on Saturday afternoon, Jtine 3, 1, at South 1CinloSs -Church. Comefor desserl at 1:30-p:ran.—/i, 22x 133RD ANNIVERSAIY of South Kinloss Presbyterian eongiega- tion,Sunday, June 11, 11 a.m. At 7:30p.mn. Guest minister, Rev. togerMcCombe, In- gersoll. Special music -at the morning ser- vice by Senior and Youth choirs; evening 'service Jelin -De Jager, Glide/Joh, tenor soloist. 21, 212ar SEVENTH Annual 'Ontario DECOY Show, 'Holiday 'Inn, Dh?iawe - June 11, 1989, 10 a.m. 'Buy, -sell, "oxide old ginning and tleeorative decoys, etc. For information: (416 )V549627;1234789, 655-3158.---22be VIEW a °vastarray of aqui menet andsup- piies tat the BROAD WIPE MA'. I'S SHOW In 'Mount Por -est, Ontario, June 13 4111d -9,4200'I egistration.--22bc ANNUALMEETING Of the Wirngham and Area Day Centre for the 'Homebound, June 26th, 1:06 .para., Wingharn Annouries. Video presentation 'Looking for Yesterday' with'Naomi Feil. Everyane welcome: -tar ti ilDI11111G INTO VERSAV3' t :1. on ton with: neared:andliedversIli f)Jotnason, on the or','z ion of their 130th wedding an- niversary, :Saturday, Jame 10 from 1:30 - -4:30 pan., Ripley'Legion t3a11. Fellowship arrdgood <wishes only, please. -22, 23x AISINUAlAigtfiNG for 'YY inghar n :1 ,1 Di •M I✓ornini7r1 L£ - uig issociatitm,Alm day,June12,lipan..at iVingham Ignited Church. Guest speaker Harry .2w.erver, executive director -af the Ontario Association for Community Living,--22ar W.ingham `misery School -pre- registration forthe 1989-90 :school year will be tend on .Jim .8 and 9, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children must be 2A years old and toilet trained. Come in and see us :on Josephine StreetacrossfromtheiownBall, orphone 357-2362. Register your .child now to avoid 'disappointment in September -722, 23 _ DABBEHIUNGO lineknaw,,and e ' :t d ctrl ions 1✓iub, Dabber Bingo ,everySun fay ,Lucknow.C.mur}- mtuiity C entre.Doorsop!ena.33i at '7a5 lam. Air onditioned, wheelchair accesSike. Potential prizes board 'over $3;080. ,1;0110 jaCkpot on N calls or less. .anust; o i- ,tfuar iANNIVsERSARY Services be belt ,8ticiniongh -Preabyterisn Unroll, June .4t.b at Mae man. and ,pan. YI►i"ihToter Den`t1iair°as tvesker.liefresbmentsservetafter :services. Bveryntieiswveleoni VRAME liintknow' Sur_t.Ansiliarysponaora lint-.i`T gay a3r Crafters $ ,'$axlir -111. •.-+'i' . • iltueknow fun tll.Sverymie ,w .lune Mot* Tomatoli(� o.1Y�h s 'b Uvin {'w-094$ Cao `*A- v.1p I p lie MAO. a 10449,1 .9114/A.430 ----4112x IQUIPXKAP - Owe ' , 14094141043•,ppy� lt ` `j� 1. h ; ? �1 �AeW o iOAni.d ookinaditoior ;SAO; .9001 r o a 40114), 41090 L11:10 4tilii• JO* AlixtrI'C9igt• r 1 p l , 000444 •r IWYs4iffi 8 JYT Pigiart4 iN99940vvy �'v0.41400.