HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-31, Page 13p). AuctiOn Solo T7. -Apartments torrit kyltOUND. LEVEL, Ileated apartnten available for 'Tent.."._Suitable for -mature adults. -Ptiono528;3045:—..:22tIn 18. -Houses forRen j THREE MEDROOMIarmhouse, AShrield lownsinp. Phone 'Francis Rogan r3E6i3431 after 6pnii.itw`..52947348.22 24. Minted toRen ,WANTEUTURENT 4..couritryhome,:three !bedroom, between .LuCknow and Mingham:Phone395;3302.---42142x }:26. -Kelp Wanted 'TRANSPORT ,DitiVirAS Nth,. • - Get - your 'Class `411"Aicenceat Ontario's oldest luidlargesttrainingeentre . Courses start every 14kaulay. 'Tax '.3:leductible, ',weekend courses, lobassistance no, experience -re- quired. MERV ORTUS 'TRANSPORT 1480042654559 Cambridge and London ,--;-50tfar AlISTRAIJA. Experience •a "FAN- TARTIc UHALIFFINGE" on.aBeefRanch in ,Queensland. If you have .farming and horse riding -experienceand 'you _zee bet- ween 1948, contact: 206, 1501-17thAvenue SW, Calgary, Alberta 72T .0E2.-422bc 'PUBLISHER OF 'COMMUNITY NEWSPAP.ERSiirtheN seekssenior editorial . We.need indMthials with expertise.in copy-editing, newspaper pro- duction and supervising reporters. -.Resumes to:'Annelies Tool, Managing -F'ditor, Northern ',NewsServices,:Bot:2820, Yellowknife, NWT.,'.:X1A .2R1. (403). Z7344031.---422bc -SOI ONE to c,omein :to ourhomeMon- daytoFay-fiilltizne position, to look After -:.two -_children ...ages 2 :months .and 2 years. Light housekeeping -.duties also. Must:have own :transportation, be.a nen- • smoker. Good wages .for the right in- . xlivichial.Piameafter 33Tuce :County 33aarti :of Miucation invites Applications 'for the Piollowing ;ItositkinlIffective Almost' 1, ljTERMAINTENANCE AND IMPAIR 'TECHNICIAN -Thisitialulktinitiposition43511citmiveT ,weskywhichAvillincludoworicingmttnthe OthertepairAsc1inicians.in.Audio•V1sisa0 Servioestintavitheniphasisvn: 1:..17rovidligtechnicataisistanceio1iin- --Lipals, Assittliers, Aind Isupport Vail, in- .„ x.ludinglistawarsandaoftwareinstallation and -trouble $g$sweIhasne s Arainingziatlittioxperatethemonputsts; frapairing the llitrdware i.and 4:ifitiphetalsandamsintainingsninventory 'i3tzpints;. '..eilloftatateicparatirxrartssegnaupportto - schools. 4rAtaraatathataiiiiimialviiimmid :aisitiortogatherwitirazomPl010.1100zP- vateranoaerty -rEalaciay,ridane713, -11119,c1o: 1)._autELC04evientot:Poraoneal -Thfy_Butc.o--Csiuntyzlikaap:113teduaation r800c190-Tahaat0Y,I)fterto.AKO U0 519.40.3i2014 ammionienmmink, WN IP of ASHFIRD Plilications,-WilLbeteceivedbythelunder- tirilintItu0014:3#TPAiwonAiondaVione-3, 4989 .17his4atiitioncisriora -,partrtiine load tInay j4Md , to fuli titne qetnploytneotLDtaie:ii'4llz-coor•Jsvof:r,rissso- itingr.ltaidertOaeratoriiabowermed7,wnerai ,..46.4101katioisillsAlittAillt_e_lacelcktiMen100Y- ritnen4lelatedeysaerience,taketirselervoces. i:SocceStolopaliontsousthaveror.lobtairt-a ss-'13:Z"f-Ativers*ence. jotthertiftkormation:/o4Yke:1013.1Red_i)11 cort.tactiliglh.e1R.0art*opetiotektdent,:N01,P- lilicationtrtecesforily,,,,aocei)ted. „Kevin' -Cook Raid 4oRerintentiteol t-Rsit'-'7_14ocknow0-0otatie "TP,h0ne: t519) 529-7103 ev • '11.10NSIBIO,,, keen person.requiredto opetate farrowcfiniSh operation. 'Salary 420;000 plus 13onus 'plus :house. Phone 1941438.-42 'HOUSEWIVES, Methers'& intereSted per - ,sons 'needed immediately to sell toys and sgifts for National HomeParty Plan. No in- vestraent, -deliveries „or money collection. Call (519) 1587905.-10bc ' STAMT 'TODAY! ',Exciting 'R'aShions ! In- dependence ! ! 'Extra money I A 'free ,sample line! •Call -us collect 416Z32409018274660 MA HERIE Home - `Fashion Shows,Est. 1975.--42bc JOBS for Mxperionced Molders, Vinek7Trailer 'Body Assemblers, Truck .Equipment Installers. Durabody and Mailer lAcl. -P.O.13ox 12, Bond Read, On- tario LOG.IBO. 416-775;5338.--42bc MELP riVrATIMD 'MAWILTGE is man - ..ding. 'Mon/Women 'needed to I1 and 'market our line quality products. MeSt Sales Plan Ever! C11collect after • 3t30 (519),Z27-1337.--422bc :28. 'Business Opp ortun ily YOUR FUTU1E starts rwith...TriZounty Truck :Driver -Training. lEstablished in :1978, job search assistance _Eivaili;ble, •daytime, evening and 'weekend 'courses. 14004265-0.400 - Camixidge.--16bc "Dealers .and 'Distributors required to inarketaimique_andPROVENPIVIDUCT withno serious competition -.asmartalter- native :to window -replacement Complete trainingprovided_Modestinvestment, ter- ritory lassigmnent :and protection :available PAU Ter write: .Mr. (.Davis, (416) 4654770, Nifintite -TM Energy Systems, -418 Manion 'Road, ;Units :3546, Woodbridge, Ontario, IAL 3P8.-22bc Your OwnMOMIEDET 4,11. GMusiness for ander .$140.00! ! ! Complete training -1110n1121 'Euliproductiine-MxedientEtiPt 1krrtiriz•40in1eOtiti1. 2iunny33tifiljt, 1104) 77364681, 24 Airs. ::The :California ''.11ouch:--a2bc "EARN2EXTRA.INCOME! Ji'bute 13or itif,lizquality ?stainless .steel 'Ailitiilers and _hardwood air 'cleaners •:Contact: 'Mater Timity-Systems,b3713rantSt.,33ur1ingtam, Ontario 12R2G6. 4164394503.--22bc Established -"TONING AND G Salon, Profitable, low .stress, -enjoyable, first class -equipment. 'Excellent lease Reply -Enterprise News, Arthur, Ontario 'NOG IAO,Boz210A,----22bc 30. "irtpioyinent Wanted1 MGR SCHOOL student 1avniiable for babylitting lifter:June 1.6th:1orinore in - :formation call12M46,--,22,23 121. larviceMirectory 1 1101JSE TAINTING, .Tyartlen.d :basement cleanly, tree trhmning. Seasonable -rates.lPhone:526-2318,40-,23ar VIRASSVUTTIM raillliark Andrew, :5284Z25. -÷20-,23x :Dia:0,-.EXCAVATING -VaVrrack leader- Ilater..dor z excavations, lading 'gravel, littipping teix101ence bottoins,,etc. all4001.-411.24ar VLOCKSWAIRED rvaelLoo, -graisliathorp, ,Inagirmtheo. cF,IM iESTIMATES. RI** 41,11(1 Alelivery n be „arranged. tAlsew- 41eWallerY, it,tuul Vhildren's ArAtir, _Lieknew,5284512.-÷22 VON01180011911 laomrote,find 'General -V.PntrovIIN AfFoUtsIDAITOtta-iVi?VisMIX$ -1,1)RIVOVAYS lfia)9131NO 3i.,#1.-A.1.111j13N0-9NT. *QM 1,E0 SMALL zEQUIPMENT RENTALS - laWn and ,garden, Concrete, atitomotive, `painting, cleaning, sunders, 'power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles nast of 'Kincardine on No. T highway. 195-105.-42tfar PHIL'S REPRIGERATION -43z Appliances Service. Deperidable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 14874062.--42tfar REPRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice --rebuiltappliances; cashior yourns- ed appliances. Call Luelniow 'Appliance Centre, 528-2948.---4tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant MDonald, Ripley; 'Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Ileeswater 392A170.--tfar I Weilsesilit PLANNING AN AUCTION? No sale too -big or toosmall ! Call Allan lifiller395-5062 or SW Maldenby 39545142, .Licensed Auttioneers.----11tfar. CUSTOM SEWING 'and alterations, reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at .528-3141 or drop in at 471 1Nolsley Street, Lucknow.---46tf COURTNEYSEWINGMACHINES .Sales and service. Phone 39545341. Satur- days .3964945. RR 1, Ripley, Point SEE BS FOR YODR STAIITER, alter- nator, generator and regulator. 'needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, north of 'Whitechurch. Phone257-3495.--18tEnar ltlICKEY *New Zonstruction A.Renovations !Decks *Aluminum Trim Work 4leplavement Windows awn :doors -*Roofing ifFerrn Buildings Licensed :carpenter Atter van. 12:1t.ars .4.ftinsAmmin ,529.7B72 Charles t.resilbert Septic Tanks, Weeper Beds Farm Drainage, Basements 4/61Zioderich 5297511 Back -Hoe boir Reasonable /bites George MCBt. ; • - 39645093 )24. Perm:mai •HAVING ,A DRINIUNO `-PROBLEM? can ;help. 1?hone L ch :§244001 or Walkerten11114615,41/ti l'REONANT„andlietd 119cFree:Poottive ,c0fiftileatial StippOri. 0574769,57-1.(168 or jaindon -04197 c011ectar ' 1" NO° -c-yet -Cll (411tar1(YAlinistry•of licAlt11,441)51191.1ine 5631A11).S :4. i)-erisora& ALLIANCE ONTARIO. ma Alinbrella 0rgatizatiota a`glittg? WHY?,OfficiallyEn- forced Toren& Special Status ,Canadians Millions cfibtir 'Tax* Spent, ,Contatt: Box 221119, Barrie, Ontario IAIVIWS.--`22be 35. 'Noticet�Creditors %b. 14011M TOMEI:41'0M AND,OTHEIIS Allelainasagainsttheestate of ROBERTJAMES RErt) late of the Villageof Luelmovr,l'n the Coon- ty of Bruce, deceased, 'et* died ma ,or about The 13th day of April, 19116, must be filed with the =de/Signed on'or before May 31, 1969; thereafter the Executers 4)f •the estate will distribUte The assets of The -estate having 'regard only to the claims of which the .undersigned then bas notice. Dated `May 4, 19119. Donald Reid and Wilda Paricer, Ex- ecutors, c/o GEORGE J. ROPEY, Bar- rister.olicitor, Bor611), LUCK:NOW, On- tario 'NOG 2H0.----20422ar `NOTICETOCREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THEESTATE OF .ALvalrr MORTCIN All persons having claims against the estate of Albert Morton, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, who died biroraboutile-attrilaro-- are hereby 'notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on :or before the 28th day of Jirne, 1969, after which date, the estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have •notice, ants the imdersign- ed Will mot be liable to anyperson Tif whose claim she'..sba-lmot then have =tine. DATED the 16th day of May, 1969. e k Murton Executrix by her solicitors, Messrs. Troyan&Pincher BarristerskSolicitors *Moral:Street P.O.BoxS7 <•:DoilerieliMtita0o* • 147ASY5 ISIOTICEIDOKEIMORS ANDITEHERS All persons having Aaims against the Estate Of MILIIAIVI ALEXANDER COUL , late of the Village oflucknow, in the County of :Hum, who died on or about the 24th day Of April, 1969, are hereby notified to send full particulars of same to the mndersigned on or before the 14tliday of 3une, 1969, afterwhiehdatethe assets Oflhe Estate will be distributed by theimdersigned baying 'regard only to the, -claimsthenfiled.DATEDat tali° this 113thAay Of May,19119. 'NORMA/4B. RIMELL BarristersandSeliciters 18SeutbStreet RILBox436 ODERICH, Olitario 147M7 Solicitorlor theEstate.---23-24 Annoumernent 4001191C`SAti0! b9.4{4.911.1f4111101 Ams "f9rRoIf rat#401*,Y o lift 4 440y,AtS01. 94;4 11400vrfil1'Sfre9re, *dg*, 4Ake V, 1 .i_xn• Property 010. boncla .W9t)-1., Awtiuweiz 11-0-011r,-,Aillaa*11037•SOW00 ,for tiu sale. tiouai gid, 1n rtkes ..*ccOt"I T -0.1401944f• Air 1 1