HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-31, Page 10Paige i9e8eMInd, Wednesday, PdayZ, 1989
TheMay meeting of Kairshea ',Warner's
InStitutewas heldatthe homenfpreeklent
Muriel Maelfienize and vice -.pristident
Elsielloustort, presided and riftertheDde
and Mary Stewart Collect read a poem,
Friendshi_p. Mary Levis read The
Vititorswere welcomed andlo acquaint
nounbers with Muriel's neighbour, Ruth
Liri,orr�U calleach person introduc-
ed itersdf andloldwhereshehadformerly
lived, is atpresentlivingandansweredthe
The minutes were read by the new
secretary, Tina •Matthews, and the
treasurer's report „ given. by Marian
MariKiumon. •
The correspondence included a letter
from Jack Riddell, Ontario Minister . of
Agriculture and Food, telling of the
upgrading of Ontario's 4-11 prograrn.
Landscaping will be the topic of the next
An invitation was received to attend
.Ripley's 85th .Anniversary, June 14, 2-4
pan. There will .beanother Quilt Show at
Goderich Museum Aug.- 4 to Sept. 5.
Kairshea W.I. will now receive mail at
P.O. Box:256, Lucknow.
A shower is planned for Julie Clarke at
South Kinloss Church on June 3 and a
„cleaning bee at Kairshea Hall on June 12.
Mary Laviswaspleasedwiththe results
ofticLancer -Convus&4516was collected. -
A :motion was passed :that 'Muriel
it I
MacKenzie -and 1Jna Matthews -attend the
LeaderShip 'Workshop in Walkerton, en
June 14.
Marian MacKinnon gave good
humorous reading entitled, "Sick".
. District Director, Irene ilaldenby, gave
a welkinepared 'report on the District An-
nual heldan Lucknow, May 16. Programs
for each Institutewill beptintedli a com-
binedDistrictgooklet. Allinstitutesare
be encouraged to support more inStltute
projects:There werefour quilts oudisplay
to be .donated to Participation Lodge.
As this was International Affairs
meetingElsieliouston readitenis relating
to the Associated country Women of the
World. Institute support is from Pennies
for Friendship. Much good is_done in Third
World Countries such as digging welLsand
planting trees. Trees are needed to hold
back the advance of drifting sand. Money
is provided for buying farm •animals and
eewing machines for the women. Schools
arehblping overcome illiteracy.
An iteni from an Ann Landers column,
Ten commandments on how to get along
with people, was read by Allene Bradley.
The courtesy remarks were given by
Alice Ritchie to which the hostess
The J.une meeting will be :held st the In-
stitute34011 on. June 15:at 6: 30pan. Itis the
SunshineSistermeeting andeachmember
brings a guest. Hostesses are: Margaret
-Mowbr.ay, Marian MiiclUnnon
Elizabeth Dickie.
W bsters • •
e in 1Iio
Visiting with Charlie and Mayne
Wilkins on the weekend were Mill,
Joanne, Stacey and Ian 'Wilkins .of
Guelph and Liz and David Dadson of,
Ashfield township and also other
members of the family.
Weekend visitors with Gordon and
Nora 'Robb were iib and`ifsandra+Marl-
ing andWilliam
and Shirley Irvin and girls of Ashlield
Kae Webster and .her son, Jim
Webster of Waterloo spent a few +days in
;Richfield Ohio with .Atlee, Jean and
YEAR ROUND HOME on 9 'Mile River,
Ashfield, 1/2 acre treed tot, 462;500.
50.,ACRES, level cash crop, systematically
drained, Ashfield Twp.
DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom starter home,
28.ADRES -Rollin9pasture,4,acros bush„
2 ponds,,olderbank,bam. Asking 46%000.
27 ACRES - on 9Mile-R iver. 20' x 24' =bin,
year -roundaccess, exceltentproperty.
a06 ACRES - Approx. 150,actaslirained
land, 140 acres b.ush &swamp. abeti room
name, tarn, pit ,silo. kinlossltwp.,Asking
41$EDROONSIDEPLIT J/2acre 4°ton:edge
of Luoknow, finished basement, newwin-
lw.00dstove & fireplace -Approx. 14
years olsi.
CUiROSS - 106 acres, 'Hs ,work.able,;50
acrestarriwood,00acressottwood,40' x60' 3
barn, Arilled
'MACRE FARPArwith Cbedrcentbridk ttOrne,
coinoietely -.renovated , x ohm. onion
bern, 45 acres sy,stematicallyAlied, ,ifornal I 3
',creek. mellislarUlacapedwith IDOID,Irees.43
miles trom -3Gorierich.
TowristsP - ZOO ,acre farm,
ration, 200acresworkable,barnsaet tio tor
farrow -to ;finish, -heated shop, fIPPrOx. 80
tUCKNOW -13Ider 4 beriroorn flOrne ;with
rrioxiern >kitchen.ioil &wood fornaceowood
move, bardwoodfloors, corneriot.4)riced at •
.4ttedrecrn 'raised -ranch, iaroe
*action, family rooumith:firplacearriiirt,
PAUL INN 152134411
ALV1N1300013 1054174
WMftEN -ZINN 4284710
"ma" itti
by Kae Webster
'Tricia 'Wise. teral Webster also spent
the long weekend inRirhfield.
Max and afehm 20Am and famlly
weren't Bluithamiim Ihe weekend, While
there 'they ,attended a wedding for
Max's cousin, Joe Beigling.
Visiting with Elmer and Edna Culbert
recently were Eimer's sisters, Velma
Aston,of Plymouth, Michigan and Peggy
McIntosh of Northville, Michigan.
REA, Es...14..u- INSURANU
LU OW - Lot 78.5' A.252.5% ihrirs
and water,11%000.
JUST LISTED - Luclmow 3 -,bedroom,
brick, •electric .heat, <large ,ounPorch,
lastly reemin basement,pavedArive,
largelieek, close 'to main street. Ask-
,VOUNTRYHOME-4,betirooms, 4,pc.
4Sz ,pe. bathofteglikitehen, well in-
sulated, -30' T' partially bested
Village of lacknow
2nd jnstaliment
Mark Bowley is out of hospital
Mark Howley returned Thome on Fri-
day from University Hospital, London
where be has been since his accident -
while at work some weeks ago. He is
recovering from skin grafting from be-
ing badly 'burned. Glad you are home,
Bessie Maulden visited on Sunday
with Belen (Thonipson) Morris at
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Toni McDonald in the death of her
father, Joseph Guest, in his 100th year.
Relatives, neighbours and friends from
here called at the Teeswater funeral
home and attended the funeral on
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Texiera of
South 13mnaby, B.C. are visiting here
with Irlma's mother Agnes Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr of Aurora
and Cynthia Barr of Toronto visited
with Mrs. John Barr at Dryden Manor
Guests on Monday for dinner with
Rev. and Mrs. David Atwell at Lucknow
were Joan Martin, Anne Pritchard, Ed-
na and May Boyle.
by May Boyle
Visitors over the holiday with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell, were
Janet Nielsen, Matthew and Daniel of
Bracebridge and Betty Ann Thompson
and family, Kincardine Township.
Mrs. Prank Maulden and May Boyle
visited on Wednesday with Norma
Coutts at Wingham and with Esther and
Marjorie Murray at Teeswater and Bess
had supper with Edna and May.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Powell went on
Tuesday to Ann Arbor, Michigan to be
with her daughter Susan who was
seriously injured in a motor accident
and hospitalized at St. Joseph's Hospital
there. Reg returned home but Thelma
remained for a longer time.
Pastor and Mrs. Marvin Christensen
spent a few days with family members
and friends and the Pastor officiated at
the wedding at Milton before returning
home on Saturday.
field taxes up
The Ashfield township council conclud-
ed its monthly business at the May 16
A public meeting was held to discuss
the Zoning (if a intffer ri�nn
zoned as recreational on parts of lot
10 and 11, concession 4, E.D. The buffer
area would be designated as restricted
agriculture where larger setbacks are
required between any new or expanding
livestock barns and the edge of the
recreational area.
Scott Tousaw, planner for the Township
of Ashfield, discussed concerns with lan-
downers and explained that this rezon-
ing would not affect any future expan-
sion of the cemetery qr the construction
of residences in the area. It was re-
quested that -council pass a site plan
control bylaw to regulate the recrea-
tional area.
'This rezoning is in conjunction with
the five year review of the Ashfield
Township Secondary Plan.
Following the public xneeting, council
;passed a motion to forward Official Plan
Amendment 145 to county -council for
their approval, with the exception of
Section 25 which deals with the 100 year
erosion levels along the lakeshore.
Council passed bylaw 12-1989 to set
the yearly mill rates at 16.206, up from
14,762. Taking into account the county
increase of 20%, education increase of
10% and the township increase of 6%,
the overall increase is 1O%.
For a public school supporter, with
a property assessed at $50,000, taxes
would be $810 compared to last year's
Bylaw 13-1989 was passed changing the
zoning on part of lot 7, concession 4,
E.D., from Natural Environment (NE3)
to NE4 to permit the establishment of
a single family residence.
Bylaw 14-1989 Changes the zoning on
part of lot 10, concession 9, E.D. from
General Agriculture (AG1) to Special
Agriculture (AGI -1) and permits a single
family residence.
A tile drain rating bylaw, no. 15-1989
approved tile loans from Carl Stanley,
Jim West and Kevin Cook.
We invite you to see
selection of a family
We have over 100
;0.q• •
on display.
us about the
For more information
Sam or Grant.s81-024
pfton emorials
'3 'Durham St. Walkerton
1 tdflo
I hit haw ',Nt 1.101'
COditiR.ii • •
NOtipe ishorebysiven 1901 parsons in 'mm810,1 of land,
in Iccortiance: with:the Weed 'control Act, 1980 Statutes ot
Ontario, i988liaptor51 Sections 0, 16 and 23 that unless
noxious westkkgrowing on their lands within the Municipality
THE TovolostP vof JONWSS ore destroyed byllste if 4une
11909antithrou9houtilweeesorh1he MunicOldity may
*nter won the sald isnds SOO bevy the weeds tiestroyoci,
Charging thopoolts,agalost the land, as et !out In the At.
The c000twation 00:citizens ia earnestly 010od.
sod loopectpr - LOANS 1308INSON Pin e 1964040
'tie*WE1 fliAWTHQRNE PbOne 095.3515