HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-31, Page 9inpelstihksin being presente
by LCPS students
by Shelley Gallen
and 'Tracy LeBreton
Rumpelstiltskin: Final preparations
are ibeing made for cour Spring musical.
Please book some time on Tuesday,
May 30 ior Wednesday, May 31 at 7:30 to
come and see our stars of tomorrow.
Grade 1
Grade 1 has been enjoying The lovely
Spring weather by taking nature walks
around the school grounds and having
readng time out under the white bir-
ches. Jessica Hare and Danielle Stanley
have been chosen to go to the YAK con-
ference from Grade 1. it was bard to
choose because all our books were good.
Reading and taping their stories this
week are Lindsey, Justin, Jessica and
Andy. On Friday we made Alicia's May
birthday cake. :On the computers, we
are working on a program, "AnimaLs of
Ontario". There is a lot of reading .and
decision making in this program..
Grade 2
Grade 2 :has had an enjoyable week,
starting with Mr. Carroll helping them
this week. Also Ronnie Van Meteran
brought in a small grey kitten for our
enjoyment, which was a welcomed guest
in ,our grade 2 'class
One -of the reading groups is starting
activities about Clifford - The Big Red
This was a very 'good week!
Grade 2.3
Grades 2-3 classroom has taken on a
new book this week. We moved .our
gigantic Canna Lilies outdoors. We hope
you 'enjoy them when you, drive by
Lucknow Ce.ntral. We have started a
new unit about Australia and are fin-
ding it a fascinating continent to study.
You are 'welcome to 'come and see our
track and held meet en June 1, 930
aan. See you there.
Grade 3/4
The grade 3/4 class is split fairly
evenly when taking sides in the Stanley
Cup Finals, but no.betting of money has
been callowed.
:Jonathan MacKinnon has filially ever -
taken Mr. Dennis and Trevor Summers
in the grade 3/4 7baseball competition
which is patterned after the Starball
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contest, involving statistics of Major
League baseball players and is featured
each Wednesday in the Toronto Star.
The grade 3/4 classes misses Mrs.
Clooney who is on the band trip .but are
having a lot of fun in the iiifternoons
with the supply teacher Mr. Carroll.
Grade 4
This week Ryan Hackett went in the
hospital to get his tonsils out. We are
studying Australia. Mrs. Gibson let Mrs.
Inwood show pictures to us of our going
away party for her new "Baby".We
saw a dress rehearsal of the operettait
was called "Rampelstiltskin".
Our two reading groups are making
great progress -on their novels. Work is
progressing quite wall.
By this time we are sure Calgary has
already won the Stanley Cup - our sym-
pathies are rextended to Montreal fans.
We have been involved with Canada
fitness and anxiously await the arrival
of our 'crests.
Grade 7
This 'week the grade 7 'class had a
Our 'classroom was quiet due to 15
members being away on the band ttip.
We watched a Mil an 'SO so S4 ants 'call-
ed The Irish and spent some time at
the computers.
Grade 8
It has been a quiet week in grade It
with two-thirds tif the class away on the
annual band trip. However, on we work-
ed, particularly in math where we have
been "mapping rules" using integers.
This is a difficult -concept for many and
the extra -practice has been beneficial,
We are also getting the required paper-
work for field day ready, another big
"The Spedial liklucsdion class is buy
sanding and painting plaques. 'The
:pupils hope to display them ion the
etta nights. lb might present
them lorArather's Day gllts.
C •
Lucknow Sentinel, Wedaesday, May 31, 1916-04ge 9
The Lucknow Guides, Brownies,
Pathfinders and Rangers held a very suc-
cessful sneakers day in Lucknow last Fri-
day, in conjimetion with Canada's FitWeek.
Registrants totalled 328 and were from
Ripley, Lucknow, Paisley, Bramalea, Kit-
chener and other points in between. The
winner of the pair of Reeboks donated by
Les Fetter Shoes and •Charmans was Gert
deJonfiLlt..5 Lucknow.. Milne upyourehoes
for next year!
The smallest fail of sneaikers feOtered
belonged to Davin Chamney, son of .Joan
and Steve Chamney.
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