HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-24, Page 11Luelmotv Senthtei9 ''Wednesday, May IA, 1989—Page 11 District W.I. annual held ire Lucknow The Bruce South District Women's In- stitute 51st district annual meeting was held May 16 in the Lucknow United Church. Thetheme for the convention was Women and the Environment. Jean McGuire, the _district president and Norma Humphrey, .district secretary - treasurer chaired both sessions. The morning session opened with 0 Canada, the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Rev. Gerald MacFarlane and Dorothy Brown, Lucknow president brought greetings to the group. Delegates from the 14 branchea°took part and gave reports on the different divisions of the institute. Holyrood W.I. gave a very humorous skit called, Farming Takes a Women's Touch. Laura Hare gave the Junior Women's In- stitute report and Mrs. Tony Van Den Assern the area coordinator gave an in- teresting talk on recycling and pollution. Other guests were introduced from parts of Bruce and Bruce Grey. The approximately 100 ladies and guests enjoyed a hot.dinner served in the fellowship room of the Lucknow United Church Women. • __The.afternoon session openedIvT a rous- ing sing song by -the Ripley W.I. with Mrs. Lock leadingthe singing and Mrs. Gemmell playing the piano. The Lucknow W.I. presented a fashion . show on, Pollution in the Environment. The skit was taken from the book, Recycled Resources, a United Church Stewardship publication. The Women's Institute has been studying Managing °our .Environment for the past The Bruce South District Women's Institute 5Ist District Annual was held in Lueknow last week. The Lucknow Women's Institute put on a fashion show on pollution. Back row, left to right,' bel Whitby, Miss Fertilizer; Stella Tilbrook, Miss Can Can; Edna .year,Th a skit was presented hoQing that through humor, people will realize that it is possible for us to do something that we can control our ownspace and eliminate pollu- tion makers. People will not remember statistics but will remember, Miss Oil Slick 1989. FrancesFarrell from Purple Grove W.I. gave the courtesyremarks and the singing of the Royal Anthem brought a very en- joyable day to a close. Refreshments were served before the ladies departed. T uris m association disappointed with lack of interest The regular meeting of the Lucknow Tourism Association was held May 15 at -Fisherman's Cove. Rick McArthur gave a very informative and enjoyable tour of the campgrounds for those who found time to attend. The camping facilities they have will meet the needs of any type of camper whether it be fishing, hiking, swimming or canoeing on the newly dredged canals. Dave Hanna also gave a tour of Silver Lake Camp, which he is presently upgrading. These grounds are also ex- cellent for fishing and biking and has great potential for the future. During the business period those atten- ding were informed there are old direc- tional signs in the town shed. These signs were taken down for need of repair and paint and never put back up. They were located ion the east and west entrance to Lucknow. The Brownies have 'offered to paintthesigns ifsomeone willerect:them. It was also felt:there:shouid be a direction sign on the inainatreet for the liquor store. It was felt that Pitch -In day was a suc- cess and hope to make it an annual event. The new ;brochures are in the stores. 'The nextmeetingwill be held September 18 in the town hall. The steal' group that is working towards promoting tourism .,is becoming very discouraged due to apparent lack of in- terest shown by our local residents and business 'community. They hope that by September everyone will be out with new interest and enthusiasm. Young, Miss Poly Phosphate, Marion MacGillivray, Miss Cigy Boo. Frontrow, Marion MacFarlane, Gravel Gertle; Lois Goodhue, Miss Oil Slick; 'Susan McNaughton, Miss Plastic Garbage Bag; and Dorothy Brown, Miss Automobile. (Pat Livingston photo ) YOUR FAMILY HAS GROWN UP. NOW BE PAID FOR WHAT YOU DO BEST 1" ped he skills and talents you've develo raising a family are precisely the qualifications we're looking for in new Homemakers. You can work in your own •neighbourhood, setting your own hours— and be paid for your efforts. Red Cross Homemaking service needs mature, caring staff to assist elderly or conva- lescing people in their own homes. To find out more, phone your local Red Cross Homemaker supervisor. S81-2619 RED CROSS HOMEMAKERS Where your talents count. LIJCKllOW AND DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL REGISTRATION Saturday, June 3 Saturday, June 10 9:00 A Nl+e - 1:00 =P. M. `9:00 A.M. - 12 NOON -et ,Lucknow Town Hall 'There rwHU . two summer _swi*mingnessions starting .July 3 and .luiy 39 PLEASE -NOTE -The sizeof.the xallow.and:flrange swimming classes is ,limited. So come early and get •the time of your.choir.e.'Thetfiedand ,White classes -are not restricted. ON EG1STRA-TION DAY L A S' E KNOW wsviim AIN:G tun,. ATTAINED •TIME=PiRIOD J ESIRED •IN: WHICH $W1MMIN9a" rSION '''YOU WANT irpipE: ENROLLED (July ser _August oroth) •Rogistration .found uItlessons/ bronze fastLoafit,swim team ,astc.wiIILe;hei cot°th®,pool =prior to -commencement ofap,agr.n DON'T ;:Etdit011 041ASA: ftlifinfcN._Wt1fO�ARE ;Lets THAN 44" TAIL NOTIGE TO PRQPERTY OWNERS DESTRCY WEED$ NeOTiCE :18 HER:EBY GIV E Wall persons inepossession of iands In the Munirlpallties in the onty of l i•uron.:as folkoiva: Townships -.Ashfield, l oil urne,'ladt dprich, Groy,4(ay,,Howick, H,uliett,.McKilipp, ,Morrie, Stanley, Stephen, Tuckeramith, Turnberry, lU.sborne, fast Wawanosh, West Wawanush Ttawns - Bunton, 'Exeter, , oderich, Saaforth, <Wingbam Villages - =bayfieid, tlyth, rSruseels4lien all, Zurich 4n:.aoma ncewith the•Weee Patrol Act, 1988 4tatutes of 'Ontario, 1V88,' h, pter<51, Sections 3, 16 -end 23, -the: unless i oxiu.us. wss+ds,growing un their :lands are destroyed by,,iune 12, 1089 and 'throughout 1be Seeeon,1be !IMiunieipaoMSV anter upon the -4,044 nsleendtl avethe:w stir dsgtroyfed,obargiug the -ousts "4 in taxes,assst -out 4n -the Act. 'Pru o il.tand 'Vo.lvet p gsf,sre Mae(' arc ttious weeds ,/n gnu. a tie eantitiss. -The co-aa.►.perntiun of ,400107.003 a .r b k; &ed. ,EPPJ Ailfwl 1n pectpr ctountypf,Anon Apo