HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-26, Page 224 Pori 12* Under pressure? In the following paragraphs, ru be writing my thoughts and ideas about the pressure that's put upon athletes in the • Olympics. To begin with If think that athletes do have too much pressure put upon them when they are in the Olympics. All of their coaches, fans and competitors pressure them into taking drugs, such as steroids. The latest story of an athlete that didhave too much pressure was the story of Ben Johnson. Ben Johnson, the Canadian sprint runner, who is known throughout the world as the fastest man, tested positive twice for steroids. With that, he •lost his world title, and his gold medal. also think that most athletes have lots of pressure put upon them because there's alot of money for them if they win. They might just bend the rules sometimes top! To conclude, If think that athletes do have too much pressure put upon them. Especially when they are in a huge com- petition like the Summer or Winter Olym- pics. 1 think that people likeus, should just leave the athletes alone and don'tpressure them as much. If you think about it though, if .the athletes weren't pressured, there wouldn't be the Summer or Winter Olym- pics anymore for u.s to watch tutd enjoy. So guess it's .ahight, but It ust think that there is too much pressure put upon them these days. Tammy Ikleable Grade 8 -,andoptiONIrmir- r r , .....0._ . Frienctsova tio /1°' Friends are friendly. Friendly are helpful. They help you to make things out in the snow. Friends are fun to play with. 1 like to play -with any 'friends at recess. Friends don'thmt each other. thunfightwithiny friends. Weare 'nice to one another. Pintryingtoheasuend. Help my friends if they have problems. Pin c polite to myfriends. V) —31114Pm"— Itiwspecialtohave friendszmd Pm glad I have -my friends at L.C.P.S. Grade 2 Springis flowers I wouldskip. I would tide my .bike. It.is hot. I would see a rainbow. Crystal -Finn I llama dog, .a puppyand two horses.][ used to havea hird bait xlied. Its name was Alis. Petsare iamb) play • with. Pets are soft to pet. I'm.glad I have mypets. Coryllays • Grade 2 ' • • ilaf4.4.4 • 1:**ft"..P.*Zn, .44 Autorsimd crewof thesperetta, Rampelstiltsidu, which will be performed onlilay10 and 21. (Pat lAvingstonpkate) ATuilIe One day Tommy the turtle went for a walk. He walked and walked zmd walked . • : Froggy, "Do you want togo fora walk?" "Okay," Sotheywalkedandwalked. Ohno there'sa river we'll :have to swim. So they swam and swamand swam until they got • across. Then Froggy Frog was home. "Good -Awe," said Tuttle. Then Tommy tmtie went home. JasonEilis Grade3 • We NeedFsmets Why llowe needirees1 look at what we auddn'tilowithoutthem !-Wherewould the ,imimais live or thehirdshavetheir nesting 'places? Out :of trees we get things like arthmalabelter,.imperrfireirood, furniture and "books. It would'hezvaryitard to live withoutforests becausetheysupplyalotof things weneed. Lisa MacDonald 13rucelquelear •On October 211111, 1988, grade five's en - 'first toured the Information Centre and saw the -machines and simulators. Doug Johnston and Jeremy Smith dressed up in radiation -proof suits. The students were given time to ask questions. They took a break for hi/wham:1 took a tour on the bus ,of the actual sites. JillSeliars 01 t nlitz.:5 , hot r6 en — C LASiDifi i LA ff sy rrIA tx Angela Jardine