The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 22P•
Page -22,Lueknow Sentinel, Weidnegday, Agri 12, 1989
The Community Wildlife Involvement Program is a :network of ,Ministrydof -Natural
Resources ,personnel .and.the,public, working .:together=as:partners dn-wildIifemanage-
:ment individuals nr_.groups.provide theideas and•volunteeriaborfor,wildiifeTrojects,
while the ministry contributes :technical expertise and fiwding for -equipment .and
materials ..Locally theist Lucknow Cubs.and Scouts have become :involved in this
ject. The Cubs-bifilt.28 bluebird ,boxes and ,with the :help of the :Scouts, who Aug the
postholes,and:asissted in-ereetingthem,; heareahehindtthefire;hall andthe corner of
RobertMartin'aproperty onrthei2th concession of.Ashfieldi owii hiptiowprovidesmore
nesting: areaior the bluebirds:The :Cubs: areresponaible for monitoringandmaintaining
the adhere andiErenda-Wylds areaeaders oftheist Lucknow'Cubs.
PaulTimmerman: and: Geary Mcnmes:areieadersof<thelst.I,uckuow:Scouts.Linda said
they ,hacia great -deal of coroperat o ifrom .parentsin biiilthug_and erecting ie:nests. Ila
the .very near,future_the shrubs in the .samevareasto:providefood
and protectionthereby.improviugthe bluebirds'. iabitat. (MargBurkharephotos)
Presbyt::er_ l s: es dent is gust
at South Kinloss SMS ..eating
The Women's Missionary ,Society of
South Kinloss meet April 4 at the home of
Freda Macinnes. Directors -were
Margaret :Hamilton and Nancy °MaeIntyre.
The Easter Thankoffering guest speaker
was Isabel Arbuckle of Vingham, presi-
dent ofthe Presbyterial.
South Kinloss.,president, ,Wilma 'Clarke
opened .with a reading 'God is dike ...'
- Easter ,favourites. :were slung throughout
the inspirational meeting. ,Prayer followed
the opening remarks.
Roll call was answered by a:largeatten-
dance with your favourite Easter verse.
Following the Offering the offertory prayer
was given by Marion Campbell.
Secretary, Ann MacDougall read the
March:minutes. Correspondence was dealt
with. Various business matters -were
discussed. The treasurer,Mrs. MaeEinnon
and Margaret .Keith in charge. Of Ladies
Aid gave their; positive re't-s.
-The-lovely fellowship o onffee time has
now :finished for another year. All .were
thanked .for -their contribution.`Thirtylive
ladies tails part thro hr it the .l ays.
based argarelt=}��a ltt ri-gave�h o "W"Wel**e'--7 d --An ithe -i eeuFr t erppt}l, iAhou
readers taking :part: -Elizabeth Dickie,
Vera :Schmidt, ;Irene Dickie :and Dorris
MaeKinnon.,Murgaret cancludedthe study
=with -prayer.
Prayer Circle included Ann Mac-
Dougall, Marion ;Campbell -and Mary
Mrs. Arbuckle ;.spoke on Christianity's
Tack sineeBrible; times,: people
lave ,been , witness to;;iittie faith. Issues of
concern :were Mlle Lord's Prayer ::omission
in our schools, :young people's lack of cat-
;.tendance to church. The ;mage - „w.e
should Make A 'stand Against the xr inority
rule.:Nancy Macintyrethadke label and
pre, token of -Appreciation.
`Ther,76th Anniversary of W.n S. Canada -
Wide was , discussed pointedly with many
inter_estir ig.plans uuderwayboth in London
-anal withinthegroup.
'Olive Igeolbam gave ;an enjoyable
recitation entitled'` rrmen in -Song.,
Margaret ;Rarnilton -gave the courtesy
remarks with 'Freda :Maenes respon-
r Ing `Closing ;prayer - was :lead by Jva
Next meeting - s May :2 at -: Ann
WMS zonduct f&ureb. service
On Sunday, April 12 the Presbyterian
W.MS. took the ,c'hurc'h .service in the
absence .of `Rev. W. 13aiirdl. `' 'oilowing the
service all enjoyed a =sew and sande/Leh
luneheon in the `basement.
On Tuesday evening the Pentecostal
W M. group heldl their meeting It the
church fellowship room. A lovely pinta
layer cake with white icing, decorated by
Cathy -hatten especially for Mrs.
Christensen's birthday was 'enjoyed after
the meeting and program. Mrs.
Christensen was so .grateful to all for the
kindness to her.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stanley and boys of
Kincardine, Mrs. Lulu -Stanley of Lucknow
visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. )Leonard Stanley
and Terry on Sunday.
Visitors with Edna and May Boyle were
Mrs. Frank Maulden of here, Mrs. Gertie
Walsh, Mrs. Bill Burt of Kincardine and
Mrs. Tom McDonald of here.
The Women's Institute held a euchre
party at the Holyrood hall on Tuesday
'evening. There were five tables in play.
The ladies prizes went to Mrs. Weir
Eckenswiller and Lorraine McPherson
and the men's prizes to Harvie Thompson
and Bill MacPherson. All hada good time
:and a good lunch :afterwards.
Mrs. Don Robertson, Mrs. 'Tom
McDonald, Mrs. Don Bushell, Mrs. Frank
Moulden, Mrs. Glen Haldenby and Mrs.
Alex Percy attended ,the Thankoffering
meeting at the Teeswater Presbyterian
Church on Wednesday :evening.
-Mr.' and MGlrs.-Waiter lereck1es, Angela
and Vanessa :Breckles were `Homer guests
at the manse with Pastor and Mrs.
Christensen on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Storey of Milton
spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs.
Terry Burt. pastor and Mrs. C1Mlistensen
were .dinner guests at the Burt home on
Saturday evening.
Holyrood Wit
The Annual meeting of the Holyrood
Women's institute was held at the hall with
Lorraine McPherson presiding. The Ode
was swig .and the 1Viary Stewart .Collect
was repeated.
'The roll was, sign of illness, and the
payment of fees.
Imelda Murray read the minutes of the
previous meeting and gave the financial
report and read the communications.
Joan Murray reported on the District
Bantams get "
'The Bantam Bs gave every effort to
securetwo gaines:to advance to the :eharn-
piotihsip_game ;in Listowel on Saturday.
'The first game against Port Elgin was
mostexciiing with Lucknow ,winning 2 -1
in ..overtime. Warren Andrew was the hero
of the game as he netted both goals. The
first was assisted by Derek Turner who
really workedhard. Andrew:scored:the se-
cond on:a.breakunassisted, 53secondsd into
.Lucknow ;,advanced to meet their next
team and Listowel was waiting :onee more
with players. Lucknow had 10 'players
_and -were ready forgo.
Listowellaslbeena thorn :in beside :of
Lucknow s:seaaon:anrditwaM tiny tiff
ferent :on "Satur,ay. Listowel opened the
scoring at 115 ;of .the first *ad .,with hard
work from Vince Sticklendlehiad the -net
and in the colliers Dennis ,Johnston and
Tom Llogan -combined for the tie with 21
by 'May Boyle
Directors meeting which was held at
The District Annual will be held at the
Lucknow United Church on May 16; this
will be the 51st District Annual, the theme
— women and the,environment.
Pennies for friendship will by $50.00.
There will be a canvass for the Cancer
Society and there was a questionnaire for
next yearns program.
Lorraine 'MacPherson and Grace
Eckenswiller attended the course on cook-
ing for one and they will give a
demonstraton at Imelda Murray's home
on April 12 at I:30 p.m.
Joan Murray gave an interesting topic
on cancer, using the book en Smart Cook-
ing by the Canadian Cancer Society.
Joan Murray and Betty Johnston each
conducted a contest and readings were
given by Betty Bushell, Bessie Maulden
and Joan Murray.
Lorraine MacPherson read the presi-
dent's summary thanking all for their co-
operation and also a get well gift which she
received. This was followed by the co-
ordinator's report.
May Boyle read the auditor's report and
Mary Scott read the new slate of officers
for 198940 which are as -follows: Past
President, Joan Murray; President, Betty
Smith; 1st Vice President, Lorraine Mac-
Pherson; 2nd Vice President, Agnes
Hodgins; Secretary Treasurer, Charlene
McEwan; Assistant Secretary Treasurer,
Imelda Murray; Public Relations officer,
Edna Boyle; District Director, Mrs. Joan
Murray ; Assistant District Director, Betty
Bushell; Curators, Lorraine McPherson
and Bessie Maulden; Auditors, Joyce
Hedley and Wilma Elliott; Branch Direc-
tors, Myrtle Percy, May Boyle and Mary
Scott; Pianist, Edna Boyle; Cheerio Com-
mittee, con. 8 and 10, Betty Johnston; con.
12 and 14, Myrtle Percy; resolutions,
Grace Eckenswiller; Program co-
ordinator, Joan Murray.
Following the courtesies, 0 Canada and
Grace were sung and a delicious lunch was
for '
seconds left on the clock.
Listowel went ahead once more but
Derek 'Turner was looking for the tie and
found it with a wrist shot from three feet
out. The helper was Warren Andrew.
The teams went to the dressing rooms
tied up 2 -2. Listowel took the advancegoal
well into the third. Coach Barry Johnstone
pulled all .stops and put the -extra man on
the ice and Lucknow hit the goal post five
times .trying to tie it up. Listowel took a
penalty with five seconds left, which made
a G-4man game but Lucknow didnot have
time to score. It was a good game with
Lucknow only drawingone.penalV
4llan :Kit keit andiiti�ll Adam en were
superb in net. The team made every effort
to vin.
Coach Johnston can be proud of this
.as they hadan excellent season :with
ew losses.
Listowel wen on to the championship
Abridal :shower,at2pmonSot yApril
.29in:thelci.noxPresbyterian Church Sunday
•$el oolrroom will be;heir for Cathy Ftu.dder
of Kitchenerandliipiey.
Resit Officeiopenll-day
Therofisnonoonibourclosing ntt ;Ripley
Fust 'Office. lastTjiaraday manager Marg
ompson received notice that a Trevaloos
one 'was snow -cancelled and -the office will
-now;beeper 8 0A jca.,to 5 iiGp.m. She
feels And :ail Agree this will please most
IlrlidalikowerlarUAW l Yd
Also moan *at en this $41,11"der April 15
at 2 p.m. An the-fteid's Cowers -Cee unity
Ball re wi l,bea bridal shower for Kathy
Boyd. Jathy ,a .neighbour is ,4weliJinown
'weather-reporte>< f or -Ontario.
Shocked;by sacci deaat
The localarea was:Sheeked-by the sudden
cacpidgAtattlotith otJerryMeurs:la tFriday
aR , ig `'die :1 of 14r. ;moi MrsV.A.
Mears at RR 1, Ripley is on the 4th eonces-
4sionabout,a half mile west of the 15th and is
on the Alex fWalnsley place 'of years ago. It
:w;as a .shock here when we learned -from
homemaker Mrs. Withy Rlack, nenrh?
neighbojir on the fourth just how close it
"sympathy goes to all the family .at this
Wile. The funeral ;was -Orta Tuesday in
Lucknow. -
Walter ,F..arreb
The funeral for Walter Farrell of near -
,dine ,was held -ora vjonxiay:afternma. Defore
its retiremernt ewasontbe 12thconcessiora
Harm .township. P:wr+jti ins ;years here I e
,id :nntstat? work ° for the ttipley Fl