HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 21...C" . is d -by JenJiferPor1er sand Tammy Nea h1e Kindergarten The next two 'weeks Ave are learning about Farms and 'Pawn animals. We are enjoying •ornr -fare n centre and .are busy making fences and'rcrops. The .computer is back in our room again andis being enjoyed 'by all. Birthdays this month are Wyatt, Russell and Devin. Grade 1 Grade one worked very hard this week. They are working at Spring language and research centres; they made a BIG BOOK called MY FAVORITE THINGS of .SPR- ING : & finished the Spring mural. Irl our Weather suint, we learned •how to make rain, and how to .use the clouds to help forecast the weather. Each person who is Pooh Bear now reads. a ;book to the whole class. We had excellent story readers this week, Sarah, Charlie, Sharon, Alexis. We made Angela's April ;birthday cake today. Yumtny ! Grade 2 A reading .group in Grade two presented the play, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." We really enjoyed their presenta- tion. Their imit on Fairy °Tales is lots of fun. We have learned about two Fairytale authors — Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson. Jamie Aubie was the birthday boy this week. Grade 213 Nick rAlike Jo Cooper, OJ.int Gunter, Jason Ellis and Cam Moffat were our lucky Lotto winners this week. Everyone has been getting •some Poetry or Prose ready to send the Chesiey for the county -wide booklet. Good hick gang ! Grade3/4 The Grades three and four students have been busy learning the importance of a good diet in their nutrition study. Many • 41. To Give Away TO GIVE AWAY to a good home. Half Shepherd and Husky .dog. Phone 52814034.-14, 15 Lucknow Senthlel9 Wednesday feat girts, bas e al found that they eat more •of the bad foods than they do of=the .good foods. Astudyof Arctic Animals just concluded in Environmental Studies. It is amazing 'that °so many animals can exist in such a cold environmentbut they made made in- credible adaptations in order to be able to survive. We are excited to be starting a new unit on the Netherlands because several students from our class are originally from holland. Grade 4 Grade 4 finished up theirsound centres and continues to work on their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory centres. In Math this week we talked about shapes that are congruent and also looked for things around•theroom that have sym- metry. Mrs. Armstrong -Gibson is now on her maternity leave so we hope she is en- joying her time off. Many of the Grade 4's signed up for the Skip -a -thon ,on April 28. Grade 6 In grade :six, we havebeen very busy. We are startingthe Young Author's books, in Geography we are studying railway App 129 1 — a g .21 systems, tri math we are doing adding and subtracting fractions, and we are also evaluating grades four and five on their Bruce County folders. Grade 7 This has been a busy week in grade seven. On Monday, we got our math test results back. Tuesday's noon °hourwas ex- citing, with the boys and girls' basketball teams competing -against each other. The result was a victory for 'the boys, with a winning score of 42-2. On Friday, we had an "open book" Geography test which pro- duced some surprising results. In art we havebeen working on "Drawing to Scale" . We have started novels and were split into groups. Grade8 Grade eight has had a busy week. We have continued to work on our immigra- tion studies. sA special thanks goes out to Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Hamilton for fill- ing in for Mr. .McKeon while she was at the O..E.C. for three :days. We really -ap- preciated it! 11011111111.111 VamilyStudiesNews Family Study students are discovering the creative possibilities when •dying fabric, in the batik -assignment. These unique samples will be on display at the school during education week. Library The Great Canadian Book Pair Is Com- ing ! We are pleased toannounce an impor- tant event to be held at ourschool from April 17 to 19. During that time students will be able to purchase books and materials that will help develop basic skills that lead to personal enrichment. Book fairs are fun and exciting events for parents as well as students. We invite you to participate in the enjoyment by plann- ing to attend now. Make it a family affair. You'll be glad you did! Everyone is welcome. The wiomers for the Book Fair kick-off draw were Jeff Schaus and Dawne Rhody. Readers are always winners. rum The district directors of the Bruce South Women's Institute met on March 28, with president Jean •McGuire leading in :the opening exercises and reading a poem, --Short-Course'in9Pu elations: --- The secretary, Norma Humphrey, read the 1988 minutes which were, approved. The rolleail was given andall branches were represented. A letter was read regarding new ideas for reaching out in the community, such as having a Daffodil Tea. Emily Bushell gave a report on the Bruce Comity tartan. There is a great need to advertise the tartanas there is present ly only one store that sells the material in this area.The committee is looking for a secretary. Mrs. Tony Vandanassem, the area pro- gram co-ordinator will be asked to bring .g reetiugato:the.district.annvol and.Doreen MacAdam theohiglilights4iflast AD year's convention in Newfoundland. 4,H leaders,. m 'Bridge of Ripley and Inez Fenten of Port Elgin were the two ,candidates chosen to attend the Food F -ori -Gne ph. - ,. -- _ A sum of money was collected for the Loaf of Bread project. A paper was sent around about recycling and it was suggested that .a number of copies be made to be handed out to each branch at the district .annual meeting. Bruce South willhave its turn to select a board director in 1990. The Bruce County Rally Committee is looking for a vice chairman airman The delegate to the rally is asked to take the .program with her. Largaret McInnes and Doreen MacAdara will sit on the committee to review the bylaws. A suggestion was made that the district 'llave.,.afcialehratiturfor its rhisithday The theme for the district annual meeting .is Women in the the Environment. Each:branch is to pay SWAM to the hostess branch, which is Lucknow, and the price fo e m , is to .4—e-olecitled-bytlie branch Branches are directed to make separate Cheques for Pennies for Friendship and Loaf of Bread, made out to Norma Humphrey. A motion was made that each branch program co-ordinator have the yer's pro- grams, with namnes and phone numbers of the officers, ready to hand in to the secretary the day of the district annual The area convention will be held in the Thornbury Beaver Valley Community . Centre, October 10; Bruce County Rally in Paisley Community Centre, October 19; District Directors in the Arnow W.I. Hall, March 27, 1990; District Annual in Whiter ta>>rch .community Hall, May 15, :.1990. 48. Corning Events F-7 LUCKNOWTOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB meetinthe Lucknow Legion Ball, Monday, April 17, 2 .pan. Euchre prizes. -15x KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION Meeting, Lucknow Central Public School, April 18th, 7 pin. Kindergarten :pre- assessment and registration April 26, 9-4 p.m. Please bring -proof of age (born 1984) on the 26th:15ar° RUMMAGE SALE St. Augustine Parish Hall, Saturday, April 29th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -15, 16 CRAFT FESTIVAL Space still available for crafters for Ripley -Huron Craft Festival, Saturday, May 20th, 9-5. Call Kate after 7 p.m. 395-5036 or Susan 395-5225.-15 BLYTH LIONS MIXED Euchre Tourna- ment, Blyth Community Centre, Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. Prizes $50.00; $40:00; $30A10; Tickets: $400 :per _person, lunch -in- cluded. For Tickets Ball, Don Scrirgeot r, 5234551; Barney Stewart, 523-9448; Todd MacDonald, 523-9,274 ; Proceeds to: Sun- shine Foundation and Community Ser- vices. -15, 16 BLYTI1 LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 730 p.m.,Blytll&.District Corn- munity Centre. $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $11000.00 in ;prizes. 3tf 99OTILB1RTHDAY Open House in honour .of Mrs. Mary .Ilogan's:9Qth birthday, April22, 2-4 p.m., St: Mary's Parish Hall, .J ucknow. Best wishes,only•- 15,16 ,OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY !WEAL Enjoy an Old Fashioned Country Meal at the iKi moss iCtonunufity Coitre.;between 4 and 6 pm. ,on April _16. .Everyone welcome. -15a 04! 'Helen Ann NeodhankaNd Vicki Young sport and -match casuals ifrf;DoeVees -1F is taf Lucknow. JAI* ef.100kc, ,,ray ,eke I.43110t SY14ir,-fi0 411010001)5-04beY:Maier . lr turn -nn the -run. eilms e1.n comid :_1 rat fw� " -sr n of scarves -adds o o�c:.� es Wa