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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 19
gee k, a `fsesliti 9 April 9 int? .,'1 28. tiusiti-Ss oppOrtrinity HOME `fit INESS Opportunities: New Produ is Information Centre. Abe adver- tise your product through International meinbersship. Send stamped self- addressed -envelope. Stix 544, Station W, Toronto, Ontario, MOM .—T 'WANTED D - Vzrienced woman to tdo housework ,one day .per month ba Kintail area. Apply in meting to Drawer 0 c/o Lucknow Sentinel, 'Boa 400, Lucknow, On- Aario, NUG 2110.-15, 16 SEALED TENDERS lobe received by April 28 tar parcel :of term land concession '10 ED P7 5 P7 Lot 6 67.15 acres Concession 9 ED PT N PT Lot 6 25 =acres 1 barna for beef & market pig set-up. The -highest or -any offer will not necessari- ly be accepted. Apply to: DRAWER 1/67 clo Lucknow Sentinel Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 NEW Restaurant on 3/4 acre with three - apartment house. Ideal location on highway between two motels. Parking for 100 cars. Licensed for 53. (705) 335-2711 Kapuskasing-15bc i 14. Vocations — --- Ontario nalrrHerd improvement Corpora- tion has a permanent full-time positio vacancy for a'HHisuperv4 r era the1iungan- noer -area. The succesrsful-appiicationwlll be respon- sible tor The monthly weighing and sampl- Ing of mllk"from cows in Mil herds, =keep- ing records and statistical data, .and pro- moting dairy herd Improvement. Applicant should have several years ex- perience in dairy fanning and/or a diploma in 'agricriltural . We lifters competitive salary and excellent benefit packalge. Written applications containing :qualifica- tions, experience, and telephone number should be forwarded no laterthen-April22, 1989' to: Ontario Dairy Herd Corporation Personnel `Dept., (File '861) 1243 Islington Ave., Suite 512, Toronto, Ontario M82t 1 V9 TRANSPORT DRIVERS i 'EDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. purses start every Monday. Taa deductible, 'weekend ourses, Sob assistance, no experience re- quired. MERV ORR'' TRANSPORT 1=80265-559 Cambridge and Loud©n.-0tfar EVERYBODY KNOWS AVON! Ws an easy way to 'make extra 'Ss in your neighbourhood. No car required. Training provided. Only $10 to get started. Call to- day, and receive -a free fragrance! Call Marianne Gollan at 528-2036.-1417ar EXPERIENCED EDITOR Wanted for twice weekly newspaper in Yellowknife, N.W.T. Apply to: Annelies Pool, Managing Editor, Northern News Service, Box 2820, Yellowknife, N.W.T., X1A 2R1 (403) 873.4031.-15be GAS ATTENDANT WANTED, full-time, male or female. Must be willing to Work some weekends and evenings. Apply in person to Lucknow Service Centre.--l5ar WANTED - People to grow cucumbers for Biers, half acre or more. Contact Jim Or Marianne Bette, RR 2 Peeswater, Ontario, NOG NO.'3924282.--T N.'Tenders COTTAGFSFOR RENT Lakefront, super clean, fully -equipped. FAMILY CAMPING - three way hook-ups, boat launch, rentals, new washrooms, showers, Laundromat. Located on beautiful SILVER. TAKE, 12 miles east of Kincardine on Bighway 9. Phone 395-3330 for further information.---tfnar ST.LAWRENCE liiVI R CRUISING. Join us this year for a wonderful 3 or 5 night cruise aboard Canada's elegant Canadian Empress Visit romantic :cities, the world- famous MVO isiands, the remarkable Inter- nationaf.Seaway.and iorks,.Upper .Canada Village ,and more. T:tial-A'Brochure toil -free 1.400=2&7 6&-14bc MINI 'EXCAVATOR complete with 15" bucket ideal for indoors and tight areas New Holland Skid steers 5' and 6' wide, operated hourly or contract. Call Buren Landscaping 529-7247 .—t-17ar 77. Apartments for Rent HEATED APARTIVIEITF available. Phone 528-3045.-14 TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment available May let. Fridge and stove in- cluded. Call 528-3710.-15 24. Wonted to 'Rent TWO BEDROOM (or more) house in Lucknow or area. Phone 529-7488 after 6 p.m. ---10, 11 The Corporation of The County of Huron requires:a is presently seeking , applications for position of teacher for grade 102 cassroom :or grade 3/405 classroom. Send applications Principal, .Etty Broer Lucknow District Christian School Box -550 .L.ucknow, Ont. NDIG 2H0 CLERK -ADMINISTRATOR Due to the retirement of the Clerk - Administrator, the Corporation of the County of°Huran (population appmximate- r ,you) . r 1a rlatSrKt emitairsotthe:t ounty, in :accordance with:t orporateBy4aws, Pro- vincial Statutes end°policies of council. ,Applicants must. have a successful background in.publicadministration with a minimum of five years -experience in a aeniorrnenagementposition with a similar sized -municipality or other .government .agency. -The successful candidate will: be an experienced manager of people and resources, who is able #o win the con- fidence of council, staff and the general public. "Familiarity withmunicipai finance and labour relations and the ability to be an assertive leader are essential. Ap- plicants must have excellent communica- tions and public relations skills. The 1189 salaryrarge 191155,97G-367,210, with an excellent benefit 'package. Applications and resumes will be receiv- ed by 'the undersigned, in confidence, clearly nuanced APPLICATION, CLERK - ADMINISTRATOR, until 4:O0.p.m.Monday , May 15, 1980. B.G. »Hanky Clerk -Administrator County of 'Huron .Court House Square Goderich, Ontario lN7A '1M2 Has a volition Viable for isartifitne `amployment. nd1bilitles include: -processings eekiy order - •stocidng aheIv :sending out 'sales flyers ,Applicant must be :available for work on Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday. "Please send 'handwritten resume to Lucknow District to -op, Box 10, Lucknow, NOG 2110. 28. Business Opportunity Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned -until 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 12, 1989, for three vehicles for the 'Huron F Count} Heaith Unit. fi Particulars and specifications will be pro- vided an request Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.G. Haply Secretary-Tresurer Huron County Board of 'Health Court 'House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 9.52 e=0394 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD For Sale By Tender 1 - 1966 International 1800single axle dump truck. 1 - 1986 Vicon CNA 216 disc mower. items tc be tendered separately. Tenders will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 17, 1989 at the undersigned. (Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.) MR. KEVIN CODI( Road Superintendent "'IOWt4SF1PD lSHFlSLD R.R. T Lucknow, DM. HOG 2H0 (51.9) 529-7383 TOP ALR -- OVER —_ F PENES (to m ) And EXPERIENCED DIRECT X91 ]ES AWN/WOMEN Earn11110 Per Week 'Commissions Immediately tel Takrfnilaing -James --Tritvel Swages M have Teliable-car4andbe free to travel. Ambitious Aniventity students welcome! ;Send resianw arlippto: YOUR FUTURE starts with...Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-2654400.-49bc START NOW! An exciting career in fashion awaits you. Earn extra money! 13e independent. It's fun, easy and profitable. Call Collect (416) 632-9090. MA CHERIE Home Fashions.-12bc LAWN CARE Franchise available! Up to 100% ,financing, full training, can start part time, while:working from home. Up to $100,000 a year (416) 876'4545.--13bc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Stuff envelopes at home. Earn $600 weekly. Free supplies. Rush self,addressed stamped =envelope. kiughes Fnterpri es, Dept. B-17 Box 164, Peterborough, Ont. KO.l 7A5.-13,14,15 ;A NEW CAREER. Youre /oolong at the " best opportunity you `will :ever see in your life ! <Fo+r tie past 9 yearn our multi-million dollar ,company has :made the Average salesperson per 'week! `There is An opening iii your .area. n't it tide you started -earning :wklat you're worth? call now ! (416) 756- 7. 6 or (416) ? 211L---15bc Tender for :Shingling Sand Dome and tender for 4 -Salt Sander Spreader Bodies SEALED TENDERS, un forms and in envelopesevallabie from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:01) FALlocal time on: TI.URSDAY, MAY 119 1989 for the following Contracts: 1) Contract 419-106 - Shingling Sand Dome at Zurich 2)1Contract 1HC-89.104 - 4 -Salt Sander Spreader Bodies The lowestor Tender apt necessarily accepted. Denis E. Merrell, P. Eng. Huron County Engineer Court House >derich, Ontario 'N?,A 1112 GROW -For jt! mise l3aitwoixns.at home. Guaranteed :.market. Odourless. bow in- vestment. We train'. Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird RioologY (1915) 101 1, .Sm It ithville, Ont. LOB 2,A0. (416)-4434251, (705) 4 5-74i3 Alliston Area, (71)5)'77641i1(14 North j3ay Ar: —l5bc SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, P'ntill89 elealthy, @alld(, Power tools, much him. VI upes ,tquipmeut Ltd., Iles East of Kincardine on No. ill hiighway .:3.8,5-ice.---42tfar IBACKHOEING ivies co Culbert ptic Tank, Weepor 0$ Farm Pr.. ino , .iaserrionth AR 40 cwoclerich