HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 181. Articles for Sale 1 . -Articles for Sok L Articles for Sok 11A. For Sok General TRY C & E FURNrrURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40tfar NOttrithRN FOOD TREES. Old .fashion- ed Apples, Pear, Apricot, Nut trees, Shurbs, Evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOIC 2LO. No phone.4bc HARD FIREWOOD SLABS delivered by truckload now or order for later. Joe van Osc.h3954865 or contact Jacob Stutzmaaat GREENHOUSE it Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy framthe same source as local stores. Free ratalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604) 682-6636.-7bc SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvania Lamps Hydroponic kits and . books pins inuchmuch more. Send $2 for catalogue. -Greenhouse and -hydroponic store, 63 larke Sideroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519 )452.3911-10bc 33LIBLINNG--FACIDRY Inventory 28140 $3913100; 40x& 450100; 46x90 4890100; 60x120 $17,000.00. Clear .Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800668-4338 or (416) 792-2704.-13bc guaDDIG „SATJ - Clear -out of various sizes and types - clearing out miscellaneous stock for spring - limited steel - save thoosands :while supply lasts. ?ARAGON 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours ) r-14bc FOR SALE by manufac- turer :Tioneerquonset 19.-x 9-x26 $1999; 40 x 14:x.2045899; vithsandwallandendwall -withsliding doors.Econospoostraightwall 24 x 8 x20$2;399 ; slam 14 x60$114999;Wood- steel with endwalls. Limited stock. Call 1-600-668-5422 (24 hours ),-14bc FOR SALE - One set of TONING TABLES in excellent condition. Many extras includ- ed. Price and delivery negotiable. Cil (902) 538-7588 .-15bc WATER PROM:MKS? Water that causes iron fdaining , smell and taste problems and possibly contains bacteria Si chemicals can now rbe treated successful- ly. New State -of -the -Art technology can eliminate these problems tilos :providing clean safe water throulhout your entire -water system. For further information on this unique system write Aztec Mater Systems, No. 5 - 8380 Tomken Bd., or coil tdriWe-14100;387-4423-sSa1as -and Service represented throughout Ontario.-15bc CEDAR FOR HEDGES or ornamentals, p.m each. Phone 528-2026.-15s HARDWOOD in log lengths, irieliver•ed in truckloads only. Six bush COWLS, 769'cu. ft., $550 or 12 bush cords, 1536 cu. ft., $1,000. This way of purchasing wood has many benefits such : Cut your OWIll anti save or share load withiriends and neighbours. Cut a part load for yourself and sell the balance at profit. The choice is yours. Call 52927856.-491f RAND •SEEb cam 'Seed Com '•Altalfe Inneculants Your Pioneer Sales Representative is R.R. 1 -LUCKNOW 1). Cars for Sok 11E. Livestock ------19W113YUPA MIIRMIsSR5,-5sloar, 4 4, _Z_SAUM,BT.LlkS tasks& purshred sunroof, £.m./fm. cassette, regularly ser- & percentage at Tri_csamly Sales Barn, viced. Phone 528-3530.after pm. -15, 16 Hanover, Ont., April 20th, 8 p.m. All quialify for red meat program. Bob Currie & Son, Shellornie, (519) 925-5510.-15bc HEMLOCK IDG, 46 foot. Best offer over $100. 1982 Honda CM250, very good condi- • lion, low mileage, $1,175 or, best offer. Phone 3954257 .-12-15nxe EQIIIPMENTFOR SAFE --electric double pizza oven; dough -mixer; large sign; slice machine; big cooler; table; assortment of -pizza trays. Call ' 5244611.-14, 15 l'ATIOSETS 40% OFF OR ND ! 'Three showrooms. New lines include -WICKER it RATTAN Warehouse open 'Tuesday to Saturday. 71 K ing W -es t , F ( 5 1 9 ) 786,2180.-14-17ar ENGLISH (Auto -Mini) folding bicycle in good condition. 46100 or best offer. Ideal for travelling campers or ,eatilylninsfer- red to and from cottage. Phone 5294782-15x t. Trucks for Soie 1973 FORD LOUISVILLE with 18' x13' x2' box, single axle, willseparat-e, good condi- tion, -needs gas motor. 1979 Dodge D-50, pickup , good condition . Phone • 5284113,-15, 16ar FENCE POSTS for :sale, 5"4" lops. Call 392-6134after 6s:um-15ar BLISHOOM SUITE consisting of double bed, box springs & mattress, bookcase headboard, footboard,siresserandmirror, four 'drawer chest. Solid wood veneer finish. Asking$120:00. Phone 395-3134.-15x GIRL'S BIKE for sale. Call 529-7836after 5 p.m. -15 16611t ss AND CARS 28 - 1980-86, is, Ss 3/4 and 1,3 ton, pickups, crew cabs & cab & rhassis &-196s& Ram Chargers, vans, station 'wagons. 2 - 1966, Ford LTD, police c.ars. 15-198246 cars. 14 - van hodiesancl caps. Mightont Tract and car -Rats's. lissitss west of to onNo. 4 Highway or &miles east ofHanover on No. 4 ElighWAy. Phone: 146943136. 15 7B. WI:trail:I to Buy 11F. Farm Produce FOR SA1E, Rodeo barley suitable for seed Cleaned orfromthe bin. Grown in 87. Phone 528-2707.-15x SCRAP 1CA1S, trucks and scrap iron. Wayne Bushell, Maims Auto Wreckers, .395-3320.--12tfuar 11&. Form Equipment FOR SALE - Cocksluitt 1650 Tractor with cab. Recently overhauled. Phone 392-6758, evenings. -14, 15 FOR SALE - 12 ft. Case cultivator (rubber levelling wheels), 10 ft Kma&skilde cultivator, 3 point bitch (rubber levelling wheels), International wheel disc, 2 farm wagons, Busbhog rotor mower, chain bar- rows. Apply to Grant Farrish, 528-2904.-15 If WE 'TUT IT ON 'TittE RADIO ORDER ,YOLIR HICKS [NOW oavddssappOftntn*nt --491910113,13rown TEgg layers -*Turkeys IIICKNOW 'MTH= 0 0 • 528405.3 10541395 Arndt glifitet-OPaPO CITATION, GENERAL HOMES ,and Nor- thlander dealers. Previously owned tent and travel trailers. Also, add-a-rixnns, trailer accessories, and parts. Fisher - mans Cove, Tent and Trailer Park, RR -4 ,Kincardine. Phone 395-2757.--15-17ar B. Computers Videos etc. 261/2 FT. MILKER "CRUISER, 1966, stan- dup head, full %alley, aft. cabin, -camper top, loaded withePtions, 280 Mere cruiser, sleeps 6, 4413,00100 or best -offer 5244000.-15-17 r‘ABOUT YOUR DOG Doesn't it deserve A wing -cle,aning, too? Call Joys's .Grooming MO78L-14-17 IIA. for $filv raerieroi LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your -manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost —42tfar BERG STABLING EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipinent, bog equipment. 'Contact Lloyd Johnston, Bolyrood, Ontario. Phone 39f4399.—ntfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex ater and stable uip- went. custom belt clog. Repairs. JR L Lucknow. 39f)-2891.---etfar ?MMUS WAN= - who need a better tax Tetqu'n! When we prepare your tax return, receive every break comblg to you. You'll pay the least las possible. And you'll get all the Devi lax itefoun tax credits. 1aj1JBC -joU'free 1490-30f)-1902. now APPointalents are 03.11 available /Or 1 Tax Returns 1-10bo PWIEEL cs.D •SfIEP-9 ORM &Raga " DO 0 *0 14A,Ad Yost ;PioneeEr be:0k ,)3 q..b4.:01tatiVe • -DOM tr..A1DiE FARM FOR ff,NT - ,1? Acre,5 new Whitecluirch. Phone '074-1021 er 070,004 afterf PAla---11043 CUSTOM -UW at SEWING wbeat with ATC. lAtleknow 'Co -up *204903 --4440/54----4400