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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 11
Crop insurance claims Final crop insurance figures are now available for the townships of Ashfield, Colborne and Goderich. Corn In Ashfield Township 57 farms were in- sured covering 6,439 acres of corn. The fN.rmers' premium totalled $21,978.60. Forty-one claims were made for payouts of $206,698.70. In Colborne Township 29 farms were in- sured covering 2,831 acres, for a farmer premium of $11,626.70. Payments totalled $90,352.30 for 15 claims. Goderich Township had the smallest payout with $58,910.20 paid on 23 claims. Forty-one farms were insured covering 3,467 acres, with the farmers' premium be- ing $13,149.85. The combined three township averages are 100.3 acres, premium of 368.15 for an average claim of $4,505. ;: paid on 79 claims. i ver X4, 505 I, Lae .IT ow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 12, 1989 -Page 11 CANCER INFORMATION SERVICE CANCER INFORMATION CALL 1-000-263-675© All Crops Looking at an "all crop" pic- ture,Asa field insured 195 farms for 16,138 acres, paying premium of $73,115.35. Eighty-nine claims were made for a payout of $345,114.10. Colborne had 8,771 acres insured on 116 farms, for a total premium of $52,078.42., Fifty-five claims received a toal payout of $229,136.59. Goderich Township farmers received a payout of $198,498.60 covering claims. One hundred and fifty farms were insured, for a total acreage of 9,492 costing the farmers $58,081.40 in premiums. . crops averaged out at 74.6 acres, for an average premiurn of $397.56. The average payout was $3,825.39 paid to each of the 202 claims. For every $1.00 paid by the farmer, crop insurance paid $4.22. Art Lina rolls 277 Town and Country April 5 Fern McDonald rolled high for the ladies with singles of 190 and 182 for a double 372. Harold Campbell took the men's high with singles of 198 and 197, for a double 395. Games over 150: Bill Henderson 1 Cliff Menary 182, 152, Jerry van der Klippe -181, -1554; may -McCormick 181, Doris- McKinnon 180, 158, Mabel Whitby 180, Anne Anderson 180, Stella Tilbrook 179, Pharis Mathers 177, Marj Solomon 176, Belle Herbert 170, Ica Howald 168, Jean Phillips 167, 164, Eldert Geertsma 170, Helen Todd 166, Kay McIntosh 161, Gordon Johnstone 151. Team standings: Tulips 5, Crocues 3, Daffodils 3, Hyacinths 2, Snowdrops 2, Pansies 0. April 6 Marj Solomon was high lady with a single of 220 and a double of 364. Art Lina surpirsed the' men and ladies with singles of 277 and 155, for a double 432. Very good rolling for a first year bowler! Games over 150: Harry Lavis 201, Anne Anderson 198,159, Dave Swan 186,168, Don McCormick 191, Kay Crawford 187, Agnes Farrier 174, Marie Park 177, Joyce Swan 164, Gerda de Jong 168, Fern McDonald 165, 152, Ian Dougherty 180, Ron McQuil.lin 162, Kay McCormick 157, Ruth Conley 156, Caroline Menary 160, Albert Lennips 160, Dorothy Brown 152, Len McDonald 150 - what happened Len? Team standings: Tulips 7, Snowdrops 7, Pansies 5, Hyacinths 5, Crocues 3, Daf- fodils 3. inel Birthday Club ifisINTEE BOWLING 49 Monday Night Mixed March 27 Martin LeBreton took the men's single and triple with 244 and 665, while Betty Stanley cleaned up the ladies side with a 253 single and 708 triple. Games over 209: Shang Webb -Ziegler 227, Martin LeBreton 244, 227, Tom Gilmore 214,'John V Daepnn-220, Denise- Wionzek 2' L, Betty Stanley 253, 232, 223, Wendy Ritchie 206, Eric Taylor 212. Standings: after first week of playoffs Labs 18, St. Bernards 12, Bull Dogs 12, Hounds 11, Huskies 7, Poodles 4. April 3 Eric Taylor's single of 337 was high but Martin LeBreton's 753 took the triple. Shani Webb -Ziegler and Marie Park tied for the single with 260 and Shani's 626 was high triple. Games over 200: Tom Gilmore 200, Shani Webb -Ziegler 200, 260, Martin LeBreton 240, 320, Marie Park 260, Barb Cranston 247, John Andrew 236, Eric Taylor 337, 220, Betty Stanley 235, Mar- shall Lebreton 310, 211. Team standings: Labs 28, St. Bernards 26, Bull Dogs 25, Hounds 20; Huskies 17, Poodles 12.. r. C {.) L 1 M 1 7 r AlALT®R Erin Phillips LUCKNOW April 4, 1985 4 Years Old 179 ACRES - Hwy. 86, bush, recreational land, approx. 60 acres workable, small barn, ideal building site for a home. 98 ACRES - Rolling pasture, 4 acres bush, 2 ponds, older bank barn. Asking $60,000. 201 ACRES - Finishing hog farm, 2 storey red brick home, 750 hog capacity, sealed silo, auto feeding, 140 acres naturally drain- ed, near Teeswater. 306 ACRES - Approx. 150 acres drained land, 140 acres bush & swamp. 3 bedroom home, barn, pit silo. Kinloss Twp. Asking $125,000. 4 BEDROOM SIDESPLIT - 1 acre lot on edge of Lucknow, finished basement, new windows, woodstove & fireplace. Approx. 14 years old. 6 YEAR OLD BRICK \NCH - with double garage, 3 becijE deck, central air, woodstove, co71 s completely furnished, move in condition. CULROSS - 196 acres, 115 workable, 50 acres hardwood, 30 acres softwood, 40' x 60' .barn drilled smelt 100 ACRE PASTURE FARM - Spring creek, 8 acres hardwood, 16 acres softwood, 10 acres wheat, balance pasture. Listed at $48,000. 10o ACRE FARM - 5 bedroom brick home, garage, driving shed, older barn, orchard. Approx. 92 acres workable, excellent highway location. Listed at $120,000. KINLOSS - 100 acres, 80 workable, 15 bush, 4 bedroom home with newer addition, barn & shed. $84,900.00 KINLOSS - 150 acres cash crop, 125 workable. 2 BEDROOM HOME - close to lake, driving shed, barn, drilled well on small parcel. LISTINGS "WANTED PAUL ZINN ALVIN ROBB WARREN ZINN 528-3710 395-3174 528-3710 Brent Cameron R.R.7 LUCKNOW April 14, 1979 10 Years Old Ashley Farrlsh R.R.4 SNERWOOD PARK April 14, 1987 2 Years Old Elyse de Bruyn LUCKNOW April 15, 1982 7 Years Old Josh Ackert HOLYROOD April 17, 1985 4 Years Old Shane Petteplace LUCKNOW April 18, 1980 9 Years Old R.R.2 LUCKNOW April 18, 1984 5 Years Old Cherie Conley LUCKNOW April 18, 1981 8 Years Old Wednesday Night Mixed Betty Van Osch rolled the high single and triple for the ladies with a 228 and 552. Gerald Rhody rolled the high single and triple for the men with 275 and 668. Games over 200: Ron Elliott 202, Dave Elliott 213, Gerald Rhody 211, 275, Betty Van Osch 228, Pete Van Osch 219, Norm Bolt 208, Allan Hackett 235, Betty Mole 209, Evelyn Hackett 202, Marg Cranston 209, Allan Cranston 202. Team standings: WolVerines Brines 39, Squir- res1 34, Gophers 33, Tigers 32, Chipmunks 29, Kangaroos 22. • Local ladies gather to quilt Betty Jones is now having a few of her friends and neighbours in to help her to do some quilting. Those ladies that were in one day were Jean MacKenzie and Betty Moncrief of Goderich, and local ladies were Evelyn Bradley, Marion Lowery and Linda Campbell. RENTAL INCOME OCHALSH by Kae Webster A visitor with Rhetta and Marion MacLennan was Collin MacLennan of Agincourt. Charlie and Mayme Wilkins were in Wallaceburg on the weekend, where they attended the baptism of their grandson, son of Allan and Janet Peck. Marion MacLennan and her mother Rhetta MacLennan had lunch recently with Margaret Morton. Then later Margaret took her mother and sister for an enjoyable sightseeing ride around Point Clark. Marj MacLean has returned home after being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital for two weeks. Marj is slowly regaining her health and strength back since her return home. 4-Hleaders attend forum • from page 10 also came to ask if Grey County beef club members would be.able :to participate with Huron .and Bruce. The committee decided to invite Grey County members to the Show and Sale, and to hold this event on Saturday, October 14 at Tri -County Sales Barn, Hanover. 4-H beef club members from all three counties will be able to show and sell their If you rented your property to tenants this past year, our specially trained tax return preparers are ready to show you how they can save you money on your tax return. At H&R Block, we look for every deduction you're entitled to. We take all the necessary steps to do the job accurately because we want you to pay only the lowest tax or get the biggest refund you're entitled to. Don't be confused by the many tax law changes. The specialists at H&R Block always have the answers you need. IF THERE'S EVER A TIME FOR H&R BLOCK finished steer and heifer projects. Many local businesses and individuals show their support for the efforts of local 4al1 members by purchasing top quality pro- ject animals at premium prices. This annual event will be known as the HURON -BRUCE -GREY 4-H BEEF CALF SHOW AND SALE. IT'S NOW Monday - friday 9 a.m. GODERICH 53A Victoria St., 5244658 • 9 a.m. - 5 pare. KINCARDINE. 325 Lambton Ct., 396-7088 ° 10 a.rn. 4 pPn. - 8 p.m.; Saturday • CLINTON 5 Ontario St., 482-7541 • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. WINGHAM 317 Josephine St., 3574006 o 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.