HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 2'i `�•�'. Alit -4, 0 -Thursday, January 16th, tomo-. r w.'"111111$111" °""""•1111 ttltrramaaats lea• Newer elf cueu/w WtJa N.wepu •r. amesseriera GOLE11IC14 CANADA Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price 02-00 per year; 01.':0 It paid ern-advemas THJC SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LTD. W. H. Hoalaaraai, Editor and Massager Telephone 83 (;oderlcb, Ont., Thursolay, January 16th, I Ol 4 • •. + There has Midget teaedNeeFs-desk a reprint Of a eeriest' oe Iiirt{kIee b? Mr. S. B. McCready which a'ppageed recently lu The Harristoo Review. fir, Mctready is a !tir$aet- CVILVgta,�e-!tt w " sthate achee and tuf tato' " ears was assoctabed with the work of the . Macdonald lustttute at Guelph. He is ertdently deeply Interested A with that one about the ornate going ''sound and round. and conies out here." • • • There has been a regular epidemic Orf aet•lamattuna for township (outwits all over Outarlo, but It appears to be nothing new to the people of Amex! town.ltlp up in Brute County. The -e(Mor_dax.LIMY gave their commit Its eighth Mueoes•lve acrlams on. t ought to be nearly a record for On- tarlo or any place else. • • • There is ,something absurd lu the pretensions of the 'tallith people -Mt t r deme nod 'wait l,leon quietist rare. The pure is utterly fo- reign to their nature as the world bas loon taught to aeatewet It over many centuries. The situation Ja somewhat courperahh• to that which would arise 1n a faintly if a lovely and sentiment- al young daughter 'should :wtddeuly at- tempt to doh$uate, by force, het strong loud capable gents. la education, and the reprinted artk•tt-• • • • deal with some Important aspects of ltudyart Kipling Is getting old, but -44t great question. He gives erpe- he is at1U the beat loved of British wen all attention to the Lavish education- of letters. Margate vok(hsad forte `--ar eyetem, and ten* of the Laulab4 to the high totaanre of the British 'folk i!!0 harhola, wall whose work Empire of the a/Oeteeoth century. Ire is aegnstated through a silk to he also care Ur world •'Kim" 2 -lend Denmark and by other means. 1[e "!Stalky & (b." and the Jungle books; claims that laeuuark le away ahead of and fillet the allude of millions of Wean/Ruh Cleat aritata children with the allure of the lowly vo-t7irlde. err ti, csitrz ,�..,...p._ Danl..h pntegtcrity Is (mindedupon the Yt them long •tart grown to uaturitf very extensive co-operative enterprises hope that he will recover ?tom his of the country, and that these' enter- pre ant illness and live to grace the prises have had their utaluspriag V old for many yeera to come. the Folk High Schools. , • • • - Agriculture is fete gre•stvtid. - Mla_L_P1 rntlal Fe.T he the _kat_Rkay_J,;oott_ aid that "the ng- Fatted Wag/ sad preparations for eat quadri irf Ihihlsb ZFreree thefarmhomes of that country and he that tbeet-shtut•atr'$ farm folk In tQt.:world Inc to be found there. Mz McCreaely be/lever that euop- d •action on something like the Danish iono- ..+T1L I NT"'w' GASPER By Ken Catto Lots of kings realize that reigning Is all wet. • • •• Judging from some of the pictures of Mu.sullul, there are more nape *baa that of ktbloptt, that laigbt be clanged. . • • Following the Provincial election, the polithwi fight in Quebec reuis to be just starting. She ttltz e•nab that she thought Shirley 'Temple a a churen, t • ^:M Nav lRlr fa Ethiopia Is- tan thing epgared with what is going on right hoe among belpletet, iatocent New Sias', resoiuUona.'''ti` r_ The natlotrs don't mind belorrgtng to Rlislitlaane of Nations, but they ere. #• • anti i 601)ERICH, ONT. TOWNSHIP P tNCILS '!tie West *nw December lath (ur L1 • year. Int• >a t were tread and of ('ouw.Ittore h t)it melon .of Cu rumen the ,..teed to pay t itsuen grants re >)lr. L it Murray was a l t hoof atten- dance *Deer, ou WOOLS ,d 1;010Ittlluf41 Altcbisoo and Metjelltit, Tike road superintendent wa1,IYth,ozed to pur- ehaae 3.000 feet of allow !rare. The tulhwlug amounts mere ordered .paid, op mottos of Coui(s (latera and bitch son: C. Id. Aimlioa. Mtary, GIS: A. A. Oillalitia,'MaGrelefercwu tlwyth, salary, 444; a. influ*Qln, sti- nky, .4.45; W, J. Bowan[ balance of sale , $35; Board er Health, 024.75; C. Straugban, refund on dog tax, :lo; *. B. Smyth, Imre, and a -half tbrM of wood. $7; Urn Ivens, hall reads for lhrfetem.41arn, #46-; W tryigl, Dli tsl•te .Cteittr clerk. - slid! abet on meeting of Met meet - e, A Oa LOUue w IdcQailltn. n.81ayth and • • all afraid of playing of a world serleii. i g. /'vola!►: bailiff Dtrlsie• court. $Ifs • • • if r. Yokes, Boards et dealt!!, 065.76; cepre sn. caretaker, fru: J. Miller, r!Oleo Gaunt drain. D. Helen Mil. *n N of �$rtemortal ph(. i7: J. 11111s. gapee%r. VIM; 11. F;edy„ bread, $3. 3) Phllltps, $al.rse of salary, 401.14:_ gebt Moate, rrpx Ira to aid•- 1k4, $¢M;+W. A. balance of LWet ot J. It. nay. grant . Helen ltbrar71(' o Mrs. 11. A Shale, grant. lgngaaaon , I7, Si. Thos. i great to An• - 'I thought you said 1t aas an un- breakable tion," •4111110011104111‘••1111111 BMX RAY F1Etstlaw -11:-'=l ss eer,,! smith, Blue Water highway,„a W tbeen eery Irl 4nee l'hriatua, ht able to he up and a 1111 again. Her malty triols hopeher on the !tall uppwr_oevw The unws•r•lo the Trinity' thatch Drauatic (flub are busy preparing a play which they expect to put ou the latter part of January. The play is 1 Imid•Nut I br !wing diret•tetl by Miss Luce Wood&. 13- Ret W4eri Mr. and Mrs. O. J. tburrp}ee M f • ,, , Nveal turned home on Thun.du after visitinging . tinaaaee In Detroit for the past >�eek. a /Dwarf $5 CHA DLit 11.4.W4. ' t . Cltk.� T w11 itini The 14pent•1k of -eM Alm Itlala•rt 1err rerefed word f rest's commented. The Democratsnese Lw 711'4 afrlile aeneltrf era war Jnese.- of kris *ester Mary.IMre.;Coo�nRl, the appointing of have chosen Philadelphia as their con -!or London and left at once for that goad, outset° rection city : the ltepuldklous will meet tit's•. • *then. Mr. ] at Cleveland Muth gethetinge will { Mr. Jack Ittown. of Godeetcb,'[pint teaniditing, a be In Jute. It will be We /)rat time 1 the weekend with b1s stater, Miw "It no tax Parker. the IhDemocratic party bas held its DI- I The 1141.1111i010111141.1111i01011Club bird a e tett) Clonal roti flt)on In nc and dame In the town h0*Me l Pennsylvania has always been a strong- Fritter evening. ]anttary I6[S• Women's Inetltutes and the .tgrieul- hold of Ite(ablteanlsm: perhaps the wlareagetherc•n.wwads inattenltheirwl. fat•orThe and drat a eepail tM tie_,wlvathni ._rt Agri. culture In this Country, and Iso pug rata that loch organizations ne the turd riot -let -Ws might form the heels idea le to give the people of the Quak- of the everting was taken up with of ■n educational and oostp•rattv'e er City a chance to see what real live euchre and brlclge, for which prises were awarded to the following: For euchre. nest. Mev_ Orville McCtlnchey and Mrs. w. J. IteL.od ; conesolatMon, In the formoll over the municipal audita. one feature baa been lar Mr. ; ackfor Pease. Mn. WRobert Jolts- jaw 1, rlelais. were YIINCIPAL ELECTION DATED l sects s nn: for entire. Mrs. Robert Bassen bylaw No. a ,.� thug uttletala, were -"""laverlooked. This 1a that the fs iasur- and Mr. A. C. Brandon. Moak was was (lost sed pipped. ' Byelaw• No. 3. Ino - The electors ut Goderieh bele Mired hooka were found to be quite In supplled by the hayfield orchestra, vtettn*r for 4Rllendhore ou roads der - for earlier wiwlelpai elm:nous. Pere )order, the "outside" auditor reporting The football team intend holding a 114 11t3a, wean also read and pawed. blips they did eo w•Itbeet mach esa-lthat Mr. Kuox had "done his work dance 110 Val.-utine Day, February 14, The aevettl °Metals sere appointed Mr. Laurie Fowie, of London, apeut air ipllowat Clerk. R 14. Tbomp.oe; alderatl ,n `oC rile tlr'•) i il►d` tolir r tTw wet+." . Judging -:sum their .commerce, �y with ttllr..As[s ran mimeo Frames t teisurer,- IL 1. llstl e•ld ; collector, matter, lett (be rote Is w overwb0m• 111 would appear pinnae thrt lids Is rattier a and F.tbrl Fuwna T1 rtlOMIrstrt eleiks•a'tr.-Ssllilitt- 'editafu. A. Ye., aid Geo. C. weed Jaimeetog, Fred Pickard. erllewrtt-Wie I`ook. Geo. LaIUTG Milk, Geo. 0owerepi tie•. O. Sherdi Mr. Knox is aphonal►y vompet- let Berk sed erne n<'-eer and tt L not tk lint'; Chambers. o�t�t 1*edgea, T. M ` �'!?�1tb_ JenaM Iso Stephenson. movement in Ontario that would have Ik•mbwrata look like. moat beneti ial results. • • • 1K i4 Geildnilerf rich tow toddytoddymF- January rel addresser rs, all favor roe r economies. rurrespondence h• ..f Agrulture tiled: ■lsa•- tnapec•tor 'u As,w iatien ; eotelth, solicit- ; action de- ** was Ins idllure on .,. /repeated and ge Instructed to Department of stator's grant ing ttwt the council tan hardy do disappointment to some of those who other than pane the necessary bylaw' ' asked for the audit_ Those who knowert to pthe proposal la ririte*.. ` •anything about his wort agree that The strongest aegatwa_1ie fpr the Muller, eleetjra„Jlag .l U ,... t tutwould tae held, as a rule, la better weather than prevails about New Year's, std 121 that they would pot' interfere with, nor be interfered with by, the Chrlstbas [estivltle's. someThere are, bowee r, soe eonetdera- bona on tate-other 11116 bT The quer,asking ■ per.trnai tsnrvty, the, Stiehl!tion. (hue Is that aft the end of No- Crenters In Alhetta learned one elec !m rember any of_ our sailors have ne:-tiemet•ring Irick very quickly. They yet reacheol honor for the winter, ■nd dia.,veretl how to rabr eampelgn au would nut he able..lu_laite_pert. la hands. It was dimple, too. ')bey the electinus. ,Another is that. insteadjust wrote to tbu•e firma who lad pre - of a llnanelal statement for eleven 1 rlousiy sold theft products to the Oov- snd a ball mouths of tl t year, 11 ' ernnttettt, or who laq»•ti to .ell to it in %mild ter pt -slide to pre-cut a state- the future, and told them (bit a con• WEIGH THE FLSHes f New York Tim) • - ' ' Oto early Ae►ertettn In w 1•Nr everebo ly ought to dine f ileejemtn Franklin. The pose 'Mould be to perpetuate 1 JANUARY SPECIAJiS! DRAPERIES 50 -inch Reppe and heavy silk, in the new nubby Bagdad weaves. --ciders grease, rose, rust, crimson, etc. All new. Regular $1.00 $125 and $1.35. On sate, yard 1 LACE CURTAINS 34 incites wide,, 23Y/ -yards long. Choice of patter*. Tailored edea. irony and 95c ecru.. 7tegnlar-#L4� FINGERING WOOL; 4-pisquality /Motes, Greys, heather, black, MOISETITGLO'PESV "ltonningtotl 4 -ply pull -on style. Greys, black, brnwna, tan. Sizers 6 to 81/2. 59c Regular $1.00 quality. Pair PILLOWSLIPS - - ' Wabash°, of g etre henlititch. Size 4s I a4. _ Per Pair. Snow white, BATH TOWELS Heavy Jacquard tatik;, pbxurbent weave pat- tern. RJl9e, Rnet1' Sr"' 22 -1 45. Regular $1.00. January half-price... SHAWLS fid• x 45 -inch white fancy knit Shawls. S1•00 Regular $1-.35, each , • TABLE CLOTHS Pure linen, good weight and with neat col- otdbor R tqr gold. 56 inches JilutdCY s FLANNELETTE llorrockseu' 36 -inch best English flannel, free from filling or dreaming. Regular ;35c. Yard 2i-ilich ,Domestic white Flannelette. lic Regular 14e. W. ACi�ESf?N & SON LEEBURN WESTFIE .'- EXECUTIVE ABILITY - - =-+*r ._- 1Wllt1 is as rcyWk ur to esectua_ a r LE))R1'ItN. Jan. 14_ -Mr. °and. Mrs. . Roilytu- . of Tesou.--�t{ncgt_. Ute weekrtd the guest+ of the tatter's fatlwr still brother, Messy-. Arab. amt James Ildrlou. tin Friday evening of lax! weekfriends and neighbotrs of thi. vicinity and $beppardtou a sembled al Moser's an Hall d paid their resrespects to lir. as groom were the re.iplents of a gift of silverware. Mr. and Mrs. Bogie. replied to It hew well- hoeen words. The evening was spent iu dewing. . Mre. A. Clutt,n is visitiug in To- ronto wit* bet. lion -In-law anti daugh- ter. Mr. -and Mrs. itoy Masco. Mrs. .34k Liwke and son Lloyd .nt. turned hulue th Toronto nu Wednesdayu( haat week after noei1411dg the New li Year iu,Tl�gylett'htw. pr-perpa-ftp,-. ant Mrs, Alen. Burton. The eongr.githreal meeting of I.t ' r Mine !hul! will be held na January 24th at ti nt.A meeting of the Youu a 10444ifltt hr Letter R is the R tap to pver at Klogtieridge. Seead, Itj this paper. Y 1YL_BTFIICLLkiee n , Jan`. 14.-dyth gat enterpriseprise as capacity to devtr• el►ittiritll" .o ,raTsifl2'1" r ..5_._ t .-..,:.........___ ►+...e. rad ental root. Mr. W. A. Campbell was a Oodeticb visitor u1 i riday. liming People's Meeting. -Tile yuuag people's 'meting wan 1, -Id u1 N'tduer day evening ,d last week, with twenty a eight tire nt, Thr meetin *s' le r ]lis: Jean M -I l ,wt•11. *Douaio.aai programwas to 'e ev Margaret Vlecent and lir. Ray Vin- cent. The topic, -Thehe Three Crosses." wes glveu by lir. IDouglas IMmpbell. A rending was gtren-he-Mhos Annie T.etherlaud, and a duet by Mitosess Ver - `la and thele Viment. The meeting !beet with the llizpah bendietIon, after which several saute- were played. W. M. S. Meeting,—The devotional rearerasst.-its W.W.34.11.-stateheld on.� Wednesday afternoon of tact week with fourteen membersrs pre-ent The prreident. Mrs J. McGill. was in charge of rhe meeting Alter taw oFlen- ftrlr-retwiw-. Ibe tenanttenantenant's of (ht'..Li:_ eetuht•r meeting were teed and alt. p sol. The treasurer relnrti4 $14'_tgt seri to hrunh tn•asnn•r. Vara — Inas w•nys of rslstng money- were disc Potter a t4 -'h night '4 the & Vr Memo 1., ries or 1 ttowatt. Readings.. ^What Are You t. VCO COUGH Ditop Medicated with inn rdi- enb of Vicks VapoRub • (Ie$ANCE fair either to Mr Knox or to the town m- L.: Anderson, U. that any different Impression should 1eta story ahout Franklin sad thre dab g tj smith, if. Wllllao., Rohl. fear be allowed to go 'abroad, bowl. The earn nte in Paris asked non.F>uandl,a7en,-g 1 3owMMy • • • him how It happened that tf rot: put [l. pci)argall, 1. Mc{lpirv•. Arnold ----• a fire-pouml thh Into a howl of water M!♦lin H. Me�'a nay, R F. t'oltiough According to an atilt* le MaeLean'a the w eight was no greeter than the golkItor, �'. Ffas :end ; eng,neer, T. It. Magazine. written by Be editor after cowl without the dab. Franklin tried, pad ttrsoa The offer of lir Alex It and found it Runt so, bpepty to rest the ban for all coon - Ma ns fell crl ars fad etatepfriekii reu outvoteo 1Wswag aro ,•pi d, (u -awl. A hymn wan sung and pray- . hat a night without mttrni .tanto A temperance talk was elven ity Mrs. QUALITY OF THOUGHTS S Ih,ing for Christ''" "Twenty Qimttiona I Alf regi• tiro la a thiki nng. .tune,( for the New Year," "Plea for the Cee ins e4..t iittwWy of our thoughts Is; of the W.11 it Envelopes." were given. . tbe tesaltty emir Wilt -J. Briefly. The meeting dowel with prayer. Eavestroughing WE HAVE: IT Repairs-.Gk.all_nakes of stoves or furnaces John Pinder rlhaee 127 P. O. Bea 131 would disappear If people imltated l Ao-onnts paid': Stanley township. Franklin and weighed the howl. with- .ltaytield D(rbtleu Court te+•'. 013.40: oat the bah and then with the• fish. or. 'T. M. Falconer. +clary as weed in - for that matter. If they imltatod Aiwa- ; ape.tor, ill:C,, its wen M, lean, re- - t haiA ifitarrTn and hotted In the almost- ; Ilef supplle-. a11.44; Mr, Jeit i r, re1M ac• to nee If Own. was n moon on the .Igrpliem. $:I.50; iwy vow•ber No. 2 night or the murder. Walter if. Page N)2tf. -_- -- gentle a note to President Wileen ioutsil thou adjourned to meet on whteh dragv n• int., the war. duty it , llanday, Felwtmrl 3rd, at i 30 p.m. - mens cur only ten mid af months!, trllniiion war expected. 1f the tlrm la'(' tart!+ ant that 1Yikon olid not .rad TH(lMl':w to the middle of \otrnitn•r. 1'e•rhaps ldernnovt to 4- e/itrlhate, a further letter 1 the note. One or the Il irgau partnere It. G IN. /'Leek • • the mss.( serious drawback etail.-1a a ttlspat,hcd aayla�, "Send on the! .end- s "lily foreo•usting the (termini ASIIFIELD that the new t runtti would net tnke-Lehevene- or els• -^-Dish methralx'torte on the Lneltaula• thus 1.1/04.11111Firs[ me,•tlag ,tf A.i,db11 U,wnshlp stat the Morello, run our Rinse 176• eeerll held Jununr tkh. All mens ''toll - rb ar,(! t11/' 1:Dptw -'-tfe -.1$,..,... _.._., Mttsblwgr U nolle fur tlnir_Srude' ices present and s.Yseribel to the t ear trot : only the forecast int ail tion. during shed,h time n would : mesa. wrong. Ivo-Kw-owned+nt.r I.-rhaps .1 l.derlt,.T, council would bold -• • • Rfi ref ow.... waste. Of IMtruaM•t! •pot wan, t knew (it meeting .fad and uppniveeoL on mutton to ei oar y billionrn. ' It le altpecas-TtlIIetd loan-•: only 11 turns by Meitomald ar,1 (Talbert. In all the enrftetanertt Beer the rf out that Az of t(it 1111441 put- ',""; a!- Arthur vilifier'. ..ellee1011011-4. welted tion of eouncillort, these considers- twilight in F:uglnnd. 'Phe itritt•h news- . tions were not diecusaesl, publicly at ! papers, nfter their initial welcome, least, before the recent role. Pus- 1, have left the harass..l pair sirletly albly 1t they herd been the rt,-uit would ',alum-, tt it Bald that the whole Brit - hare Iwen tn(x•h in, setae as It wns. :lith press pries tl only tour thousand At any rate, the rote 1. there, and It ;'nerds of deserlptluu or *ointment when (Nationnl Press Stag writer) 4 -filbert: (Inc. iEitl•tt. cra+lhtg. 5.1 cannel ire i[InottIl 'they landed. That i» �e,% than three laHauder. Ont. t701•1 A d[atrlot )'has. rung -rote, (ratelllec $4.11): feast Would it not he adM rahle, to me4-414'6111MITs M"iargr t nt tine fa tFin/{taL(at ttjt until eighteen Mentha ago we. and whinhole. i;rareillne and grovel, $:Al.I1l; The Pedlar retold,. snow• tense awl posts, snot.-: fat Johnston. rent of ruarl. jowl. 0Z: Herb Curren. sal, *try. eg1,711: lir. ellest.ion. salary as M.O.H. for 118Y. *It: r-glstrnr or hlrths, marring... gad deithe $x311. Moven, by Wraynrand Mclronald. the lint of bonttlnr arermnt be .ant In Duren township =enamel- -11'e natwe(t- pellet's bridge Council tlistraeqd YOII1rj: ItOPtE ETABB - road .ntnrintendent to leek 'efts! the repairs. Th, Callander Quietist 'Wier of foe a l The fidbrwing .11-etetta ,velY nrtlerI I Meilen Ple'trare Nod. on moth.. ty Rhe/wood and t o lane. ut 11Ie large number of mon- taper.. Sint* then there hie been eipalitles now holding eieetlons at the alustet nnthinig. The hyndnd• of re - end of November, to hate Provincial ' porters and camera wen who .me( the fegishrum. under -w•hkit ti)p_utp It -. �f[ ^ +�q,tftt[s_..,tfjete,_.JA...t1t!'Ir in the morning. a movie tYdnny of torn= . year of such mbnlc•ip'selitlen would iso• ' regulaf• ttge-t-f dais. hat. lint -caves- 11 -three _tertseas would Resemble In from Nor.tuI.l r 1 to (k•teber :t1? This !tonal story deta'TiiilIFjr1h4 , w•rrife hent cry than Iiatee twatpitai that houses would allow the submitting of a full - little or nothing, the F►[onnK gttlntaplets, prepe ring to • • • "shady' the towns baldest. . statement Trunks. rine and paw'nge•r rare are Mored by Sberwelod and McTkonahl. years nanr t wt t heron• tis etee•tioirs. 11 tngtht aloan tar ttrovilesl -tu'Slnerlcau (.Wee,, aiutlept, writitigtdrilinli up lir-Front sof the hospital ear- that ttw statement ut ro•id work fns that the anew conn, -ll Outdid take of. 'from North' China. say's that .Amer)• rying the endorse personas and ;deeps 193.. its forward...l .ort the its(tartment nee in December. immediately after the !'nets rind hrill-'h there are Itelttg sub- of ellnlptaent fer the picture is which tsttittnm. jo,9ed. rouagltetly. to inr•nita and in, the IBS of the "quint," le renewed. Jean Tlersho.it and Dorothy Peter- ! POO, by Jntenese and Chinese. !son, retoren Twentieth thtntury Fox EDITORIAL NOTES 1 Jaimtu•se: authorities deviate the events rum stars, who vette playing the om lull's, hut du nothing to prevent parte of the dieetttr and nurse. arrive flora( dipping. - theta and are believed to be Inspiring shortly before 11 if the jut•enlle • • • . the Ineldenta in order to scabs.' ILK e-tre.mea are awake the work begin*: Octane. Ie to have an Income tali. I sidle non io"•Jor• laefp" 11 Is in. N not everyone watts. le rite gitinte But well anybody gu Ay tarn cannot he distnrberl. The hospital 'e } IN m'pa to be 1deeed a change when the lordly white 'In lighted up with .toe•rinlly t'nii.trilrttd tined? !Wu motet ttuhmit to being "man- lights. an an to proceed the little free- • • • 1 handled" by J111,0 and 1`hlnitnten The gvunl of Provincial pd N'- Is In - e Alberta Social Creel Iter. ha re pair 1One Mgh itrittsb oIRcial secure -ti no erten d. and they heenme more parll- -. r.•$t /based a newspaper. 1t they expect I redres, when n •lapanete ether ap•t eider wham they IM Into the grounds. 1t to pay the monthly $23 divitl,tIt.. TS -11&" HRS. Rrltteti and AatKkele Msrnbrrs of the movie trnup. reporter., . nant re they are In her another sled di•atgatiit- ..Miers In uniform are sold to he friIlneendthe hightrete hatarbteiwireN fent'- In an.pert.tnet- nothing but Itas•kwetods has been the actual setting of a motion picture -- With the "quints," log the stare. ' For over a week. sharp at A o'clock meat. ander inttneetlone to arrest any tort ' • • of humiliation rather than gnnrrel . Login of Natlnnx experts. report with the Jape if thee*. stories are that Hoar nations. Japan. Ceremony. tine they can lino*. only One .4'41110. (Icer( Whale and Russia, actua111iNMther itrkl.lt /tor' Amerkan lighting Ts• • were tuner. ind,,.iriaily, during 1<);I,i mtei ,il11 endure sorb revetment far• r{[+4 the tlwy weer, in 11[9. Ro eine ever. They are not aet•natnmwl to se .�.t� puttl��j,,a�,i that the drprerskm 1. peat, oeptIne inanits troth anyone and. soon '.. Mer.rrlT-, Ie definitely on the way. et •t latlir. will exert a hitter permit,' It 1a mild that Ili Alley, the IRONi('AL home of silly inert Ms a batt on cowrie*. "Nur. lw.s,l'/tilntii p4 ow Ow of Ira ditties' rwtt-" l aro pap•rrf"tn rend in tido place?"glee � $ If./o. so one has missed thin rot It's oleo .oro. „elle/Slot eeal row but ! �d f news for Your (tootleIts we Ir artiste sea evidently fllteg he ('brtstates sweep atm • fill >1*r.' Hav04orlt ret., fort to get a look at what 1. going nn indite In about ten minute. it Is all ore. for the day. The great Hghtw are et tingulshed and amt In the van. The mints directors, nim men and the newt ref the eomp•ai return to their trate, .nrrounded Int a collide of doyen reporters who are losolis vele to know Met what did happen Indole of the little el..e hones r By 12.30 they worth* he hackira their hotel reefing np her another hard day Now the taerenw 'it to the stark arketftic ornament dip the more It ekipa the swlfkit s, T soukNC alt e • - • of highway!. Bylaw No I. nppklettng the otikere and arising their soTarien, sax duly pne.ntt, on motion of McDonald and Rherwdnd. Moved by C, lbe.et and Vrnyne, sod (ori -,el, that the minutes, of rnnnrtl meeting. he pnhli-flesh In the papers. Roar No. 2, ,iathnrtning the bor- rowing of mma•y. to pay the Interest on the Were Rhea ltallwey Minds. war duty peasrd. f,l' Moved hr Frn,i4 ad MherwnrM, and carried. (het Erne* Blake he ap- tweeted relief newer at a .sine's of thirty rent. an hoar while engaged. Moved by Meiwla*M and Frarne. that the rnixn-li sad tn•s+nrer ineeot the itnking fund accumulation from limn to time, bee{ ahmild the mnnril reit to appear „[lora called then the Reeve and t rt•s omen have power to sake the Inre.t„v�t. Movovl ht t'n� and 1teDeaatde and resoirsrl. that eotrrtthi beet the •wool Wonder 1 fifth !netts ---- -_._ Cannell that ii rneei on 'Settee of Culbert and Fgams. r F• brellonVAIrl flerk emelt tot • "Eta ant afraid of going to the hwmNsl !!anther. 1'11 he brave and hike medicine. het 1 all. t going to ler palm off a lathy nn me'.like they d on 'seta 1 want a writ.• 'he Goderich Signat Offers You t, 9U/C54. 11411, t y [ t( [ [ E/'rit" l/fftf'fl-t Here is a real offer that will save you money ... Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through ...This is all you have to do. t and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here h the amazing combination Low price. 0 Current Thought . • .1 yr. ElMaclean's (tw Wefts)1 �] Chatelatwe Canadian 1 yr. tit - Modena' NNaw. Ir ' D/iata•ial Review... 1 wt. QCanu ian 11erlieulauwe and Shwa Moniniwe fpr. 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