The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-29, Page 17Vanmtara (Timmy) Hodgins has been
,thosen to...prticipate in:a Junior Farmer
overseas .exchange program, leaving in
-DecemberI989forsixmonthsin Australia
;and'New2ea1and. 'Theannouncement was
made Marehl8 .cat the Junior Fanner An-
nual ..Conference in Toronto. Attending to
providesupportand the excite-
mentwereher sister
and Susan Van de Itlippe Of Kincardine.
'Tammy first joined the .RIPley Junior
Farmers:in 1974 :and for the four years
has been a Glencoe junior Farmer. She
recently received the David Jackson
Memorial Award for most outstanding
Junior Farmer in .Middlesex. 'Tammy is
presentlya -reporter for the Glencoe week-
ly newspaper. 'Tammy .is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Hodgins
On:Sunday, at the Anglican.Easter Com-
munion Service Rev. D. Atwell also had
the joy of baptizing two dear little ones,
namely, Kyle Rae ..Howey, daughter of
Kevin and Cathy (Hedley) Howey and
Ashely Marie, daughter of .Fred and Bar
bare (Haldenby) Friendorf.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lane and Blaine
Salkeld were supper guests with Mrs.
Frank Maulden on Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Murray of
Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Halden-
by of Armow visited on Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Glen .Haldenby.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Howey, 'Kyle and
-Ir.risten -of -Kiichenter, -were-*itiars-with
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Debbie and
Karen for the weekend.
Mrs. AudreyBorthwick of St. Catharines
spent a few days here with her brother
Jack Hodgins and her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Agnes Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barrell of Toronto
enjoyedEaster weekend here with Mr. and
Mrs. David.Haldenby and family and other
Miss Taminy Hodgins was home with
her:parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgins and
Michelle for Easter.
Friends from here send get well wishes
to a former Mrs. Lula Stanley,
who underwent surgery in Toronto and is
nowmithherdaugh.ter, Mr. and,INfirs. Tony
in play at .their.sockd ovening raid card
winners werebighlady,Mrs Donitobert-
son; lucky lady, Mrs. Verna Finlayson;
GIC Rates
Got:inner 1-800-255-5503 ,
irthday Club
Van Rooy
oGq 30, 1985
Yearc Old
ley Hodgkinson
ililarch 30, 1982
1 Year OW
Bradley Glidirist
March 31, 1985
Michael Mac-Gillivray
Aprn, 1981
0 Yearn Oid
aura Tanner
Apr :39 1985
4 Yearn GU
Laeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Mart* 110804ap 17
en to travel overseas 1 antams
MUNCH meet
high gent, Donald `Murray; lucky men
were 'Norval Pollock and William Lowry.
Plans were made for a benefit evening for
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paimerand family who
lost their barn by fire, to be held at the hall
on Friday 'March SISt.
Joan 'Murray will attend the Distriet
'Directors' meeting from Holyrood
'Women's Institute on March 29th. Joan is
the branch co-ordinator.
We extend get well wishes to Mrs. John
Barr who is a patient in St. 'Marys
Hospital, Kitchener where she is having
eye treatment.
Kinlough AuglicanChurch
On Thursday evening at the Kinlough
Anglican Chtn•cha parish Seder beginning
with the 'Maundy Thursday (Last supper
that Jesus :had with His Disciples) was
The Reverand David Atwell and his wife Mr. Arthur Haldenby is a patient in the
Jean gave the scripture readings in keep- Wingham and District Hospital. We send
ing with the event, and HarveyCooper out get well wiShes.
assisted with the communion. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Rower of Owen Sound
Three ladies, one from each of the parish spent Easter with her parents Mr. and
churches came and took their places for Mrs. Harold Smith.
the foot washing to carry out what Jesus
did on that holy night. Participating were
May from Kinlough, Mary from Ripley
and Edith from Lucknow. It was all very
Margie Lougheed explained to all the
meaning of Maundy Thursday and three
girls from the youth group, -Tara Thacker, Misses Rosite Page and Tara Henderson
by May Boyle
Harvey Cooper, and on Good Friday Mr.
and Whs. ClareSparlingef Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. non Bushell had their The Lucknow Bantam Bs lost their last
family'home for Eater dinner en Satur- playoff game to Drayton by one goal and
day: Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nielsen, 'Matthew lost second place to Drayton by one point.
and Daniel of Bracebridge; Mr. and Mrs. The team was assured of second place
Glenlforningstar, Lindsay and Andrew of but Drayton won two points from
Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 'Bushell, Wingham as a result of a dispute over an
Rachel and Whitney of here and Mr. and unofficial referee.
Mrs. Brian Thompson, Brett, Allyson and Listowel was first overall being beaten
Robyn of Kincardine Twp. and tied only by thektiow,
'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald of Listowel will be visftag Luelmow on
Orangeville were here for her uncle Fred Saturday at Sp.m. for an exhibition garne.
Gilchrist's funeral. Lucknow may Still be able to play in the
championship tournament to be held in
Listowel in two weeks.
Lucknow vs Drayton
In the Drayton game Lucknow seemed
to have it covered as they were ahead 3 - 1
with Gavin Muter and Dennis Johnston
scoring. Hunter assisted on Johnston's
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiteside of goal.
Toronto spent the weekend here. Lyndon Johnston and Peter Reavie drew
Mrs. Betty Smith returned home from assists on the other two.
University Hospital, London where she Lucknow started hacking up with
underwent surgery. We send our best Drayton on the offence and allowed
wishes. Drayton to put three goals in behind Allan
Kikkert to move ahead 4 - 3 at the end of
-Julia 11- aldenbranVirdi s'inTed Hunterwentblazing-uptheiceforthelie
Seder for all to share in.
the :second.
Rev. Atwell asked the blessing and
everyone enjoyed a pot luck supper set up
smorgasbord styie. Atter everyone had en-
joyed the goodies thanks was expressed to
Edna the organist, the youth girls and
,Margie and to everyone who had helped in
any way and to all the faithful parish folks
who had all helped to make such an im-
pressive evening.
The Good Friday :service was at Ripley
at midday with Rev. Atwell, Rev. Nugent,
Rev. McPherson and Reuben Burnett
speaking and a joint choir from all chur-
ches with organist Nancy Nugent. It was a
beautiful service.
The free wilLoffering will be sent to the
friends'afterwards they aid it woo the
irtostimpressive GraxiFridaysenticelhey
had ,Bvel attended.
Visitors with Edna andilday Boyle were
Miss Wimdfred Percy, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Fred Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Elliott, Bruce and
David, con. 8, spent Easter and were din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller
of St. Helen's area. Ellwood who has been
a patient in the Wingham and District
Hospital returned home on Saturday.
WORMINGTON - Roger and Corey of R. 1,
Wiegliamaare J3gh owuIue Ate
Wife &riVfl T their dlautideri, Alpena
Marie, onMarethi8,1969,,inVingitathand
7areighing 8 lbs. Psnud
grandpnarents are John nd Isabel Ma:I-
mes anditny and Catherine Wormington.
in the third assisted by Tom Hogan.
Vince Sticklend put the advance goal in
on a back hand assisted by Donnie
Cuillerier. Lucknow netted another goal
but itwas disallowed as the referee did not
see it over :the line before Drayton's goal
tender scooped it up. Gavin Hunter showed
his rikaatisfaction to the referee and he
was shown the dressing room, as it was his
third penalty.
With Hunter gone, Draytyon wasted no
time tieing the game. They also took the go
ahead goal and with 2:28 left in the third,
Vince Stickle/id retaliated, at a . on
player, who dumped him beim' d the net
and was sent to the dressing room.
„FortheXestfithelosine 4141W= work-
londlottletbegitavel bat tantitit.
its la* would lime it Drawl= did ad
score an the vanity net.
it WilB a'may exciitm* g game to end the
playoffs 'mini.
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