The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-15, Page 4Page 4 L ueknow Sentinel Wednesday., March 15, VD
P.O. Box 400, tucknow, . ntario NOG 2H0 B28-2822
Established 1873
Thomas Thompson - Advertising Manage?, Subscription rates in advance:
Pat Livingston - General Manager.
- Editor
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A miracle in the making
Fifteen years ago, one of the most ambitious medical and
hs:a =atcci;:re --centrmy-wos-teuched=:tsy--the-We.
Health Organization. The °objective -- to immunize all the children :of
the world : by 1990 against six =major communicable diseas.s ,
Today, thanks to this extraordinary international :effort more than
half the .children in the developing world are a protected against .dip-
theria, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles and. polio.
•Canadians car eel pre id, of thei r contribution tothis massive , globe
undertaking. Since 1980, ":Canada's international •immunization "Pro-
gram has helped immunize-more'than-seven million children in Com-
monwealth ;Land: =Francophonie .developing :countries. (Managed by the
C.anadiafl Public-Health.Associationand °the :fadsralgovern-
intuits 'the =i*A3 niiillion •;;,program :ispartn.rhaip e (fort :-that ::brings
together 18 :Canadian organizations, -,six Internationsill ,non -
=governmental organizations and thousands of volunteers coast to
When 3.000 children are given hope,and a'future everyday, it'struly
a°miracle in the 'making.
:- a time for op
k 1 1 1.Sni
At this time :Of .y.or:our thoughtsturn -tospring=andaall <beholds.
Tr..s aro budding, flow.+rs. ps pingthrough the groundanda.f alingof •
ronowocistnengthandTopthniom tpravalls.
aFarm.r..saro planning otheiraprinwzroppingand looking •.forwar_d to
that,f.ilingafion.nasswith ith.ir_iand.Othersare planning their auc.
tion;:.sales:and looking ,forward to ,ralioved of what has bocome:a
burd.n m.nteillyand .financially.
`::Students !and t.achors ,anjoy '=this .:w..k as a rojuvenation p.riod,
-ready logo ;back to iachool with renewed vjgor.
,:i ovally, the- mil loge community=hes axp.nd.d sby five -new
storms :and ally -businesses look forward "traffic.
Spring-,nperiod.ofbeginning:or-nswnass, a time toobeOptomistic.PL
Laundry blues
Our .domicile, of late, has been a hectic
place, with the regular domestic engineer
not having quite enough hours to ac-
complish all those mundane chores that
seem to be :part of everyone's life.
It was either let the laundry'pile up to the
ceiling or con Mr. Fixit into taking lessons
on how to run the washing `machine.
It simply amazes me how a man can
take apart and put back together a motor
or some other piece of machinery, but a
running a simple washing machine is just
too complicated! On the other hand, I had
better admit that I could not take any piece
of machinery apart, let alone get it back
together; so 1 guess we're even in our.
The first lesson was - how to seperate
your clothes, whites in one pile, towels in
another, jeans in one, coloured clothes -in
one and work clothes in. another. The logic
of this seperating was quite evident - 1
mean what woman wants their personal
items smelling like the barn orgrease.
Lesson number -two -never move the dial
off the water temperature setting. The
question "why" was answered with "1
prefer to wash all clothing on warm -water;
it saves on electricity, keeps colours
brighter and prevents shrinkage."
Number three - adjust the size of load
dial .according to the amount of clothing
being washed. The answer to "how do 1
owe ze f e load?'-'--was_answered
with "use your own judgement. If you can
estimate how many bushels of corn are in
a truck, surely it can't be too difficult to
estimate the pounds of clothing in a load."
Number four was - load the clothing
evenly in the machine. If loaded unevenly
the machine tends to rock around and 1
believe it is difficult on the workingparts."
Number five - turn the dial on the right
by Pat Livingston
hand side of the machine around to 1f
minutes, pull the knob out and the water
will start to run in the machine.
Number six - add the soap, and as we
have a water softener, be sure you don't
put in too much. If you do, count on wear-
ing itchy clothes or mopping up the floor."
Number seven - when the final rinse
starts, add the water softener. A roll of my
baby blues was his answer to "can't 1 just
throw it in with the soap?"
Number eight - never put in Javex, will
tend to that. 1 had visions of Number One
Son's designer jeans coming out with huge
white spots, if the bleach got in the wrong
Number nine - once the machine has
stopped, put the clothes in the dryer, turn
the dial to normal and when the buzzer
goes off, remove the clothes and fold them.
Number One Son like his jeans folded
seam to seam, ours you fold with the
crease. Sweaters should be folded neatly,
shirts hung on hangers and fold the towels
into four."
No question on this lesson.
Despite all the lessons thrown at him,
Mr. Fixit's first attempt at doing the laun-
dry went amazingly well, and the more
often he assisted with this chore, the more
adept he became, until last week when he
_..had momentary apse-Apparrntly ;I6 n
he went to check on a load, he couldn't find
the soap suds. After playing detective he
realized the detergent was still in the
measuring cup! 1 refuse to reveal all his
secrets, so you figure out what he did next.
Besides, he really didn't have to tell me
and I shouldn't be too hard on him or he'll
never provide me with another topic for
this column - then what would 1 do.
10 years ago
March 13,1919
Big Dollar Day ior.Lueknsw - All -roads
will ead to Lucknow on-Marcht5th. That
is:to beLucknow '51 first "Dollar Day".°This
.was :decided at a meeting <of k►
held in the Council 'Chamber `Tuesday
night. All ;present were unanimous .;;and
heavily infavor ref holding a- special : sale
day,,conducted :on :what its known ;as ,the
D011arDay plan. Such days have tibecorne
nn.Lannual feature in many „surrounding
townstand Ill reportaare to the teffect that
theyareagreat biisinesssuccess-goodfor
crandibuyer. alike.
` Watch the ,Sentinel for anaauncement
n ut-weelkand:aee w.,hatfhe-merchants mill
{ er, and
come to tori: lbere's always .a
crowd in a town en Dollar Day and
Ltltow :will be.aecandtonoare. The date
VIII! be T.ueoday Marchlith, and stores
be<gpentwltitiate in thenight.
TIOirsival wilsiBlgisigoess TheAaratval
nnia Ty►t last wok,
iteidirtil e ;n .t e$niaCd was
sif.the b ear" be d_1rrT rni. l?l dere
was a splendid crowd and the costumes
,were mimerous and varied so that it might
be :said that not the lily, of4he-valley, the
trees of the ;garden orthe ".demons deep
,loam :under the :sea".were ever .arrayed
like one of these. 'Thespectacle was at
times grotesque and endid - "and all
Gwent °m erry;as-:- a ma ..range hell."
e GPs :,are Prgli#!c When :it
corines to farrastock reeardskand.oddities,
Taengi ide distriet.piga,appear:;to be: ring-
iag home the -,bacen at, preent .0n lie
.:farm of Toon. n.on Februaryi7th.a
litter '0 24 pigs -, yas,.bo , -three sof ;which
died. `fie etcher 17,are,:progr.e.sainwell,
fear ahem .chug bottle h es,;W ile the
'mother isrtairing care of the,rest.
''Then on Marcirllth a:liner,;of 45.;arrived
the.farin;of Oreille„T f f tri, ll xof z, which
ural well.Jn:thi the w, is n -
ing 's men,,::with=fi mer two
:being isedxen ihe.:b e.
of ,. i n mty
:imii iioms
the one litter ,and .all raised in infancy by
Mother Pig.
25 years ugo.
I ee ,by 'T#e Sentio el that, Lucknow
Distict tip received 'delivery Monday
nightof apew $11.,0104,p ttalelun truck with
dualsystem The Ford#ruwas
<pure ased locally from Montgomery
motors : with the tank a installed at St.
Njarys. It Ws -,a ice: gallon capacity. The
truck .that has ,beer, in use was sold to
Maritimes ,opSiervices withlho Sale be-
ing negotiated Chriatns ::when
14telmow nvinager Fred Pierce was spen-
ding quistxuss at leis hoine in .tenon,
Ki„%tralUublichs►oiisprel sat-
slYrolvertising far ,a priateipSI tar li
ty since the forming of the .area. John has
accepted a teaching position in .Kitchener.
10 Yearsgo
March 14, 0/9
To show ,peed for chromic beds -
Winghann and District Hospital is • in the
process of preparing -0 ;presentation to the
Ministry of health to show the need 'for
transferring -scene sactive treatment "beds
which are supposed to be closed to chronic
The hospital is .,atter P01- - ...:show the
number of people who are ,long term;pa-
tient&alxl will round out their presentation
with ;inforrnatiori .at :a meeting, of the ex-
eclttive directors of Huron .and .Perth
uron-Bruce MPF Mui t'"ay ciauat asked
,klealth Minister "Dennis Tunbreli in the
ieg�ltatui-e Thurtray, March.i3 about the
Meets of t pce',� bed-popuiatiora
#Primula .onit tpi.meets•
Huron.and Bruce have.a ti ialproblenn
dry to thei calus�e
:tl t re -Co es have:ahii :bthan-Averalie
pr)pu t Ofart ir, t on'fir an
&5 .