HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-15, Page 141141q liPAPIS4re3C •%'-0 iaelituP*1* in the g V.gb, rfietligs to -VIY, 'five'', got that ie -01‘03/29`Per e ,pii1ires f#n tke Jts -Mine in 19 elirgiV01, -Nee Lide. 'Mat ' LW • •••.:-.1 ,• • .. „ ... 11030004witi ›.; tEaglig8:WVW4IlfftWS'CWX f": it Ve • , ' A inosaur 1 •-•*;5"•.!: • -latstweeklitTaddleduckswatninosanfiVeekandthesewee anesmajoyedaleantifalmampdayinaldwatbaosaurgatof -Anew. :CeastrnctionAittpervisors were -1Daro1.ltiatoni And Amen Ufy whose :Ispowsuits were , too 'wet to ',ihe 4taitetaimphediF011ow5theidtapeoftbedinosaar,Istarting fithekftlrontotoldentlfralittleTuddleduckeryottiotowt 'Cal ideDosah,SlephaniellordsonaileagattGreenawayatobby • Itaymottd,..LoriMake,JSandiTaylor, Miehaerriseher,Shea iNcide, 'Mathew Stewart, .Daulttainsagh, Xevin ,Itussell Manny IVilliam Kugr, Itrandon DreenawayandiBlairldorrison:Puddlednek owner,Tracey liteDiaaggh is,extremely satialfed with the reception her hatiaeschaszeeeivedainceepettiagiaatfall. Mat Livingston piaoto) Mil) latTe corn an( -The federal ,gov,ernment, announced last weelLthat- -corn and_soybean.preducersin Ontario's .severest drought:stricken areas ° Willreceive$16,pezacresisinterundrenght aidi.paynients. Inixaers :should- have their vheques.Ais -,early a ,this month. _Some applications already beery 'returned ,with ,_sogue !cheques theing,processedin March. The firelight area were -defined from prelinnnaryfiatatollectecion &small:arca townabipain mosteases. Areas -ma crop:limes:of apProximatebriCi per or more %have :efl. tiesignatedas -*ought areas. ,Sonle-:,areas, lowever, !cannot be .deOgnated-..aucituntillitladataisTeceived fromprovinciai,cropineurancciagencies. -program UCiUUe ali grin, 1 mops, lioge*blesand irnitsi,ag7wells a1iIa for:pox/wing, marketed ilaY-Allitt iQr*e-:Atitd:grown in drought ar_90:"Uthwtiatet:in atte0einket*PAmotsitill 91113r tern: 100011 rifterg in-Aularee 0%13‘61,10,10, made inthe .near Eu&ur fori e3woia 410100:igetittirPaYMOts_ for eato,,harleY'andsall0a-grnwgro. ItodiuterN 1C-vook004..14An *limas thatztuffet And ,.other qualifying erop ktors 11 receive singleslrogght.paymentin.July • elinalacreageAmments:WilLbelased sakafeitaulamihichtakesinteaccountcroP loses Iroirrtlrought, the AO „farmgate cendAheiiiiineAhat gm:insurance payments would ,:lave provided. AgriellitureViteede!.8.:estimatecilaringate Pres re as ioJluws wheat ;41:35Thu; Anoley 42:altku ; -vats 4216/hu; -Tye 12191bu; ---vorn:043/lau; -vanolaitibailm ; 1102313;134).11;-$9Y-bennsigt03/bu. i1)00(11iniiPreliMienrYid4ailliefellowing LtoW110hilig,..-inAartigetandiliuren Coninties, A.1117,receiveinteriikPaYinents4s4et out .7.047114•00014Us Bar 7ovillithiPillaron'Unnty Venr.00. IY .,--C011korne ,,IVIaillOPiltiteStri,WANYAIMItAnd Mb,fieldalkiingthiPstajinrenT4010 .Vuiroas, eitinipas, -Gre.enock-andlirentToMshipsirOme ;Cunty Other xiesismitteci sir toitosi4Ortlee 401d ,- HUM optec Me *OM% 140.1eY,Tletlerkli,-. L yi tOlt, 'TurigOorrY, _Morris -anl Eaet vi h -Tinalna#PsjAW.OA; ginreft ,‘ . ,. e, 13.We, BiclerAllet Arrau, Arnal,01 and iLeimar1e -Tavalatigps ,in Bruce. 'Titrittolow ae RaPPY Ste Pa',s Tat ay Finn Maceocil bya Kinloss Gentlemsua The North Channel raves with cold, salty waves tetween Setitlarid and Ireland be 'Batt of Bush ,Mills theAreen Antrim bills Tote joined to the IriSh -Sea . A:series of piles of stone -go for miles Setween Ireland and ter close neighbour Archeologists say it just bappensthat way Sutmethow it was•Fima MacCool's labour. Erethe Red Band ilew ever the land, Finn walked twith instead trillie sky Thoughbeverrecorded, His 'weightwas -enormous, His redtairkept flaming on bjgh. Now Finn was kindasziants go, 'Though mot very agile or quick. lle invented ids toois, Includingthe The only fear inMmesigreat heart A fear -much tiggerthante, Was of wavestbatxlashed Of stormsthat trashed, Friiin the depths of the deep blue .sea On the cold rocky shore for ten leagues or :more Were wee friends that MacCool did enjoy, - While building their town And fiddling around ile treated a ThilRirattoy„ Aledinventedasackthatthey wore on their linck 'Mo...minrytheirinelmooviettt Aieimprovements Andreedatoinakelnovements littelagpipesaverenearlyete. v•Thesoinnithatwaslheirafronilmmping in air liVasn'tkindto Thu)? s sensitive ears -13titthepeopleallsmiled EAcept, for one child Who ran foralsbantYintears. The pipes they Slid play all night and next day 'They memeditoset 'used to .the sound 'Throughiaztrong:sale They crossedtillandfdale B.ut -our Einnavaanottote:found. -He'd walkedtothemest, for the. wind it was .best 7o-blowtheoweetinusiciewaY lie.songht 7nentlitheiun 4roondowhatheildone ,AndTeturato.?anicelquiet Bis route 'long the beach (waves just out of -reach ) .silence.and.sotTow was greeted, 1.'or.a?great,Scottistiman liadnailed.to the land 'Took the piees,and then quickly retreated. .<17Isinclooked on the ,sight, his muscles grew 141 ht ,Tiirough his teeth ease the first Irish ,iiishromr,foimed a frown. To ponder, aakdown Kerpiunk-on,a-lioge ;Scottish thistle. Efie:immedi4itely-roae,11,11-0,Inprif.,e I suppose, •i'-V.orYtliepoirkfiien,earettitot„Afig Ihe4300101(4059n inlbe-tvLAXIISYllawn Asflinnf,heinventeMejig- ligJekomt:41:000,11t: tatiAglitheshore The-VIdit.fren1gtd:t1411-0teAr e threwlioMeTreeiro 4010.0-0440'100ks ovpaillbdriOlvwor• The tioesilie-. -puplptiml,-vreltosia,avano • n tlie.waves of colcI,..ilferthfrAfeA• P,V‘The-Oiled-giereisThc niowiit it got 101Wi Juin to PRP