HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-08, Page 8Pggeil IFLU Sentinel, Wednenday; Mix& 8411119 le Grove ti BYNANCYTAIJOTT-GREENWOOD The PAnpleGroveMomeres.Inatitute me atthehozneof Mrs. JiniFurell oniVednes- day,. Mar. 1.1twas:, a lot oftauglas:WIthihe 1,elleallansWeredby a jokeiromeaeh•mem- ber present. Mrs. Doug "Maeponald .was -the-convenor. Anirish reading was -given* Mrs. 'Donald McCosh. The speaker, Ms. Donne Farrell Of 'Kincardine .gave alii 111- teresting -talk on .TolePaireing. Irene -Boyle 'was in chargeiof,gamesandoontests follow- ed -by a Itivelylunch. Jim Farrell.went orethe Holstein -Club's Saturday bustrip toWellington County. Katherine Collins _and .Mrs. 'Mande Gawley are spending two weeks with W.anda's .-daughter Velma . at Fort 'McCoy, Floricia."Theyarealso visitingwith Mr. and .Mrs.ilaroldSlessormhilethere. OthenSoutherntravellersthis past week included Mr. _and Airs. t's • d Reid vehO returnedfrom astayintoth Ocala.and-New Port 'Ritchie, ;Florida. Miele *there . they visited 'with resident snowbirds Mr. .and Mrs. EariElliottat their new .homein Hue- son,FloridanorthofTampa.TheReids-who were _accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. -Donald Bushell, travelled home through the Carolinas Edna Stanley, Anne -Marie McGuiness, Katherine;Robertandlittle Davidspenttwo .daysinIfitchener. While-thexatheyenjoyed the ice eapades. They were accompanied by Mrs. Audrey Ferguson, Mrs. Anne .Eadie • - • :and Wh-Jhanand Janne.lEikein-the city .they -visited with Mr.. and Mrs. 'Ritchie - Steebes ofXitchener. • Friends of . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stanley, Dickson and Dayna Might. like toimow that theirmailieg address out inBritish Coluzn- biaisGeneraLThhvry,-. ania7'Farrell of coneeesion 10 attended the... farewell party .for Miss 'R tel Brubacher an Saturday. PAffiIWHIII cL11111111111111111111111111111.1111111111MINIONIIIIMM WW1 ( .Suriday,dinnerguests with Mr. and Mrs. Frances 'iBoyle mere -Dori= and Nuala Keeping .orRipley. -Sunday:evening supper guestswereBeesieandGregTatTell. Nancyandleen 'Craigand their ehildren, _Lindsay, Morgareand'Phillip of 'Kincardine Township were -recentSunday --pests with Sam _and Heather Finnie. Alsovleit•ingmere CluisandPaufDixonandtheirchildren An- rirewandKarla. 'Friends .of Gladys • Arnold held an . early surprisebirthday party .forher ether horn oreSaturday. -Attending ,were Mary Mac- Donald, Isabel Brook, Helen McCreath, Pauline . Smith, Anne McCosh, Joyce Mepherson, Frances .Elliott, 'Marjorie -Thompson, and •Elizabeth Fair. A11 present enjoyed . a potluck:meal followed by cards. IlappyBirthday Gladys! ThePurple Grove :Bible Studyrnet at the - home of Sophie Monsanalastweek.Thenext one will be .atthe home of Mrs. Anne Mc - Cosh on 'Tuesday, Mar. 6. Violet 'Bolteand LorenBolte of -Toronto were weekend- guests of the Mr. Glen :Bolts and family in Ripleythispastweekencl. On Sunday, she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mc - Cosh of -Ripley. ---- ends •of-Marjerieltekr-Were,sorr3rto hear that she slipped on the ice and broke her shoulderinlincardinevn Saturday Gladys Aimold-visited witieler. and Mrs. Jimmy McEwaninXinenrdine'onSaturday evening. ReeentSunday evening visitors -with Mrs. Marjorie -Thompson were Donand_Barb Pa- w. Ate and Allanandllarie uoy .Ellen Greenwood visited over the Bee A Manitoba 'farmer .has .helped to develop a 'farm 'income ..secmity. :plan Ifhich he thinks t.coiddhethe answerthe in- tinstry ilaS been seeking.. • • Bob 7Hopley,„ a :farmer -from Oak River, Man., was instremaental in milting an in- comestabilization proposal. that nowis be- ing examined by govemmentandlanners "It'&basically- aprograrathatis design- ed to cover all commodities," Mr. Hopley :said inaninterview 4Anycormnoditythat is produced eouldbeincluded." Mr. Hopley was part of the first .ream :iurderthe-Grains 2000. program,a federal imtiative which :includes farmers themselvesinteaearchinglarmpolicy op- tions. 'The program is :operated -.through Agriculture 'Canada's -National Grains Bureau inVinnipeg. The first report preparedimder Grains 2OOisdlledRodNoVTa1enartof 'the report ileals,With .:div.ereification arel increased -economic activity :through -fur- ther :processing of raw vommedities. Also included in the report is aproposalfor, a farm safety net 'pro.grani. Mr. Hopley took a leading role roIeindeve1uping it. Thesafety-netproposalisone of five op= tions nowheing considered by government and industry aspart of. a national:discus- sion on reforming -Canada's grain stabilization -system. .•None,of the -.options represent governmentpolicymt. thistirne. Mr. 'is.based on the concept of individual ,laceounts for ,,,par- ticipating :farmers. :Matching 'contribu- tions would sbetaadobygovernmentand anner_s;Tile1remblmsw9A1djOliwP-er entolgualifying;sales to: amaximurn of 4200;000 ayearor$10,000a year,eachirom farmerstuidgovernment. 'PaYinents id be,:_ttlugered in wo ways.'Bitherthetarnier:Wouldotthedif- ferencebetwoenlherelityeaemarglii andth.&averp.gelnaNilitTSifille-preVious liveyearsiortlieportkeipmatcoidd:recei_ve 4'PaYinenteequal..tolii4-,.'ievYTParnent if lazableincoatelallailatawAin4letersnio- ,,ed el4Mbl [is Itbelbfferenee'betevoen 11134/161411. 1.4104.AedeaftsolineWableVOSte ,-txmitiatereativatoitalicootaMesaavtand abor."We • Ate :_the -.Van -44)100ing :Vostern -_-Stabilizat449o, -'the „Jt*ricaltaral -Stabilization Avtioact: 101%., 2140110-97.14ri] yj LS 1 . I • I ei "Those programsarelundednovemitha .six per centcostlegovermizent,sothe cost to current programs compared tothis pro- gram would he veryaimear if.all farmers were emedied." Mr. llopleysaidresearehhasshownthat about $500 -million eachirom,goviennnent :and farmers every y.earwouldfinance the program for.production of fl grain .and oilseed crops,and redineats produced in Canada. ReSaid there isincentivelor farmers to avoid drawing 'payments frozn :the plan imiessabsolutely necessary. "The program as we see it is both a stabilization fund and a savings plan. If producers .didn't need payouts.- they couldletthefund buildandthenbeusedas a retirement plan.Therefore, itwould-: be .easier to '.pass the assets on to the next generation." ;11 ow, ces, . 13toniists The Lacknow 'Vovices hosted lianovee on Tuesday :might •Flebruarr2,9 And them 4,0. :Scoring for Luchnov -,v/its Zan rieffatviith two404.1s, Vraiglfaiat.-•411d Jonathan MaritliuSuritith one-RAWL ,Asuists ,.7wereLadded by Brent 'Cameron th twoAndlaylorMall, ChacWreeinan ,and GregfeciirtneY fene .each. -This :::Avas nOther .Ahutout wjn-for goalie Jay J. ilaoviveY• liatimew 5 eWizegiram 1 ..:9-11,&844Y" ittareh‘.5 leteknow,travelled .::toltinglyintand,VaMe.bomewitlia4-1,-vic- tory.AfteriVielbaM,APAIAed the -sexing lAidwoirsoor. " • lisroat.44gbtTgoalsloAalte 45emillgfar loueitnow:wereCraigMoffat th two :2and :Mark fiteriley„4.onathen StealeAleklelleUireetcameeen..-ittkozie 4)Akch. Mg 440*s c'.1v_ore 4,0101tban 9 ',M1401149w ::'741.04e ;"*.04 :Qadi -FORMA. 211,akeftwordt0liateis fbre104Ssibrile 1444s tt 010 Oraes -WAWA titeimore. -Weekend Witte Jenn Maebonaltef Mena -hers of ThePurpie Greve Weimen's InIttittite are rentrided that -there is 'a 'speiaIinnn On VAtekhigiOr TWO' to be held on vhtirsdziy at 1230 at the Purple Grove Center. All are veltome -atthisspecial educational session. It willbe taught by leaders Mrs. ,Marjorie Thoitipgara and IVirs. Wilda Thompson. -A norninal feeof $1 will 'becharged to cover Oats of ex- penses. Rope -to see all the women there!' By Donna Johnston Thethirdmeeting of the Purple Grove Get Growing was held on Mar." 2 at the home of Brenda 13ridge at 7 p.m. The meeting started with thee1.11pledge led by president Joyce Lane. The next meeting was Then decided to' healer. 8 at 7 p.m. at the home of Kathy Fagfrell. The treasurer's report was up-todate, almost everybody had paid their $2. The meeting was handed over to the leaders. They -went through the meeting on promo - lion. They went around 'the table and everybody said their jingle. They then went -over-the- fi -ve-NV'sigair., to -refresh-then- memory. Members :decided that -for _achievementday each:person wouldinakea cake orbake goods to begiven away. Bren- :de said tothink of what -they are _going tube putting on the .posters. They zre-made flyers and .decided they :would 'use Mandy Farrell's idea and they would see if Tara ehatam would :draw it. Brenda went over the homework for week. -Why join Junior Tarmere? The answer isnot asimple one .The reasonsfor joining Junior 'Farmers are various. With March being Junior Farmers membeishipmonth ,here are ,some reasons to consider. Junior TFarmers is :a .self governed organization. The Junior -Farmers -pro- gram is :designed by Junior Fanners. -for Junior Tanners. This ;enables Junior Farmers to charge and add programs • to ineetthe-needsand -wants of itamember- ship. Therefore Junior Fanners 'has the :potential to lavesninething oreveryone. If your interests are song :and -dance or acting, zwe have Sing Swing and •Culturtuna. For those :whoare sportsoriented there is Minter And Summer Gaines -and other . sporting -events throughout the:year. Commu,n iv-At/on .J:sk i I is , :se if - ActualiZation, .„Pe0P1e -114144eernent and ..leaderiliP skills can 4111 be 'Obtained ..by joining i.Junior :1:Farmers. Various :Jabs and -teeter-ewes 1iave been 9develepedtaenhance.thepersonakSkilisof the meMberahip. Young ''Fanners 'Bi„Uilueas Symposium And - LivestoCk lifwagement logs and leneti004:b0JP :telliether those litho 4ireAgrictilturallY-Oriented• interproYiivial 44,u(1,.-.Anternational trips ane .1e4rn .itbAute..4141jeejhe wojL° Pine Meell .-,X11.0re -4e IOW by :4.41.1440r •'''Verl4ere. AterOile an se,:01140ierFaeWeIrs Afier.s Assuebiag fQr.Aeleoget e'VerY049, :;i1.411betwen the ages of 4.er Tikrbier444.1#14bA0A4Y4Peerilraorarbm, 15;.411d40- tad ,-cocamunitY ,7,Ntettermotiv lxioaas AcifortarAllori.: ineeenthip- 11040 -fOr lortier ,Amior5forrogoinitiritwcpunty<vfontoct e -',n 14.WoF Vffie.e.*,(400,40 ,ifor ::1403004.170,..;:partoffrileUglignioa 4111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111.1.1111111111111111110 .31{4ritevitEdwinilegtin Itayrtiond EdWin Hogat 'passtati Away at his borne th Ashfield Township oh February 13, 1059 in bis'39tleyear. liewastbelnietkendnfiViildred Vega and The father of ,ChristoPher, Vanessa and 'Nicholas, all ofkinito,:Ectador. Also -surviving are his paretits, Rita and John Howard of R.R.'77-Liteknow; brothers aiidz sisters, 'Prime's -of 41911.. 7, lineknow ; Rathleen tirtd huaband, 4Cera :lloeppner, off ary ; 'Anita andhuSband,,Paul Frayne, Of RAZ. Goderieh; Leona and 'husband, avidSharpe,201V.gmondville ; Janette t)f Guelph; Iiawrenceand wife, litnianne,,of 1. 7; Luekilow,andiStephetylioward and Wife Lori_Of 1111. '7, Luelmow. He vas precodceased by his father, Louis Hogan, in 1968. :Raymond was :bornin Goderich On August 31, 1950. Be graduated from Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology in 1971 and began farming in 1972. He was married on December 18, 1976 at St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge. Funeral services were conducted from the MacKenzie and McCreath Ftmeral Home, Lueknow. Father Edward Den- tinger officated at the funeral Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, followed by -burial in the adjoining cemetery. __Beteeearere everepergiasSeett,_ Janes ¥rayne, Bruce Shillinglaw, Donald -Kuik, Turiylefiltenburg and -David Eadie. Raymond will be remembered for his contributions to various agricultural organizations. .••.MarieMorrison .Mrs. Mariellorrison, aresident ef Geri - Care 'Nursing 'Home in liarriston 'passed away on7Febrnary.28, .1989Jat Palmerston ,andDistrictilospital inter Mit year. 'Shewastonronjime28,1896-ite'yeehfeed Township,`.1turen 'County, the youngest daughter -Of ?Wm. G. and 'Elizabeth (Twamley).$herwooti. She was an accomplished tiressmiiker, workingin..Luelmow until hermarriage to Robt. -Whines ofIcinloss Township on April -9, . 1919. They lived .in Winless 'Townshipforashcettime,theninAshfield Township, moving to a larin west Teeswater .in 1930. 'Mr. -Whines _away on October:1,-1961. On'November-22, .1968 she marned CA. (Al )1V1cmisonlifTeeswaterwheretheyliv- -ed ;until thimpassing on May '19, '1977. She was a resident of Copeland Ledge in Witighanifrom I990uniillastfall when she moved to Geri-QareNursingflome. Mrs. ..Mortiaort is survived by dalighteradaryThorntonandher.husband johnof csorrie,Ason,Da. nblelnnesand Ins wife ZuMe-ofiBlythand dagghter4n-1aw, Largaret Maims OfTeeswater; I3grand- children,andaightsrea4randehildren. ShesvaspwdeeeasedbyasonVilliam in 1966 and by three sisters, .A.nste, Mrs. Adam ,Johnstone; Bertha, :Mrs. James IdoWhinnff •Evelyn, Mrs. Alex Watson AIWA brother, AlfredSherwood. Mrs. Morrison was member of !Knox Presbyterian 'Church, 1'eeswater. :Her minister, Bev. Wm. Baird, conducted the funeral ,serviee At =the 'MacPherson Funeral Hwue, Teeswater im Friday, March 3. 'Final resting place is the Teeswater.Culross'Ceineteiy. 1-44ilibeareraxere-Sixrandsolis,'Donald Thornton, 1j It, Murray Thorn - ten, .Aeoneth Hutchison, Robert McInnes ettod13,41eNlbes- trib4tesvere vairief2t' "b,,,eAranel- lialighter.s.".Maelintehison,linsla. McInnes :And Nancy ,Molanos. -porta_NeOU* ght fAil3;f3. tire -ex- Ablgtliabo 1449 .-14i4Ohat'ge'..1Me .413to eight 01, A0011 -WOWS. c;:sn.!ifire, Ile. time te .,Vi.44te • *Mille illscharse at Pic base of `P fire* PO, fer a �ed, ke, upthe ire *ter 1‘49014,971to r .4141f* 0e-4We-9 114rempi,,Stwe 41eW tievAlklagtAloharge if yoJion.- PelSe MrPrevolativeeff9rts, tbo fire nay start '41* -gain. Vight:A 'gro,,onlY if the 119w has tmon --AYK*0d9'ithe'fire dpartwnt ha,.4910t1 -40044 YAIr-1410k is .t.e.tlie xit, the fire is g444414441b1-4***8./ if Yog know wjiat YouAiire,. •