HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-08, Page 7JCR LAteA0Wikiktifiel, iiii*dvwvetty9 Mart% 41, VIgP105, MDT:, Phtme-357-1630ftsr bibuir tnm, !lifer/nation TALAYIND TIMM' ArP imm c*AFICh 1,0th th 18th SHOWTIMES: fV111-1. \' k Ja. ° 4 JRDAY 4561. 700 AND 1:00 PM. SUNDAY TO t,o8 1H :EVENING Approximatelyiglarealarmersattendettlfproducerinectingund cropiplanningseminar :attheLuelmowLegioulastThursday:Theevent,sponsoredby-Cook's,also..gavelarmers .an.apportimitylo ..apeak-withveps from feed, ' -fertilizer, ,seedland 'chemical compin' ies. 'Pictured, left to 'Tight, Join Maelienxie, Mintail; -Paul .3Bushell, Cook's manager, Amberley -branch; Lorne .1VIODonald, Amberley; Mon Hathaway, Agri4Sales -rep, Aniberley branch ;MradVord;Ilerchandisinghlanager-from Cook' stead Offlcelnlien- sall. (Margliurkhmtphoto) Soil conservation course A .course entitled Training in :Soil Con- ationviJ1 be ..beld at the Walkerton .Mz A.F _Office On'Tuesday -during March. .Mach clay the course will run from MO aan. - 4t00 pin. with an hour -break for lunch. The, - course is funded by the in- dustrial. -Training Advisory Committee through 'Centralia. College of Agricultural Technology. and will be free of charge .for „anyone living in Bruce or Grey Counties. Everyone iswelcome. Course content will coveralLaspects of soil and water conservation on agricultural land and 'participants will receive a-tOpy tithe newlyreleased Land StewardshipEducation Manual. March 7 -.LandStewardshipEthics,.Soil and Water Resources, Cropping:Practices .and 'Cropping :Systems, ;and System Overy eur. March 14 - Conservation use of the Moldboard:Plow, Vilisel-Plow, -Minimum -Tillage, 'Ridge -tillage, -,and Economics. • , .March2l .•'I'he'Stateiof:Ontario''S'Water ...Quality, Manure Alanagement,:riertilizer Management,7Pesticidemd .Structura11Irosion1ontrothteasuressuch as :GrassedVaterways , Berms ,andliock Unites. March 28 - Rotations, "Cover -Crops, Wetlands, 'Tree Identification, zFarm Woodlots,4Vindbreaks,LandMap1e'Syrop aims to in Last week the executive of the -Bruce Countrridingofthe-Family-CoalitionTar- trmetintheValkertoifTown-B011. -There were 11 present, including membersfroM-Teeswaterandliincardine. New ..and renewaLmemberships received inthelastfewmoriths werelliscussed:The F.CP. isthe -newest lastest growing-pro- vincial-party.in Ontario. Itwas just -a -few montbsoldat thelasteleCtion yet-was:only 10100 votes :.short -Of Abe 'NAP. and just .20:100 r.behindthe, Conservatives inBrnce. The ,neXt order of -business concerned how .larger-ituMbers if the citizens of 12:0_,g, inzat Lorne -Henry a Evelyn Finn* .wish to announc the upcoming weddiogottizeirtiaiMhter Sandra -to Rodney,son of`Don and Lee irvine,,ot Knox United-C-hurch,Dwen Sound, on April 1, 1989. • Bruce County Ok4AF Production. Guest speakers from the Ministries of Agriculture, Natural -Resources, Environ- ment, and from -Conservation Authorities and Centralia College will provide in- teresting information to everyone. Plan now to attend. Registration -will take -place at 900 a:m. on'Tuesday, March 7,1989 at the Walkerton 0.,M.A.F. office. -4-111tegional Leaders' Conference `t4 -H Looks Good On You" was the theme for this years -44:1 Hggional Leaders' "Conference iheldmt Atwood nn -February211th. Fifty 4.41 leaders from .Grey, Bruce, Ruron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington Counties joined together for an educe- tional,interedinganditutday.Motivation -was the:main topic fortheprogram-Janet -Horner, .a -native of -Bruce county .:now from Shelburne, ied the group in xa workshop. Discussion revolved -Around what influences -young -people and bow leaders can work -effectively with these members. The -conference also gave leaders chance to _exchange ideas and concerns. mpublic Bruce coldd become familiar with the principles the 7F.C.:1). stands for. it was remarkedthatitistliffettntfromtheether .policital , parties, as ...they-tend...to :change their policies in Lwow to media and popularity trends. In contrast, the ,=.membership Of the F.aP. have,deteuttinetteouraes Of -action based on objectiveltalues-andtgoals..4Ari examplel,would,beAbat-reeycliaggarbage similar to the warliaturemorksfisanore logical lhanVibag ,eveilthiqg tfog' titherin dumps that.have.to1111-1111 LUC KNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB LuCknow 'Community -Centre '( Sunday, MArch 1219 landlveryliuldaY Night) TotentAal ;Prize Soon! *3000. Iittiwt on TM -Calls 41;000. 1500. 41414St0 *Rensat 600,poin. Aingo,siarts at 7:15,pm. • 44 PARENTAL If GUIDANCE •••1••• 0.0.M4P, &tog*, Atoftsrg""" • • re„, . • . 1:1‘04440.)# -PLAYING SATURD. Y, S. ' T)AY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SAT MARCH Ilth, 12th, 14th, i 6th lmri 18th SHOWTIME: 1:30 EACH DAY 14ifFAMILY .PICTURE5 PRESENTS ..ONONNtl Mal MOB till111W. 11/1111B11411111.11101/11.11161111141/1101/0111,11101111111.1 DeVelimi Colony :MAIM Saturday, March 111 '89 atP aln 7,30 Lucknow Arena Theme: L i 1 t, 8 Club Skaters: Every Group ParticOates guest Skaters Lucky Draws -to S�€ y 7hatilcs 'for ell your support. SiIerLoliection At Door !It tAqtri., re.- 1 0.1-1 .4; PRL - veep., MARCH 10 - 15 PRI. pan.: SAT. 3 SISPI,2 36 p.m. *ION. - WW. 2 6:30 pan. Adults SLIM Vhadran 43400 *tt*MItY c-p4u. - 16 1+10. -.10.462711110.F,k9t1t,51.P4M. PAWL. 441411${4,4411. APOWAISIASCE-'140012(044111194191itcestwooygoetv Sg .. •