The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-08, Page 41 WIN.I1+WIFWIMIWWWWWWWWIIM..••••••••=••••••=11MII•Tall•MMIMMIMmIanrIMMINIMNI•MIIIIIIIMIIMMIWIMINIENNEI ?age—4Atelaiowilegitsei,Weimilay9Vareiti 111.9 13n. Box ACC, Lucknow, _Ontario NOG 21-10 528-2822 Established 1873 Thomas Thompson -Advertising Manager Subscription rates in advance: Pat Livingston - Gpneral Manager $179° Outside Canada $S096 - Editor $149° Outside Canada4589° Senior Citizen Second class mailing reg. no. 0847 •Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of theadvertising space occupied by -the erroneous item 'together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of The advertisment-will be paid at the .applicable rates. 1111111111. March 8 is international lAronten's Day. It Aragon at the turn of tire centurroso tribute to the strike callediry women ,working in tire New York .City garment industry, to protest their overcrowded, slangerous working conditionsand miserable pay. According to 'Verspectives", a magazine publidred by :Status Of ,Women :Canada: Hin,North America, 4svonien's :situation -has Improved aubstantiallysineeTieraMetirkessiedaraticnrofthe'first international .1Alamen's11ay in* 1910.[World-wicle ,-however, womerrstil I malice opmost of the poor, the Illiterate, the smemployed and the underAnreployed. .Very 'few -women hold the 'reins of political power that Aire Icey 40 changing these trends. A United Nations surverfound *that although • womencare- half the warldspopuiation, they perform two thirds ofthe work, ,yet receive '.only 10 percent of -the world's income. Women are responsible -for -half the world's 'food production, :but possess only one per cent -of its materialvoods." IllarharaMtDougallithominister forStatusofiNomen :Canada, writes "internationalzWornethMay -smOCCCISiOn4or factisingottentionon the ,situtation of women, -thkrir achievements, 'their :concerns and their aspirations. in 'Concede:rand alsewherearound the world. international Women's Day will:be :celebrated witho ;variety Of infants. I Amco.urage you toilet invovlad this yswr-by participating inavents takin9 place in your community tomark InternationalAifornon'sliay." "Although their individual ,circumstances may be :quite inflaming women throujihout the world Ashore many 0 the ,fterrip Ahopes and ,dreams.-Carredien women -have accompl ishedararch inr.c.nt ldecaties. International Women's Vey celebrates those achievements. I hope it ,bviL also promote a greater awareness of our -common bonds with women srlsewisere in the wcw1c1,and anapprecation of the -need towork together to achieve -equality for ,women' Wye/Dago 60 1919 Mall was well:filled --Thel.4,M.C.A., enter- tainment in 't,he lownlialrrucaday night drew a fultbouse inapite of the -wet after- noon and ;the heavy wow ,storin in the evening. It :was largely town ,crowd, however, the _bad roads and the worse weather keeping at lime -many country resklentawhohadintended coming in ihidging ,by the-excellentztemper,which Prevailed, it was,a-wellentertained-crowd too.Dr. liewtoncprosident of:the associa- tionovas very auccoadulas chairman ;:the chorus tly,30inale voivestoOktheandienee by -storm And was., a JribOte to Mr. AU. ,Anderson's ability ,iis Iiirector„as zthe _period of ,,training :was very brief. 'The violin selections by ieo. ,Fryfogle, Niingbam were se,nonular thathe to reP- twe Isond.to-encores sit-oath:appearance. And -must 110t forget Ales contributed _bY lifesers.IlarrY MaSerandAlinuniefiunter, each of whom ,were ioudly ,and -heartilY aPplauded. Ihellebete :which „was _perhaps Atte bee T.wriicli a Lsticknow,audeoce1as_Listenedto GTO y shoppiug WOeS Have you eversent yourhubby to do the grocerjrtthopping? Do yougive Mina list? Have you ever taken 'hubby along grocery shopping? Did you spend morethan usual? If you 'answered "yes" to all of the above, you prcibahly cknow where this ca- ll= is headed. Now:before-at you male readersgo get- ting :on your high horse - wait - 1 'don't judge all of you by my own personal ex- periences or those -related to me by friends. However, from what I hearalot of you are just like Mr. 'Fixit, when it comes togroce.ry shopping. Mr. Fixit DOES NOT enjoy shopping - any kind of slapping, :but occasionally 1 coherce himinto :coining along to get the groceries. After all, every man should imderstand the lay out of -a „grocery store .and it also impresses upon them that it really does 'cost a lot to feed family These %excursions tend to stop them from asking, "how can you 'have 450 worth of groceries in...those two little 'bags'?" Mr. Fixit usually pushes the :cart when hedeignstoaccompanyine cm oneof these teaching -sessions. 'Taking Mr. Fixit into .agrocery store to do aweek 's shopping could be 'compared to taking _a toddler into E candy store. He goes crazy! As I walk ahead with my list in -hand, he usually trails 10 feet behind, 'flaking it .aostunpossibire-f-Orme—teep a sharp 3eye on the quick move of his -hands as he shoves and hides little treats in the cart. We make it past the vegetable display with ho problem. It is the frozen food sec- tion, candy aisle, cold meat counter and .bakery section .that is his downfall. 'Those Amouties by Pat Livingston tempting TV dinners, ice c ream, Salami, donuts and Chocolates seem to jump into the cart as he strolls by. As fast 1 put themback, those expensive little "treats"' appear again. "But this looks. really good," is repeated numerous times. By the time we get to the c °miter, the basket is over flowing anti Lam holdingmy breath in dreaded anticipation of the final tally. Mr. Fixit of come has disappeared; playing the gentleman's roll, he has gone tabring the car up to thedoor. In fact, be is playing itsafe. He prefers to be scolded in private. On the drive home, -ranting and raving on my part brings the :comnunerit, "1 told youl didn't want to go, but you insisted." Do you think there is a method -to "his madness? • Needless to say, I do not insistMr. Fixit accompany me on a regular basis. It is easier and less expensive to do it -myself and let 'him put the groceries -away. One lesson he still must learn is that frozen meat pies go in the freezer, NOT IN THE CUPBOARD - theytend to.grow tarry little things if not stored according to instruc- tions and the odourthatemantes after four aysis-netthemostTappealing. -In-fact, it could turn you off meat pies for ever. Stay tuned for next week's episode. Mr. Fixit is really helping me out the last cou- ple ofweeks. 1 was ruining out of material for this column, but bless his wee -heart, he has -come to my rescue -,again DOk'T KNOW 1-K11 IT qDT TIEREIT VO IP toy ig All lop IP) p 'n...t•-• EOM 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111 in many years, went in ;favor of :the negative, the ,affirmative having, in the opinion of the judges, failed toshow that theJnfits _likely to result froin ,war more,thanOffsettlwevilssiue,tolhemar. Yeartigin ifsra90/119 nikareaPeuSbkatb,_ The con- treginlon of Abe uothow rPrefsbytetlan Curclu has Jeined the Vritatide OPPOOIng any loose.tiing of ihe 'Sabbath Day obser- viuice Jaws. A -petition fs being Made Available for menibers-and Adherents of the congregation A° -sign, In voicing peir -d*PProVal -0f401Y 8110LinOve On Ale Port Of :the rovu1cenuuent• Asietgo Nave Of PrOtatinOrell00$. the An- nowieelnent ,was spade jitQuagn's Park ,the-end_of -the eskithstSundaY observance ..iawsTWW liot kebyiwflaio Legislature ',during the Minim ',11eimion. "Many representations have been -made to the goveriunent requoding legislation to permit some recreations on 'Sunday ,now prohibited Wider the Federal Lord's Day Act;" Attorney General 'Conant fOrinfdlY announced. 'Since the -reguests for such ,logislationoare-Sititte recent -and there bas not been sufficient time to 'flab/ 'consider the various ‘representations Alktnittell no ACI4011.will be taken Ly the4overninent.at diafige ,present Sunday Jaws.' .Ziyeamao 144000141,11144 No.loore 1iig 44iwce pliwit ',OW; 'Ur ImekaawADmposson - According to -an- ‘.nouncemerds 1);tede 'Week by eL Telephone Co. and -Huron and Kinloss -Telephone 'Co. ;per -subscribers, on the 141015110W And 1940.414nulgi exchangeswiL be phoning hack And forth bYlIttetbis YfAr with-liolOiVidistance toll charge involved. ;SOO two rehAns ion 11400dayrioormAsfi - 'There have been various ',01gris.-of -owing liming this - but net unlit the arrival of The robin Is it official. i'llWre -bads. again! Mex W. Hamilton spotted two 01 the red breastsin an -apple treeAt-his borne on.Idondayinornin& ,10,Yeaksago March7,JJ79 • Lucknow flea Wadley Murray lept for joy After 'scoring 90 _the Tiverton :goalie during their ;game SAturday at the `Loolulow-Flexaeolieylournament.Zight items ,eompeted in,the *owl *vent fo- olish% 1-4e6water, rjie1, Mildmay, 13/7111, Luelmovv, Tivvrtss, ;Ripley awl lielgrave:144now,made itiothevonsola- tion playdown ,but lost of .vonpouition championship to,j3elgrave. loeswater put out_Blyth to win the tournament. The combined team of Lucknow and Point Clark .iiinsinen -clubs 'defeated the ()YAP. team in their annual, hockey game -at the Lucknow arena son March 4. The foe= 1`4,a 7 !kW*-fOr the Ainsinen ,wart Peter ',Steer With 09 Ago Johnstone had And 'Or* toareqiiie and 130 MeDonagh .with singles.