HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-01, Page 6ibmgannon 3294922 arm Protection For: may ssige orderedlby Mar. 31/89 May 16/119 — ordered by -April 11/89 We *have: &Offline Rock Roasters kelb Brown :Egg Layers •Turkeys Zan Now To Avoid Disappointment For a :quotation, please -eontaet.any of the followingiagents: FRANK FORAN, Lucknow LYONSA MU.LHERN INS. BROKERS LTD, Goderich 524-2664 DONALD R. SJMPSON R.R. 3 Ripley 3955362 JOHN NIXON rusne1s SPROUL •Auburn 5297273 SENISTETH AlacLEAN Paisley Z66.7537 E INSURANCBR S INC Kincardine .3968513 LAURIE CAMPBELL .Brunsels 4387#9051 .-Editorstitte: Linda Plant is the-danghter 'iottlaryand jimtoyle of Lueknow. Though ..41 -ebbs have 'been -troUnd a loaglimevitisonlynowithatthereisanOn- Uric) carnal to lead them. Linda Plent, IrtUn :ChiShOhn, is the -':first .'president of that 'One .2ofthe main 4tims -of Plant .arird the newrouncilistobreathesOmelifeback in- to the clubs, 4 -whose memberthips have beenisteadily ilwhalkitg over the pest few years. province-widectunpaign to revitalize the 411-1mage_iwneeded," -shesays. Forthepasi75 years, the 411 movement has been sponsored ari&organized .in On- tario by The 'Ministry of -AgricUlture -and Food. .in 1982, :e committee of -di '-leaders dweas _established to -act as _a :liaison 'bet- weenthemlnistry and the volunteers who ron:the clubs. Over The last year .and *half, :a -major --reviewofthedialubshasbeentionebythe :ministry. 'The cormriittee added con- -sidetableinputto the review. As .a result; several 'recommendations have been made to:the minister, which he iS now thinking about. Onemajor suggestion's thatthe leaders ' committee, -.made ..up of appointed 7-rartbenscou1cHmeome-Trn-eounell7w7ith itsmember&electetbytheleaders. r'Phcaightheministerhasnotactually.ac- ceptedthisrecommendation,the commit- teebasalreedrelected;Plant-president of the Council. She was a member of the leaders' committee for the past three years. Thecommittee wawstrietlyanadvisory body. The toenail will have decision- makingiMfejai, and will be able to earry out fundraising, and seek sponsors for441i projetts. This twill make the movement less -dependent on ministry fundhig. laoweringithellinit One :suggestion the minister accepted irtnnediately was 'lowering the age limit for the clubs. Up tonow, the minimum age for membership has been 12, butthis year it is dropping to 11, and next year youngsters will only have to be 10 to join. Plant says leaders have found that, nowadays, by the time youngsters are 12 years old, most of them have already developed other interests. She says the council hopes that the earlier starting age will both help attract more members, and help keep them in the movement longer. Presently, the average -member stays with the club for just under three years. Plant also points outthe council would like to see the purpose of the -411 clubs redefined. They suggest the dubs' main aim should stress :the personal )1evelop- meet of young in rural Ontario. She -herself -Bruce County, and completed her provin- cial -honors there. She -has teen a leader in the Chisholm area for the past six years. (From the highland Herald ) RIPLEY 395-3695 'Before we Ily the .Lancaster in the Hamilton International Airshow, June 17 .and .18" .says ,Nom :Etheridge, Chief ,t-valklie :equipped to sten- liardsmsgoocLasanyanodernAirliner:" "The timing 'couldn't -be :better, 'because the "Cmiadian -4Vilane heritage ..Lim- castermdllbeirivolvedthis sumnierinits heaviestllying-schedule since it "retired" from:RCAF in early 1964, as Lancaster 33omberFIVL213. Blaring the past few weeks; visitors to the -Cananian:Warplanefferitage Museum at Hamilton Airportin Mount -Hope have seen-normalmaintfinanre activity ;under- way,but 'fbehindtheacenes", Normadds, "it'sheingrefittadtollyintothe !Ws. "It's the oneand only Jncastersti11fiyingin North America, lid, ..according to Norm 'Etheridge, ”statesokherart ,Avionics and Gtech instrumentation will law the Lancloily.anywhere onethe continent any -lime ofthellay t" Officially dedicated last September to thememory of P/0 Andrew Mynarskiwho was awarded the Victoria Cross potbumously, it will participate as a `3F1ying Memorial" in an extensive schedule Of .Airshows, coast-to-coast in Canada. The "Mynarski Lane" as it is popiilarly Anown, will thus become the C.'W.B. Ambassador of Goodwill to air- showaudiences .across: the- country. Its .1969 National -Tour will commence right at homebase, with the Mynaiski Lancaster's participation and Memorial Flypastin the Hamiltoninteniational Air - show, ,ABROHKRITAGE, to i)e held on ,Father's Bay 'Weekend — ..lune 17 and 18, at Hamilton Airport, Mount Hope What a thrilrfor :dad and the 'UMW to see the first Memorial 'Flypast Of ,the C.W11. Lancaster, flurricaneandSpitfire — Vas Cninindirm Vozers 24--ta7iaLzd5 Aerobatic Team, andinany -other vintage marplanesand,_aerialdemonstretions —at theilamilton International Airshow. Monday, ,:edarth 6 5aturrigy , Maixh 11 Wirood'Oponing7Neek1penct1uu-sday Rt+4urcf.,10.2atine4kitpd ilAter,Qurildrawjor a 'Tersonalbeid54thirt or 12%.0.Atseber Draw-everY4aY digit% 'grad 14/P400g:wok Xor a ligdieS9:1**Wrnit:T4Ilirt „we wittaisosary alArietY fAsterAiriiiie5 F9S y (Goods vcievow bylleatker:Prie,tap am involved with the Co4)perative .Education ;program which is -offered at .FX. Madill :Secondary -Beho01. The Idea iltellind:this,prof,ramitto:allowstudentsu experivitee-_ajOlzplacenientintheirarea of inter:at. itaverlown two, piacements-xvhichwe .4as ,aliineoloiogisys Aid at :the Minghain And 11)Istriet 11Qopita1:and(as,A 'Tvaiter's AidgatithelnaghauiRtiblielichool. -2Every Monday dandIFIedneodaY 4ifter- :now, 1-,gotolheimpitaLtomisksvititthe ,.:isinesi9004,13nudaiEtisar. AUtzgloyliftenwoll, lhe,referxoA,Pa- ,Ltjgnts:ooltrstUQ,or:are.,jMrnlndillAn.11011r j0/10011:Of ibelkossioninclides- -con- yoratickaadtagercia&Notithilsmattignis. "`.110*.I$004se_ /he" ijic4wle cbp, Akrto :mid leg axesJodt moverwatiitdingithil*:131e . w+1111101114SeVtibikPrWilln that 401 the JoogtterM -,PAtts -amyl fungtignal• have.tolake-AlUnthincelor,textients AudAortikeirlimkrt .4414911:0114:MAbil' v IMPPetteiteelliWattotte-elldff:theiar“ ciftiaggliiY,;:,„LjWend the aftPrru first400r. ImistIstroke AheYliflaki---1,-play-semesAnd them ,--aadiocother „activities 414 • 0,i wients law aod,aasis, it 4#1(1 11'.04$ otor W. one ,•Of the 4 . eilikken• .00114eidaYAsior.1190Os, I meth in „Mrs. OverlictiVA 41.014s At I* loublic oho). Alie five slotiftlits in -OM 1...W6 JAM 19OC*1 nee*. Neito:siotiog 1111 *Arch 400 thon Ave 41 'I* *owl to itfloittp .aid 1Jort 0(troming-,34kige .14e.ottglents491101/ tbe VrP310;03.4rAa• ,O,Irrillutivc100.40,0r119000I5f9rk41-An in- LerilifdiAte, ,,SOSTP9014141051 Wcients natti,9 iue ihdiV44111374141,440 *Pit theirrworkon the-coMp: Ater. Ileetthat (0o.opia very worthwhile ex- perietie is,a-teigl wily to 4041:out 11 you will enjoy Youreueii omen