The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-03-01, Page 1Fifteen young area students competed at the public speakingcontest, sponsored by Branch 309 off the Royal Canadian Legion, last Friday evening. All of the students made excellent presentations. The diction and con- fidence exhibited by the speakers was. outstanding, giving good reason for the parents and teachers to be very proud of their children and pupils. The junior speakers were Amy Austin, ,Amy Sutherland, Brent Cameron, Adella Andrew, Becky Martin, Tanya Kikkert and Brian Lubbers. Senior speakers included Tammy Schaus, Diane Ross, Tanya Sutherland, Heidi Martin, Jennifer Tigert, Michele Snieder, Karen Lubbers and Lisa Cairncross. First place winners Adella Andrew and Tanya Sutherland proceed to the tone level being held March 4 in Clinton. Judges for the evening were Tony Mc - Quail, Marilyn McIntyre and Karen Wade. Oh so pretty! Oh so cold! Friday morning the dregs were laden with frost and fog hung over the rivers. Temperatures 'The Bruce County Public Library is forginginto the future. Ithas venturedinto thefield of computers and automation. Patrcons,of the Lucknow Library be , awn* of thefactihebranch does not have ‘easy ,access to „a ,catalogue of ,library material, in the countrsystem. iBruee County clic library has par- licipatedina prOjectwhich-has completed the first :phase: computerising the catalogue. his Llibrary revillution has been, Lbought about through 21 Abrades joining together to form , a monvrofit organization Mammas theentario Library onsortium (0.14`C). OU vrganized the (data 113000 iniOngtnild the ,production of the first compactible ratalogue.lihis, pro- ject was rfunded by 4111 lime levels of /government - 1044=4, Txovineial , and Wernher libraries<are: The counties if Bruce,'Elgin,Basex, Frontenanc, Halibur- ton, Mum, Kent, Lambton, Lennox and Addington, Middlesex, tlorthwxiberland, ford, Stormont Dundas and 'Glengarry and Victoria; the RegionalMunicipalitY of Waterloo; cities of Chatham, Peter- borough, Kingston, Sarnia and 8t. Thomas; towns of CobourgandPort4ope• By using the coin:inter and cother new teelmology,aiperaon,will havelinetantae- ee,ss toil* catalogue °fall theibooksinthe system. This service ,can be made availabletwthe Luelmow Branch, initlarst a computer system mustbepurehased. Funding The LuCknastbeen*Iio raise =Wiling funds for ithis,purehaae. donation is a ;positive indica:Am violate involvement in thetlihrorY• The ,purehaselithe systentis,Winteo- ordinated ,by the 014V, than* a grant cultivating froxn the Ministry :of Vidture and Coin- munications. It is Iiivedthatthe Luelmow Library can raise f.,$1400310 (per systen1). The remaining41500,00Willbeingthedby the Ministry. The mat= purchased will 'become the PrOPertrof thetcommunity, but it must he Iletlicatedioltsvnalpuvofte -a Public Acoess -rattdogue me). Included in the azionochrome Monitor, MX -PC With Anal and CDROM op- tical Ilialt,reader (Hitachi). Fan Meguall, local librarian stresses -the ward PUBLIC. Tjie 'BOUM s "user friendly" and will be accessible to the public, with assistance frown the library A/000[21134W. Intotlibraiy loans will be Aleiielgsgierandlaster,accost0g to Mrs. All4114031. A catalogue of this Sizewith,Iibra7loca- 'Tura to Awe •3., The annual Legion Tyke Tournament, for hockey players under seven, is this weekend, March 4. Eight teams from Lucknow, Teeswater, Howick, BlYth, Brussels, Ripley, Huron, Lucknow and Belgrave will compete during the day. The games begin at 9 a.m. and proceed through the day, with consolation and championship games at 5 and 7 p.m. Be sure and drop into the arena and watch one .of these games. You never know - one day you may be able to say, "1 saw the Great as a tyke in 1989." New column in Sentinel this week This week's Sentinel introduces a new column on AIDS information. In an effort to keep Bruce County residents updated with accurate on AIDS, the Realth Unit has instituted •a new AIDS Educa- tion and Resource Program. The column will be carried monthly and is written by Colleen Ro'binson, a public health nurse and co-ordinator of the program. Various aspects will be covered during the upcoming months. Mrs. Robinson's goal is to help the public learn the facts about • and howto reduce their risks in contracting and spreading the 1.1W. She also hives to help readers develop compassion and sensitivity to the needs of people suffering from AIDS and their. loved ones. Responds to chimney fire Lucknow and District Fire Depart- ment was called out to a chimney fire at the homeof Paul Blake on the lith 'conces- sion of Ashfield Township, on February 3. The call was received at approximate- ly 9:30 p.m. and the department was on the scene for about one hour. No injuries or damages were fietnialder While beating With Weed May he eeonomical anti •enjoyable, Chief Hamilton reminds area residents that it can also be hanger** if ;WS are not aware of the :problem that ,can be en vonntered. A biaild up r,Of 4=99090 and soot van vAmie b�rdau OntiitOns rosMatilif intre• Ple0001*OrtiOcheck your.chimneyifyou barn mod.