The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-22, Page 10-Plige10-4AteknowAslitiml9Ntdateday9 Febniery229
Ahetold buttheraltop in the Atillage, John
and 131,endalfranenburg tare loOkin for-
ward _to 'March, -when' theirrefurb ed
pretnisesmilltopenforbusinessas Kranen-
brog's ButcherAop.
While ;possession Doff -the ?building took
placcin 'November, an extensive :amount
of :work was 'required to 'renovate the
',upstairs apailineit arid:the: store .
Joilintasiteenemployedas abutcher for
bas contemplated opening ills -own
`TheRranenburgsandtheir fourchildren
Lucknow by the summer -when 'the
sthildrenare d I • • edtschool
Brendais a registerecinurse, currently
employed tat • Parkview -Manor Nursing
-Home in -Paisley. She 'hopes to obtain
-.employment .in Lucknow 'once they are
abattoirto the -west:Ogle udllage. =Minds
!planning to wen it in the future, after
renovations are :completed and at that
timewill Offer .customalaughteling,
A wide variety =of Sclinieder's cold
meats, Pine River eheeseandBruce.Coun-
ty beef and pork Will be available at
Kranenburg's Butcher Shop. 'They will
.John amd Brenda iiave a .`4.positive feel -
'The Rrimenburgtimilly:fromthe left, tack
row, John, Corrie, Markrfrontrow, Brea -
Ida, Michelle (on lap ) and Marcella.
ing aboutthe village" andhavebeentm-
,pressed ,-Aviththerfriendliness of those they
On March 1 :drop in awl say hello to the
Bill Johnstone nOW in Rine
Bill Johnston, formerly id the Xintail
area, has been lranderred -from the
Wingham tospitaktothe.Bontimang Care
Unit !of the Kincardine ?hospital. Mr.
Ifae tWebeter
Johnston woUld gladly -welcome any meneemememmemememommi
-vititors. .Get we1i-wishes to you, Mr. mouplefoftiaysWiththermOtherzmd:sister,
Johnston. IthettaandMarionMactiennan.
"Alifeekend 'visitors with .Kae Webster OnMonday,-Finlayllac:Thmald brought
were her two - :sons Decal and James Louise Miller in to see :Kae Webster.
Webster zotlifhiterlooghersomiePlaw.Atlee _Louise remmted ;to Aiee ?where Eller ggrand-
?Wise and his -friend ;Jack Arnold of latlieettorylladLennatiliadiived.
Richfield, Ohio. Weekend -visitors with 'Pm y. rnd33etty
Flizabeth Wilkins of Mount Forest Jones were their two daughters, Sherry
visited -with cher parents Charlie and and:Sharlene, of Guelph.
Mayme Wilkins ; on the -weekend. OnSUndayMr.mid Mrs IGord�n Robb
Louisellillerof Palmerston visited for a had theirdaughter, sonoimlaw andiamily ,
BobanctSandraDarling of thesley.
The February Kinloss Rairshen
'Wornen's InStitilte meth% (Was held at
Lucknow PublicSehool.
Grade 8 ptipilsandtheirtetieher served
a clenching lundieont6all 16 meitibers and
BillPike,theprincipal, WhO weltomed all
-to the sehool.
— After hie& the group:tad a complete
our of the school with Mr.:Pike including
various rooms ;of the sehool -andvoints of
interest in the area tbreUghoutthe school.
'This gave a good. insight of the -education
'system of the Lb.P.S. and :the 'Bruce
County System.
Following the :tour :the:meeting opened
with The Opening Ode and the Mary
'Stewart Collect..Presidentirenellalderiby
The Rairshea sponsored a Poster
Contest -41/aste3lanagementhased on the
4rts. Many -pupils paiticipated mid the
posters were -judged.
June Gilcluist and 1Viaimie Roulston
presented prizes to the following °pupils:
first, Vara Thacker; second, ..Jennifer
Cranston; third, Tanmiy Neable and Use
MacDonald, all grade eight students.
ilonourablementionwentto PeterNeable,
a geade five student. The'posterswill be
AliSplayed In altoreieindow on mainstreet'
area - and various places in Kinloss
''Scripture was taken by Ann MacDougall
on Love.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read by the -secretary Wanda 'Keith.
June -Gileluist reported two 'Valentine
'flower .amangements were Viten to pa-
tients in the XahShea re= f Wingham
Maimie Roulston reported four residents
with February birthdays at Pinecrest
Manor were remembered with a flower ar-
rangement and also .entertainment was
enjoyed with the Scottish dancers and
Gord's Old Thyme i3and of Wingham.
A reminder of the district .directors
meeting being held in Tiverton March 28.
The rollcall 'was - A Memory of School
Days, followedwith ageography match by
June Gilchrist which tested each one's
Courtesies were extended to the prin-
cipal, who -:gracpusly invited the group
back at some future tate.
The 'meeting closed with the singing of
Dierolf hosts Trinity UCV
•ity�W ie1d -4heir -4reinuary
meeting atthetameof Mrs. JoanDierelf
for a kincheon that 'was prepared by
Anabelle Armstrong, Isobel Xilpatrick,
Joan Dierolf, Elizabeth Irwin, Jayne lilt-
chie andBazelilackett.
Following lunch, .Mrs. Irwin called the
-meeting to,iwder the theme being Valen-
tine's and Love. 'Pearl iMeneary and
Shirley Hackett were in charge of :the
Mrs. Menearyreadapoem on:the Coun-
'The scripture, lesson from Corinthians
was -read. by Mrs Meneary The medita-
andMrsatifeneat7reactalioem on Love.
he rolled.% a songwith :the ,word Love
ivasan.swered by 27members.
S11y Ritchie readtwo readings Little
ValentineandItaily Valentines.
The offering was -received and
Aroiabelle - ,ng *gave the -Bible
.study.un ',hearts with several members
assisting her with different scripture
The services of the least coin was
observed with Blume bring this month's
The minutes of the January meeting
were read and approved. The treasurer's
Teportwas given.
Four members attended -.the 'annual
-meeting in Goderich.
• Upcomingevents June 4, Trinity's 120th
Anniversary with Rev. ,Scutt as minister;
June 6 - GardenParty Brookside ; April
16, 'Thank Offering at 7:45 p.m. with
Marian Zinn as speaker; .March,3 - World
Day of 'Prayer at 130 -pm. Dungamion
church with Karen :Roberts as .speaker;
February 25 - Trinity Skating Party at
pm. at arena, lunch 3'0 be back at the
church,morthside ofthe 10th cone totting
squares, south side to bring sandwiches.