HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-22, Page 6Pagel —tame/mow Sentlael, Wedamiday7 'Fehr uary 22 ISO stand T3' the -editor : 'Recently, the First Canadian Parachute Regiment and theltoyal Canadian Horse Artillery (ftCHA ) , which isa eomponentof the 1st Para 'Regiment, lost 11 Iriembers. Naturally, this is most Isumentable, 'par- . ticularly, in peace 'time. However, as ,a retired professional military 'person it ,seems,rather incredulous to me and sets off warning bells. The warning bells arerhasthe Canadian Professional Military's -psychological and mental toughness deterioratedtothe: point where they stop training due to the =for- tunate loss of life? Many unitshave lost far more casualties and 'regrouped, con- solidated and went forward. Our police forces lose people also, it does not stop them from carrying out -their duties. There are certain professions in our society which require a psychological toughness and strength to carry -on regardless of :the slif. ficulties and condi- tions. Yes, they arehighlytrainedandthe rest of our society relies on them to keep theinfra structure of oursocietytogether. Police, firemen, doctors, nurses and others, certainly the military is in that category. I recall one darknightin Europe:in 1956, when :the Canadian Brigade 'MSS moving up as part of the British •Army of the 'Mine. The Royal 22nd Regiment, 'the Van Dosrran upthe back of our convoy into one of ourguns, four Van Dos were killed. Both the Van Dos and our regiment weremost shakenand remorsefulaboutthis. We car- ried on, 'both -regiments completed their - alloted tasks and still paid their proper respects to The fallen. Certainly, this particular exercise was a severe cold weather test for this unit, hard- ship and adversity would have to be met. That it be completed with the .additional adversity of loss of comrades would have told the Department of National Defence and Military Commanders that indeed it did have a force that could produce mider extreme adversity. It would seem the Department of National Defence and Military Commanders 'have forgotten 191448, 193945, 1950-53 and the Military peopleand lessons learned prior to 1970. The ist Para Regiment has forgotten An- zio, D-Dayand Nijmegen. wonder what the American Exercise Commander :thought? Did this leave a Dank open, or the center? Did believe to S of nem reWrite andissueartewset Ofbattle plans? Are we Iikeismie of the troops that Field MarShatErwin Rommel (The Desert ) had snider his Command? Yes, I :ovation our integrity, our sten- slartisandour training. No doiltitt The .Commanders of other countries military have taken note of this incident in the Canadian Military. Most Sincerely , Bertrand P. Morin CD, BA vEz Warrant Retired. Wingham, Ontario To the Editor, At this time32,334 has been donated for the le; 9 Ontario March of Dimes cam- paign in Lucknow, Dungannon and sur- rounding rural areas. Replies from rural residents are still most welcome. The March of Dimestelps disabled peo- ple discover their 'potential and their abilities. Our -residents who contributed so generously to this campaign, have shown that they know how important it isto help. The press and media have also been very helpful in -getting the message out. Special thanks to our dedicated volunteers who wcirkerl sobard making calls: in Lucknow, Kay Collyer, Margie Lougheed, Norma Weatherhead, Mildred Co. Canadian Youth.., Fre= pointers for your future We -have anew 1959 edition Df a-bookletthes 'filled ,{with information to 'help you plan your future. "Theliot400-baste1ails on -more lhan 100 Sovernmentiof•Qanacla plogi'amsandiseniices foryou% people. it tells yon who-eachpropram isairnedat, whatitsaboutrand who to pet in touch with to 'firtiout-more. 'Ille410t400 "Dan AO 'with tint:1i% , keeping-or-charim jobs; ljettin9 into Drthroti_gh-Chool; travelli% in and o_utSideariacia; -maintaining-health old -fitness ;jard:copinRwithpersoral -problems. We, know you ,wil I 'find this booklet very „useful. Please write tor yourfrfie vopyor , just Dornplete and -send ,this DoDpon. Please SOrtti fneavopy-Of the HatitlX, NAME STREET CITY .POSTAL PROV CODE Mali to: The lionesable Jean 4. 'Charest Ministerefiate for Youth Hot- 100 140,Precienade Ste POrtAge iDttawa-Hull ,•KlA 0J9 is=1".. Jit, •=, co. e=, c, A=.1 IF. F. 10=4 Ac• laciverornent9tiCatmda „GouvemeglentsluCanatia • :Minis.043F9fAtatelor Yguth iminieresttatS)as_euresse 0 nal Cameron, Sam Ilitehie flHackett, Ruth Thrtr•Ir • .nr rithOrtle, Rtith Conley n)g Ne Treleaven, Mary Boy 4 ean, Aaron Weber Shitse P P711' a Hare, Ray Crawford, Mr,47 RIA Tilos (diner, Jean Conley , Hilda Ane • 4, Joanne Weber, Janine Hamilt—. me Mann, „Marg Wilson, Anne Guay, 'Barb Ross, Caroline Menary,, Marjorie- s slomon, Joy Turjens, Dome ("sic ;„ Marlene Struthers, Marj Hackett, s ..)wrigann se under car tam Sandy D'Aoust, Joanne sse N Brindley, Gwen Copeland, Penny Flooges, and Karen Roberts. Sincerely, Laura Lee Cayle:4 Anne Anderson To the editor: Further to our recent conversation, hereby enclose my cheque to cover the cost of mailing to me a copy of the book on the history of Lucknow. It may not have material which will be helpful to me in my Mackay family research but I am sure 1 wffl enjoy reading about my favourite Ontario town. My re3eareh has been going on for a few years and great strides have been made in locating my family. However, to date 1 have not located the birthplace of ,iriay grandfather, Angus John, one of nine sons Of .John Mackay and Isabella Campbell, Who came to Ontario (Lucknow) from Cape Breton, NS. after their marriage there in 1851. I do not blow whicli year, or howmany of their ten children were born beforethey arrived in Lucknow. They had one daughter, "Christina". Theten children included, James Camp- bell, 'Neill, Angus John, Angus John, .Christina, Malcolm, Hector, Hugh, Ed- wareland Daniel. Angus John, the first son so named was born in 1856 and was killed at age 3 years in 1859, by a runaway team. My grandfather was born in 1860 and was named Angus John as well. Be -married Susanah Burns in 1882. She diedin 1886 at the .birth of her second son Thomas William Jahn, her first was my father. She is buried in Kinloss Cemetery. Angus JohnieftLucknow to return to his family home in Thessalon and leftthe baby and William., aged 2 yrs. with Susanah's parents. Be planned to return, (once he was established in a job), to get Ibis two small sons. As itturned out, he injured his back when a fallingtree hit him,inthe log- ging camp whey t was working. He became s( " tnat hiF brother Malcolm, with r • Level{ took bin to Custer, i IP" With theirmother as he Ween :are. She had moved there Witli e ungest sons and one daughter Aber ner husband died in 1877. Angus -died in Custer in 1891. My father 'Williar lived his 72 years without even meetir ozo member of his PdarSkay fainis, • ee researchand theforination of toe ,eiackay Associa- tion, in Canada 1.4. .4.04/4, ibavemade 'contact with a 'member Of teach -Of the eight brothers and one sister of Angus John. However rio ne lzas an record of their ,place of 'birth rename of town. Before i close my file 1 would like to locate bis birthplace. When a member of the •:fzunily mentioned be bad heard that the y.oimeater Awis ..John was 41101 in Lucknow, 1 Ileci&O to do a little ,more naearch-ofthe:Luelsnowreconis.lrealize Awls 4111,0Ariy two *xpectvgage6 fa Lacknowpapertobeavailable. ',However, I felt it cworthWhile'lk-checIE out this infor- mation. ,.1 :feel coffin), ,if this date vetherithIbo smog)* in the 'Aver aboutthe -Child's accident. 'we11,J -will wino rooearebatihe C44047.Vourt-Ottice iww*Iktitori antlthe .1,1hroxy-ilaVocleriOws yen Al4ge4itod• • 91,11' (Cleb ki3OCkay 4#41i9ciotio 1ues not 40ai'Jt(4,111,,put cguerioo in our ilsewoleilerATogisotogthyvliptugmbors. thislivoikwekto.:1,0svh*luembfwohlkdrive loso,his ritl*ro *mawio,vontoct *11 .Myor those nanWilinO,Aireseeorttott*s 4optsof the-Uanitlaelr*y• .9ur 4iins nd ,Pu9904)s rikre 'itP lievelOP jcsiMiliOm _mot inriperaimorfixesict 9.1kely thowIn1e0 as we11 ;44S, :MOM( Al 1.41000 'their '&904 9f II* VIATI .Anfl 'cAirrY 141 t egitury *00 triOttow4si)0094-90'kroefwefoliwt, • ,i.runytoowe'(:i. 4