HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-08, Page 9Lucknow
Priscilla Ramsay was hostess at the
manse for the February meeting of the
Lucknow W.M.S.
Evelyn Little was iu charge of the pro-
gram ..and opened the meeting with a
poem. Rhoda MacKenzie presented the Bi-
ble study and meditation on the theme Liv-
ing Water. Celia Aitchison lead in prayer.
The topic on the role of the churches in
the development of South Africa was i ven
by Mildred Loree.
Elleda Laidlaw reviewed the Glad
Tidings highlighting a letter from Clara
Henderson, serving in Malawi.
Peggy Henderson read several articles
on the thought of love and the rollcall was
answered by 17 members and one visitor
with a Bible verse containing the word
Rhoda MacKenzie conducted the
business and it was decided to look into
getting supplies for the cradle roll. It was
also decided to recognize in a special way
any of our members over 90 on their birth-
day. '
Evelyn Little thanked everyone that had
contributed towards the meeting and Mrs.
Ramsay for opening her home.
Dorothy Brown led in the closing prayer
and lunch was served.
Lucknow U.C.W.
The general meeting of Lucknow U.C.W.
was held On danaury 31 in the church
parlor with Mrs. Leonard iterate and her
committee in charge of the worship
Mrs. Gerald McFarlane was pianist.
Mrs. Vernon Hunter read th scripture.
Mrs. Ritchie gave the meditatio Bands of
Christ, stating that Jesus' 'h s blessed
others and used laying on of his hands. A
person's hands tell a story as to the type of
work they do. We all have talents which
should be used and dedicated to God's use.
Mrs. Glen Walden led in prayer and gave
a reading entitled "No Time for God"
which stated that we all have time for
work, travel etc., but little or no time for
prayer and repentance.
The offering was received by Mrs.
Walden and Mrs. Ritchie and dedicated by
Mrs. Hunter.
The devotions closed with a hymn.
Mrs. Gordon Cayley welcomed everyone
to the business portion of the meeting with
a reading, Have 1 the Right, which asked
the question : is it right that we have rights
while others have not? Business for the
new year was dealt with.
The U.C.W. is once again collecting
items for Goodwill, groceries to: Friend-
ship ;House and baseban caps for
The meetin€, closed with the U.C.W.
Advanced Farm Management Course
We now have more details on the Ad-
vanced Farm Management Course.
It is being held in the Paisley Communi-
ty Centre from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The
program is as follows :
February 22 - Real Estate - Appraisal
and Legal Documents involved in purchas-
ing or selling a farm; Introduction to In-
come Tax and How it Influences Farm
Management March 1st, 1989 - Risk
Management - Insurance and Farm
Assistance Programs.
March 8 -Estate Planning and Transfers
with Ralph Winslade and Bill Broadworth -
OMAF Farm Business Advisors March
15th, 1989 - Borrowing Money - Legal
Documents Involvedand Credit Policies of
the FCC Ted n Commercial annls.
March 22 - Marketing We will have
speakers on marketing hogs, cattle, sheep,
grains and milk We have left some time
on this last day for topics of the .par-
ticipants' choice. .
There is no charge for this course as it is
being sponsored by the Grey -Bruce Com-
munity Industrial Training Advisory Com-
mittee. Course number is limited to forty
people. and we would ask you to register by
phoning the OMAF office in Walkerton by
February 10th, 1989 (881-3301 or
1-800-265-3023) .
Cooking For One Course
Are you bored with -eating alone? Is it
easier just to make tea and toast? Learn
about dividing recipes in half, wise shopp-
ing for one, using small appliances and get
new recipesto try.
This course is sponsored by the Grey -
Bruce Women's Institute but any group of
interested people may take part. To par-
ticipate each group is asked to send one or
two people to a workshop to learn about the
topic. They will; return to their group and
teach their group the information. There
will be resources, recipes and activities
provided. Cost is $10.00 for one leader from
a group and $15.00 for two leaders from a
group. Registration is on a first come first
served basis. Maximum number is 35. The
instructor for the course is Barbara
.Klages, a Home Economist from the
Elmwood area.
Workshops will be held on Monday,
February 27, Knox Presbyterian Church,
Walkerton (storm date February 28) and
Tuesday, March 7, Alliance Church, Owen
Sound storm date March 8). For more in-
formation contact Sharon Gardiner at the
Walkerton OMAF office.
Pre -'Retirement Seminar
For Fain Couples
If you are plafuung to retire from active
farming during the next few years,this is
your invitation. A .two-day .pre -retirement
seminar geared to farm couples is being
held March 20 and 29 at the Waterloo Inn,
Planning for retirement has a major in-
fluence on later satisfaction. This seminar
emphasizes the inipoa anc.e of couples
Bruce County OMAF
developing retirement plans together. A'
panel of retired/retiring couples will be in-
cluded in the program. Other topics being
covered are developing a positive attitude
about retirement, financial planning, com-
munications, time use, transfer of skills,
insurance and estate transfer.
The cost of the seminar is $150 per cou-
ple. Registration is on a first come first
served hasis-in orderofvostmarkedllate.
Registrationsmust:be received .by March
aid your name, address, telephone
number and a cheque or money order to
. "Pre -Retirement Seminar", Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box
1030, Guelph, Ontario NIH 6N1, Attention -
Isera Ryan.
Promoting Agriculture
And Food Awareness
If you are interested in making the
public more aware of agriculture, and
would like some new ideas and informa-
tion on how to ''do this, plan to attend a
Planning Effective Agri -Food Promotions
seminar this spring.
During March and April, the Rural
Organizations and Services Branch of the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
is offering seven one -day Planning Effec-
tive Agri -Food Promotions seminars
across the province.
The seminars will provide information
on current consumer trends, how to work
with the media, exhibit creation and good
food demonstration techniques, as well as
a chance to discuss the importance of agri-
food promotion.`
The fee for the seminar is $15.00.
For more information, or to register, con-
tact Brita BOIL or Sharon Gardiner at the
Walkerton OMAF office.
a E=
Kairshea 4 -FI
The Working with Wool 4-1i club helms its
first meeting on February 4, at the home of
Mrs. Stien. Ten members were in
A game was played to introduce
The members discussed yarn and were
shown how to measure.
Muriel MacKenzie, Maizne Ro;Al'ton and
Doreen Mali taught the group how to knit.
Their. assistance and patience was certain-
ly ;appreciated.
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