The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-08, Page 5ItgivesAneTreatpleasure_tojeatetulto 'yowaridAhelloeMbers-iof yourstaff, my ,gratefuLaltpreciationforyourinterettand .auppmt4o 'The :Arthritis ':',Society =during 111689:2the4OthInufiversarryear. liforeAmileratiffer-WIth4rthritisithan .-Aany -Other „disease. 'These \sufferers -welcomeinformation. Itisinverativethat weinforrutheseindividualsthatoptimurn :careisavailable. 'The news :relliasesand. patient ;profiles youthaVtpublishedhavelbeen ofgreat teresttoallwhoreceive yournewspaper. 'The Societyls most.grateful to you for iteepingthepublicinformedaboutapcom- g :events. 'Region meeting -reports and funds-raisedlirlocaltranches. Sincerely, MaryGuse Area Coordit tater Bluewaterliegion -Tod:he:Editor: Tar over four decades, 'conservation authorities .liave made Ontario a better • placelo live..7They:bave.playeda signifi- ;cmitToleinestahlishingstandardsfor con- servationpracticesandresourcemanage- ment. Guardians of huge natural preserves, their -responsibilitieshave in- aluded:theprotection of livesand property througiffloottand-erosion control; forest, fish,andWikrafemmtagement; and out- door -recreation and publiceducation,ser- wicesnlejurtouttibutiontothetmality of lifein 'Ontario cannot bednderstate.d. "Yet our conservation authoritiesare in -----ltanger;--A--Tecently-rldessed-treeM.- -Teport, Review of the Conservation IAtritgow !Ssmithtel Veitiliettiiiiyi, 11311agt AtIttanities Program", 'proposes -reforms Whielt;tif1mp1etnented,r4villArainatically lter "titelr 'current catmint* and fitianc- Mg. -Local -Itutotxany _pri igrain and ad- mthistrativestructure would-be lOat; and servieeswebavevometotake forgranted jeopardized. The Ontario Progressive Conservative Caucus is greatly :concerned that bureaucratic convenience is being .given precedence over ;the individual -needs of conservationauthorities. • Your readersshould bemade aware of this'.Review , and tow :changes tothe Con- servation -Anthorities Prom= could af- leettheir lifestyle. itrworkingtowards asustainablesocie- ty, conservation.authoritiesare our first effort at linking conservation e the natural environment with -responsible economic development. .Proposals to changesuch a successfulsystem-must be -brought before the citizens of .Ontario for 'consultation and approval ; Ave cannot af- ford the repercussions of .hasty amendments. LurgealLof yourreadersto join wahine inensuringthattheouality of our Conser- vation -Authorities 'Program la maintain- ed; sot hatinthefuture, our :children will seethe Nattue-thatweenjoytoday. .Sincerely, PablatnraFResotirees.Critic ovince to 13onour seniors -The provincial govermnent ;ill again ismour individual seniors with Ontario Senior- AchievementAwards, according to Mhnsterfer Senior Citizens' Affairs "Thtoughthese awards, we express ,our lieep appreciationto seniors -who °continue to ime:their,talents and -energies for the benefitoftheirconmumitiesandforsocie- ty a -whole," saidMrs. _Individuals as rwell as :community J:organizations zare wed to nominate seniorachieversjatheivarea.-likaninees .mtisthel&yearsofageorfolderomsidents i:jf 0 I ,.o,andbectontributingsigtifficant,-. iy.totheir commnirityttiringtheirretir-e- mentyears. -An impartial-aelection committee will review :the .ESIthilliSSiCAILS and .choose :the -minners:Theawardswilibepresentedai a • special ceremony in Jime — the annual .celebration of _Senior Citizens' Month in Ontario. "When Ave 'celebrate , Senior Citizens' Month, we recognize .the collective wisdom, experienceand service of a grow- ing and -vital.segment ef ourpopulation," said Mrs. Wilson. "I _invite everyone who knows of a ...senior who has made. a signifi- cant contributiontosendin a nomination," she added.. mcardnatemestiorsmaymentaCtlite fii(Abior Mitizens' tliffairsOtllfkloor,-76 CO eStreetAueeo?sPark,'Toronto,'On- tatio,lVT1A.Thlaorrall (416)V654.106to ob- tain a nomination 'form. 7The forms are -availableinEneishanciFrench. for Marr.h21, Amidgalnates events • irom page Ii Simply ..'contact -Don Sowerby, president, :5244990 or -Karen,' 7`Eckenswiller, secretaryitreasurett294175. The executive Abelieves that as times !change -ii.,-affectsall zmall organizations audhavemadetbisamalgamation with. a positive Loutlook or :the :future of .the • ThingannomAgriculturalSociety . Presentation Teldon 'Culbert was :presented with an :honouraryiifetimeidirectorplaque. Mak- ing 'the presentation was Jack Caesar, director. M. -Clilbert has been -involved ..rwith4he,society since the -early 130's. In 1946/47: he ;was- presidesitandlias always maintained --a -healthy interest • in :the . Du. gammon 4.gricultural Soeiety..in 1966 bemaftpresentedwith-a.1$ '.;‘$ uein-recogn-i- Aioni.of-hisbOyearobliai lierViCe..Thir- ling the :interview :ivith 1dr. Culbert, .iie terooeeslAboutthellays,whenadinon • irompage 4 totiekinweltio:thelbutt. Deverliad giny troubleAvith the ,coin- PanY or the -nogazi.nes• When ,the -magazines itarted-, theMiall X -realieekhowietonictili$11.--TheASOr a tattbi01110Withlei-WaitaleiklitiorpectPlein attineonAe_tmeket Altelagbkals voninined 1„hereinibtornby zsaw"ouldlaveinct-pee- :ige .woWeling If 1 111141JIPPecl-wt-Itoui- . YabeYAtere.solltildilltdihePiggin 5ourizernilteen:pritgeged ,to---vjew Ahem, iheycwould--ihaie-Altten Of:their feed for '11410. Mae loweiwy Ilturgetting-vmstY, greer tOdievel ean-Aot.AUkeit#Y kWh tor w-jes PItCh 1toAthlaY "uo" (1; P • : to:the fair -was .25 centand how all the students of thalittleschoolsthat dottedthe coimtry.sidewould take partinthefairanol parade. TieentivenadDireetors 'The-eleciion Of :directors :resultedinthe following: Don ,Sowerby, president; Wayne 'Tucker, first vice; Duane :Riven, second vice; Sandra /tivett, iadiespresi- dent -and Karen 'Eckenswilier, ,secretary/treasurer. Directors: one year term, Lynn ChiShohn, Jack Caesar, ; e Donald Sowerby.Two year Ural, Sandra Rvett,Wayne1ucker,beniice Glennlind Marj-Rentland. Three year ,terra, carol Nivins,-Beb:Wrightlind Bob Robson. aegular meetings of :the Dungannon Agricultural Society, arehelden:the fourth iueSday tof -tach -month, 8:10.p;ni-at the hall. -Tiverton arena :receives Inntlirtg k;$455.0wprovillicairgrant-lwas _been clipproved_teaNist;witkthe gonetramtion ota-Pewoortifielatieeltrehainliverton. 13)elitant wby-*we -PMurraY-Kisteroakerbaitotontario :Minister Ag 44,0d Iteeroton IL* 1);:friell..1t-seoports_a gssPerntive _effort jwihe vitime.-puTivertiottandithe ,tavauftsPfliar;adineiindee. f-jgrant ,mPProved :Atter ihe trY'sapitA1tGrionts fer New 144149,1r1Figilitits:PrWitttL: c•No Charge cif Any Kind 'iltitotce ofImre and Short lormorSeerinis Ace:omit 'Take Advantage of ILILS:P. Tax lesviing -AZ-holm . of 7raist companies 119 AIONTN ANNUAL ZOPAPOUND VAR IMECTIVE VIIINUARY *MP March lst Deadline tor • 1911B Contributions *Pick Up One of Otor Brochures '4> ...400401100001141010.**11e, StiC 'on all Winter .1/2 Sizes3 Regular Dresses L•Petite Suits .Junior Sportswear - Plumtree .Misses $porisvmar 04wet Bargain 1 Iteln....,,..............,. i 5' Ssone-maulario-AfrOr 'See four ‘SPRING litgiutritElla409„TKORET ARRIVAL -liweii 461*-1111W/OrlhAfter4110AllViIier_blOr ,y9iir c**** -1,1**100.0 109.01:0 c i :-/ 15 lee ..... , .,.., ,„, ... , 0 ci 4' ir (03901.00 1°90 Viti9V ' 4OP ___..-1,11.....MOIT.I..M.41.011...1.42.1%.*1**4 LIIi....e., .......A........,,,,V,•,,,,L.P.*, ," Mr.r........e IttrANPW f