The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-01, Page 15Kinsmen receive ballpark grant The Lucknow and District Kinsmen Club, in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism & Recreation, are pleased to an- noimee that they have been awarded a grant of up to $10,421.00 under the Ministry's Capital Conservation Program. These funds are to be directly put towards the erection and installation of light standardsand an outfield fence at the Lucknow Kinsmen Community Park ball diamond. That diamond, located behind the Lucknow fireball, was originally started in 1982 with the reclaiming of flood plain land and was officially opened in May of 1984 by the Kinsmen Club. The club had supplied all funding to that date and was also burdened with the expense of replacing the infield and spectators areas when the same were washed away by the record setting flood. They had applied for this grant twice before, but came up "third time lucky". Project chairmen have been assigned and are now looking into pricing materials needed. The grant will con- tribute one dollar for every two spent up to the maximum mentioned above. The Kinsmen Club will supply the majority of the labour themselves in a cost cutting ef- fort. News of the grant was released through M.P.P. Murray Elston's consti- tuency office in mid December. Following up on the popularity of last year's Mushball Tournament, the club is planning another tournament on February 11. This will be held on the local diamonds and there will be an open dance at the Community Centre with dancing to Mugsy Music that evening. All profits will be go- ing towards the ballpark project. The club will also be active in the Lucknow Kinette's Cystic Fibrosis Bowl-a- thon on February 18 as well as playing an exhibition hockey game against the C.K.N.X. Try Hards that same night at the Lucknow arena. Profits from this latter project will go the Wingham and District Day Centre for the Homebound. The an- nual Heritage Day Snow Sculpture Contest has been put on hold due to a lack of snow. The month of March will see the annual Skate-a-thon and the dub will celebrate their 15th anniversary on April 8th, at the Lucknow Legion. All past members as well as the public are invited to attend as the club observes 15 years of service to the' Lucknow district. The club would like to welcome Tim Edisbury, Casey Hendricks and Jim Pentland to the organization. This brings the current membership up to 36 which represents an increase of 19 members since last September. Anyone interested in joining this young mens' service club is asked to contact any of the current members for more information. Dungannon Senior Citizens Wednesday night card -party on January 25 had 14 tables High man - Tom Young, low man - Dean Nott, high lady - Mary E. Stewart, low lady - tie between Helen Russell and Caroline Menary with Helen being winner. January birthdays were Clarence Cunningham, Grace Finnigan, Art Stewart. The general meeting will be held February 8 and a pot luck dinner February 13. All members and area seniors invited • to attend. ' Social On Tuesday, January 24, Jerry Kettle of Leamington nassed away .after a long il- lness. The funeral was January 2 in Leam- ington. Area people attending were Harvey and Betty Reid of Southampton, John and Marina Park, Sharon and David Dawson, Ken Hodges and Dick and Norine Park all of Dungannon. Ross and Bessie MacDonald have been staying at his mother's home in the village and visiting with Ross' mother, Lil Mac- Donald, who is a patient in Goderich HospitaL Best wishes to Lil from friends and family Visitor with Hugh and Willetta McWhin- ney was Colleen, their granddaughter, who celebrated her birthday with Grandpa on Saturday, January 28. Her Dad and Morn, Jim and Janice and sister Allison of Meaford were here too. Also at the party were Bob and Sandra McWhinney, Robby Thank you for buying We put good taste into everything we make! Tom Andrew Fairview Dairy Lucknow 528-3725 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, February 11 Kinsmen Slush Bali. OPEN DATES .February Friday 3-1a-17-24 Saturdays 4 - 25 "ONLY" CII 52 53 ;a1m� .r ns A UNG by Bonnie Hodges and Tara of Kincardine, Ken and Lexie Murch and Vincent and Stacey of Clinton and James and Claire Cook, Tracy and Trevor, RR 6 Goderich. _ Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge Service was held at Dungannon on Sun- day with Rev. R. Roberts. Dungannon Explorers will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 6:45 pm to visit Nile On Sunday, February 12, the Willing Workers are sponsoring a luncheon after church at Dungannon. All four churches are invited. Nile, Trinity and Dungannon Sunday Schools are in need of following articles: toilet paper rolls, plastic margarine or cool whip dishes with lids, old Christmas cards, little plastic bottles with lids. ANCESWORL Of CIPILUKII ..4041 February is Heart andStroke Month Please give. Improvinggyour odds wino Canada's #1 killer B. A lificDON AGH kE At ESTATE ti INSURANCE I 528-2031 LUCKNOW FARMS. CULROSS - 200 acres good produc- tive property, well drained. 145 workable. '130,000. KIN OSS TWP. - Farrow to finish, 212 acres, pit and upright silos, good 3 bedroom home, drilled well. KINLOSS -100 acres slightly rolling, 75 workable, small lake. Priced '52,000.00. KINLOSS -100 acres, fairly level, well drained, 65 workable. '50,000.00. Listings Wanted FRASER MacKI FON 528-3013 BARRY McDONAGH 52841 DAVID KIN ON 39502483 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 1,1 Page 15 mommummommimmen WHITECHURCH Jean Ross We are pleased to report that Richard Lubbers was able to return home from Sick Children's Hospital Toronto, after a tobogganing aeddent recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt of Arva were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood from An - caster were Saturday visitors with - Mildred McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer, Mrs. Jean Tiffin and Mrs. Isobel Tiffin of Lucknow, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Relson Falconer of Strathroy. Mrs. Doris Reid of Buffalo is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. Visiting on Wednesday with the Laidlaws was Mrs. Marty Jackson of Kitchener. Mildred McClenaghen attended the funeral in London at the Wortley Baptist Church last Friday of Mrs. Bernard Corrin. John McKinnon and Mildred Mc- Clenaghen visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenaghen of Kitchener. Mrs. Archie Pardon and Mrs. Walter Elliott attended the annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial held in Wingham Monday_____ • Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. Jack Whytock of Charlotte, North Carolina on the birth, Jan. 26, of a son, Ian Alexander, 7 lb. 10 oz., a first grandchild for Carmen and Jean Whytock, RR 5 Lucknow - born on Carmen's birthday. Attending the Huron Park Presbyterial annual meeting held in Victoria St. United Church, Goderich on Jan: 23, were Mildred McClenaghan, Evelyn Gibb and Agnes Farrier. Svuuc'ee Seth (?aa, IS % IL .• <<FRLT 1.: includes -up t42L. 7OWX Ell • -ar fitter, check all fluids, belts, hoses $21951 thopor out ALL TODAY! ft A I._. The R.R.S.P. Season IS HERE AGAIN EARN 1 0/0 GUARANTEED COMPOUNDING ANNUALLY FOR 1. 2 or 5 YEARS GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Paying As High As on 1 & 2 Year Annual & 11% on 3 - 4 - 5 Year Annual Rates Quoted As Of January 30/89 Invest Through Rod McDonagh Investments Ltd. BOX 250 LUCKNOW 528-3423 EVENINGS 528-3406 bit any au Amanda Hickey R.R. 3 Auburn February 2, 1979 10 Years Old 524-7383 w'CARE MSR ODERICH LYMO CHRYSLER LTD. ,M . S.r,.� :.,. L.. .,....,nA. r....+.. 9147 Jeff Cranston Lucknow February -6, 1980 9 Years Old HAPPY 35th ANNIVERSARY Anthony & Bertha Knoop February 3th LOVE YOUR FAMILY: Gorski, Toni A Jacob Knoop; Rita, Allen, tee & ,' Nellie, •1e, DOM*Nicole, Derek A Marty Quinlan; art, Shirley, Nicholls & cMatophitr Knoop; Tony, Beth A Katie Knoop;, Betty, ; A Crxay. arrlah; Marian A John Bradley, Mit iKnoop; Arnold Knoop. If You Aren't Becoming to You, You Mould ingtoUs! CALL US FOR A FREE A SULTATiON The vsete?!l(JN /silo 158 'CAMBRIA RD., GODERICH 524-5641 mionals ite 4.• 1100 Il