HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-01, Page 5imebseivliediffiel, Wednesday, btry i 11119—.PW S 1,011E1E10m •M11111111111111111111111111111111.111111MMINIUM.11 Dear Editor : On February-12nd, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts -around the world will tieletrate PEACE,Ihe'theme of this year'ininking Day;Thisdatelitarksthelointhirtbday of LordandLadynaden-Powell,thefontiders .of the Giddeand Scouthlovements. This year .is luspeeisdly significent for Girl Guidesas itisthellOthanniversaryof the tirth of Lady Baden-ft/well, 'World Chief Guide. Many activities will rbe held Ihroughoutthe-year_and celebrate. The Brownie, Guide, Pathfinders and Banger Guiders in Lucknow will be decorating a store windowforthemonthof -February with Guiding in.emoriabilia. We would welcome contributions .of badges, books orpicturesiromthcpastto be 'used _in thelliSplay Please call Anne Guay 5284639, Joan • Chamney 528-3108 or myself 528-6492 before Saturday, February 4th if youtave items that we could -use. Thank You, Wendy Herbert Guider lst Lucknow Pathfinders To the- editor: January was Brime Stoppers Month, a time to reflect on the _previous year - .and.forward to 1989ahead of as2The Crime Stoppers program in Grey and Bruce Coimties is a success thanks tothe sunnort - received from the Lucknow Sentinel #e Times. Crime Stoppers is a community based .programwhichis only successfulwhenthe media, community and iaw-enforcement ,agencies work together toward our com- mon ,,goal. This goal is to make our com- a safer 4)lace to live, through the reporting of criminal .activity to the law enforeementagencies. Yournewspaper:plays a vital rolein pro- moting the program by :providing new coverage of the "Crime of the Week" and the regular apdates an the iirogress and successfof the programmein 'Grey land Bruce Counties. Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward as an incentive to callers forproviding infor- mation. 'The reward amount ranges bet- ween $50and $1,000 for information which leads to ;an arrest or charges. A recent survey of CrimeStoppers files reveals that approximately B5 percent of the callers to Crime Stoppers do not wish to receive a reward. A /lumber of callers:have stated that they do not wish to see the criminal activity continue but :are concerned that they may .have to testify in court. By call- ing Crime Stoppers -at 1400-2654787 (toll free). they are guaranteed :their callwill not herecordedor traced:The infonnation n Winter celebration Wawanosh Conservation area The Maitland Valley Conservation Autborityinvites youtoaamplethe winter season. Funln-The,SnonfDaywillleteld Sunday Feb. 5, from 1 - 4 p.m. fat Wawarboeh Valley Conservation Area. 13ring alammeriandluild a hirdleeder ($3:000ach,ilimited.quantities) oratrap-on snowshoes ,and wander Abram* Inc Con- servation Area (maid lee 5$1.00.per,pair). The Nature Centre will _be open and lot chocolate _available. 'TrY, out Yaar-araaaeaantrY skisor .1ring your loboggan torso:me, slippery The brd,feeds Vaiwanooh tare JAiristing rvrAtkaCtiVitYLand with a Attie patience a 'CiliekadeeAllaYtake aaunnower400flirafa yourhand. atiff iroinItheACICA Wiltbe-oluhandlo yoJavenQerjig a414414,*4004to the, wiater 4000WICOOtettlindelPiOreilitailaanal 3ligianatthtliOUre-gthtrejrin/erialor 410.104/34011tLaethibatilathall Vor,01,010,igOttnitiOnAgut Fun -b- The now Day 'POOstet the Valley ConamatiOnAllitheritY•at$354657. ireceived In:total leonfidence. Since the vrogranf's inion • in May 1987, CrirneStopperslascreceivedPver5DO tel 4!a1iwrelating1nforitation:onil7 'legal 4etiliities in Grersnd Bruce Conn - ties. Thee:call.shaveassiatedinthearrest o44 ndivitliffils -With 127 Aargesloing iaid.•Throughlthe /information received from.our informants, 160 lawenforcement .cases have -been cleared tor9date. We lave !assisted in the 'recovery of '4139874 -Stolen 'property and a total of $35 In Artigs have teen seized fromAestmets of OUT 'communities. Compared to other Crime Stoppers 'programs of similar pOpu1ati012 mix we are Wren)* suc- cessful. The above noted AatiStics rebite to the 'period 'from May 15, 1167 to 'December SI, 1iitt8. The Crime Stoppers program is ad- ministered by a volunteer citizen's board of :directors with /*presentation from throughout Otey and 13ruce Counties. We always welcome offers of assistance vhother monetary Or of volunteer time from the coininunity. Any persons in- tereSted Should contatt a Crime'Stoppers hoard member or the --office at 14004154167. The program is asuccess because of the efforts expended by the LucknowSentfttel. Your efforts in promoting the program do not go inmoticed by us or your toimmmity. Now! The Standard Trust No fees! instant Tax Receipts. No Line-ups. Instant RRSP Loans MEREST, A -Highly competitive Tates. Choose your favourite plan: GIC Plan. Special Savings Plan. 'Short Term Plan. Self -Administered Plan. Custom Tailored 10 Your .r.". 1 i /I " .11 Of 41 11'111 11 gill dal 11 138 The SquAre, 237Jusep1iinetd cioderich, tOnt. Win/0am Ont. 524735 3572022 t -19W t9-$13ve tirnelinadvoid