HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-01, Page 4v Box 40O, £ucknow, Ontario NOG 2140 52&2822 Established 1873 -Thomas Thompson —Advertising Manager Subscription rates in advance: Pot Livingston - General Manager - Editor S1790 Outside Canada 46090 *1490 Outside Canada 45.890 Senior Citizen Second class 'mailing reg. no. 0847 Advertising is -accepted ort the condition ihatiiilhe everq of a typographical -error, theportion ofthe advertisingspace occ.upied bythe ;erroneous item together with areasonableiallowance for signature, will not be -charged for, ;but the balance of the ,advertisment wilt be paid at the applicable rates. -a-Y.-14 ,* -w-• of ,At Ithe ,..sranucs I lissaating of -the ,Luclaraw Agricultural Society 4ast weak Itiossandliaineierriagtareafficially ratiracHroarthuindual-pcisi- tianotsacnaftsrytraaturarmpaglitiorrtherstitavolkalellorower TY -years. Anyisne,vshcrizasiavarlicencuraxacutiwomaresbertorranargartization • knowsiheransoantroftiesormatkaiffcnrt-raquinediraltaiipaunricalthibsosc-. tivelinamnalitconanuriltias. "itlawritarionsittioratitoasioadt-laino-for 1 1- years,Ithaisegthottbue talarionaleaanrat ttheeSaatinal. ifthaaairaartlicatimeraseneirwellitaavra4aarinithealtficalmilAtis .ccontsiedionfthaphone.-liewaseakyroysthe:arte&acisr- ,iritgintbacarlarrOlaliagiitlatrraports,-requiestmovarageiparacaanttsfand listgawumaiarben. AftarthecfirstimeariatilieSantiniaparticipatingia-thefall"fakillass laiwayslwasleiramlueliacilziabankad4arthe +Mowing inear.Anfalfitial iplsonercallIvasiaotamemisary. :OnastapalaysvarthefairisememalumaysMierwitolladisydromatlats, • • rIgatasszmnotimorlakkkapriektiendltheMone4arsetup4ffthamdltorttlidn't 42ave4ranatrawatilisdilaito_siketlaviaggiag. ITisevasitionacifaracratarytractsunercis4widaierwarapaisataguaawarad raavaawhIlaRasswaslaztdtiajuhowaasigoddralhatUtlisirtailo4ticill. Allosswasalvaityaltharfrant JineAziatact4arthe:Satitinal.,:ilithcafgh (irflehmothawirAleaspeentipmerianalkairstactealtliAlaine. tiazaikwherilatlica- ttlanwaaaquallymairtrazia. 11119seattioaffirriraipteasFficstasanammacactfizairmatirrentant-lasmthex- raaitiva.atientwareplacad its ffill Alte4paaltion.APto pHs wanafarthiammalailistilesilimasaprefifivinrimstistbatilthethillimmilkottbis oazzataithistiptititimreataaimemeAtatlatesmaarawareArtitarastradrin. Witillolhorkswacratitairtfranitliiitiriawarattliwpaefthanictlyaratillmil I AtaattlisavOzaaaatititryIarlitalimpaitorstft„--ozarcathroAsiadlettascatasir ciliractorliPrEtiocileciety. ey;sidllitetwarthaela j!takeritamuty"*.urtitsymemelottwalico Intehbiking is a 'no 'no! ',Ware warned bY rOliceaNtredtsand alms in atitherity ,A11111UMS 44D0140Taffeltiakt". Vieltingaphiteldikersis a nOnol4Ve are warned tyvolice,---pwats and ethers In atitho'rity aDO 'NW PICK UP A -11M1111114211". Ihave -never and will -never- hit- chhike, I have at times been tempted to ap a hitehhik' er. That thoughtleaves my mind faster than It lattered, due -believe to the many years -of having gpounitied into my head "never via pa hitehiker" 'AVIorthen.clo ',always havelhislutity feelthothen Iliaas-byuperson withtheir thurnhoutilheyknoWtheirthimcesof be - big -picked upare very .searce. So why shotdd Ifeelgullty? Itraveattimesorrhenapproactringthase people -on the road, actually looked the other way. Hind itmoStilifficalt to look them in theeye. fradirfeel crummy.= I continue on -my way in „a vwarm, conifor- table car. 'But in the back of any mind is always 'the :thought "you tlim't know that person, youtiontlaiww,whatlhatperson is eapable ofdoing." Notso long .ago persons seeking travel -frompassingmotoristseoukl obtain aride quite easily. In today's -society motorists aremore careful. Iknow am itoingtherightthingby notstopping, buttlantit Iwish I couklget rid ofthat pay feeling ! •Another rule totte:paid-.trtteition to is - nevergetin.a-vehiclewith a stranger. ngasialg_a ickPri -14s InL would :nem liave -believed that 1 would breakthatmule. • leirounstrmees, -along with my own stppidity,madirmehreakthisrule vice. Male-lravelinw* between Georgetown (akee) -my car decided to Aegis Iturnedacorner.lbearea lwasin wasnothuiltup,,alsdr distance-Mato:be walked to getassistance. -Atthe time we werehavingirnahlemdth that white stuff :collecting aramd :the cable vasts nn the battery. IdMr.FixitennIt Off 0:steie ri) by Pat Livingston and use a -strew -driver on it for sonic reason. Alter numerous atteraptstryirW to start the motor, 1 decided 1 'would -cheek out the battery ables. 1 got the 'hood up •and looked yes -there -was stnall amotmt orwhitestuffthere. Myseareh in thetruni for -a 'brush or strew driver Was unrewar- ding. The only :thing Ihadwas -kleenex, Whiehturried nut tote useless. Duringthetime Isvasplayingmeclumic, a number of ears passed by 'eontairdng both amanand woman. None stopped. As 1 am contemplating which Is the closest placelowilkte, telling myself howitupid I am -fortavingtighteelsmid Bobcats, a pickup trick "pulls up stateside and RE asks lite eantelp. couldn'tget the car started. Be then proceeded to Offer Me a lift to a garage _up the highway. You can well imagine the thoughts racing through my -head -should I or shouldn't L Be looks decent enough-anclagainstmy better judg- merit I _got in the vehicle. That short -ride up the road to the garage wasthe iongesttimeinmylife! Alisorts of crazy -ideas --wlmt ifiteireeps going? What if...? whatif...?i3ythetime he dropped me at the garage safe .and sound, he 'mai becomeawareof myfear. As 1 jumped out of the -vehicle he ecanmented, "1 have a dfe, and 1 mulerstand -bow afeald__.yon must have been toget in.a vehicle with a stranger". -1'hismanwasagoodSamaritattandas 1 -reflect hack on that episode 1 feel sorry that our society has come to the point wherewe xplestion-everyone's motives. Onthelightersitle--fnmrnowcalamigo- ingto carryzahngesign toile attached -to my front window, Ishordd my -car tweak downagain.lthtlarhatwallteunthesign? Need -you _ask "Delp, call Mr. Plait at SIR fiRE Ma ICE Fisiviv ffs layearsmo 3/anuarr.30419 ,Dallenspay? 4.1r.MillianWav1ofthe boundary, west, Abinkwibat_they-Ldo pay fabontaa-wellgtgaiend:abeelalualdtdur- ingthepasttbree yoars:Thisiathewayle Agues It, out: leiunt3Oliarred &clams zduring1918,f_and fromithesebegoldAggsite 'the value of -41111$8. The average ;.price received.. xfoObe mos mos.-440er tdeilen. • 1ThC.tetalLell;Penee-Wa5161,50fieaving &net iprofit of18508.hecutof:kepperJien was 42;01, ,iand -the Apait per ben was • therefore:WA Eantis,_eviikalitixbtakeoSood<Vorerof AbistbirdisadAs*Pazacctwatexecordfof the ts• tilislOetionce w1djjte iwicems:theyclvorejliec, (Year', a3010011100CrfiriiitOsrPOYskfilli• laWkier, nombers.sktookomtwoo,_ .rlietsel'itgettEtworYeee,g304,..lit Pauadian :opal AIL 2, ."Obikncos, _Pecoxake ,r171_19,18kal**0404044itlraow Rildt40100ooty: Aftboorairlit4tionYappyliwiluaorall '"Yalir;WW44/0011)4Wk~t-WriYed-Inte" iSrat1bleifetbeAlkl$0401YlalOWARoch • '.--welOPI)reetate, eyourf,thoughtlor, orrleys dandallow..,Y9or4ifts,!contrilagedttowards makingthiatheminat-ArlotaminFzenep 'Neu. ihoppylone.Are :van jamsgiae your ilaborliirkprpar*Lbewpackages, :and were itiletier our wonclettacanadiar tubs qur.boys WIQUIdjitek:eginy,,Tmany comforts •-which ,,they need so .badly. Sincerely, Ctora L:MacQual.g. 0Y,1117 E.4*norY P19 o 'MrCMfderatagSwAeRM'VATietYJAWre -Steck RAnnics r:that -owed Ihromg4:the LG.''2!aranY40J*41;00,44aro rot:F*4Y tevologLoo!towPietelr,Sott04-theedor roat,440-0 peony's (WO Of itioVk twos .,foxest The Coe ,xas ,LIAjacoverld .110jut tp1oo- tthWrthat,701,1940g,A4ilercitLAwd ctAigdiiewlwoxfit t.),40 Von ',..1111010Y*103:049004.04.' .ckWs 0- AhOliMA*4 10, Ifs411*.:0T0 434ves:$110.10-monyltelvidAtikvp fitAfffrntof" lo;theotvies, 11111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111 diandvgekaani• Isyventsgo tEtimoryi01164 Vteliger 'WW lilatifted 411'il1cthilaY Jary Z7 4131eAtOtet•AignAsdAev.4.3ed AMrs.Oar,del:COOcrOtEasax-Mlatacka:na- ,Iii0Aalcocorilaaa-thekiorimtilawaRnie Jever Jam In 'V044% -:0itipae .4a the AilibtoliWUNSIEY/60,-140,_SvOretitill*FAd into .thiscx0114a911410POPIT 210,110.044t 114#001404.044410Y4tt 1401 Rev. 'PAO* r Iffos ibe 344tfirrz.Of . Teree xs-xer0,0000:PAil, AWL., cRefIVIANatlfslit 45)01#00-19V` ,Y9 10,r0tie :JAW' sWPdaar t YikaP*-0Y0 (atiraaner liappY,BirthiloY- Aultsias iiIlaYale ler Vow TiUe - 144inewiliantainsWollild up theNbothlie in 'ItiPlAY Jest week with .a Victory over rate ItilgeY lads. ,Jimmy Alegiono_ PaCeallie LOCknOwAtaCk With fiveOtals- <1301314ullinrt three„and Wog -V/1400 and,Donnie .14,aol“ano,a singleton. loyeorsago 31,1979 ,W0144140 10041411 will (Uwe BR* - Thore.will-c10140043ttieA ClOgireefaestive trolAtiont NO44' Wia$14w*osI'Diottlet ii0imitokin *04 ihe hadoetyrootralats canaoiiivosi lestontlY 433r the Mlilloier -of "We IWO PP A1loige,"'_0100-the-.11945440 ,4"311* Iir�ctur ANIatin 309 Ifiti40100.4450411101,YJOh�sglAY 'be ,01960-145:3%OrletthUYAST. .b* -41140 iri .{ojwing years.ItheimiRthili*X11;40.119t as yet, zoet t PP110Wth,F-Wilthsa udie 04%14 09 *OS wiU rstve tef Yitither` /101004410411 felir.11111.1ejoliot-a vik*s-044/0,) if* parct IA