HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-01, Page 363, Tir Pharmacy, serving lucknow for 40 years -Ebner Umbach 7eame°to Lueknow from Waterloo°in 1949and.established'his'phar- mnaceutical business' wher. a the sSentinel is now located. Training for a pharmacist was sornewhat.different:than itistoday.Elmer first apprenticedfor three years, :awning $6, 40 :and .1:12'.per year respectively. its hours.of-work werefrom Wain. to 11 pan. every second --day. Hewas also°requiredto work ',every other Sunday and holiday. -Rollowingthisthree year stint, 'two years .Attendance .at the iinviersity . of Toronto was 'required. The course .load 'was very heavy, with students attending classes from.September.to the°end of June. The daily 'classes were long And included Saturdays :until noon. 'While going to universityfElmer-worked four nights per weekeartling the funds necessary to put :himself -through school. Following graduation be -worked for. the Rutherford Chain, 'being employed in -both the .pharmacies :in The Royal York mid Prince George flotels,in-Toronto.flethen went .back to 'Waterloo to the :pharmacy -where he diad _apprenticed. phis is where he met .John Kreutzweiser, who was a .delivery !boy iii the .same establishment. :When -Elmer ,decided to move to I ue iovrius good -friend John came:along. John:atthistime wasdating Annaandthey --Eufr.Aquentlymarried. Over -the years -Eimer has completely renovatedhisstore four times. Intheearly yearsproducts'ereserved:only ‘over'the counter. As ..times changed, so :did the .store, :becoming an :open 'concept style wherec stomers°couidservethemselves. :Being a -progressive a person lmer's pharmacy -roved into the :computerized :age.Eees that+heand his: -staff :now .dispense 10 times las -many drugs conn- :pared:tothe-manvathAntiting of:prescrip- titkns. - latekrinviSetthiel9 Viti%coley, Pebruary 19' LUCKNOW EH AL PUBLIC SCHOOL invanimmmommiimumusiiim �O01le DIFIUL'KgD1N 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 The ioftcwIng have enst gge tee l -Twistable adult night tout tobe run' run8fterMarh r+erak-sttoC10 S.tech`coursewouid uit* evens Wednesday'tor int) weeks. Each tome 'requires ! minimum .of 5 rembersbefore it will be Tun. Piece call Mrs. 'Ritchie At S2114022 by °Pebruary6th if you -are ,interested. 1) `rYPtn7 2) Computer.Awareness (Beginning) 3) Cake !erorating 4) `Photography 5) Callgraphy '8) trochsting 11 vi(nitting 7) Women% Mechanics 8) "Hower =Arranging -9) 1.1ealth1ui Cooking 'Mean r& Stroke 'Foundation - `Miss Matte) Elmer's career :as - a .pharinstrist has been "rewarding, f uhlfiliing, interesting, and"Illave_cametaknowthefinestbunch of folks and I lovethemali." :Enver Umbach Pharmacy, serving the needs-oLLucknowandarea for -40 years; .a pharmacist, who in Addition to looking rafter your rperscriptionis ahwaysivliling to _give you aiittlefriendly advice on how to help yourself feel :better. Stwort'Ptron Secretary to the Director of Hospital Education Victona Hospital 1 came to a point in my fife that made me realize everything to which l aspired demanded aTlegree. The anxiety was borrendous Altera! I, everyone knew that adult students dldn'tleam as qulcklyastheir youthful counterparts! However, whateveryone neglected to mention was we are miles ahead of the game just having lived those extra years and having experienced so many of lile's trialsand tribulations I am on myway now! And:far from only absorbing whatthe university has to teachme, l feel lam, along withthe other mature students, adding to the teaming environment. After all, we bring with us not only.age and experience but also different perspectives. i am iffing mtagnigtions, but what is better ! realize now the rate at which one teams is not at issue The issue .is 10 identify the quality of the knowledge we possess, and ultimately what we do • withthat knowledge. If you. like Sharon, have considered a university degree to belp-you•advance in personal or profes- sional endeavours, Westem can offer you°.degree opportunitiesthrough-PartTime Studies. Courses ofteredatseverat oft_campus sites and by correspondence provide many choices tor Southwestern Ontario students. Westem's Mature Student 'Advisor can help=with concerns of those returning to school, and the Academic Counsellor can provide.assistance in course selection. Call (519)-661-3635 for information on Counselling Services or watch tor a specialcounselling session offered in your:area. For atopy of our Summer 1989 Calendar (availablebyMarch 1, 1989), sendthis form to. Faculty -of Part Time and Continuing Education, The University of Western Ontario, . •Room'23,Stevenson-tawsonf8uilding. London. OntanoN6A568 -Name • Address Postal Code Remember .hen: `fall's Grocery astore, Itexall Drugs, Rat Shop, : etcher Shop,:early Ars. ;