The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-25, Page 4Pagel ,� eillsendsty, January 25, 1,119 P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2HO 528-2822 Established 1873 Thomas Thompson - Advertising Manager Subscription rates in advance: Pat Livingston - General Manager - Editor 51790 Outside Canada $6090 81490 Outside Canada $5890 Senior Citi- Second class maThi g reg. no. 0847 Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisment will be paid at the applicable rates. A welcome policy The Huron .County: rd of Education recently established a policy on sexual harassment; and :while- the hornet Soli n armory.ors %without a formaipolicy in this area, and while many other boards in Ontario do not yet have policies regarding sexual harassment, this 'policy is a welcome one. Owes of sexual harassment are increasingly in the public :eye these days. Andes the media shows the public specific cases, it makes people more ;aware of what .could be construed sus sexual harassment, and :makes them more aware of their own actions. To_ovoid Tal prOblems,a teacherin today's #urblicschool system has follows Utilisers 'careful of how he orshe aleals with students than did teachersof only 30 or 40 yeamago. Soa policy srhithatat.sinblade end white what is considered 'to he mum& hanssement and, just as Importantly, What is not considered to sexual harassment - "An occasional appropriate compliment is not inc in the definition of sexual bor.,asament.itelationshipsbetween consenting . , 1 s which are voluntary and based . on mutual :attraction..." -can only help to reassure board employees about how they may relate to fellow .mploysesand 'students. it isaqually important to have a..complaint procedure with equen- tial steps, -so ;.people know they have.on av*nue they can take to deal. with sexual ,harassment <problems. HcIE Personnel Mt no .r..leerxne,McDonald looked at similar policies by other :Ontario school : >oawis in making the HIE policy. but airs foundmany school bis have not yetestablished policies in this . "We may be somewhat pique land. ahead of tbo game in having Q n o in Huron minty," she says. Trustees and ::Board employees say there -has not hernia nose of sex ual harassment .:before the;1erd for;sev.+ersd years. Still this isa useful policy, even if it is ; opefailly °lever :used. (Huron :Expositor) &toil -ars brNciff a I- it, and 'Number One son bave lea :aan ng quite well these days -and zr.m Hold 1 find nothing to write 4%, it , 11" SI, I thought. While w hicMng the babe tube one night I realized 1 hsvP &ee snoring males in my homed You are probably thinking "oh, oh, who's movee .a - she only has one husband and -rne son." You're right, but -I do have . sale cat - and yes he srno �s! On the evr.n c lazes um.,, Mr. Fixitap- peared to be catching 40 winks in his lazy boy chair when a funny sound began to emanate from that general direction. I threw a questioning glance this way to see �.e was in fact sleeping (Y like to bug him nen he dozes off). His eyes were wide open. "OK, 'what's that noise", I asked. "What noise?" he replies. Upon investiga- tion we found Jack (the cat) curled up in a ball behind Mr. Fixit's chair and he was SNORING! I have heard pigs oink, cows bawl, dogs bark, cats meow, humans snore - but I had never heard a cat snore. Cats as far I know either meow, hiss, purr or make thatnoise, whatever you call it when they're fooling .around. This was just what I needed, a snoring cat! Bad enough two human males in the house w • I make those weird noises when 5AM'wLiNGS by Pat Livingston sleeping. Being a very light sleeper, I find snoring from my mate a very offensive interrup- tion. I have been known at times to drive him in the ribs with any elbow, roll him over, shake himuntilhewakes upandgive bin .... Then there are people who in addi- tion ddition to snoring, make these nate (?) little sounds when air erupts between their lips. When I got thinking about this problem, another incident came to mind. While Mr. Fizit snores, he does not talk in his sleep and expect me to answer back. 'While attending an out-of-town family anniversary sometime ago, we decided to share one room with another couple. After an enjoyable evening we retired, at least, I got in bed. I was just dozing off when I was rudely distubed by mioring from the other bed. Now, one snoring would have been tough, but both of them competing against each other was most disturbing (that's putting it politely)! The duo continued on and on until I final- ly got up, snuck around to her side of the bed to see if she was on her side or back.,I figured if she was on her snack, I would at- tempt ttempt to roll her over. I heard somewhere snorers should sleep on their side, however she was already on her side! My next thought was to rummage around in the Turn to page 5 "Itold Tee a wQ•ekatgoIkltia■eedalead gravel armed this lune!" (Pat Livingston ph( o) 39yeartago Jaasary'23, Important Nu4$ee - The committee in charge of -arranging rte: forborne - coming soldiershavefoura : bome- corningsoldiersanavefouni city 'ydifficult In the stoat time: whiich'theyr us ually:bave tonotify `the public of=nl ezpected°arrival. To over come this they ..have .arranged :to have the bell onthe .MethodiSt Church rung during the forenoon Ifa- oiir erisespected ontheafternoon train and dur ggthleafter- noon when one is expected on the late train. The cue also requests 'that citizens keep in mind the matter of the returning soldiers whoitavedonesorsnuch lor the country andliviliaittion,:and that they anownOthhig tnPayee thegiv gof ti_ wtableiecoptionto mob on:aiWe1*e++TT� L , has :mitten from Oesmany to thank the lacknow Jadies and Seo Um MOW Vtoidjeca Aid Sor pHs received at 4:Theyworogreatly appreciated hearlilyenja may, I- t m*iced y At Jest week's .session of Bruce County Councils Reeve 1U hard Elliottof Kinio#s was -appointed for a three 3r terns as a mesnber of the HighwaysComixiittee, etak- ing the ;place of David ,McDonald, whose. term .had expiredand whotis so logger a niember of county council. The other two members of the committee are 'Reeve Munn of Ilipley,and ex -Reeve L.W)avis of Eldersiie, :who isthedali»tl for 1939. Reeve William Winter of Walk = r • .is the County council's . reposentative , the Bruce County Hospital ..es p',ischer.andMc a arethedelegatesto the annual Convention of the Ontario Agriicldtural Council. Reeves Evans and Dawson, with Mr. G. E. P irterson Auleulthral tee, vfillcon- stitute the Bef rm tion Co;floc 1 Thiebete Up - E.. Win, LPS. for South Huron, tai Huron Coity Council the,aiverage nu* a fool .bar 4n Mt wan paid $7111.iGln 4 ;of lover the fes' Yenr,`isn S hHuron `''die ?1 its .910110; *re Theiren is i s .od: It atlei 'y der" . ilE110111S an increase these will be closed next term. 25years ago J. r'y2 ,114 I beeby'The' e1-`That,;a weolteud storm with A ohm OP to the ther- swatter,bro rttoirn dt ie weatherwbi hhardmenenjoy we*. The thaw whlch took swot50f December's ileAvY1100441,100,041bieit gin rotating the *atm level obl012 Asad *wed to a point t ,ue:lveilaa i .'y mitft'a1040- 't- .appeone.$04,#04310014014M040.911 9 +M. dpi, lis -wale whichmade ,t ,off the tey,- • • an hour • itras wayhoWe '41111-, road MOO y tO cave 4thialce,kto " o eco e 7�7�- ta Itor in 10years ago Luck*" Comp wens store - The lAcknow District Co-op opened their new store and .warehouse on Huron County Road 1,ust south of:I,ac aw on January 17; with the official ribbon cutting ceremony following their annual -dinner meeting* Andrew, the youngest raemeber of the Lucknow Co-op, son of William An- drew, a siirectior on the Comp board, cut theibbon assisted by Jack Garan, one of the oldest fibers of the Co-op. The he Fira - Dubbed "Ripley'° Believe �torNot",thefey.rinkof Dialyse Brooks;11114041airew;DianaeFarreilW10 AIM •Paquette, omme home Imo the inala in Votarborpugh withonly , y t heir`tion .psi :►to TWO._ The. r ng,eveln##off iheY wore lop% thoirgameo, andti eirnicpr s- slow ofInielcdiebtilef when: eyar a as* keytthe in:atitehefi. They may hoe beefill losing hut they or rtheiracumeotinn• iieywerethe ` *41%0140 Me" `tri Y, �►:by ►y for Wang the only the *Mg .ids 414ve won.