HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-18, Page 13.:_ati�sitteSs XtppOrtuitity . "YOUR -1117 R *ith...Tri Gouflty Truck ,Driver -Training. ''Yklitablished 1978, job -:search :assistance available, d1aYtime, evening and weekend courses. Course 'Fee mcozne tax :deductible 1 =0408.-49bc ` AINS "71 OverSDy1ng 3'R.EES !: Bill Baines :expresses his Thanks for the telephone and -letter interest following ItaditiTelevisionlmd News Mediae 'wide :exposure f OrganieTree :and '"P►1ant =Recovery °Treatment for At- mospheric4mdAcidRain - , ged'Trees. Ne have pleasure in .armoune ng that U lainsf" will he In production and available for 1969 Treatment =early 'in the new year. Enquiries : "Hai/mil" Inc. P.O. Box 834, VankleekTHill, Ont. KOB IRO. 2bc HEAVY TRUCKS: All makes leasing and sales. New or fused. Low: interested 12.9% O.A.C. Full-time Reefer, Van, Flatdeck work 'supplied 'when: needed. Minimum n - vestment 48,000. "Please call 1=8004;63=4359:=3bc 'TONING"TABIRS Canadian Made, com- plete training & -promotional package. 'Tremendous grow.th'Totential. Financing -&leasingavailablestartingaV$24;800 Pall 1265-922--43bc EUROPEAN Body Wrap. Great profit -potmit l: i"ntr-epreneux =Magazine7has `it listed in the :top ;500 :Business Oppor- tunities. All natural vitamin. andrlineral. Lose 5 to 15 inches. ° Nowater loss. No mudormess. Call 1400=.265 -3922: -rbc GROW -For -It! Raise Baitworms at home. -Gnarmteedmarket Odourles. Lowinvest- nent. =We train' -Representatives throughout a , r o.: Early :.Bird Ecology (1975)11R Ont LOR.2A0 (416) 4143=4251, O5)e =?463-.AllistonArea, (705) -776r`7O84.North Bay-Area.-4Sbc .TONING SALON TABLES e • ers anted.' Buy "Wholesale .:and -Save. 12 _ Dif- .ferent "Table .:Models. _Excellent Profit Mark 1Jip. ;`For ._Details, your carea 1400412APTRI11.28 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Stuff ,envelopes at : home, earn 11600.00 weekly. Free rsupplies. 'Rush a self-addressed -stamped-renvelope, 'Bnghs :Entreprises, Dept.:G-4-,-:Box 964, Peterboro, Ont. K9J 7A5: ---,3x 131. Servia irectorY liarviceXlinittory CUSTOM 'SEWING and .alterations, reasonable Tates. (1l Thith liitehie at 4284141 :or drop in at 471,Wolsley Street, Lacknow.- 45tf STARTER .GENERA' 'OE and alternator � repairs, regulator sales. -Albrecht Auto r1s MAT `HOOKING by .ice Irwin. Catalogues available for you to..ehoose .a pattern. Phone Spence at 2, 3x 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524=8001 or Walkerton :+:1-3655.---40tf FREE SINGLES.°Bulletin T. Meet someone nice by phone or correspondence. 'Write Barb, Box 2246-A, Sudbury, 'P3A 4S1. Please state. age. Write today. Our Four- teenth Successful Year.-Sbc HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLE will pro- vide warm, loving andsecure home for newborn. Please call Myra at (416) 537-4200. All responses held in strict confidence: --rbc 36. Announcements PUDDILEDUCKS� openings fur c ikiren for the new year -3 39.'Ed ucationall Izebrew 47. ward oaf Thanks 1 '-,AITCMSON I -would .like to hat& : eve one [o -int .gifts, ;cams, sand j;►iohe 'calks :during my ,-stay =in •<the bosPitall ,and sines retanti g `home. "SpediaLthsotks to Dr. ,trrolo, llr. Shubat, and 4i11=the nurees_1n LC.U. Your icindn+easwill=alwaysberemembered. Rev Aitehison.x MORAY We would -like ;totharnkaur`neighbours for .the purtyand..gifts on -the occasion ofour 25th vreddhig anniversary. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. John and Marion. ---3 CAMPBELL 1 would -like to thank Dr. ,Corrin, Dr. Shubat, and the:nurses on the second floor fortheir good care while I was in Wirgham hospital. Also my :family, friends and neighbours for all .their kindness. The flowers, fruit and cards. Marion Campbell. -3 LOGTENBERG We wish to express our sincere thanks to .all who sent cards, flowers,:brought food to the house, and made donations to the Cancer Society .and Dungannon United Church. Rev.11obertsandRev. Armstrong for their':kindness and support, the :Com- munity Nursing Services, and the staff at Goderich .hospital for their care, and our mai y ends,- neighheu , --arki-velEdives for' their loveand.at the :lime of her:pass- ing. Your kindness and -consideration-will be ever .remembered. 'Sincerely, Derk Logtenberg land families -3 .LEARN AUCTIONEERING7 at the Southwestern Ontario School of Aue- tioneering Next class February 18.25, 1989. For information contact Southwestern o i . "o School of Auc- tioneeriug, RR 5, "Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) ; 5372115:-- -44b c AO. Lost .& found LOSTIN.LUCKIYOW-..aiarge,, nge:tab- by °c eat ~with -white `:feet end Vie. 'Call 52843525-3 -46. in Memoriam SMALL EQUIPMENT -,RENTALS - lawn and .garden, concrete, automotive, -mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, . much -more. Doupes :Equipment Ltd., 3 xrviies East of Kincardine on. No: 9 highway. .395 685 2tfar -PHIL'S REFRIGERATION lc .Appliances Service. -Dependable repairs to all makes and. models -of ,major ;appliances. -Phone 187 62, 42tfar :REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice-Tebiniltappliances;:cashforyour us- ed . appliances. ball ,Lucknow . Appliance Centre, :528-2046, •4tf ar :KRAEMER 1n loving -memory .oL a dear husband .and father,David.Louis:Kraemer,mho passed away 3 yearsagoton.January 8,1986. Time hasgone so fast, but inwaysitsgone so slow. Our hearts till hurt for yon , but can't forget 'our good times -with -you. We -miss you just.as-much-now, as when God took you with him. We are glad your pain has :stopped, and know in tune your pain won't hurtles much .as now . Always remembered' and sadly missed .with love, Wife -Jean, sons .Don.and Dan, ,and.daughter ghter Julie. ---3 7. 'Card of'Thanks A tJCTIONEERR, _Grant McDonald, litpley; WallaceWc• B aUagh, `Teeswater.:Licensed' Au;etioneer,.Bales. of All `'Types. Phone Ibpley 3955353, Teeswater 292-15170.—afar PLANNING .AN ,_AO'CTION? No ;sale too big or toos111' 11 Allan 'Miller 3954082 or ill ,Haldenby .'395-5142, Licensed Auctioneers.—.Ilt 1r. • FARRIERSERVIC.ES. pleas.ureand.draft horses. ".We build :scotch .bottom shoes. Phone RobbyF°yn357-3018.--44tf 'P 'HICKEY 7'Rl1CTAA11 lokiwrooneffmotion 1.000 MioatimmrTrion..%ork „Ll000sidsnrseetter 12:gaits -.=-PortAlbort WittigiOosint 411.04409 J UCKTON We cwould like to ;thank Lueknow mer- chants, your Favorite `Things, Valley Green -Flowers, Lueknow Village NMarket, _Elmer .Umbach Phar acy, Insurance, Motors, MC onagh In urance,Cliff's -Plumbing and Reati>t?gvaod ,Lucknow Co- op for the iovely:B1l e,we received for our 50th .wedding, anniversary. :It _Will always he a.treasured<Berband:Mary:Buckton.-3 MacC.ALLUM Thank you tothe person. who.took thetiime topickup ,and return torthe,pQst office -a piece of mail. that I i iadvently. lr pped on the :si.4ewalk. Yourrkindness is ap- preclated, liow.m'd We wish to pr s e. o thaOks to n! 8bbo urs ,- relatives, f or -x;11: #,heir -Is and .generosity, (or _411 :the lioisu ,treats actit dawning ;the Chr tins` aeaso and for,p one .11aiind Oirds•-'Thaflksr-toithe Afternoon 4t�ary of the 'V 4M,S: of know .r_ abyber n " urcb -for 'cOg►tUlatius ,And ;it rieialkes . on w r IOW : Y It AO;al1 -greatly-appreciaaated. .Iva 1. tCsrr ;and hat' ins r g r_and:Ba ry. 3 48. Coming 'Events THEDISTRICT COMMUNITY_ 1VING ASSOCIATION invites; interestedindividuals to .be.ipart of our volunteer structure. As :a volunteer board :member you .would be °required to attend regular monthly meetings. If you are interested, please contact the associa- tion :office.at357-3562.-2,3ar A t.1:LNTION - aJ1LT' .MAKFAS ! Bilyth Festival Gaueryis _a rnit Show -.Summer 1989. Eequesting submis- sions before 01 :March 1989 to -enter an open, .jnried-Quilt..Show.Send your slides oftraditionai and original -designs toBI h Festival, Box 10, BLYTii, Ont. NOM 1110,3ar COFF'EEBREAK Women, ,you're.invited:to CoffeeBreak for Bible Study,: discussion,: eet new;:people, Wedlnesdaymorningsfrea 9:45-11:00:;am. downstairs in .the town hall. Nursery provided.—r3.5ar CARD PARTY at ,St. Mary's Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Lueknow,Friday,: January 20, 1969, 8:00 p;rn. -Admission $1.50. Lunch and prizes. ---3 HOSP1TALAJZtg;,Tl1RY `The January meeting ,of the -Auxiliary to ?Wuighatn and .District ;Hospital will be held:January;23,.2 p sra.inthe;boardroom. Mrs.Mary Lee, co -ordinator -of Obstetrics :witll.be pecker, Everyone:weleome._ 3 BI�YT i LIQNS D.A~BBER. 7SINC40, every Tuesday: at 7;30 p4n. Blyth_& Distriet Com- munity :Centre.4300O0 Jackpot must to. ;Over $1,OQ0.0O in,prizes -- 3tf ew officers electW for F.C.P erli d'- rS Tinle =-I g ` jof t..,���1, Dungannon ngannoon 17d 4n uel'at'ty fi ita1, London, -oi January=8, 11119InherlItid year. 11►irs.togtenbem was horn -in Earlir>Igen, Rolland on. July 11, 1037, and Inunigrated to amada in •-the Anew of 1954 with her family. ' They =arr1ved in 'Montreal travelled 'by train to LlItia w. :She `'lived With 'her parents, -Fetle (Vanderwal) del3oer and the late Sirnon dela ner,.atR.1, Lueknow, ire Wim and Elaine deBoer' now live. ',Mrs. Logtenberg worked as ,domestic Whelp at Wknghani :and " . et Hospital. On June 8, 1957, in St. Helen's United Church, Tilde ,married . Derk .Logtenberg. They ¶ farmed .att R. 1, �Luu�ck,�nyo�wxmd moved 'to i1. I,•Dufg5nno In 1960, "-V�he a theyrais- ed;six-children. Mrs. Logtenberrwasan-active member of :the Dungannon .United Church Women, Dungannon Institute and Dungannon United .Church .Choir. She en joyed-sewing, knittirg.and.gardenirg. 'Mrs. Logtenberg is survived :by her hus- band Derk; mother Fetje deBoer, mf Lueknow; three daughters Frances (Mrs. Jim.Farrell) R. 3, Ripley; Irene (Mrs. Joe West) Stratford and 'Melissa at home; three �9sonld y 11 s Geraand Kay, Dungan - 'hon, (Simon=an an, Dmiganrumandleen- mreth:of Waterloo. `:She is also survived by a sister, Piletie (Mrs. dank Kragt) of British Columbia; four .brothers, _John ziel3oer, R. ,b, Lucknow; .Dick deBoer, R. 1, Bluevale; lame :deBoer, Rolland; Wim .de Boer,.R.1, Lueknow; nine grandchildren, sister-in- law Mrs. Roely:deBoer;Teeswatermidher father -in -.law Gerrit Logtenberg, Senior -of R. 6, Goderich. Mrs. Logtenberg was predeceased by her father Simon xdeB'oer and a brother Peter. ° Complete funeral:service was .conducted from the MacKenzie and McCreath Fa meralliamze,Izu mow:rrn lanuary12,by :B.ev. t. ,� byBesr .4trtn- f1 h Ot n am w `U dam. `Mrs. tJeanFliiottwas organist. SpringintermentDlmgannon Cemetery The ;Bruce Hidi?g dation of the F'aiaai%ly Coalition—partyy Ulet, in :Walkerton recently toelecta-new ate of officers and to review F.C,P. poliey.as ,_aged: at tie provincial convention deli Last November. E➢,ect onresu tsareas fellows: °Dr. ,Gar' .14j. Y ,of Walkman beaus as prosi- d ant, f F°r ib rger of reek k s1;ary, -andaryPollak of tWk,n 1 i -Pbiff financial officer. Director are lilkam .�Ma ugali, M1t Y ;Sc her, and Joseph, . pill of T water, Cathay ', Van , -Of -A oes,;Aa e 'NOM �f u(re k, �Ro rt y of Walke> n, Robert1 ,of °y� ►nnu a, Jerome Seh, r of Vhee,, w, (Jahn i*Boor NIAnkanciPettrbantipg:of f iJioar w . M. Leonard Ramis -was recently one of e class uf,leepromiaentmosonsrh -rs iv - ed the 33° in the Scottish ltite of Freemasonry, at ceremonies held le kraal IlaPids,`Michigan- Thislarelligiells honor.is',meted °for TotttitaNdiRg VW- iribittionlo Freemasonry arforarvic a to :hu vanity w -reflects ere attupito the fraternity". Mr. Harris was horn in iueknewd4sYalitaatlawiofe lake Mr. and Mrs.413uunas=liarris,ARAJA01Yrosl, :and :a nepgew of Mrs. 'Marian ilarr s, Phiecrest fir, iLuclutow. Mr. 'Harris clurentlyre esitt118- st'Slitb Street, Bayo, New;Jeraeys. .411 award presen " tter late than never" and 14at:`goe -NOW unreported ra tion tl> ,young people "r ived at Win' Acbiempont night in Noveinber. Awards"gar .gx c n rolects were :Proont �]�edto . Ru oer, AdviAney, D ► 1: ;eftWeaver, P % A . ' t. ; Warren Andrew, 1,Trinity, 45144 ItAdgfr, 'Al i, 1;4e Prr, ,,,Port -Albert; JuelF 1` t, P • 4wa far°, 12-. 'o, .wore pxeaelltcd 2to rohArQh V of IOW tW awl11443 a rrof; t. 0