HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-18, Page 6Page i—3sdww Seat(ae;, Wednesday, Jamul' 1g, �!b
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f39.O.00 - Country home, 4 bedrooms,
new roof and combinatima fu puce. Garage,
drilled well, 1 acre lot with orchard.
WH17'Ecd4URal - 5bedroom, 1 V storey
home, 2O0 amp service. $33,00510
WEST W;AW*NOSH - acres , Al) bush, 51.
Helen's creek, excellent for retreat home.
ASHFJELD - 200 acres, systematic tiled, 180
level workable, good state of productivity.
WEST WAWANC - level 1100 acres, 75
workable, 25 hardwood hush. •
KWILOSS - 100 ocre grass farm, fenced,
spring fed creek, 8 acres hardwood bush.
1)nniaHAM - B year old Royal home, family
room, woodstove, deck, 3 bedrooms.
,ASHfIELD - 4 bedroom home with on BO sow
Farrowing operation, new wiener room,
barns insulated. Reduced.
WHITECHLIRO*1 bedroom brick home with
cargarnge, hardwoo oars, march,
2 baths.
Z S - 200 ocre form, 2 excellent barns
set up for beef, 2 silos, 75 x 40 shed, 4
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aI - 99 acres, 86 workable, ixtlance
mizedbnsh, no xniding`s, land inexcellent
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Gly Arnold accompanied Joyce and
Jim MeEwan to Arthur and visite'd with
Wallace Thomson in the nixing home
Deamna and Morley Fitt visited with
Gertnale Walsh, Kineardine,on Friday.
Weekend visitors with Wilda and Harvie
Thompson were Wray and J an& Thompson
of Mississauga.
Marilyn and Donald Reid journeyed to
Moaretoina on Saturday to see the Ripley
juvenile hockey team win the International
Silver Stick. Congratulations to the boys!
Larry Reid plays with this team,.
Marjorie Thompson and- Wanda Dawley
were dinner guests of Marie and Man Coil-
Norval and Isobel Stanley were dinner
guests ofDeam and Morley ScottonnSatur-
day evening.
Visitors with Anne and Donald McCosh
this past week 'were -Betty and Jack Scott;
Bessie Mai3den of Kinlongh and Peggy
Palmer of Welland; Bill and Fred Collins;
Joyce, Teresa, Tanya and Toby Farrell,
Isobel Brook and -Margaret mess.
Sandra and Donald Forster were among
-the guests at .a party at Margaret Ann and
Harvey Ora on Saturday evening.
Heather and Gabrielle Finnie attended a
bridal shower an &nifty . for Joy Finnie,
Shirley MacDonald reports that the Kin-
cardine Judo Club had four judokas par-
ticipating in the Judo Tournament in Cam-
bridge on Saturday. Ian MacDonald par-
ticipated in bis first tournament winning one
game. The club brought home three
risitirhg with Wilma and Cecil Sutton is
Julie Semechal from British Columbia. Sun-
day visitors with the Suttons were Wiley and
curiae King, Keith, Martha and Melody;
Pearl Hodgins, Larrf and Verna Hodgins,
and Debbie and Bend Kevin Green of
Wingtbam; Mrs. George King Bei yyie ands
Rob Sutton of Toronto.
Isobel and Jinn Brooks and Ross Wfets
visited Marjorie Thompson Thursday.
Tanya Farrell had a visitor Jessie Paylor
on the weekend - the Farrells also enjoyed
the Skating Party at Shirley and Douglas
MacDonald's on Sunday afternoon.
Sunday guests with Katherine Collins
were John and Marlene Crinins and family.
Get well wishes go out to Frances Brown
of Bervie who is a patient in University
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordo Campbell and
Heather spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Norma Rintoul and attended
The serwiee may morning -
Chalmers where Stephen and Scott Rin-
toul, sans of Mr. and Mrs. Neil 1,
jointed the chi at the communion ser-
vice &May Wig.
hiteeherrlh V.I.
Vihitechurch '9Vornen's Institute held
their January meeting eon the lith at the
dome of Jean Tiffin ink.
Helen ieopened the ng with a
poem, the opening ode and Mary Stewart
AgnesFarrierreadthe mimtes horn the
last Wig, Offering was moved and
th6fmancialreprt was given.
Ile nextmeet* Febr y9isatthe
home xi Mrs.Jas in Wnagiram.
Mrs. Russel Me Guae gave some infor-
oo affairs The institute
days will heheldatthe Erhdee Home at
Stoney Creels. June Call, 10 a.m.. to 4 p.m.
each day. The F WJ..C. corns- are
available for s 4165 postage and
handling fraam Anna Jackson, F.WJ.O.
Box 1030 in Guelph, .Ontario, NIH �Ni.
Mato beMOO ccpressold before On-
by lean Ross
tario makes any profit
The highest reward of a man's toil is not
what begets out of it, butwbathelearnsby
it. Mrs. Ross led in a. sing song.
Mrs. gave some readings among
which were 'they say' and Sainntp to a
Dish Rag which were very .inmg
Mrs. Tiffin then gave a contest and the
wimiers were Marforie Wall and Helen
This was the resolution meeting -with
Mrs. Tiffin as the convenor. She then in-
truded the guest speaker Mn.. Gertge
Underwood from Wmgharn area. She and
her husband had visited Australia last
year for 35 days. She gave a wonderful
armchair travellage of their tip and
outlined on a map what parts of the coun-
try they tamed. Mrs. Russel McGuire
thanked her and dented her with a gift.
The meeting orad with and lunch was
During the winter mss, 'may
this year with its weekly changeable
weathersystems, vie rec ve calls on bare
ventilation. Itis crucial tomaintain.a com-
fortable esiviramment to keep pigs healthy
with good days to market.
Two one -day seminars are bring held in
millFebruary. A Small Room Ventilation
;Seminar is bang bad mon Feb. 15th from
ah. to 4 pan. Toffs to be covered in-.
chide: - layout alternatives v or
remodelling); ventilation systems - idet
and re!' n1atiadn systems, fans, bingo
controls; manure removal and
1�olugh this Dinar mill deal with
small ....1 •: j��� ,�1
the;r. 1.b. aiW)apply-to
forrooms for voter af..liv tock -
form -may calf mammies.
Bruce Ci Linty OMAF
The second seminar is being held on
Feb. letih from S a.m. to 4 pm. his
is entitled `Heating Small Rooms
Effectively and Efficiently". Topics to be
covered include: - heating requirements
forfolivestock; choosing egqui
i3J613t; and heate controls;
heal recovery from exhaust air and ease
stud with audience participation.
Bathe!theoe seminars will be beldat the
Knigbts of Columbus Hall outside of
Walkerton. Advanced registration will be
regdred ails each seminar wilibe limited'to
40 partite to pure good group in-
teraction. Please contact the Walkerton
(MLA,- Oflice4by Feb. 10.
eting and Banquet
urday, January 21, 1989
�,�uanow Community Centre
uet 7:00 PM
available 17050 r perso