HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 7AlatiCannalintionallier-Palierr Thralibialmer;Taines*Nitide EGinidal 'i'veryonel,AialiVitzina.VgaatttOlae:bark! _______ - 'Jame ',were °Try :net to 'ant too Tnnith -angar" *tand-alioak-vveryllar, hip 'trinotanrlrkaepmytoatrtelaan".Veltnpe tolteepthemlliteare7viratingoawkiter mrual lumin :the Janew, ,and our:IlDn- vironmental-Shshesis_about "Fstralies". Onlhecomputerswe-aretglhe "Put -Together". pro_ gram an :building in- terestiogiacesanoltimiles Grade 2 Grade twoisJiff to.. a great star .this week by working •very bard. We have .started . a -.new program called "Super Stan".After brainstorming,we came .up with five -rides that -'waild help _ms °to 'become 4-4,Super Stars", 1. ,Actand-Play .Safely,.2._ BePolitetveryoue, Betidy , 4. Show '.Ret, .5. Solve 'Problems by 1:a1king. Our New. Year's Resolution Asti) try -and be 'iSuper Stars" :both atschool andat home. Grade2/3 lilay New Year -from Grade _2/3. We hat. &great .boliday butare lam tobe back . at school with all our friends. We have completed ourBrace Countyimitand just started . new _units in Metric _and Animals Grade2/4 After a .,good break the zrade threes .came back to find &trait ligisubtraction. in Mathandare now doing ameasnringimit -4Thegradelours-have,tdone-a-good-jr&on--- their-ranItiplieation .tables,and.areriow raisingtheirimowledgennnoltiplyrkuble • iigitimmbers_inArt Inins.sthis..7-weekthe 'sludnts-imjoyetpaintingzwinter ,seenes, lthough,after theactivi -tyNmsifirdshed a lotofthepaintwasalsoplacethonstudents' fpivs, boards allEI (ahem) ehilims Grade 4 Grade four ;has settled back into the por- tableafteranetritinglainistmasliVehave started amok about Canada "Thismeek-we learned about the -fnatia Goose mid we each made one -We .are all involved in researching the Canadian provinces and animals. peat to learnabout your own coluitry Grade 5 Things have settled down considerably since our preaChristmas excitement 'We talked about the importaiit eventsin decided that the localiikeippearances Wrrethe Ndggout''evenU, followedbylke Ben admen -4thar and the -mead Aitr :tragedies. Vhetwo weerreattlidJus good. We -are itow,quite suceeasfuluidivoia. lifiettave tuidetlakeninintprojectsin-itrivironmen- „talStudiesrelativetogreentdarAsindthe vouslypesttsplantz. Special thanks .-are ,,offered to Lynda Lyant!VaneaBrek1es for their help aroimd the classroom. Grade Jeff SchausEmd Colin Walkeare our new studentsin grade 6. Thi§ weetrire learned bow tomidliplydeoimalsamtare havinga ton it.lbisweekvearemating a title page on simple ainptitnes for Science. Grade 7 This week the boys -and „girls had a volleyball.wme:Theboyswontwogames. Thegrade have beenworkinginthelype- awayprogram. Thisweekwehavestarted ourspeechesandtrealsagottaimishmat- chingthernovieEN. Gratle 8 After an enjoyable Christmas vacation, the class had come backreadyto dotheir best. life -bar- began -a few new mils' of study: Confedexation.andanother dealing with fonnaLEuglish.11ie do recognizelhat by becoming involved with Ibis -formal rinnicmcomi -We-would like to study,we can becoomemore effective , fiinwySehnusto OM' riass. -ftinitystadies Grade 8 .displayed ;their consumer and marketing qicills .a -Family Studies .assirnenttbat required them to take nn the role of • toy inventors and toy manufacturers This assignmentdisplayeilhelaieuts cf the grade 8 Jeamily Studies rings The board Memberabad. a tough job° ehoosiog between. all the mines but the winners wereSinarty Pants Computer designed by Jennifer Porter and Gezelle Pajieski and L.A.V. toy tank designed by Joel Sutton, Steve RitchPil and Daniel Jones Look for time itenisin a store near you. Coming soon! Library News "The hbrary lotto -winners thisweekwere Jeff Cranston and CamerocaMoTrat 'These Sys are really lucky. its be because they -read somuch. Life now seems to he getlingback Dam •even keel in our parish...and school com- following the ever hectic but en- joyable Christnias holiday season. lifithin the Catholic community the Christmas season . extends -from the aristmas Eve Vigil Mass through to the baptism of the Lord which, this year, falls on Snixiay, January 15th. As usual, St. Joseph's Parish their enhanced the beauty 'e Midnight Masson ChrishmaSEvevithiuninsandthesinging -of parts if the Ma Ss both in latin and English under the dirtsetitED cf Jamie -DaltonivithorganistheniseDaltom.Itwas a movin andinwirational celebration ,of theliirthof the -Christ Child:Thethoiralso perfonhedat_the New Year'sEve M. FatberEdDentinger,isonceagainieav- ing swelktanied and welkleserved winter vacation to ;1h =any Iota- Visitingprientswill NI in for biin for the -wetiltargi. liackParish-Oloirenjoyeul an evening •cf fantod games_onilaidays4anuarr2rain ,theadzhJI1L tianysnernbers_accepted FatherEd's-invjtalian and payedcards - and wig= :1111men evening was Mowed :IV toffee -Aind -swim SeveratinesnberaCklbeFatiterliacrior- rvittobikthelipigMsvf-faimaglo Arent FridnY. -Xtecenalier 10 with the -FranciaerrkliarsiinTialieboyeleipieg tient "vntittiteigvnatrociffinprojecti-lhe F:riars mein** goi-JmAddition, 1910e ,anikwioritinglacilili_Accompsnyingithe iissJiniitattio:91.fietittich -wbooeitelP_AadtaPettioemes /SWAY -AP misted. :The jEtiars etheir -gratitatleti' Illessenthe. yingfidioe ,ProYersimtdivavelL than mittlaitift :3t*dy timew -XeNagked baltamviteliabiel, dititestv11,11111F-4tigt DISTRICT zavmmutirrY, 11EIVITRE -Fildwdkivaiity:27 tvaboluniiiiesse OPEN DATES -Januirti -Edr/81*W ilatiartlay 14 •ifsbniel/ Frialsys' -10 -17 -24 Simturdays-4 -10 -;26 "DULY” tall S2/34532 9 a ALM 4)311., 131ithday Ziub Robbie Young Avalsurra Jessiffiry' 12, ISM Noars-tszi 1 I '.; :, iwne357-4630 tor24-hourinovie information 10 lhemcst won'dertui viace in lite =Wax.. Home. IVIIIMMTAL VallIMAIRCE AMINES ..by _Louise Martin • JIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMININENIMI1111111111111111M1111111 week were the-eventrhich led to the in - Aaiun a Ifingship among the Jewish -Peo- ..ple arid a look.at,Saul, the first King . -The 19119school yearbasgotten off to an excelientstart. Shirley -Enoophas- been hired by the SchoolRoardle.dothelunclitinmsuperv;- sant athestudentsitlaletlw. teaclierseri- -joytheirmandatoryOminutelunchbreak as requirediT.Rillinfinunthe Miniryif Education. 011buraday,. January ltittbe volleyball teamatiavellettoBroolcsidefor exhibition :gamesand then .on'Triday, January 1th theymenttoStMorty'sinciodericlimbere tbestrAsirontwoontOtiwenambesirbilo the boysididnotiarountirmitesoweLitc6- ing4111. tbree-of their:ganw. lEfte newt twirl toViintonfottiaaarieplayofEs. Alson FridewitItliary'stilieOradeg alude*swereaddressedby-Bob-Dielvtbe inidance counsellor .4roin ',Goderich Dtint rialegiste institute, -concerning Arbattheyirillbelitving-LwAtenibey, cizade9iinikefaILlietoibeol 'j :5 was ,ais0 11101,1iag ...MandaY, ijanuary 4th at 810 pjp. .t tow ,AcbrliaTaiderioltin4splainitioeindit 1.0„Vie led -*We ParerVs for 4t , -70r lbw Aladel$401111MKAINSie$W1lalkiwat, iitWingitenIARNInt -,keitiws Man*/ IffitkORATilh Ain)01 AillqinfiRMWM91111d -T-FACk ira : t INATING TROW DAY -r TfWI1JAYj JANUARY 13thirr 5NOWTINES:4:111DA -AND SATURDAY -713CrarmiE9110471M kl UNDAY -11Dlli MAY13110/411 IliCiplOW and DISTRICT MONS .cuD Rthbie Bums ANNUAL simplor and fall 111/20410W DTI= ACOMMINITIT friday, January 27,, 1989 The l'iimitsiwitilDrosis -lpiaknewimed Vostrkt Irv" Mond 4i:otitis* crioNntly lkihneinfi, $marr* titififition0 Domino, kottail Sing Somw, A ~Akin ectr TINA 6100 -774101MNI. A 40001kklurlifirli in, MOW - alk Siatt101110114iftfseiv Suppor ASO -AVIA AM. criettarhOommot IWO - -141/0A401. -Iteagiopft9 1.1 isioSfiliodsmirminir 11.itthelts 2J0 Per 1P4Iff.. Amara*? est: rbIll/WPWIND 40/41424; SO50* Zei-10410;J�b ~WO 1900,IPY: SAWS =WNW ahoffiVslosSibibM00010r. 1110,* ofialiilikarancoiliWilik-SolillIPAMMICova01204/920