HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 3r
It ran start .like this: you rean't
remember your first:kiss, the 'movie you
saw last night, your _favourite - sr
children's _names, your - seem • 55
moon, then= you married, hat,'
AhheimezDisease (AD)4.aprogress3v,
degenerative train. :disease that curses
_memory loss ani ,gradual -mental
AD.is cuneritlythef ourth leading ause
iof deathin Csanada.ltaffectsarrestimaG-'
,300,000 Middle-agedand older Canadinx,
Bee.ause our -aging -population; in-
crease dranudically n the next_decade.
And,-thereis al0f50 chance that you will
ibeaffectedinsome way by AD.
Atpresent,thereis no cure and 110 tft`lt-
-inent. The causelsootimown sic-.
destroystheminds of its MOMS i7/00 re-
quire more and more .care the disease
arf er, ,assS
progresses set :on the piMent's
farniiv i evasuag.
tghompe12 confuse -the early
toms wit senility, itis not a normal
f agik,. Nor is it an emiotional or
voiQgica1.dinrder. It is a physical
, that destroys -the brain
A, progresses •and the 'brain
d rites, thetnitient's functionsbreak
down one 'by one. t stEirts with simple
for .mess.andan inability toiearn new
Wings -or 'concentrate Then there may he
than rre iiir per ality mood ,and
behn- Igement, speechandphysical
comdmation may also be affected. Even-
tual' the .patient trees control of bodily
funcban and requires intensive „nursing
AD mill reach -epidemic proportions by
the year 2000. Thisiliesease , which zaniest
for up to :20 years after :diagnosis, will
Ltallovviikititiset Weduesdayo Jay 11R9 IVOST—Poge
become society's mast serious health
The Alzheimer Association of Ontario,
as 'the representative for all local
chapters, is leading the fight 'to meet This
eliallenge. They provide support to per-
sons with AD, their relatives and cart
givers; promote public and professional
awareness of the -disease; supportand en-
courage medical research. They are ad-
vocates for social change to respond to the
neelis of all Alzheimer patierits.
Your support is needed to continue this
important work. By becoming a member
of one of the local 'chapters, or sending a
donation, you can make asignifi' cantcon-
tribution to their efforts. With your help,
Alzheimer Disease can be overcome.
The local chapter 'is AlzheimerSociety of
Grey•Bnice, 757 2nd Avenue East, Owen
Sound, otnario, N4K 2G9, 519-3764230.
Alzheimer Disease - Family Su ort
• Anyone familiar -with .Air-iwimorDisease
(AD) knows the devastating impact it :can
have on fPrility members vof the victim,
especially the primary caregiver. Atthe
onset of;the illness, only those close toile
personwith AD may begin to notice slight
behavioral ;changes which they may not
become forgetful, - quick-tempered or
withdrawn. As the ilisea.se progresses
these behavioral changes become more
AD is made, the lainily may -feel
frustrated, aloneand trapped
AimmberofirlzhennerSocietyThapters •
have form(' Support -Groups :to be
exceedingly helpful 'Stich .groups
fannies and Viers of -an impaired
personmaintain.Mid increase feelings of
self-worthand controkby sharing common
problelins "Ihronglitrainedand competent
leadership, members of- the group can es-
perieneeemotisnaluelief, developgreater
sielf-awansiessand ac-
quire new -andzinore;positive attitudes
'People.learn to thareproblems, and help
leach Other .to cope more „effectively.
Groups also -help :people.' to .:formmewand
meaningful relatiouships„-andmakethem
. aware of various community services. By
w.orkingtogether, peoplefeel lesstelpiess.
In..a7Family Support Group, the leader
encourages abolpfianarimpeirresponse.to
problems ofthemembers The complexin-
terpersonalielationshipswithinthe group •
cmittto...4etofrof b_s,&!_gart_twy-
worth, -which, in turn, -Toakes members
-members feel free to -voice the frustra-
mhickproblemsinevitab. Iniyarissucheinaneariaathing:anherADe,
disappointmentns atul successes
Group members and leaders can also
have _a 'positive effect en isle another.by
• providing iiseful suggestions .or, without
even realizing it, by behaving in -ways
other membersiind inspiring Additional-
ly,-4sub,groups ,usually evolve, providing
individuals with even closer relationships
Support Groups tend to ease personal
strain asmembers Share their fears.
The participants Amiss what
Withan AD patientiSlikefortlxtmandhow
they eope. SUCIIII•S, guided by a
AlifnliParier, (Weal:educe commonlears
and stimulate zneater sharing of signifi-
tonal support and mutual aid. This, in
turn, helps members to overcome the
fears they may have about imdertaloMg
tasks which -might otherwise seem too dif-
ficult or threatening.
'111Pos of Groups
Support Groups are usually organized
=der theauspices of a local ehapter of the
Alzheimer Society. Ate try one tirne, there
--may be one or more groupsfor spouses,
adult children or both.
Support Group -.Locally, groupmeetings
are held the third Wednesday of every
month, -with the nextmeeting not schedul-
ed mitil March. The meetings are held in
the Vingbam health Unit from 730 - 9
p.m. -For infamiation contact Margaret
eithoer _at the health Unit 357,2264.
homebound located in Wingham,
homebound offers a varied program to
help those afflicted with AD maintain a
level of function as high as:possible; .and
also serves as fondly relief; available up
to three :days -per week. call '357-1440 for
further information.
Also mote that the =X Tryliards
hockey team -will take on the local
'Turn to:wee
Sc} ds
receive funding
Education Minister Chris Ward reeettly
musorinced intreased funding for Mt pro-
vhicesschool boards fortheirhudget year
of January to December, 1989.
TreaswterRobertNixon amounted a.1
per rent increase in the annual transfer
payments for elementary and secondary
The boards will receive a total of*.192
billion next year, an increase of $2371
milulan overthe 19118allocation, Wardsaid.
The 1919 thunder payments include an
enrichment of 81 million toward im-
plementation of the 1987 Throne Speech
The enrichment funds are for the reduc
lion of ciass sizes in grades 1 and .2,, the
ministry's revitalizedcomputers in educa-
tion program, new textbooks, more learn-
ing materials and the introduction of
science programs in the intermediate
"This brags to $145.8 million the amount
we are spentling 1989 on theseimportant
improvements in elementary education,"
Ward said.
Besides operating grants, the govern-
menthas conmiitted, fornezt year, an ad-
ditional 4300 million for school capital
projects. .
"I am amfident that the -total 1O8) pro-
vincial allocations wiUprovide school
hcards-AvIth-the-means-Ao----creitinue_ to --
deliver high 4=14 vciursition for our
Ph-11*En," the minister eniri
We need money to support
'research and -stop this
terrible _disease.
• Please help.
Please -send your donanon to:
757d nuaaE.
Javan Bound, Dmarip
$29400 - Country home, 4 bg
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