HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 10
011101101111ral 1111110-10_
First fire call for
Lucknow and District Fire Depart-
ment was called at 1 am. last Saturday
morning to a fire at the frame home
rented by Wayne Kimpell from Donald
Alton. The home is located OE the 12th
ctincession of Ashfield 'Township.
Paul Hogan alerted the residents in-
side the house. When the fire department
arrived on the scene flames were leaping
into the air.
Fire Chief Bud Hamilton believes the
fire started from overheated pipes of z
- No personal injuries were suffered.
There was considerable &net& to the
ceiling and outside wall of the home.
• buys
Walton Feed Mill
The Walton Feed Mill has been pur-
chased by Gary Dauphin, owner -
operator of Dauphin Feed and Supply
Ltd. of tit .11 011.
"The purchase has been in the works
for the past couple of immths, with the
takeover planned for January 3," said
Gary. The Walton facility will run under
the name Dauphin Feed and Supply Ltd.
Gary, tormerly of usmgannon area,
lives with his wife Heather and four
children in Brussels.
Power -was interrupted on the south aide of the -*Mine last Wednesday. A work crew,
stripping the .zoirf an the building where Valley Green Flowers is housed, apparently
mauled' lioreiramdfcrdling delziechnikea-priverline.Vown crews and Winzahm PUC
The Blackburn Group Inc., owners of
CICIVX radio and television in Wingham,
t;1411'L radiaand televisionhi London anti
the Lando Press recently annoime-
ed the purchase of CHCH television w
The purchase price for the large sta-
tion, is reported toile 1611.5 minim. The
purchase, from Maclean Ruder Ltd.
gives the Blackburn Group colnragein
the major golden horseshoe area, in-
cluding Toronto.
_Brum boarrljoins lobby
r French. teachi-ng opium,
Christmas is over and it istimetolzdrea
lookathow and wliere-weas consumers do
Durng the tbristmassliopping seasonif
you were in town on a regular basis -you
perhaps wondered -where all the , people
were. "Where were °they shopping? Bad
cutting flack? Were r they xirebangthf-
1eieUyihiss year? All nf theselnestiCns
ran more :than likely be answered With
Jaterlthy,;some tusineases bad a -very
virdlumasn, :while curers felt their tor-
autersraSiasterthannther yrs.
'The gizt,of !Ms tiele is to 'remind
Luelminv and lactic:residents tthat every
time-vrespeudallalltmatanerdsere else -
some IC szir most -saltudge Immunity
amnrounitY suchz.slarelmow is the
works Wimpy good.propleothoirave put
proudat &wend ritisests fora wroldFthat
alwaYsneedstnere Of theirldnd.
Dr —wen make it ,.a ghost Ltown,
many reammunites arch as ours ,have
ilifeapreserring lade ,s,Altime for 1101
ilausinesses, thertilyv we (contribute to
00711SatirsfAentlkerein imelinew,and
tbay :goods ailed Iiertices,sds
thartheal-fumnIteetion. iitni4orve
tinatelle$ liriPertY
/Mk* gaiRtileati•
VirdetielY 11011310111040thill%
to the tvitY cdelluVistk -fellt the L1001
L/S0000000? •
,you -go to the *AY iksid *ire
.businessypersou say ”take it lime on ap-
nyugotothe tityand.have a clerk
,say "no, Idonlmally think:that size will
la -yaw lushand (wife, son, daughter,
.Can -yap .go ,back to The 'City with
IIDUlethiag that is mrdftmetioned and
.havetthemsay Isuremewillreturn it for
-you" 'sr Uwe !them rifler ,you a replace-
Dar local Ibusinesslieople are just Jike
respect and in turn They treat you with
respect. They -care that you are satisfied
with 3rourpurchase.
NewBusinesses Coning
Just afterehristmas,a signappearIin
the formerButtonMeatidarket, infonning
passerbys that a new butcher shop would
be opening the beginning of March.
Anew variety storeinaidso open in the
village in the -spring.
Let'sgive these new businesaesand our
present businesses our support.
Remember itpays to trade -where you
live - he dollarisgeps bouncing back!
Nichalsan's biogrPaphy launched
A birthday party and book launching
was recently held atlhe Ontario Arebives
celebrateA.M. {Sandy )
birthday and the completion of ,his
autobiography titled Bum* To Ilea
dentmribr' ssf the University OfBaskat,
eiresree;andDrallobert ileCaure, former
moderator trof tthe United 'Church of
Can, who wrote the foreword to the
,bookand Arai:1411018.
childscrahrthilibbs,Mary Anna Mains
,aadlatexasslarIikiximu; loaner Bakst,
thewanprernierlibualinkaieyi who Row
lestleesilawareagaide Han Lawctiala
40 -Vow Dela Of the 'Taranto
Mater Rituan,
A giant sake Embed with the words
"Keep running= yourilinhbirthdar was
presented tallir.'igicholaon.
Mors Note: Mershon is Oaken Inman
article Boaataary Sexton. Mr.
IciaboloonisnostroagortoArea residents
as he wasisomtinBruce County in NW
'Tommy who imew Sandy IliChOlson,
the Utiwontio bingalliVinaytnetAit first
Wok. seem APPrOPtit.de- Somehow, it
cdoemetaeon to- t the Lowe &Ea UAW
'Ohara minister toned politimu.
'However :its srigins .lend it eredilibty.
Writing 40 Yentslater Itiehnlaon had mit
beating a record set iikroo Iwo 3: •
YeterwiSaikittoonaewwsilafttfr 0, _or
eonsnontd: TaletW*409
IlitiviOnnite was X111161000100000111
malty iraCk;,pidtit$1110010$110141110/0
boa benrwnU to�stj&1,jji�i
and Apan's man tear
,Eitikofi ide: The
Aiken frcia5
The Bruce County Board of Education
at their last meeting,'endorsed a request
from the Torrenboard that the Ministry
of Colleges and Universities reinstate
French as an option -
The Toronto proposal stated that if
French is reinstated in the primary and
junior programs, it would encourage
faculties to increase their intake of
potential French teacherz.
The ,boardalsoapproved Halton Coun-
ty board's recommendation that the
ministry change its method of determin-
• ing pupil capacity to more accurately
relleettbe =rent educational needs.
The Balton board believes that special
education legislation and mandatory
reduced 'class sixes initiated by the
ministry since the present method was
developed mislead the jpublic about the
function and capacity of existing
1988 contest facts
2,507 tables, were received from va
total of250 tocaprigeoineforPrating
WO individual prises were Awarded -
Over 45 percent f the 00405 won or
13 4enfriea were rowed frinn Midget
knaio, JO liolties were 410eeive1 from
Aialnionwo$40 et** werereeeived
two RaeWee lewas, 46* were
seotties were ow:awl-6w Ample
I* Good ft* was mu Jy the gar -
saws taw Aims cb9d by old
hisuullf fitiriingsVintari0.
JO A TAW* tsirveY
the 410014 4000 bow
time As Alocstod o wiStiour boey