The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-12-21, Page 27Letcknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 21, 1988—Page 7A What would you give the world? What 1 would give the World for Cb.risurwas If ! wastft-, the wor.„:1 anstmas prem•-nts. ; vi• -,110 glve the. peace. the coLtntr7.-s .eters gatnce G Uf mak. • ::cr ._ve - .4 ••• id a .. :roc chernica..±• 'Jut :ft.f the . ; U. rre the di f •-.e and r,appirie--•_s. ris hi -mg the best ; • Anc Detter per,,or.. scim•eoly txr tAet- '.er toc,. rz.lne. the wor:d -.woiild Pe a fnencher.'nap•pier piace to sive Jeremy O'Neill LCF'S The Greatest Gift Ever The year was 11 was the back streets of Harlem New York. If you hap- pen to drive by there someday. you -II notice that it is a very poor area.. But not so in one house. For there lived a very rich billionaire named James J. Gotbucks. He was loaded and was very snobbsh_ _Across the street from him lived one of the pc...ovest farmhes in Harlem Their riames were Haroid. G-ertrude. :Melissa and Fredrick Poverty They had foO dollars to their name. oaek :1-• the story. It was Dec Fred.ric was cry -mg. He was.cTymg :-,ecause .-e had :-to money to buy gifts.Thntn That -A-215 goring m all 3 their 5 room house. They were so load that they could be heard all the way across the street James stock his head out the window and screamed. --Quiet out there! That night he bad an awful nightmare He dreamed he was crying because he had no money to buy gifts. He also dreamed that his rich neighbour was screaming W be quiet. Just then he woke up in a cold sweat. ' The next morning James went shopp- ing. He bought almost every toy in the store. He also bought a new washer, dryer, coffee maker and a new 26 inch television. A very Merry Chri.stm.as to all.. and to all a hearty -thank you!'" That afternochn he puled in the driveway itra his white limotine He got out just in tune to meet the dump trails that held all of the stuff. He guided the track 7.0 his neighbours driveway. .11,,s soon ad the track was dumped arxi it rif sigm. it arne the ds. They "*.-t• ..0065 at all of tne toys and fainted When they came to, their neighbour, and their parents were all there. they all hagged andin..s.ed him Then their mother SAKI This is the greattp•st gift ever. - By Danny NiacLennan 3rTiokside P.S. Beatty's Beauty Shop -52'0132 1 3.I'av your jdvs be many. ' as are our thanks to you. RIPI_EV" Pollock Electric ELETR1C.%L Pl..11,113ING 393-2,482 MERRY CHRISTMAS A N A PROSPEROUS 'EN YEAR 74 Seacept, Eax Seue LAURA NANCY k. GRANDMA HEATHER 5. ANDREA `‘,11111111pr- CINDY lerry Christmas anti Happy New Year The Super Scoop Li- -sou' Barry. Diane, Barb. Bob & Nancy BRENDA — .528-3017