The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-12-21, Page 1728. Business Opportunity EARN UP to $10,000 monthly from home. Part/full time. Men/Women. Easy to understand. A pleasure to sell. Training and support provided Exclusive area franchise. Portrait of A liftime ''vivid page in history for everyone." Call or • write Harry Hangen. Day Communica- tions Inc., 55 Avenue Road, Suite 2950, Toronto, Ont. MSR 3L2 1416) 769-6486.=51hc NEED EXTRA INCOME? Earn Extra in- come dollars working at home in your spare time. Send for Complete list of over 100 companies offering work -at-home pro- jects. Send $3 plus $1 mailing to: Work At Home P.O. Box 4002, Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0.-61hc 29. Tenders INVITATION. TO TENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents To Supply and in- stall 28 gauge blue steer .on both ends of the Lucknow Arena, on a time and material basis, for spring installation. Closing date January 15, 1989. Please reply to: B.M. Whitcroft, Secretary, Lucknow Arena Board Box 40 -Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110 COUNTY OF HURON SPECIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION FOR 3 - 53,000 G.V.W. TANDEM CHASSIS HC.89-101 HIGHWAY STRIPING MACHINE HC -B9-107 1 - COMPACT UTILITY TRUCK HC -89-103 SEALED TENDERS, on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4WD p.m. local time on: January 13, 1989 For the following Contracts 1. 3 - 53.000 G.V.W. Tandem Chassis HC-td9-1D1 2. Highway Striping Machine 14C-89-102 3. Compact Utility Truck HC.n9-103 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Denis B. Merrell, P. Eng. Huron County Engineer Court House Gaderich, Ontario NTA 1M2 31. Service Directory SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on No. 9 highway. 395-2085 ,--42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062.--42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice - rebuilt appliances: cash for your us- ed appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.--4tfar 31. Service Directory AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392fi170.--afar . ' PLANNING 'AN, AUCTION? No sale too big or too small! Call Allan Miller 395.6062 or Bill Haldenby 395.5142, Licensed Auctioneers.- lltfar. FARRIER SERVICES: pleasure and draft, horses. We build scotch. bottom shoes. Phone Robby Fyn 3574058.-24tf STARTER generator and alternator repairs, regulator sales. ALBRECHT AUTO ELECTRIC, 357.3495.-42-5i CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at 528.3141 or drop in at 471 Wolsley Street, Lucknow.--46tf 'OHM EIICKEY 'CONSTRUCTION •New Construction eRtgplacement *Renovations -Windows *Decks and doors *Aluminum Trim Work AiRadfing ESTIMATES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Licensed carpenter atter -a p.m. 11 years Pert Albert 529-7872 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich .524.6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.-4.Otf ' How to get your new COMICS faster, in mint condition. Marvel, DC, Alternates. Send S.A.S.E. for complete details. Ar- thur's 391-B Bank Street, Ottawa,. Ont. K2P 1Y3.---S1bc LIVINGSTON May your holiday season, be filled with warmth and laughter, good times, good friends and much, much joy. Pat, Hary .. and Kirk Livingston.-51nx Mae.DONAI.i,D As wish for every special joy Your heart is dreaming of, Many your home be bright with, Christmas Dreams and Warm with Chr• ve. Doug; Marlene, Paul, Trish and Chris. -51 LOGAN Holiday greetings and good luck in the coming years to all old friends in Lucknow. Robin and Dan. -51x PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call ^ 357-1066, 3574769 or 'London 432-9197 collect.---51ar • 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT COLLINGWOOD PUR.VES. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above'mentioned, late of the Township of Kinloss in the Coun- ty of Bruce, Farmer, who died an August 17th, 1908, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before'the 24th day of Deeentber 1988. AFTER that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard oniyto the'claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 30th day of November, 1988: CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, 217 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2WO, Solicitors for the Executor. -49, 50, 51 36. Anntpuncements NOTICE West Wawanoth Townifhip Ctorrk `s `Office will the -dosed for vacation "from Thursday, Det eniber 22 to Wednesday. December 28th indlulive. Mite will adoso at 12 noon. Willey, uDeceniber :30. L1I13knav :wilt. it 36. Annawn eme•rt., SLI CKNOWiIQMF BA.RI w Atli will be etosed'Deeenther 25, 25, . (Men 8 a.m. December 28 for BOKIINC WEEP' 6PEC`IAI S Alar )VIIMSTRONC HOME BM. )RX she ����'++��,�� will (CLOSE from EDetenther 26th, 11988 tu ,lsaluaiw 2nd �4 inclusive I+ '!3(/11/( CLIFFS PLUMBING & HEATING Will be CLOSED December 26th tto January T1 indlusive With Atte exception i$1 iemer1encies • 41 iib. /r41udtion Sete Complete (Garb & hitt Store, etc. 11,11bIic Auction 9 Albert'St., (Clinton, (Ont. tat I Iigt1tt) Ti-HURS. DEC. 2211411, 1U6 Coati & Carry a£ /p m. Auction Ultra Modem, • Multi Y> rip a .Adlustab3e misplay Shelving cbw Storage Drawer etc 21 4.x•13 Units 60' Centre Aisle Displays tnter- changabte Colour Schemes .Wrapping Counters, Sharpe 'Double Tape Cash Registers,'P4lirrors..Window Display etc Plus Ali Inventory of Cards. Crystal, Gass, Brassware. Figurines. sitvetware. Chin Din- ner Service. Stantey Toots. Dolls etc' Superb Cherry Cable Movement Grandfather Clocks Plus Much More Doors Dpen 10 am All Inventory. '/2 price or better until 6 the Auction Auction 6 p.m Thursday. December 22 1988 All Shelving 8 Fixtures Auction Only Col Dennis N Storey C.A.I TERMS- CASH ONLY p.m 39. Education LEARN AUCTION ,1..1.. :iii Southwestern Ontario School of Aue- tioneering. Alt tt Class February .16-2.5, 1989. For information rnntact Southwestern Ontario Behool of tioneering, RR 5, Woodstock Or :;'- 7V9. (519) 537-2115 -44bc n• FREE: 1988 guide to study -a' lionte cor- respondence Diploma courses 'for prestigious careers . Accounting, Aircondi- tinning, Boeikkeeping, .:Business, Cosmetology, Elect, macs, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A ) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1800-268.1121.-51hc 47. Cord of Thanks IRWIN Thanks to Dr. fihuhat and the nurses on se- cond floor and to 'those who helped wtth rides and' inquiries , while I was a.patient rn Wingham Hoopttal. Alvin Irwin, --51 7,.ELfCKNOW)KINtI ES The Lucknow Kinettes want to witch you a very 'Merry Christmas and Happy 'New Year. Also a special -thank you for suppor- ting our bazaar and Shopping spree. Con - plantations to Mr. fiord Cayley,'the win- ner of -the Shopping spree. The new year will seethe lKKine tes and iKinsmen .getting ready 'for our .50th Yumiversary. Again 'thanks 'to. everyone ler your appall and a very lyderryChristmas.--51 01 i rt�i her 2ll„ 119118-1114ge l 17. Cord irif Thcnik6 W wtir a tttank,ourffarnlW tor.arrarign g • 'elabration ,an ,nur iibth wtesdding .an- tuver atcy. llihariio tto nur,grardtdhlltixen, 'friends, rralatives „anti rneigttbnursder gifts dui. writs :and thelpuig roup e aur )lay y i one well rrenienlher. !Thanks tto the .ladies for -the ! lovt#ly '$lippe North and l:u^• 11c:� 1 311111BILIEW : wisii'tt, coniew( nur ttimnies tto,r111dime who remenibered pus \with ttheir &est wishes, cards, dinners anti .gffts,ontthe(ne- casion of our With wedding ,amri�ersatgr. Ate mish<evemy one.a `M ertvy+Cttristrnas:anti a ;happy, rhedtti)y 'New Wear. Allene :and Eldon.1 at8. rCemiingrtts lEipeetantlibutentallasses The [Huron (Gawk Ilkledtth tUnttdnvttesyams to, attend dile [l peotamIP,amnt1Ettucation (Masses hieing tht#1d int IRNA *eland, \Wirigham morn enenig d y, 3anuaioy .h, 1.1909. IRlease Ipretregdby' • calling tthe lath [Unit (Office :at 4.- 0Alar MitRIIMIIIASIMMETERMICIE 'Saturday, fBeeenther ?34, 77130 1pcm.:8tt Ibudlntaw Iliintteti (Clutrtth. i aril y 1Serwime. fEvjer<tyonewallaome.- Mier INHDALIIHfW0Elit 'for:Sandra.'Murrrl y'lueelEgailltinliatilmnw IRre$htterian (Churdh IB.dll, Wednestlayy, CIDeeeniber28,34pim.IFrieritisandriallatives .welaorrre.-311 IKWANWEHBISTADIVANT,111111e3iNOW will the 1 Closed lBeaeniber lb tto Maiaenttier 30 . ( Open ITt79eeenther: i1.1..mukpaue ll'.smv i3 E 1R:S Off BMO1RG14$Bf1RID i LS IT3F1 [1f7LSRI.KY :3A1D. 'Mike writ avaiidtile.:8:{I�i3.- drat• 1141WErCIDRNEWIDANCIE Ludluiow eniIIIDintrid ginsnim Chth wotllii • like to lirwtte you tto ctheir Aeeond :annudl " `Musliiidll !Tournament :anti 'Dance, iFtibruarly 11, 11939. iIf :interested, rill Rteve at. 2&{i19,or Tom :at:328.5F25.--.5.,:lar NEWNSEEKIMEMIE filINGLESIDINNOE Sattirtlay, lDeee Aber 31, Wilhite 1 Carnation IHd11,IHolmesvHie . Mane ing941."NO.I E PUE'1 E.-.51 'NEWNSIEAR 1183E412E1DANOE . Lutrluww , Comnumtky ! Centre, [])lsceniher 31. 9-11. ` Mugsy'. 3f ,any ttidke%s ,are Ild'it 'they Will the available 'Qflurrsday, , Decen ber 712, .778 , . at (Ctormrurntty 1 Certtrre • 1125100 [per ;person, iindiuiles :x+ffrei#hments and lunch. pd0'MINOR AMR=. -alar BE A EPS of tthe ,exettenient Of tthe 35th annual Minden '1Slaittin's Bled [Dog lBe$jy, January 114 S& 115. =MOO !purse, , over f80 'teams competing .1Preeffor petttators.!For • more idformation ad11'LI48100• B1 -+71r7'+. for BASTE 1.1.11 NE iD'lA HRIBR [BINGO, ,evervy Tuesday. at.7:3[iprm.fBltthl&11»iBtaiattCorn- Jul-My Cei h e..l1di00tU0 . iladlipot :must go u ter4$1.000100.in{prizes.-t1Sff viVRYWOOK I .wotlld like 'to 'thank .all any tiear'frriends and: rd knives 'for rthe • loudly 'Sur;prtiseFBir- Tarty a•,very iipeeidi day. `My .love and :thanks rto'those .unto:ar -• ranged and worked so 'hard 'to ,make tt .a surprise. it makes getting elder : even 'fun. Thanks again, Rilhetta.--51% 'Why we ettlttbrate+Cht:ittmiu The reason we celebrate Christmas is because of .iesus's birthday. Gm Christmas eve Jesus was 'born In ' the ski there was a 'huge atar leatiing'to Bethlehem. The'three wisemen follnwed'the star, to see 'baby Jesus They rode on'their donkeys and went'to see Jesus. ;Everyone was sn happy dbortt Jesus. The'three wisemen brought !Jesus geLi,•myrth and .inti. That is'the reason Ave,celebrate Ch>re tmas.'because of Ilesus's'birtttttlay. !By `Melissa !Whalley iLOPE