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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-12-14, Page 19
IHGSBR1DGE Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 14, 1988—Page 19 Ten turkeys given away m annual The Annual Turkey Bingo proved a huge success when it was held on Saturday, December 3 in the St. Joseph's Parish Hall. Winners of the ten turkeys were Wesley Hackett, Mike Dalton, Agnes Delbergue, Cara Stright, Cathy Woods, Annie Andrews, Melissa Cline, Glen Ferguson, Sandra D'Aoust, Rose Anne MacDonald and a consolation winner, P ter Martin. Two share the wealth games were won Donna Van Osch and Danny MacClen- nan. The Girl Guides Stuffed Stocking was won by Bethany Robson. Door prizes were P11RISIIISCHGGL by Louise Martin won by Mary Maise and Frank Doherty. The proceeds of the evening will go to aid the charitable works of the Knights of Col- umbus and Catholic Women's League. Donations for Christmas gifts for the shut-ins are being collected in jars for that purpose at the back of the church and con- A capacity crowd attended the annual Carolfest held in the Lucknow United Church last Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th. The program commenced with numbers from the Wingham Salvation Arrny band and friends. Choirs from the area par- ticipating included the South Kinloss Presbyterian Church, Lucknow Communi- ty singers led by Anne Pritchard, the Lucknow Public School Junior Choir - the Snazzy Singers, Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Lucknow United Church and Kingsbridge Roman Catholic Church. Special numbers were presented by a trio of Ruth Bell, Shirley Colwell, and Rena Forster of South Kinloss, .the in- strumental group Sunday Sunshine from the United Church and a solo by Ruth Bell. The evening was capably chaired by Rev. McFarlane, assisted by Rev. Cook and Rev. Atwell. The offering from the evening was divided between the Lucknow Christmas Fund and the Goderich Salva- tion Army. Visiting last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin was George Ir- win of Orillia. On December 6th, Mr. Harvey Culbert of Dungannon visited with Frank Glenn while Mrs. Culbert visited Olive Blake. Later that day Mrs. Mary Bere from Goderich brought a delicious first -course meal and visited Olive. On December 7th Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edgar from Atwood brought his beautiful new home-made violin and he entertained accompanied by his wife on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw had their family home for and early Christmas get- together on the weekend - Pat and Kirsty Bell, Guelph, Dianne and Bill Swan, Too Late To Classify HOBART COMMERCIAL Potato Peeler, 15 lb. Tall Standing Model; Hobart Com- mercial Meat Grinder Heavy Duty Model; Lincoln Welder AC225, Stainless Steel Freezer Door & Frame; Royal metal of- fice desk; 2 Filing Cabinets; 1 Mahaffy Electric Pallet Lifter; Bocklyn IBM Com- patable Computer with Hard Disk Drive and Floppy Drive, Monitor, Printer and a variety of programs, with or without com- puter desk. Phone 524-9211 during the day, after 5 p.m. 524-4240.-50tfnxe Dorene and Jack McGee of Blyth, formerly of Dungannon, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last Saturday with a family dinner and open house at the Dungannon United Church. The McGees were married on December 20, 1928. The weekend's celebrations were held a little early just to avoid the Christmas rush. I Pat Livingston photo) UCKNOW by Mildred Loree Jonathon and Jane of Guelph, and Joyce and Bill Shepherd and Joshua of Camlachie. The C.G.I.T. group recently went to visit the Gingerbread Doll Museum at Wrox- eter. The girls were quite impressed with the three thousand dolls on display there, and as soon as space is available she has another eight hundred to add to this exhibition. tributions of non-perishable food stuffs for the poor and less fortunate are being col- lected in boxes also at the back of the church. These are excellent ways of ex- pressing the true meaning of Christmas. On Sunday evening, December 4th, the CWL held their annual Christmas gather- ing, which included spouses, and enjoyed a most delicious pot -luck supper. After din- ner a fun -filled evening of songs and skits was presented by Betty -Lou Dalton, Laurie Dalton, Shirley Martin, Virginia Stright and Eileen Wilson. It was a most enjoyable and festive evening. The °annual Carolfest at the Lucknow United Church was held Wednesday even- ing, December 7th with the participation of many local churches including St. Jospeh's Kingsbridge. It once again prov- ed to be a most successful celebration with beautiful performances by all participants. Thursday, December 8th was the feast of The Immaculate Conception when the Catholic community celebrates the con- ception of the Blessed Virgin Mary free of the stain of Original Sin. The feast was marked at St. Joseph's with rosary and prayers at 7:30 p.m. followed by the celebration of the Mass. On Saturday, December 10th several members of the parish travelled to Toron- draw to to attend the annual Prayer Vigil held in front of the Morgentaler Abortion Clinic. This event spans 24 hours and is characterized by public prayer to halt the slaughter of the innocent unborn_ The students .at the school have been very busy preparing for the Christmas season, especially their annual Christmas . concert. The. first Friday Mass of December 2nd was hosted by Mrs. Jackie Simpson's kindergarten class and was attended by all the school children. „Wednesday, December 7th, the children had their last hotdog before the holiday season. On Monday, December 12th the K to 4 classes travelled to Dungannon to enter- tain the senior citizens there with plays and songs and on Thursday, December 15th the same classes will be travelling to Goderich to view the movie May and Me as a special holiday treat. St. Joseph's School staff, secretary, custodian, bus drivers and spouses as well as Father Ed and Brother Carl gathered for their annual Christmas dinner at the Captain's Cove in Bayfield. A social hour preceeding dinner was held at the home of Terry and Jo -An Bullen in Bayield. Jo -An teaches the Grade 3/4 class mornings at St. Joseph's. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Promote Your Business And Products And Watch Your Profits Grow ... 528-2822 Beauty By l Linda Johnston Independent Beauty Consultant For a complimentary facial please call 528-3722 or Bus. 528-2212 Box 31. 635 Havelock St . Lucknow. Ontano NOG 2H0. r L COWAN PAINTING LUCKNOW L 528 2730 GENERAL PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES WILLITS TIRE SERVICE specializing in "on the farm service handling all major brands 456 Ross St., Lucknow PHONE 528-2103 • HOME INSULATION • SAND BLASTING • AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING W. ADAMSON & SON CONTRACTING LTD. LUCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 CG)© ONT: 661 • TOM ADAMSON TEL. (519) 528-2113 • Jr Hwy. #86 East HAMILTON FUELS (LUCKNOW) INC. Wholesale - Retail LUCKNOW 528-3006 Gasoline, Stove, Kerosine, Fuel Oil, Diesel HOME HEATING SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Budget Plan HOCKEY & BALL SPORTING GOODS & ACCESSORIES Hours: 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM Daily SUNDAY 8 AM - 8 PM R.W. Bell Optometrist GODERICH The Square 524-7661 O'HANDLEY Plumbing Heating R.R.#1 Ripley 395.3466 o Chisholm Fuels ��� SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 Furnace Installations Wood, Oil Combination Furnaces Burner Service Propane Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME & INDUSTRY Pegg Construction RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL •Homes •Cottoges •Farm Buildings Aluminum and Vinyl Siding, Replacement Windows And Doors. Barn Steel and Hardware TOM PEGG AVCAN 528-3720 Callif7-41,_‘i Burke Electric ltd . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE /ugres ALL MAKES SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE Call Toll Free 1-800.265-3025 42 Years Built by Quality and Service Open 6 Days A Week WINGHAM 357-2450