HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-05, Page 23J Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1988 -Page 23 528.2822 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 1.1..._rticles for Sole TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40tfar HARDWOOD SLABS - face cord lots delivered in 20 and 10 cord lots. Pickup loads, picked up, $25.00. Phone 528-3047.-22tfar STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Examples 30 x 40 Straightwall $5,110; 40 x 50 Straightwall $9,227; 70 x 80 x 24 Arch Bldg. 2-14 x 24 Slide Doors $18,000; 32 x 40 x 12 Steel Trusses & Columns $5,400; 40 x 60 x 14 Steel Trusses & Columns $6,880, 50 x 100 x 16 Steel Trusses & Columns $14,200. Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 guage, col- ours & Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-416-858-2446 . -38 b c BOOK NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS. Also available Limited Edi- tion Prints, custom framing, cameras. Walden Photography and Framing. 482-7675 or 523-9212. 40tfar HARDWOOD LUMBER, 2" beech, various lengths and widths. Bargain priced. Phone after 7:00 p.m., 529-7606.-40 CHRISTMAS GIFTS 40% OFF patio furniture and accessories. Spring layaways. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont. 519- 786-2180. --40a r ANNETTE'S HOME BAKING is now tak- ing orders for custom baking. Phone An- nette Ritchie, 529-7568.--40-42 FROZEN RASPBERRIES, 5 lb. pails, $13.00. Morrison Berries, call 528-2900 after 5 p.m.--40-43ar NOT MUCH MONEY - In a Hurry! Steel Buildings every day low factory prices. Straightwalls and quonsets - All models - fast delivery - beat the fall Rush. Call Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours).--4Obc BUILDINGS - Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Fall clearance. We over- estimated and are clearing out excess stock. All steel and wood -steel types. Paragon 24 hours 1-800-263-8499.-40bc DEER HUNTERS! 12 ga. semi -auto slug barrel High Standard, $300. Phone 524-2314.-39-41x Apples • Apples • Apples Available at The Apple Place Andrew's Orchard 1/2 mile south of Lucknow 529-7508 FOR SALE Screened Top Soil •Cement Gri el •"A" Gravel •Drainage Stone & Fill • Backhoeing •Bulldozing & Excavating •Septic Systems Installed EDMOND BUSHELL CONST. 395-5478 0 1. Articles for Sale STAINED GLASS, tools, books, supplies. Shop by mail and save 30% to 50%. 100 page mail order catalogue available ($5.00 refundable deposit required). Toll free 1-800-363-7855 or write: The Glass Place, 50 Ste. Anne St., Pointe -Claire, Quebec, H9S 4P8.-40bc SHEEPSKIN Seatcovers, books, rugs. Great potential, low trade prices. Dealer needed F/T or P/T, all areas. (416) 454-6470 or P.O. Box 2580 Vancouver, V6B 3W8. Clip this one-time Ad.-40bc HARD FIREWOOD slabs delivered by truckload. Joe Van Osch 395-2865 or con- tact Jacob Stutzman at St. Helens mill.-10tf PULLETS FOR SALE. Rhode .Island Reds, Barred Rock, Red Sussex, White Leghorns, Hysex, some White Sussex, also started Cockrels. Phone 357-3058.--30tf MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work Shirts $2.75, Work Pants $3.50, Work Boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (reim- bursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0.-33bc PLOWING MATCH Special. 100 Buildings. Many sizes. Ca11 now for best selection, Miracle Span 1-800-668-5111.-39bc GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Store. Pro Ark Lamps, Allanson Ballast and hydroponic kits, plus much, much more. 63 Clarke Rd., London, Ont. (519) 452-3919.-39bc SWIMMING POOL Sale on Classic Series inground and (above) on -ground. Profes- sional installations or do it yourself kits. Free Automatic chlorinator with pur- chase. Riviera Pools (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-8091.-39bc 5. Cars for Sale. 1975 CHEROKEE JEEP, 528-2328.-39, 40x • 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs BUS. 396-2341 RES. 396-9193 AUTO ELECTRIC WEST No. 3 190 Queen SI. KINCARDINE. ONTARIO -Alternators - Generators - Starters Auto - Truck - Industrial - Farm - Marino 10. Pets for Sale FOR SALE German wirehaired pointer pups from im- ported breeding stock. Phone 357-2095.--40, 41 CHOCOLATE and Tortie Point Siamese kittens, $75.00. Young Green Budgies, $8.00. Young Pied Cockatiel, $50.00, star- ting to whistle. Phone 529-7382.--40tfnxe FOR SALE OR TRADE: This years Jack (donkey) or will trade for Ginnie. Phone 529-7382.----40tfnxe 11A. For Sale General 900 BALES OF first cut hay for sale, 60, 5' x 6', big bales, all stored inside. 395-3288.---38-40 11A. For Sale General 38' HAY ELEVATOR, 1 h.p. electric motor. Phone 395.5276.--40 HAY FOR SALE, square bales, good quali- ty. 392-6713.--40 BARN CLEANER replacement chain - Pintle & Super Tough $8.45 per ft. We repair and deliver cleaners manufactured by HUSKY Farm Equipment, Alma, Ont. (519) 846-5329.-40bc 11B. Wanted to Buy SQUARE BALES, good quality hay wanted, contact James Keegan Hay Com- pany, 3516 Emmett Road, Emmett, Michigan, USA 48022. Phone 313-384-6620.-40-42 11E. Livestock LIMOUSIN CATTLE Sale. A.C.H. Farms. New location corner Grey Roads 7 & 14, South of Meaford. 125 Head on offer. Satur- day, Oct. 8/88. Call (519) 986-2109 or (519) 538-2651 for catalogues etc.-40bc BANNER SALE, Monday, Oct. 10, 12:30 p.m. 70 head registered Herefords bred Heifers, cows with Heifers and bull calves at Elzevir Herefords, Flinton, Ont. (613) 336-8796.-4Obc GOLDEN OAK Herefords complete dispersal October 9, 4 p.m. Quinte Exhibi- tion Grounds. 75 head Top Blood Lines (613) 399-5922. Truck plus 18 ft. Goose Neck Trailer.-- 4Obc 11H. Farm Services LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For, all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar BERG STABLING EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipment, hog equipment. Contact Lloyd Johnston, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.-3ltfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851.-42tfar CATTLE TIMMING SERVICES: have your dairy or beef cattle trimmed in a pro- fessional way. Phone R. Fyn, 357-3058.-24tf 11K. Farm Real Estate FOR RENT OR SALE - 200 acre farm in Kinloss Township; barn and house, house in need of repair. For more information call 416-794-0480. -39-42 1 14. Vacations ORLANDO, Christmas, $325. March Break $259. Tampa March Break $299 taxes in- cluded. Car and hotel, low rates, T & S Travel 1-800-265-9365.--40bc 16. For Rent WINTER STORAGE for cars, boats and motorcycles, etc., starting at $15 per month. 5281-3303.-39-41 17. Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment, fully furnish- ed for rent from November 1 to mid April. Phone Omar Brooks 528-3839.-36tf 18. Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, at- tached garage, 1 mile from Lucknow, available October 30. For further info 528-2431.-40tf FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT for , winter months. Phone 528-3100.- 4Otf 25. Wanted to Buy OLD WRISTWATCHES Wanted. Wanted Eaton's Quarter Century Club Men's rec- tangular wristwatches (25 years service). Will pay $2,000 up. Also wanted old Rolex, Patek Phillip, and Cartier wristwatches. B. Walsh, 273 Queen E., Toronto, M5A 1S6 or call (416) 365-7240.-39bc 26. Help Wanted Huron Tractor (Walkerton) Ltd. has an cppening in their Service Department for an additional service technician. The successful applicant will be experienced in servicing farm equipment and con- sumer products. Please send applications to: Huron Tractor R.R. 4 Walkerton. Ont. Attn: Wayne O'Rourke County of Bruce requires a CLERK -DIRECTOR of FINANCE Reporting to the Administrator - Treasurer the successful applicant will be responsible for all statutory duties of the Clerk's position and will assist in the performance of all duties of the of- fice of Treasurer. The Director of Finance will co-ordinate the day-to-day operations of the Treasury Department. Preference will be given to applicants who possess relevant experiences in municipal administration and have completed or are actively enrolled in a recognized accounting designation. Computer experience an asset. Position will be filled effective January 3, 1989. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The Corporation offers attractive benefits. Applications marked "Clerk -Director of Finance" with detailed resume will be received by the undersigned until Oc- tober 21. 1988. J.W. Jamieson Treasurer -Administrator P.O. Box 70 Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0