HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-05, Page 2241, Page 22—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1988 THE VILLAGE OF RIPLEY NOMINATIONS NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to the Municipal Electors of the Village of Ripley, in the County of Bruce, that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on Wednesday, October 12th, 1988 at 9:00 a.m. and will continue during the normol'office hours of the clerk until the closing of nominations on Monday, October 17th, 1988 at 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE this will include Saturday, October 15, 1988 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. NOMINATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE OFFICE OF: REEVE COUNCILLORS (4 to be elected) If there are insufficient number of candidates for any office, additional nominations for the remaining vacancies may be filed in the office of the clerk on the Wednesday following nomination day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. NOMINATION REQUIREMENTS„ (Section 36 - Municipal Elections Act) (1) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an office by filing, either personally or through his agent, in the office of the clerk, on the clays and during the hours specified in subsection 2 of Section 35, a nomination paper in prescribed form which, (a) shall be signed by at least ten electors whose names are entered on the preliminary list of electors or who have made application to have their names included on the list and who are entitled to vote in the election to such office. (b) shall state the name and address of the person nominated in such manner as will identify him and the office for which he is nominated; and (c) shall state the name and address of each elector signing the nomination paper and, where the office for which the per- son is nominated is a member of a school board, that such nominator is a public school elector or a separate school elec- tor, as the fact is. 1(a) The address referred to in clauses (1) (b) and (c) shall be the address within the municipality of the person nominated or the elector signing the nomination paper, as the case may be. (2) No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration of qualifica- tion in the prescribed form by the person nominated. (3) A nomination paper nominating a person for an office the holder of which is required to be elected by public school electors shall be signed by public school electors only. (4) A nomination paper nominating a person for an office the holder of which is required to be elected by separate school electors shall be sign- ed by separate school electors only. (5) Each person to be nominated for election to an office shall be nominated by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may sign more than one nomination paper for the same person and the nomina- tion papers of more than one person. (6) After a nomination paper is certified by the clerk, it shall remain in the possession of the clerk but shall be open to inspection by any per- son during the normal office hours of the clerk. (7) The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to file a BONA FIDE nomination paper. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the above offices are nominated, polls will be held as follows: 1st Advance Poll - Sat., Nov. 5th, 1988 —.Ripley Medical Centre 2nd Advance Poll - Thurs., Nov. 10th, 1988 — Ripley Medical Centre Regular Poll - Mon., Nov. 14th, 1988 — Ripley Legion Hall PLEASE ALSO NOTE that the last date for 'revision to the preliminary list of electors has been determined to be Saturday, October 15, 1988. Anyone wishing to revise the list are advised to visit my office on or before October 15, 1988 and not October 17, 1988 as previously advertised. All polls will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Susan Stevenson, AMCT (A) Municipal Clerk and Returning Officer for the Village of Ripley Ripley, Ontario NOTICE: re School Trustees Nominations will be received by the Clerk of the Township of Huron for the office of: SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE for the combined area of Ashfield Township, Culross Township, Huron Township, Kinloss Township, Village of Lucknow, Village of Ripley, Village of Teeswater, Turnberry Township and West Wawanosh Township for the Bruce -Grey County Roman Catholic Separate School Board of Education. (1 to be elected) PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE for the combined area of Huron Township and the Village of Ripley for The Bruce County Board of Education. (1 to be elected) Congratulations to the Queens of the Fair • Intended for Last Week Mr. Max Reigling accompanied his sons, Beau and, Jay, along with a bus load of .students from the Kingsbridge School to the Ploughing Match in Stratford on Thursday, Bill and Joanne Wilkins and two children Stacey and Ian spent the weekend with Charles and Mayme Wilkins, when they also celebrated Bill's birthday. Finlay MacDonald and Charlie Wilkins enjoyed a day at the Ploughing Match on Wednesday. Mrs. Louise Miller of Palmerston was home for a couple of days with her mother and sister Rhetta and Marion MacLennon. This Week The community would like to send con- gratulations to Steve and Mary MacNay of Amberley on the arrival of their daughter, Candice Lee, who arrived in the Wingham and District Hospital on September 12, 1988. The proud grandparents are Bob and Mary MacNay of Amberley and Bill and Janet Kempton of Point Clark. The spoil- ing priveleges go to the great grand- parents, Richard and Emily McQuillan, Margaret MacNay and Norma Campbell 41 of and near Lucknow. Congratulations are also in order for Trina Loury, daughter of Lynn and Gail Loury of Amberley on her being crowned "Queen of the Ripley Fair" for 1988. Trina's sister Kendra was runner-up. Trina will be competing at the C.N.E. com- petition.. Trina is a student at the Kincar- dine District Secondary School and is look- ing forward to a business course in univer- sity. Congratuations Trina and Kendra. The ladies of the Pine River United Church are getting ready for their annual Kountry Kitchen which will be held in the basement of the church and in the hall which is across the road. There will be everything same as other years. The ladies will be glad to see you all on Saturday Oct. 8th. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Robb was Elwin and Janice McClut- cheon and family of Lions Head. Week end visitors with Mrs. Dorothy OCHALSH. by Kae Webster I':nlayson was Barbara Rogerson and her son Charles and Carol Finlayson and her husband John Balch and boys, all of Toronto. Several ladies of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church, Dorothy Finlayson, Mary MacLean, Mayme Wilkins, Jean West, Elaine Collins, Edith Simpson, and Helen MacLennan enjoyed a very in- teresting bus trip to Toronto, visiting a Russian Orthodox Church at Don Mills. The ladies were served a Russian meal at noon. This trip was sponsored by the Maitland Presbyterial. Finlay MacDonald had his steam engine in Ripley for the fair. Louise Miller of Palmerston was home with her mother and sister, Rhetta and Marion MacLennan, and then Louise took them to the Ripley Fair on Saturday. Meat and more meat On September 26 the nine 4-H girls met at Margaret Bakker's for their second meeting. At this meeting they were taught the cost of meat by the number of cooked servings and the cost per kg. They were also taught which part of the animal is tender, which parts are less tender and about the grading of meats. They were also taught about the two. methods of cooking: one method is dry cooking eg. stir fry; the second method is moist cooking eg. pressure cooking. The group finished the meeting by sampling some delicious pork and peaches. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON HEREBY provide notice to the electors of the Township of Huron qualified to vote at a municipal election. NOTICE IS HEREBY given in accordance with the MUNICIPAL ACT, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, and persuant to By -low No. 24-88 passed on the 2nd day of August, 1988, under the Authority of the LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, that a poll is to be held in conjunction with 1988 Municipal Elections, to obtain the opinion of the Electors with respect to the following questions. 1. ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GOVERNMENT STORES FOR THE SALE OF SPIRITS, WINE AND BEER? 2. ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE SALE OF SPIRITS, BEER AND WINE UNDER A DINING LOUNGE LICENCE FOR CONSUMPTION ON LICENSED PREMISES WHERE FOOD IS AVAILABLE? The date fixed for taking the Poll shall be Monday the 14th day of November, 1988. Advance Polls, Saturday, November 5th, 1988 and Thursday, November 19th, 1988. 1, Marlene Coiling, Clerk, Certify that the questions set out above are correct as authorized in By-law No. 24-88, Dated the 2nd day of August, 1988. Marlene Coiling, Clerk and Returning Officer Township of Huron Ripley, Ontario