HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-05, Page 8Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1988
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Municipal Electors of Hoe Township of Ashfield,
In the County of Huron, that the period during which nomination papers may
be filed In the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will
commence on Thursday. October 13th, 1988 at 9:00 a.m. and will continue
during the normal office hours of the clerk until the closing of nominations
on Monday, October 17th, 1988 at 5:00 p.m.
COUNCILLORS (3 to be elected)
PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE for the combined area of East Wawanosh,
West Wawanosh and Ashfteid Townships for the Huron County
Board of Education (1 to be elected)
SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE for the combined area of Ashfield
Township, W. Wawanosh Township, Colborne Township, Hullett
Township, and the Town of Clinton. (1 to be elected)
If there are insufficient number of candidates for any office, additional
nominations for the remaining vacancies may be filed in the office of the clerk
on the Wednesday following nomination day between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m.
(Section 36 - Municipal Elections Act)
(1) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an office by filing,
either personally or through his agent, in the office of the clerk, on the
days and during the hours specified in subsection 2 of Section 35, a
nomination paper in prescribed form which,
(a) shall be signed by at least ten electors whose names are
entered on the preliminary list of electors or who have made
application to have their names included on the list and who
are entitled to vote in the election to such office.
(b) shall state the name and address of the person nominated
in such manner as will identify him and the office for which
he is nominated; and
(c) shall state the name and address of each elector signing
the nomination paper and, where the office for which the per-
son is nominated is a member of a school board, "that such
nominator is a public school elector or a separate school elec-
tor, as the fact is.
1(a) The address referred to in clauses (1) (b) and (c) shall be the address
within the municipality of the person nominated or the elector signing
the nomination paper, as the case may be.
(2) No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the nomination paper
a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration of'qualifica-
tion in the prescribed form by the person nominated.,
(3) A nomination paper nominating a person for an office the holder of
which is required to be elected by public school electors shall be signed
by public school electors only.
(4) A nomination paper nominating a person for an office the holder of
which is required to be elected by separate school electors shall be sign-
ed by separate school electors only.
(5) Each person to be nominated for election to an office shall be
nominated by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may sign
more than one nomination paper for the same person and the nomina-
tion papers of more than one person.
(6) After a nomination paper is certified by the clerk, it shall remain,
in the possession of the clerk but shall be open to inspection by any per-
son during the normal office hours of the clerk.
(7) The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to file
a BONA FIDE nomination paper.
If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the above offices are
nominated, polls will be held as follows: lows:
1st • Advance Poll - Saturday, November 5th, 1988
2nd Advance Poll - Thursday, November 10th, 1988
Regular Poll - Monday, November 14th, 1988
All polls will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Linda Andrew
Clerk and Returning Officer
Township of Ashfield
NOTICE: re School Trustee
Nominations will be received by the Clerk of the Town of Clinton for the of-
fice of:
Separate School Trustee for the combined area of Ashfield, W. Wawanosh,
Colborne and Hullett Townships, and the Town of Clinton for the Huron -Perth
County Roman Catholic Separate School Board of Education. (1 to be elected).
Ag. Society loses
long time secretary
The Lucknow Agricultural Society has
accepted the resignation of its long-time
secretary -treasurer. After holding the
position. for some 18 years, Ross and
Elaine Errington tendered their letter of
resignation at the regular monthly
meeting of the Society held Tuesday,
September 27.
The resignation of the Erringtons will
become effective February 1, 1989 and the
Ag. Society will undoubtedly have a dif-
ficult time replacing the hard work and
dedication shown by the couple over their
many years as active members.
In other business attended to at the
meeting, which saw president Leo Murray
chairing, it was announced the the District
10 meeting will be held in Port Elgin on Oc-
tober 22. Also, a letter and donation was
received from MP Jack Ridell.
The Society agreed to make a donation
of $50 to the Friends of the 41-1 Fund and
will advertise the Lucknow Craft Festival
in the 1989 Point Clark Beach4Association.
An agreement to purchase the copper
boiler from the Kairshea Women's In-
stitute and to buy table legs from the St.
Helen's W.I. was also made at the
September meeting.
Thank -You cards were received and
read from the Kincardine and Mildmay
queen contestants who participated in the
Miss Mid -Western Ontario Pageant staged
at the Fail Fair earlier this month.
New law to protect
Ontario car owners will be better pro-
tected now that a new motor vehicle repair
law has been passed announced Consumer
Minister William Wrye today.
As of October 1, the Motor Vehicle
Repair Act will require mandatory war-
ranties ori new and reconditioned parts
and associated labor, written estimates on
request, and full disclosure of repair rates.
"This new legislation will take the sur-
prise element out of repair bills," said Mr,
Wrye. "All repair outlets will be required
to post signs stating repair rates and the
methods used to calculate the charges. In
addition, written estimates, including any
related fees, must be provided on
The act will be proclaimed on October 1,
1988. Included in the new legislation, are
the following provisions:
- Written estimates must be provided on
request ;
- Customers must be advised, in advance,
if there is a fee for an estimate and the
amount of the fee;
- The actual repair cost cannot exceed 10
per cent of the written estimate without
- The repairer must offer return of remov-
ed parts to the consumer when the work is
- A warranty must be provided on new or
reconditioned parts and associated labor
for a minimum of 90 days of 5,000
kilometres. For motorcycles and motor-
car owners
assisted bicycles, the warranty period is 30
days or 1,500 kilometres.
An important feature of this legislation
is the stipulation that repair outlets cannot
charge more to insurance companies than
to individual consumers. "This will help
keep the costs of insurance down," said the
After the job is completed,the repair
outlet must provide the customer with an
invoice showing the date, the name and ad-
dress of both consumer and repairer,
licence number and other particulars of
the vehicle, odometer reading, description
of work performed, a listing of all parts in-
stalled and their price, the number of
hours billed and subsequent cost, total
amount of invoice and terms of the
Should the vehicle become unsafe or in-
operable while the warranty is in force,
consumers will be able to recover original
charges. The original repairer will be
given the first opportunity to rectify the
problem, only if it is practical for the
All repair outlets will display a sign
directing consumer complaints to the
nearest regional office of the Ministry of
Consumer and Commercial Relations.
"This basic car repair protection will en-
sure Ontario consumers have access to the
information they need to make informed
decisions on all aspects of maintenance
and repair of their cars," said Mr. Wrye.
Nova Scotia visitor
makes the rounds
Visiting from Nova Scotia
Joe Hobson of Green Oakes, Nova Scotia,
spent the week of Sept. 15-24 with Mr. and
Mrs. Oraen Rock and Ron, Joe came to
Canada as a Bernarden Home Boy in the
1920's and worked for the Courtney and
Smeltzer families.
While in the Ripley area he visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Broome and family of
Lucknow, also Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKenzie
and family, Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Rock and family of Fordwich, and
Mr. acid Mrs Rick Rock and girls of Clifford.
Also visiting Ripley was Ron Corey from
down Windsor way, who spent a few days
with his mother Mrs. Minerva Stewart at
the Glenn Apartments.
Another weekend visitor Mary Anne
Kukoly of Kitimat, north western B.C., who
stayed with her family Don and Anne Mc -
Cosh on Queen St., Ripley. Mary Anne was
picked up for her visit to Ripley by her
And by gosh talking of McCosh it's Don
and Anne's Golden Wedding Anniversary
this week. Congratulations to both of you.
Do not be surprised to find a member of
the Lions Club on your doorstep in the
Ripley and District area next week. They
will be canvassing for donations for the
Canadian Institute for the Blind, something
they do every year at about this time. Not
only will donations be gratefully received,
Rby Ab Wylds
but if anybody has any eyeglasses they no
longer need or use give these to the can-
vassers as well.
Christmas light donations
Well as promised last.week here is the list
of donators to the Christmas light fund that
helped push it over $5,200.
Don and Liz Large, Ron Cory, Duncan and
Joan MacLeod, Catherine Collins, Susan
Reeves, Marlene Huston, Bill and Tom of
Kempton Construction, Jim and Marie
McDonald, Marjorie Thompson, Colin
MacLennan, The Carter Family, Alan and
Helen Irwin, Verna Finlayson, an
anonymous donation, and a donation from
the residents of William Street in memory of
Mrs. Heinish, mother of Klaus Heinish who
passed away recently in Germany. Thank
you to all the donators who have made it
possible to light up Ripley this winter.
More fall fair winners
Cheryl Rumig says the winner of the $50
free Mary Kay cosmetics at the Ripley fall
fair was Mrs. John Hartemink of RR 5
Ripley Legion draw winners were Bar-
bara Paquette ($25), Pat Chatham ($25),
Myra Walden ($15), Gerald Crooks ($15),
Brock Walden ($10), Reg Campbell ($10).