HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-05, Page 6Page 6 —Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1988 NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF KiNLOSS in the County of Bruce that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on Wednesday, October 12th, 1988 at the hour of 9:00 o'clock, and close on Monday, October 17th, 1988 at the hour of 3:00 o'clock for the purpose of nominating fit end proper persons for the offices of REEVE and 4 COUNCILLORS for the Township of Kinloss PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE for the BRUCE COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION — nominations will be received by the Clerk of the Township of Kinloss for the office of TRUSTEE on The Bruce County Board of Education for the combined area of the Villages of Lucknow and Teeswater and the Townships of Culross and Kinloss. (1 to be elected). SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES FOR THE Bruce -Grey County Roman Catholic Separate School Board — nominations will be received by the Clerk of the Township of HURON for the office of Separate School Trustee for the combined area of the Villages of Lucknow, Teeswater and Ripley and the Townships of Ashfield, Cuirass, Kinloss, Huron, Turnberry and West Wawanosh. (1 to be elected) Of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accor- dingly, and further take notice that the manner In which said nominations shall be fil- ed Is set forth in section 35 (3) of the Municipal Elections Act. In case a poll Is demanded, Polls will be open on Monday, November 14th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Advance Polls will be held Saturday, November Sth and Thursday, November 10th at the office of the clerk at Holyrood. Given' under my hand this 30th day of September, 1988 W.F. Hawthorne, Returning Officer The last day for revisions to the preliminary list of electors is Saturday, October 15, 1988. NOTICE y TO THE RESIDENTS AND RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW The Reeve and Members of Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the co- operation, support, and assistance that you gave to us during the past three year term that we serv- ed for you on Council. As you are aware our term of office expires on November 30, 1988, at which time the new Council . will take over the Village administration. During the term of this Council, the following projects were commenced or completed: Montgomery Motors Ford Garage officially opened; Official secondary plan passed; Comprehen- sive By-laws passed (without official plan and By-laws the Village is not eligible for grants); Flood lines mapped and documented in co-operation with M.V.C.A., M.N.R. and Ministry of Housing; Special Policy Area written for uptown flood areas; Flood plains mapped for, future acquisition program with M.V.C.A. long term; Knechtel's Village Market officially opened; Inside renovations to Town Hall completed, except for Library; Drop In Centre for senior citizens provided; C.N.R. property in Village acquired for future development; Approx. 55 acre treatment site for sewage disposal ac- quired; Sewage system for entire Village approved by M.O.E.; Environmental assessment for sanitary sewers completed; Zone change negotiated *Rh Kinloss Townshipto accommodate sewage treat- ment facility; Sewer mains and pumping site plans prepared; Enlargement of the Waterworks Con- servation Area in co-operation with M.V.C.A. and land donations by Mrs. McGillivary and Mrs. Brown; Phase 1 of Lucknow Arena (in co-operation, with Ashfield, West Wawanosh and Kinloss and Service Clubs) is near completion; New steel roof over ice area at arena; fire Department agreement and review update (in co-operation with Kinloss, West Wawanosh and Ashfield, not yet completed); New roof, painting and repairs to Medical Centre (in co-operation with Kinloss, West Wawanosh and Ashfield); Extensions to Canning Street and South Delhi Street, opened for development; A landfill site was purchased and a new agreement formulated with co-operating municipalities to meet village requirements for approx. 20 years; Lots have been acquired and negotiations are under way for a 20 -unit ground floor Senior Citizens apartment building; Hydro lines relocated on Stauffer St.; Repairs and cleaning of water standpipe, to be completed in October; new roof on pump house #4 and both pumps checked & repaired; Commenced mapping of all utilities in Village; Water main mapping completed; Campbell St. conduit repaired, bridge repairs and galvanizing of railings to be completed this fall on other bridges; Air conditioned Library with assistance from Legion; New sidewalks from Havenlock St. to school on Willoughby St. to be completed in October; Water agree- ment with Ashfield Township being negotiated; Replaced 4 entrance signs to the Village. While this Council has attempted to keep your taxes at an acceptable level, it was necessary to increase our taxes by 0.2% for 1988. Other increases notedon your tax bill are due to factors over which this Council has little or no control. Your education tax levy changes varied considerably, depending on the designation of your support and your County levy increased by 11.9%. The following projects are scheduled for completion in 1989. 1. Completion of the Sanitary Sewers 2. Completion of the 20 -unit Senior Citizens apartments 3. Complete the renovations to Library and Town Hall (entrance) 4. Upgrading of watermains — Campbell St. west and Ross St. 5. Resurfacing of Campbell St. on completion of sewers 6. Complete water negotiations, etc. with Ashfield The Council would like to extend a special invitation to village residents to attend the regular Council meeting on October 11, at 7:30 p.m. as a form of ratepayers meeting. All meetings are open meetings but the Councif extends a special invitation at this time should any ratepayer wish to discuss any of the projects, present or proposed, that this Council has endorsed. Any discussions will be held on completion of the regular council business. Your Council, Herb Clark, Reeve Ab Murray, Sr. Councillor Eldon Mann, Councillor George Anderson, Councillor George Gibson, Councillor Warming hearts and homes for 50 years As of this week, Chisholm Fuels of Lucknow has been warming the hearts and homes of their customers for 50 years. It was early October, 1938 that Ben Chisholm was appointed agent for Imperial Oil with a teritory which included Lucknow proper and an area as far north as'Kinlough. Back in the days of horse and buggies, the most called for petroleum products were axle grease and coal oil kerosene, Until Ben Chisholm arrived on the scene, these products were delivered to Lucknow from the Imperial Oil Depot in Goderich, first by horse drawn tank wagons and later by truck. Needless to say, this was a rather ineffi- cient way of serving customers to the north and so it was that Ben began a half century of service to the area. The first customers of Chisholm Fuels are remembered well even 50 years later. Isaac Miller's St. Helen's Store was the first permanent customer to benefit from the Chisholm service. To commemorate this fact, the staff at Chisholm's recently presented Isaac's daughter Isobel with a gift of a 400 day clock and a special not which read: "Please accept this gift as a token of ap- preciation on behalf of all our valued customers, especially you, Isobel, for 50 years of cheerful loyalty." Milking subsidized the oil In the early days of the oil business, it was the Chisholm family farm which sub- sidized the new venture. Ben's son Grant, who runs the business today, can remember milking cows to keep the fledgl- ing business afloat. "I remember Mom and I out milking cows while Dad was hauling fuel by hand," says Grant. "It was quite a job back then, especially in the snow," Indeed, when the first oil burning fur- naces were installed in this area back in 1942, fuel was carried in five gallon pails by hand through all kinds of weather. "We kept in pretty good shape back then," laughs Grant, with a pat of his generous midsection. "Now, as you can see, we use trucks." A family business Follwoing World War II, with hydro reaching the rural areas and tractors replacing horses, the oil business expand - Grant and Bill Chisholm on the lot. ed. It was at this time that Grant came out of the milking barn and lent his hand to the business proper.. Grant was no stanger to the area and its people having pitched for a number of Lucknow fastball teams including the area's first WOAA Championship team. Grant and wife Wilma moved to Lucknow in 1961 and remained as the Esso agent until 1970. At that time the business had expanded enough to allow the Chisholm's to become an independent distributor for Sunoco products. Business boomed, staff was added and soon a full fleet of the blue and yellow. trucks from Chisholm's could be seen ply- ing the roadways of both Huron and Bruce Turn to page 9 • A special presentation was trade recently by the staff of Chisholm Fuels to help celebrate their 50th anniversary in business. Grant Chisholm makes the presentation of a beautiful 400 day clock to Isobel Miller, the company's very first customer. Also pictured, at back, is Grant's wife Wilma, while Ben and Bessie Chisholm, the originators of the business, look on. (Ron Bundy photo)